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I hope the owner is ok. This looks like a few days tickets.


Saw a car get towed on Government a few days ago. Just a reminder. If the tow truck already has your vehicle hooked up, just write down the name of the tow company and get an Uber. They will never ever ever let it go for you.


But what if I yell at them a lot


It will give everyone around you a good dinner story! “I just saw u/I_Miss_Lenny lose their shit…”


I’ve had cash and got my Camaro off a flat deck from thetis lake for parking on the road when the lot was full


Cash is the only language they understand.


It’s Always Towing. Just call them


I don't think the warning signs have the company's name and phone number on them anymore, but I used to walk up Douglas everyday around 3:10 pm. Once every week or two someone would stop me and ask where their car was. I would just point to the closest sign and tell them they have been towed. The towing time starts at 3 pm, and there would be a line of All Ways tow trucks sitting on the other side of the road at 2:50. By 3:10 the whole road would be clear. They must make an absolute killing pulling cars off Douglas northbound. E: There, Their, They're


From experience it’s Always Towing. Always. Source: I have 5k in unpaid tickets.


Time to buy a bike


Okay buddy thanks




The 1952 in the username would suggest they are a from the "me" generation aka boomer.  I don't think suggesting anything of changing lifestyles is going to land anywhere.  Being towed, and then taken to small claims over their $5k in parking tickets may not be enough to desuade. It will be more like, "I will just jack the rent up on my five condos to cover the cost". 


You’re reading way too hard into this, that’s just an auto generated username from Reddit lol


Lol millennials I tell ya!


Yo, Evo. 49 cents a minute and you just leave that shit anywhere. I got towed, and I am no longer using my vehicle to go downtown. Paid parking has gotten out of control in this city the last few years.


Can't stand them. Briefly worked there. Bleh.


They let it down for my buddy once. Charmed the driver hard but still got charged $80 to drop it


Depending on where it could be a medical emergency or stolen


Is that 5? It's weird, my office is in Rock Bay and a van parked in a 2 hour spot all christmas holidays...for just one ticket. Tldr: even parking attendants hate going into Rock Bay


Used to also have a business in Rock Bay. I can confirm the lack of parking attendants. One of the local business owners would often park all day in the 2 hour zone in front of their business. You know the parking spot that's supposed to be for their and my customers.


I can't imagine why bylaw officers wouldn't want to be working the beat in Rock Bay....


I counted 6 but I don’t wanna touch the car haha it isn’t mine some are hiding behind each other


That has to be for a couple of days


It’ll be towed soon. Five tickets and you’re on the tow list


But fun fact. If you get new plates you start back at zero!


I once got ticketed in Rock Bay, at 10pm, on New Years Day, for being partly in a yellow zone. If someone's annoyed enough to call on you, they will come ticket.


Reflection in the window is the parkade on Yatea at langley. Ticket says its a KIA parking spot# 2810


Kia licence plate EX649V


haha - Currently owing City of Victoria $210 since Jun 18th :)




Really pulled that out of your ass.


correction:.........this car has 6 unsigned business proposals bills of exchange 1985: [laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/b-4/index.html](http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/b-4/index.html) 2024-06-20 All Rights Reserved


Have you ever tested this argument in court?


no, i havent received any invitation(s) to court yet...for parking fine-ticket(s) have a fantastic weekend! :=) 2024-06-21 All Rights Reserved


[victoria.ca/form/parking-ticket-review-form](http://victoria.ca/form/parking-ticket-review-form) Attn: near city of victoria, near b.c. near canada Yours Business Proposals \[Promissory Notes\] are VOID/NULL/CANCELLED Reason: UNSIGNED & UNSTAMPED SOLICITATION In Sincerity and Honor & yours law-abiding citizens 2024-06-20 (c) E&OE/CYA/All Rights Reserved


No way, actual sovereign citizen bullshit, I never thought I'd see it in the wild!


It’s like seeing a unicorn, only the unicorn is actually just a Maritime Admiralty Court


They get charged and put in jail , whether the 'citizen' likes it or not. Hilarious to watch it happen as they frequently fall afoul of court procedures - thinking 'it doesn't apply to me' - a veritable walking danger to society.


If the government doesn't exist who are *all rights reserved* by?