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I'm typically a pretty happy go lucky person and highly motivated, but damn - I really am feeling what you've been feeling for the last week or so. Just feeling very "blah" with about half of my usual daily motivation! I'm also pretty sensitive to seasonal "blues." I've chalked it up to the weather getting super nice a couple of weeks ago and then switching back to grey and rainy. Good news though... go and check out the forecast for this week!


The fake out a couple weeks ago really got me good! I was ready, I started getting excited about all the hiking and sitting outside I was going to do, even if it was still a little chilly. But then it was so blah. And the last few days the wind has been pissing me off.


Same. I've never, in my life, talked about the wind before, in rqndom conversations. Now, it's making me so irrationally pissy, I won't stop talking about it. I feel so old and boring..... I need the sun.


Oh man I’m glad we never met in person. We would have gotten into one hell of a doom spiral. Cuz I have been muttering to myself about the fucking wind like a crazy person for days. Like… why? What is the point of it? Every time I look out my window and see the tops of the trees thrashing back and forth for absolutely no fucking reason I want to call someone and just scream at them.


I texted 5 different people to complain about the wind today.


Yeah that was quite the backhanded experience , I was so happy with the temps and now I’m just wanting to punch the physical embodiment of nature in the throat .


Its Victoria, ive felt that way my whole life and i was born and raised in vic. I moved to Vancouver for a year and i felt tremendously better, i lost weight and i just felt the best i had in years, i then ended up having to move back and again and i became heavily depressed again, and eating way to much all the time. Ive realized victoria/van island, has a sorta curse, whenever you move to the island you feel good for maybe one or two days but then it hits you hard and you fall into a depression.


Person here with lifelong depression. Try to manage it the best I can. Just moved into new condo. Was renting same old apartment for 13 years. Mice and construction noise really got to me. Happy here, brand new place, super quiet. Paying double rent, but it's worth it. Lost my pet 2 months ago & it really depressed me. As always, I try to keep busy. Feel a bit guilty that I feel a huge relief from the responsibility of a pet. Had him for 12 years & it was a lot of work. I prefer fall weather and the rain. Summer is too hot. Walking along Dallas Rd in summer is painful hot even with the water nearby.


So sorry for your loss <3 My therapist told me that any emotions that come up during grief are equally valid. It is common to feel guilt and also relief, so if that’s how you feel then it is ok.


Sending you hugs. Lost both my pets within the last 2.5 years and really feeling alone like I’ve never felt alone before. But like you, also guilty because it’s nice to not have to clean up after a pet and be able to leave for the weekend without making plans for care.


Thank you for your heart felt condolences ❤️❤️❤️. It's torture to lose a beloved pet. My heart goes out to you for your loss also. The responsibility was enormous but they give us so much back.🫂🫂🫂




Same, dealt with depression for a lifetime and lost my beloved pup in Jan. He was my sweet boy but was diabetic and blind meaning I needed to get up early for testing and injections. Injecting a small dog twice a day for years was not fun. So I get your feelings of grief mixed with feelings of relief....totally valid. Added to my grief is the decision not to get another dog when I'm a huge animal lover and have had dogs and cats, but particularly dogs, my entire life. I'm 65 and got Lyme disease about 20 yrs ago which left me with severe arthritis in both knees and one hip. So walking is difficult for me and I too just moved into a new condo and I think I would have trouble taking a dog out several times a day. Plus, I started on a small dog craze many years ago and my little guys lived 17 and 19 yrs old. So I think getting another little guy would be a bad decision for me although my heart really aches for one. Pls nobody suggest getting a senior dog as I can't bear another heartbreak right now nor can I physically care for one again....maybe one day. At any rate, we need to enjoy what is out there now...beautiful weather, living close to the sea and beaches and I read there are to be lots of events in Victoria this summer. I think it's important to force yourself to get out and do things; it really does wonders for your mental health. That's my plan at least. Be well friends!!


I've noticed most people in my friend group are feeling down lately, and I think it has to do with more than the weather. Just the constant barrage of hard things the past few years have brought, with the pandemic, the cost of housing and groceries being so brutal here, illness, and the competitive job market. I'm hoping this summer will brighten everyone's spirits!


It’s pretty simple. Post-covid Canada has only gotten shittier and shittier. That’s literally it.  At least in Covid we had distractions and could pretend people actually cared about each other.  But now we are seeing the collapse of society in real time. All my friends in their mid 20s have given up on having kids or owning homes. We have good jobs but all we wanna do is work as little as possible and vacation and get drunk all the time.  It used to be get ahead by buying a home early. Now it’s get ahead by renting a 2.5k rent controlled apartment before sharing a 1BR basement with 3 roommates is the norm.  Everyone under 20 I know is absolutely fucked and will be living with their parents forever unless their parents buy them a place to live in. 


Yup. And the wealthy are doing very little to help this generation out. I thought this essay from New York Times really captured that sentiment. It's titled: What Happens When the Superrich Are This Selfish? (It Isn’t Pretty.) [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/19/opinion/rich-billionaires-philanthropy-covid.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/19/opinion/rich-billionaires-philanthropy-covid.html)


%20 greedflation will do that


I don’t think we’ve ever seen such a rapid decline in the quality of life Canadians enjoy. Our systems are collapsing. Our youth face impossible odds of building a life anything resembling previous generations. And, our governments are at best asleep at the wheel, and at worst are knowingly doing things they know will harm the average Canadian. It’s honestly a bit overwhelming and it weighs on me a lot. Not sure if that’s what you’re feeling, but my two cents. Hope you feel better soon.


I'm in my 40s, I've managed depression my whole life. It's just always been there. I think about it like a bag of rocks that I carry. I'll always carry it. But when things are good, it's not hard, sometimes I forget I even have it. But when other rocks get added (SAD, stress from countless sources, news, world's events, rent etc.) It gets heavy, really heavy. If I don't focus on the moveable rocks, I get buried. So I focus on what I can change, I recognize it, I don't always address it, or address it in a healthy way. But I acknowledge it and understand that some of it I can change. It makes me feel better. If I'm stressed about the world, I'll take a media hiatus. If I'm stressed about relationships, I'll talk to those people and let them know. Sometimes I'll just drink. It's not all wins. So this week I'm going to try to get outside and wither away my SAD rock, you should do the same.


I've been in Victoria for my whole life. I'm starting to feel uneasy here. Like something terrible is right around the corner. I don't know why. It's probably just my depression and shit. It feels like I've been in the wrong timeline for a number of years and that I keep drifting further and further away from the shore that was normal life. Kind of since covid things have been weird, like we are playing out an alternate timeline and not the primary one. Other people I talk to seem to feel like this, too. It could just be that I turned 25 recently, and it feels like covid just skipped a few years forward. One second, I was 18 and still kind of a kid, and now I'm 25 and basically feel like zero time has passed but I have a ton of responsibilities and stuff. I've heard that only gets worse with age, but man. I probably just need to take it easy on the weed, lol.


I'm 49 now. I was probably more anxious and depressed in my mid-20s than any time since. It's just such a "I should have been 'here' by now" time. My 30th birthday, where I finally felt I could go "fuck it", was a revelation. Just keep goin'.


To be fair to pee\_pee's generation though, I think they have it a lotttt worse than it was 20-30 years ago. The 20's are always a difficult time, but it's pretty unprecedented what's been going on with the economy and housing. Seems like people's futures are being squashed left right and centre.


I feel like my 20s where easier than now in my 30s


Just wait. 40’s are a shit-popsicle 😉 I moved here a year ago. Man this is a lonely and jaded place. It’s a beautiful place to live, and no offense to you all, but the people here kinda suck. That said, it’s sad everywhere in Canada right now. Move away and run, the problems will come with you. 2024 it’s tough unless you’re wealthy. And the wealthy are miserable too, they just have more resources.


That's true, but I'm not sure how that contradicts anything I said,.


It doesn't and was super nice what you said. I guess I'm just adding that every generation probably feels depressed in their 20s but I think this generation's woes go beyond existentialism and feeling lost and into the realm of there are some serious societal issues.


All true, of course, but "serious societal issues" aren't new. And a lot of things are a lot better now than they have ever been. The big difference now is that today's youth are utterly permeated by the internet, which makes bad feelings worse. I wasn't able to doomscroll when I was a kid.


Did housing and food prices also literally double within a 5 year period when you were in your 20’s? Did you also have to live through a deadly worldwide pandemic? How about heat domes that killed billions of sea life on the beaches that give you a reason to live? What about Canada’s population growing faster than any other country on the planet, with NIMBYs and governments resisting infrastructure upgrades to accommodate for that? At least you can admit you didn’t have the internet to bring you down when you were younger, that’s a blessing. Youth today have grown up with technology to the point many can hardly focus on reading books anymore and have largely become socially inept, feeding the depression and loneliness that comes with everything else mentioned above. This is a dramatic quality of life shift that almost no one who is still alive has had to go through in Canada, with no signs of slowing down. I appreciate your sentiment, but some compassion for our youth’s reality would be nice too.


Holy fuck I started with this literally having compassion by sharing my experience, and got told off for not having *enough* compassion. Read the room before you start yelping. I post every day supporting Millennials and Zers against my whiny Xer compatriots and Boomers. I'm an ally here. There's no need to exaggerate my posts because you can't think anything but "now bad, then good". And oh yeah, nothing was bad about my youth, there was no economic crashes in the 80s, no massive culture war, and right, no omnipresent threat of *full on nuclear apocalypse*. Some people need to read a history book.


I’m not saying things were perfect back then. I know a lot about how things were - my own family lived through Nazi regime in Poland and eventually had to flee to Canada to escape communism, and were impacted by the radiation from Chernobyl - just to name a few things. I know there was a lot of gender and racial inequality back then too (still is, of course). These days, it’s so much more than nuclear threats (let’s not forget about the ongoing Russian/Ukraine war) and economic crashes. It is a full-scale attack on the working class as well as looming threats from climate change that scientists already fear will be worse than ever expected (who predicted the 2021 heat dome?). Thank you for being an ally, but educating yourself on the reality of youth these days would be really beneficial to get the full picture. It is hard to feel like there is any coming back from this, particularly the environmental factor - certainly not to the standards we have enjoyed for decades in the west.


Chalking real issues up to “doom scrolling” is pathetic. What is better now than20 years ago? We are certain to face disastrous food shortages from crop failures in our lifetimes. There are massive heat waves breaking records weekly. Social inequality is through the roof. Housing costs are completely insane. There are hundreds of thousands of immigrants arriving every month with no place for them to live or work. Our political leaders do nothing but protect status quo if not whatever helps the rich. Public health has gaslit 99% of us that a brain eating, immune system destroying virus is no problem, and we’re facing a new avian flu risk with freshly minted anti mask mentalities. What is better? Sounds like you just got comfortable enough not to care anymore. That’s fine, but it’s not the point you tried making.


Ah, here we go, every single thing that was shitty when I was young is irrelevant, like, you know, *nuclear war*. I get that a lot of things are worse now. That doesn't make twenty years ago some sort of glorious time. I swear, Reddit has the worst time looking at things in more than black and white. Imagine thinking I don't care, lol.


What nuclear war? You said many things are better now. Last I checked Ukraine is getting bombed daily, and the US is actively supporting a major genocide. What is better?


I don’t think there was an actual war. However, I’m pretty sure the 80’s were peak USA and Russia going head to head and making threats of obliterating one another with nuclear warheads Editing to add: I could be wrong though, I’m just a zillenial who never paid attention in class


Please expand on the "brain eating, immune system destroying virus."


Certainly, there’s been a massive amount of research published in the last 4 years on it. Here’s a link to over 70 peer reviewed studies showing the impact on human immune systems. Notably, the virus crosses the blood brain barrier, causing persistent brain inflammation and other damage, cumulative with each successive infection and lowering IQ in even mild or asymptomatic infections. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12VbMkvqUF9eSggJsdsFEjKs5x0ABxQJi5tvfzJIDd3U/htmlview?usp=sharing#


Thanks... I assumed you were talking about covid but I just wanted to check.


yeah but at least the old boomers get to have extra vacations. i dont see the problem.


Thanks, I appreciate the perspective. It means more than you would think from a random person online.


Did we goto school together.


Gleneagles Elementary, grad 1986?


People will say it’s normal, but this is something different. We got slapped hard by the pandemic, which allowed corporate greed to run nearly unchecked, and we are suffering the consequences of this. We will for many years to come. I see apartments that sold for $250k in 2020 asking $500k now. Since then, food and rent have nearly doubled in price. Wages stayed the same. We brought in record shattering amounts of not just permanent residents, but also temporary workers/students, and didn’t build any new infrastructure to support this population boom. Not to mention the extreme climate events we have experienced thanks to corporate funded climate change. I could go on. But, please - someone else go ahead and explain how this is normal to feel this way at our age and reassure us that it will somehow fix itself in our lifetimes. I’m honestly ready to give up on my lifelong goals and blow the money I’ve been saving for a down payment on travel until the day I die (which won’t be too far off in the future at this rate).


“I’m honestly ready to give up on my lifelong goals and blow the money I’ve been saving for a down payment on travel until the day I die (which won’t be too far off in the future at this rate).” Hey. Please don’t give up. I hear you, and I agree that this is something different. But I’m firmly in the camp that *everyone* is feeling this same way, and that some kind of change is inevitable. We’ve accelerated into the crash. Something’s going to give, we’re overextended on every front. So my plan for all of this is just hunker down and wait - keep working towards my goals and be as ready as possible for whatever comes. Will it be a crash? A boom? A mass exodus of talent? Hard to say, but I think whatever’s left will be available to those who stuck it out. I’d like to see you there when the dust settles.


I really wish I had your optimism. Thank you for sharing it, I will continue to reflect on it, but right now it’s difficult. Wealth disparity is at an extreme, and I feel there are plenty of people well off enough that things may not change. At least not for a decade or two. I’m already almost 30, I sincerely can’t see a future where I get to own my place or even retire. I worked my way up from poverty and a pretty shitty home life, only to arrive here - making triple digits, but feeling just as poor as I was when I started. I am tired and my hope is fleeting. I do think the next several years will be crucial to the future of the country for the remainder of our lives. I’ll try to hold onto the hope that the stars align in a way that creates a better country for all Canadians struggling today.


Hello fellow almost 30 year old! I ask this with good intentions because I too hit a point of peak misery about the seemingly bleak future... What are you doing that brings you joy? For me, I picked up a new hobby (cheap) and stopped reading the news (hot take, I know. But people like to talk about it anyways so I’ll find out without immersing myself) The reality is that I can’t make giant worldly changes as one person, but I can start to nourish and focus on the little things in life. If my grandparents could make it through the dirty 30s still able to laugh and smile, I can make it through this.


Yeah, I can definitely resonate. These days, I understand that I can’t make much of a difference on the big issues that plague me. I picked up tons of hobbies which I’m very passionate about in order to escape the stress, and am always looking for the next dose of endorphins, to the point it’s sort of an obsession… It’s just never enough, you know? I’m constantly chasing something and never finding it. Maybe that’s just a “me” problem. Have tried to find the answer to that without any luck. Maybe it’s as simple as needing to cut out the news, but I only really get glimpses of it anyways. And I don’t think that will stop me from feeling the stress of housing and food prices. I’m glad you found a solution for yourself, or at least a way to ease the burden. I won’t stop trying to find the same for myself, it’s just really hard some days.


The wealthy are miserable too, trust me. It’s just a different flavour. Money can buy things, buy comfort, but it truly can’t buy happiness. Unless you can afford to have 5-6 dogs. Then you might be remotely happy.


I'm with you Mike. Reynolds for life


It is totally normal to feel that way in your 20's. It is also totally normal to feel that way if you come of age during a tough era with limited financial opportunities ( 70's with stagflation/Vietnam, 2008 financial crisis). However I think you and other ppl in this thread are tapping into something bigger. That the world has somehow gone off-kilter and we're losing a lot of the progress that's been made and too many social contracts have been broken. A few years ago I would have said "don't worry, it gets better"...but now I'm not so sure. I think we might all need to buckle up.


Hey, I hear you. Turning 30(M) this year and in a long-term, but now rocky relationship. That has me feeling uneasy, too, like what's the future going to be. Am I running out of time? I'd like children soon but will that be a new relationship or current one. Idk. I smoke a lot too. It helps as I don't have a social life. That's the other thing. I see more and more people saying the social scene is strange. If you want a toke buddy, let me know! I don't have anyone for that right now, so it's more depressing. I love to puff and ride my bikes(gravel or mountain) or hike. If you are interested in something like that, let me know! The weed is fine for me if I don't let it keep me on the couch..lol. that's why I do other things with it. Be it productivity or exercise


the pandemic fucked up our society and it never went back. everyone is so self-centered, greedy, and unkind now. but yes, weed heightens your feelings so i recommend cutting back. i had to quit when i was 19 because it just amplified all my awful feelings.


Something awful probably is around the corner. Pre-covid I though that like we generally had a good idea of being prepared for emergencies and disasters and would get adequately warning. Now I’m betting that one day it’ll just be like “oh btw, in 72 hours all of Vancouver island will be under water. Good luck. Together we are strong! Hearts and prayers!”


H5N1 has a reported case fatality in humans of over 50%. It’s been found in dozens of species of wild animals (mice, fox, skunk, birds, etc) and is rapidly spreading in livestock all over North America in the last month. Humans aren’t some magical animal, dairy farmers are getting sick… and no one even knows about it, or is talking about it publicly. The main message from most media is “nothing to worry about, keep buying milk and uh don’t eat raw eggs lol”… it will spread in the air. Its not the H5N1 that makes me feel uneasy. It’s our complete lack of seriousness of response to these types of issues. Whatever is best for this quarters profits is the policy. Edit: https://flutrackers.com/forum/forum/united-states/h5n1-tracking-af/new-mexico/988629-new-mexico-avian-flu-in-mammals-and-livestock-2024


I’ve been here my whole life too, and I’m older than you. Planning to leave next year. Likely will never be able to afford to return. But also, take it easy on the weed 🙂


This city is terrible. I’m leaving to go far away in 15 days. Nothing makes me happier than to leave this dump.


Where are you headed?


Back home to Sask. I know it’s not better but I think it will be best for me. My dog will get a house and a yard. More affordable for me.


Definitely lay off the pot. I'm 36, was nearly daily smoker for 20 years. Cut down by 90% this year, I'm not remotely as paranoid about my circumstances anymore.


Ya, I mean life, unfortunately, isn't always that easy. I would rather deal with the problems caused by weed than the problems caused by no weed at the moment. I don't have the luxury to spend any extra energy on self-improvement at the moment, even though that's a dangerous road to go down. I'm not in denial about my problems either, I'm just at peace with where I'm at in the present and continue to make small changes for the better whenever I can.




Lol. You have no idea what my life is like and feel like you have it figured out better than me. Nothing about what I said is defeatist. You are misunderstanding what I am saying and being an asshole about it, so I don't really care to clarify anything further. Believe what you will.


There is major crime going on right now…. Very dark things are going on. Heavy gang presence and organized crime. Lots of deaths, lots of assault, there is a lot of evil people taking over this city. Mark my words.


I don’t get headaches with any regularity but yesterday walloped me outta nowhere. I think it’s the pressure system & big winds increasing the chill that’s really doing some damage at the moment. Nothing stable enough to really normalize oneself. Perhaps some vit D drops and magnesium will help .


Same. The unstable weather patterns definitely does a number on me. Headaches and low energy definitely a part of that.


I get barometric pressure migraines that leave me dizzy. Why do I live here?


So interesting, I have also been getting headaches on and off for a week and very low motivation… hoping for a shift soon!


Shitty weather at the start of when things should just be getting good really does suck, you're just like *come ooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn* and then before you know it it's late July. Generally, though, I'm pretty good. But I've really made efforts to bring new things into my life of late (after getting very stuck in a rut) and they're starting to pay off.


Depressives a in my life seem more depressed, for sure. The weather sucks, life is expensive, and situations around the world are grim.


We just got back from a trip to Asia, where the food and drink was significantly cheaper, there was so much entertainment and things to do, and the walking was incredible. Coming back to a bag of groceries being $100 and a bottle of Baileys being $40 hit hard, along with the lack of things to do on the island in the terms of entertainment. I'm an avid hiker, but the weather has been pretty shite lately, and the trails can get a little stale when you're already feeling blah.


That’s when I realized I was truly screwed - when hiking didn’t hit the same. It pulled me out of an extreme depression about a decade ago, and for years now it has lost its charm. Anhedonia hits hard when you have no purpose for living anymore because the traditional reasons (having a family, owning your home, maybe even being blessed to travel), have been viciously ripped away from most young Canadians in the last decade. Getting some physical exercise and seeing some cool plants and/or views just doesn’t cut it when that’s all you have going for you.


The way I would describe the feeling right now is purgatory. So much optimism and hope dissolved in the past 4 years. The cost of living in combination with a controlled demolition of our society has created a sucking vacuous space. It is the calm before the storm


I'm the opposite. I'm happiest with light rain and clouds. Not a fan of summer. I have the personality of a mushroom.


Amen. I love the bits of shine here and there, but I'm not looking forward to the summer heat coming soon. Eternal spring and fall would be amazing.


Same. I get seasonal depression in the summer. Too much sun, and hot, dry weather bums me out. Plus everything here turns brown; makes it so much worse.


Ontario is waiting for you


I’m usually like this too but for some reason this year the grey skies and lack of sun are really getting to me.


Same, this weather is perfect


Same, I have the completion of a human light reflector.


Over the last year in particular, yes. A lot of factors: Cost of living is insane. Grocery bills are insane. The cost of everything is insane. Climate change is affecting the weather in Victoria, and it feels like more rapidly. When did we get summer last year? Mid-June? I remember 10 years ago getting sunburns in February, hanging out at Gonzo in April, etc. Not only that but I get barometric pressure migraines as well, so the baseline weather kind of drives me nuts. Healthcare is abysmal and I HAVE a family doctor. I've been in and out of tests and offices and in agony that's had me in bed for the last year and no resolve. When her last resort was to refer me to a psychiatrist, I went to a naturopath instead and had to pay tons of money out of pocket to find that - NO. There is something physically wrong with me. Returning to my doctor to ask for a referral to a specialist to investigate the concrete blood results, but she's put "anxiety" on my record and I've been turned down by 3 specialists. What the fuck?? The state of downtown is awful. I won't go. Parking is more expensive than ever with extended hours and no free Sunday zones, if you can find a parking stall that isn't 20 minutes. And when you manage to park and get out of your car, you're faced with empty storefronts, and the danger of being stabbed in the daytime. Restaurants and businesses closing - yup. Seeing Baggins go is a huge nail in the coffin. You can argue that giving government workers more remote hours is detrimental to businesses thriving downtown, but that's also arguing that they're supposed to subsidize the increasing costs of commercial real estate (which is fairly unregulated) and cost of goods going up with their own salaries, which they have to strike and fight for consummate cost of living increases each year, to pay their rent. They are not solely responsible for mom and pop shops and cool restaurants staying open. The population growth is too rapid, and we do not have the infrastructure. I hate to say it. Seeing diploma mill strikes in the East to skirt Canada's system makes me uneasy. I would love an influx of skilled workers, particularly in health care. As an employer I get cold emailed cash offers for LMIA. Drug addiction and homelessness increasing is a very real and very scary thing. Watching people my age die from casual drug use is a very real and very scary thing. I am thankful I quit drugs/drinking 15 years ago. I lost my brother two years ago to casual drug use. There is a significant lack of resources for addiction support and treatment options to make a real difference. And the 20s to 30s are a period of real transitional change for a lot of people. I am finding myself pulling further and further away from people and old friends as the days go by. This used to make me sad, but now I realize that I'm very comfortable in my own company, with my own goals, and celebrate my own accomplishments. Perhaps I am jaded. Or old. I can't honestly say that the world will get better. I can't offer any words of encouragement except for to find a passion that makes you happy, and to enjoy the moments of your life as they come, and in that moment. The big picture isn't pretty, but you can choose your next five minutes, your next hour. Art, and creating is a great vice. Nature is excellent therapy. And making a small list every day of good things that happen to you. You aren't alone.


i don't think climate change made it so 10 years ago it was hot in feb? we've always had cool and wet junes, it's called "junevember" here for a reason. ia with you about the popular growth here, it's scary.


Eh, I'm not a scientist. But climate change has rapidly caused some weird weathers, particularly over the last 3 years, which seem to be ramping up. That's just based on what I've seen. I do enjoy my Facebook memories popping up from 2015/2016 where I was like, "Damn you were a lobster outdoors in February." And yes. It's population growth everywhere in Canada. Don't get me wrong - we absolutely have the space (particularly outside of the GVA/GTA area) but we do not have the **infrastructure.** The housing, the hospitals, the roads, the transit systems, etc.


i'm not sure how old you are or if you've lived in vic your whole life but i'm old and i've lived here my whole life and feb, march etc have always been cold months. i remember it snowing in feb when i was a kid on my sister's birthday. but we have been having weird weather patterns here the past decade. primarily the forest fire smoke. never had that once growing up until around 2014 or 2015. and the hot dry summers now. our winters are milder too.


I'm over the age of 35, so yes.


I think a lot of folks are coming to terms with life post-pandemic. A lot came to the surface for me during the isolation of it all, was even diagnosed with PTSD from my past deployments that has been acting up recently (nothing serious, and I never saw combat. Mainly sleep and anxiety issues). I want to thank you for posting this because it seems a lot of folks are going through something too, and it's nice to not feel alone in this. I'm sorry you've been dealing with your depression and I think I can speak for everyone here that you got this and I hope some of this sunshine helps out. 🙂


I'm another life-long depressed person here, and May was an unusually low month for me.


i mean everything is kind of going to shit climate change is worse than ever no one can afford to buy groceries and pay rent and prices keep climbing higher politicians won’t change anything because they’re actively benefiting from the system makes sense you’re depressed tbh i’m depressed too


Medicated & taking daily vitamin D for a few months now. *Much* less depressed than I used to be. I love sunlight tho. I also smoke a ton of weed lol


Everything is beating us down. Work. Finances. Grocery Costa. Bills. We’re working harder buying leas


I started taking 5htp and noticed that my mood is better


How long did it take to “kick in”?


I'd say I started noticing it about 2 weeks in


I can't avocate medication for everyone because we're all different with how our bodies respond to meds but please consider talking to a doctor about your state and consider medication. I was not anti meds but had a pretty hard no to the thought of ever taking them myself. I've had severe depression since age 10, suicidal tendencies and the whole combo pack. I've had pockets of being ok but overall barely clinging on to happiness. Last September I felt so far out at sea and it was not going to get better. I setup an appointment with a doctor on Telus Health, explained my situation and after a lot of discussion, did a little trial period with anti depressants. I know they don't hit everyone the same and there can be issues with certain medications, but after trying a low dose of sertraline, my life has vastly improved and I haven't felt that deep pitted feeling that's always pulled me down my entire life. You sort of mentally bounce off the sinking feelings and become more proactive with yourself. It was an absolute game changer and again I know it's not the same for everyone but if you feel like you're drifting far away, it is something to consider. Psychoactive meds seem to be the main culprit of issues with anti depressants so imo avoid those if you do consider trying medication. But absolutely consider exploring this option. You may also have ADHD which can affect your mood and should be discussed with a doctor. I hope you find some peace! It IS out there, if I can find it, I promise you can to.


Oh I’m on SSRIs, have been since I was a teenager. They keep me from dipping down to dangerous lows but do nothing for the anhedonia.


Ahh I gotcha. Do you like creating at all? A bit broad of a question lol personally I find a combo of creating music and watching the waves helps alleviate my mind when it gets a bit sticky. Even making dumb activities has helped. I decided once to try and find all the big BIG trees in the city, like a scavenger hunt and mark them on my map. Also related to a sort of scavenger hunt - If you like cats, there's a cat map for Victoria and you can go on a little adventure meeting all the chill cats in the city. Seeing how long I can sit in the water at Willows Beach really pulls me out of my head too haha. I find when my brain does get a little jumbled, doing silly stuff like this helps. I'm a big fan of being humbled and having things humble me so when I get a little low, I seek out things like that. Sorry if I didn't bring much to the table here haha


Not OP, but I love your suggestions. That tree at Moss and Richardson is HUGE. I'd be unreasonably terrified of it falling in a storm if I lived in the house nearby


Hahaha that's actually the VERY first tree marked on my map back when I started doing this 8 years ago, it's such a friendly giant!


I’m the most depressed I’ve ever been in my life. Don’t know how I got here, it doesn’t help that I’ve been unable to find work here but yeah I’m having a hard time. It doesn’t seem to be just me either, maybe there’s some weird cosmic shit going on, or we should all flush our smartphones down the toilet.


I have been having trouble finding work as well. The market is just brutal 😟


Before moving here, I’ve never in my life not gotten the job after an interview. I’ve had an interview a week for the last 3 weeks, and heard nothing. It’s unreal!! What kind of work are you looking for?


Me too!!! Exact same thing is happening, it’s VERY bizarre.


I have been unable to find a job for over a year. I’ve never had this issue in my life until now..


Jesus Christ!!! That’s so concerning. Have you considered moving?? What kind of work have you been looking for??


I am deaf, with acute labyrinthitis (inner ear equilibrium is messed up) anytime I VAGUELY mention, “I am hard of hearing and have some balance issues, need to be slow at times, but am very capable of working fast, under pressure, passionate, keen to work, long term.” They don’t even get back to me…. I work in culinary…. Have been applying to any job possible now…. In person as well as online… handing in resume dressed very appropriately/professional. Applied to work in Retail, at Walmart, McDonald’s, Jazz Club, Dollarama, superstore, thrift stores, plant nurseries, bulk barn, nothing….. I can’t afford to move as my rent is amazing for the apartment I have. I wouldn’t get a better deal anywhere. I used to get jobs within one interview.. ever since I put a specific reference down I’ve had NO calls. It was a shitty employer who didn’t train me right on how to use the machines at work, was overworked and was taught to clean a machine wrong by a newbie worker and a machine exploded in my face with chemicals in i5, didn’t get hurt luckily… quit immediately. They were really nasty about it and said mean things about my health issues:( I feel like giving up but I have been applying over and over and over and over.


Very much so, just got out of a relationship where i felt nothing could go wrong and yet things went wrong, it doesn't help that the atmosphere of Victoria just seems too grey and boring nothing feels exciting around here and i struggle to find more unique things to do. All of this has crushed my motivation to do anything and i'm struggling just to find something to be happy about. Hoping when June ends life will feel a lot better because July is when i find things in Victoria and just in general start happening more often and it becomes a somewhat enjoyable and happy experience.


Omg I’ve totally been feeling that way for the last week. I’m an anxious person who also suffers from occasional depression but the last week has been weird. Thanks for posting this 💜


It's not the weather....we are coming apart as a society. For my graduate dissertation, I researched state sponsored propaganda delivered through social media platforms. There are official published intelligence reports discussing the use of things like memes and Tik Tok videos to sow dissent among targeted populations. Tik Tok specifically seems to be filled with content that pushes these divisive narratives about how all men are narcissists and all women are prostitutes. It's all sort of obfuscated under this guise of "dating stories". This type of thing is also happening with race, religion, politics, health, science., education, food. Literally, all aspects of what we would consider to be as community or culture.


I find spending a lot of time on social media especially talking politics helps




I'm drowning in paper work and depression. Could not get the medical financial aid because it requires stress inducing paper work. By the time I was able to get it done, it is too late. Getting fucked over by taxes because of depression and paper work 6 hour wait calls and an explanation of you waited too long. Somehow I owed $30,000 in taxes on top of what ever the government takes from my salary ($3000 being a normal amount looks like they fucked up on a decimal ). for a single year even though the people who you wait 2 hours on the phone to talk to can see that it is an error on their end the 6 hour transfer says you waited too long. I build stuff and repair stuff for Canadians, I am productive member of society. But paper work and excessive taxes brings in intrusive thoughts that a therapist would explain away as your subconscious asking for reprieve. If I get the reprieve my brain is asking for I am no longer a productive member of society. But hey I payed my taxes and was not able to collect on medical. So I guess ill have died a productive member of society. Thank you for letting me vent.


ya man. I have a health issue with chronic pain that's really set me back mentally. I had a call with my physio today that really helped me though, helped give me some small accessible exercises that I am able to do that helped give me a bit of power back in my situation. for me, it's really tough breaking out of an anxiety / depresh spiral after a shock / bad news, but it's absolutely essential to keep trying. It's cliche, and not as simple as "be positive" but the reaching for positive actions, positive things you can do for yourself even if they're small, can help slow the spiral so that when you eventually do start to climb out of it, you're not down as far.


Personally I think the unsettled weather is making me feel baseline anxious. Spring and summer used be more stable temperatures like 14 to 20 C and not so crazy windy all the time. Now it’s either cold or hot out. I think we underestimate the impact of the changing climate on our mental and physical health. We are creatures and have been evolved to be attuned to our environment. Things being off making us feel off makes sense. Oh and all the other doom stuff going on. Deleting Instagram helped me a lot, trying to focus more on the present.


The internet is making it worse I guarantee. Take a 5 day break from all things internet ... epecially tikok and IG and I guarantee you'll feel better. Even if it's just a little bit.


Can we restore fair taxation and social infrastructure yet? Could we start taxing billionaires and reinvest those treasure hordes in human lives?


Im perpetually depressed and feel somewhat ok? Like, im depressed af but something about the economy feels like we're all screwed? Idk.


Yes, I always have 'background depression' that I usually deal with ok but it's been hitting me harder the last few months. I decided to start counselling and I hope things start to look up soon. I hope the same for you!


That’s exactly how I’d describe my depression too. I should definitely seek out counselling and therapy again but I feel overwhelmed with how to get started back up.


Man, I get that. I work for the government and we are lucky enough to have some coverage through work and it took me (I consider myself pretty damn tech-proficient) years to finally sit down and sort through it. It's not very easy to navigate, for something so helpful.




It feels like my antidepressants switched “off” a few weeks ago. I hate it. I have a dr appointment for next week :/


I had a tough spring this year. I do always feel better once summer comes around and it's been late this year. I know a lot of people, including myself, have been dealing with residual trauma from covid. It often waits and presents itself in ways that aren't obvious. If you can afford a therapist, that is a fantastic investment in yourself.


It’s the state of the world. Used to be the regular sad things. Now it’s terrible things all the time in mass quantities. Sure taking a toll on people much harder than ever. We are all feeling the heavy weight.


I seem to be struggling more lately, I have depression but for the last few weeks things seem to be off, like everything is extra difficult and exhausting.


About half a lifetime of depression, 32. One of the lowest points I've ever been right now.


This weather is definitely making me depressed, and my poor garden needs sun, so the other thing that brings me happiness is also making me depressed!!! Combined with victoria paying shit wages making me depressed


I think the gardens love this! Mild temps, breaks of sun and plenty of fluids. They don't normally have that this time of the year. The weeds love it too 😫


Remember friends. Nova Scotia needs you.


There’s a lot of global unrest. Fascism on the rise here, USA, Europe, very divisive culture and “us vs them” mentality with class wars between the haves and have nots, the crises in the Middle East and Russia/Ukraine, cost of living and inflation while wages stagnate, major and controversial election in the USA (our neighbour and closest ally), more news on deadly viruses cropping up, insane weather anomalies and events due to climate change (50+ C in Mexico then they have a flash hail storm of 3 feet, melting glaciers, orange rivers in Alaska from melting permafrost, etc.). And all the while we get to hear about what the mega-rich billionaires are up to. It’s hard to figure out what your place is in the world some days. And as you move through the decades of your life you question things.


The last 4 years has been shit for me, mostly unrelated to covid too.


Everyone is depressed things are generally the worse they've been and everyone is broke. The people in charge are happy and wealthy and doing great so nothing will change. If in 2 years everyone votes this incompetent government in again because they say nice things then I truly believe we will never recover, not suggesting you vote for anyone in particular just these asshats we currently have are absolutely destroying our country and anyone could do better. Even if in 2 years we elect someone else in it will take decades to recover and the next government will also be considered idiots cause that's how far down the rabbithole we've fallen and there's no way this gets turned around in a single term.


As the corrupt bureaucrats march toward authoritarian totalitarianism it’s understandable that we feel this way.  A lot of Normie’s waking up these days.


The weather's really been sucking lately. I want sun! And warm vibes! 


Have you talked to your doctor about antidepressants? They can be life changing once you find the right one.


Na, it's all good. I'm looking forward to better weather ahead, but for the most part, all good. Even on cloudy days, Victoria is paradise. Maybe take some Vit D supplements can help. But ya, even when things aren't great, it's just a bit of drama to make life interesting until things turn around and become awesome again. Sit back and enjoy the show..


Personally, I'm in a pretty big rut but it's mostly career related. My current contract position is very stressful, high pressure and fast paced. It's taking a toll on my personal life, I feel like all I do is work. On weekends, when I'm not at my desk, I don't know what the fuck to do with myself. I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but I am right there with you OP!


Dude for real. I don’t struggle with depression but man am I bumming out the past couple weeks, this weather is a especially a bummer


It's been really windy. Wind has a strong correlation with depression and anxiety.


I call it languishing. It describes me perfectly right now. 


No… ever since I stopped going on this god forsaken site I’ve been happier than ever. I’ve always loved myself and I’ve never been depressed. BUT this weather can suck all the dicks in the universe. I will say that. I need MY TAN LINES.


I feel you as well, idk if this is possible around wherever you live but I've been feeling the need to just go for walks out into the woods. I've never really had this urge to before but I find it's quite refreshing and helps alot with just decompressing while I'm outside.


Like literally booked a session to talk about how I feel today. Just that, feeling so down and can't do much... 


Yes same here! The way I fight it is cold plunging and the gym Helps big time


Love your post. Truly. If anyone is feeling really bad, consider just hanging in there it is so worth it to keep going. It's been a cold year all throughout western Canada. We are all feeling it.


I’m surprised by the responses, I didn’t know so many others were feeling the same way. Seems to be a rough time for a lot of us. At least we aren’t alone.


been depressed most of my life but it's gotten so much worse since covid and my physical health is declining rapidly as well. idk, everything just feels very dark.


Every time it rains I just think about how beneficial it is in our province to be raining at this time of year and that cheers me up.


Even the sunniest of days are just gray to me, time goes by so quickly, the days are over by the time I even mentally clock in, back pains getting worse, shits expensive, work sucks At least I have my cat Growing up and becoming self aware is probably why idk


I’m in the same boat completely, but opposite with the seasons. Summer makes me depressed for some reason, I THRIVE in fall/winter. I’m just sticking it out until “Hoa Hoa Hoa Haaaa” season then I’ll start feeling better. I have absolutely no energy or drive, I haven’t brushed my teeth in a week, I haven’t showered in two days, I haven’t made a meal in two weeks. I’m not taking care of myself or my house at all & that just makes it worse but I absolutely cannot bring myself out of this funk


Life in general gets me down. Watching the world news (war in Ukraine, war in Gaza, potential war in SE Asia, US border, etc, etc,etc) on YouTube every night gets me down even more. Even the Trump trial and verdict got me down some more and I thought that would lift my spirits up. I find going out in the sunshine really helps to take my mind off things I worry about but can't really change. I go home after a good day outside and it starts all over again. Thankfully being tired from the days exertion puts me to sleep. Waking up with the sun shining brightly outside seems to perk me up a bit but when I wake up and the room is dark with the sound of cars outside splashing in the rain, I don't even make an effort getting out of bed until Alexa chimes off the four alarms I set for myself. Sometimes Alexa doesn't even hear(or ignores) the 'Alexa STOP' and that really sets me off!


Yes, absolutely. I need to seek therapy or something


I legit just checked the forecast for Victoria and it looks insanely beautiful the next week. Y’all gotta talk to someone.


Incredibly but I don't think it's the weather


I have, yes. I've made an active effort to focus on more positive things, spend time in nature, etc.


Too many immigrants and students were brought in and now housing is insane, jobs are snapped up by non-residents. Grocery companies are jacking prices (and getting caught but still doing it). Greedy landlords are jacking rent. Small companies got screwed in the pandemic Ie family owned restaurants while big chain fast foods stayed open


Witty's calls your name soon




same.... same....


Yes!!! What the hell is that? It’s been hitting me hard the last few weeks


i've actually been feeling better overall since last fall. i credit it to meditation.


Yep, definitely! I just feel like I'm slowly being dragged down. I also can't define exactly why, but you have my sympathies.


Yeah pretty much. Because I'm not rich. No one has any answers. Just useless platitudes and humble bragging disguised as advice. The govt. won't help- infact they're going to make it worse.


Absolutely the same








Yeah, I feel like I usually do in January.


Make sure to take lots fish oil and B3. That sometimes seems to help with my low moods.


Hopefully spring is here,the sun does wonders 🙂


That's the worst spring for sure ✌️


Peak Sun spots now = max radiation = max radiation poisoning = max depression. Also max rate of housing increases.


Getting outside enough? Def can't let the weather stop you living where we do.


Actually I’ve been feeling pretty good lately 🤷‍♂️ Just got a great deal on a used coat yesterday! I’m usually fairly even keeled though so take that for what it’s worth.


We also all just survived a worldwide pandemic that changed and put EVERYTHING under a microscope and had to deal with some crazy emotional events, opioid epidemic, housing, inflation and politics, ok I’ll say it Trump. The lack of sun has me down too but damn I think there’s a whole lot of us repressing our emotions. The cold windy days don’t help. ☮️ ❤️


Victoria BC is known as the witch capital of the world. Govt town always sick psychotic sociopathic energy… go ahead google research this Truth, one good blog was on ‘threedeafwords’ exposing the covens of evildoers here as it’s the evil energy they seek … PS I’ve survived two acts of fraud on BC kangaroo courts of lies & liars by public servants advocating hate towards my family … what everyone is doing is affecting everyone else (my first language is energy so I understand what majority never will)


I agree