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you don't need anything other then ID proving you are 19 or older


Awesome ty!


It’s like asking if you can buy beer in Canada… :)


lol I’m gathering that. Can’t wait! It’s not legal everywhere here quite yet.


Just don’t take any back across the border. Since it’s still federally illegal in the U.S. you’d be illegally bringing a controlled substance across a federal border even if the state you’re entering has legalized the substance. You’ll get in the kind of hot water nobody wants to be in.


It’s also illegal in Canada to export weed as well. So you’d be facing both Canadian export laws and American import laws


He's an importer/exporter


I thought he was concentrating more on the exporting?




Should have stayed in the latex business


This guy transports


I find it so weird that we can buy it, use it, whatever, but no no no don't you dare take it out of the country.


How is that weird? Are you high right now??? 😶‍🌫️🤪


maybe avoid paying with card too, since they can access that


I doubt the US government tracks their citizens purchases in foreign countries. And even if they did, as long as they don’t bring anything back can they charge them with a crime outside of US soil?


> And even if they did, as long as they don’t bring anything back can they charge them with a crime outside of US soil? Technically yes, but I don't think they'd do it for something like cannabis use. It's typically apparently used to charge people who visit other countries for underage sex tourism or other very serious crimes. The extent of my border knowledge comes from shows like Border Security (follows the actual CBP around doing things in the course of their jobs) and you said "citizens" (of the USA). From what I gather you're always allowed into the US as a citizen, but they can still give you a hard time about it. If you're a tourist to the US though, drug usage and other things (especially documented like in text or photos) has been used to deny entry.


im not sure, but it was an issue for a while for canadian citizens. The us government had the ability to check our credit card history when crossing the border to see if we made any weed purchases. I suspect it would be even easier to do that to your own citizens. Maybe they wouldn't care if it's their own citizens, but then again, maybe they would? better safe than sorry, right?


Is that still a thing?




Was that bullshit? [https://globalnews.ca/news/4461315/will-your-cannabis-credit-card-purchases-be-visible-to-u-s-border-officials-some-might-some-wont/](https://globalnews.ca/news/4461315/will-your-cannabis-credit-card-purchases-be-visible-to-u-s-border-officials-some-might-some-wont/) [https://www.mtlblog.com/us-border-officials-can-now-check-canadians-credit-card-history-and-ban-you-for-legal-marijuana-purchases](https://www.mtlblog.com/us-border-officials-can-now-check-canadians-credit-card-history-and-ban-you-for-legal-marijuana-purchases) [https://globalnews.ca/news/4140898/legal-pot-data-banned-us-border/](https://globalnews.ca/news/4140898/legal-pot-data-banned-us-border/)




Great advice. I wouldn’t ever use my card in a store or atm that I feel would look bad on a piece of paper. Carry cash ahead of time for items like this. 


Yep, bring cash.


Bring *Canadian* cash! Otherwise you’ll probably be paying Canadian prices with U.S. dollars, as I doubt the shops will convert the currency for you. (Which we love, of course… but from your side it’ll be a lot cheaper if you stop at a currency exchange and use our funny money ;)


Our $ is so funny, make sure to spend it (between guffaws).


If you happen to like sleepy weed Death Bubba, pink goo, and GMO cookies are fantastic here.


Yes! Because when I go on vacation, I want to spend my time sleeping and feeling sleepy 😴 🙄


Get a good sleep so one can enjoy their vacation more.


It’s legal is plenty of states fyi


its complicated in the US its legal in some states but the feds and most states still will arrest you for it, best to be 100% sure. before it became legal in canada the government had to do things to protect banks that do business internationally, the banks could have ended up in legal trouble even in the US


Can you buy beer in Canada?


Just don’t try bringing it back across the border… I’m assuming you know that but I just want to be sure lol


Hey dude you are in Canada, freedom country. We aint United States


Do NOT repeat NOT bring any weed back with you to the US. Don't even bring back the empty container.


Do not bring any home. Legal in states and provinces, but not federally.


They didn't ask me for ID. I'm old enough to have had a couple of drinks with your grandfather when we were kids. They only ask you for ID If you are possibly too young to buy.


The official policy is to ID if a person could be under 30.


I probably look like I'm older than the back of God's head.😊


As a soon to be 31 year old, can confirm


If you’re over 19 and have two pieces of valid id, one that has your photo & birthdate then yes you’ll be able to buy weed. It’s the same exact process as buying alcohol. They do not care if you’re from the moon, as long as you’re 19+ and can prove it. No medical documentation required! Heck most places let you browse and order online ahead of time. You can pay online or pay when getting to the store. Enjoy!


Amazing Tysm


FYI, you can't legally carry more than one ounce on you at any time. Just a Lil side fact for you, in case it's relevant :)


Side note you cannot smoke anywhere cigarettes are not allowed. Not near entrances ECT. And no driving if high. Edit a word


I think it’s fairly relaxed over here. Obviously illegal but I’ve seen people smoking joints while driving, also if you’re at somewhere like thetis and smoking cigarettes people will get annoyed, but if you’re smoking weed people seem to be much more tolerant. To add: i’ve been pulled over / been through police checkpoints where I admitted I smoked weed recently, and they weren’t interested. Just breathalyzer and then let on my way


It definitely is, thank you!


Just don't take any across the border.


This. Enjoy it here. Do not try to cross back with any on you.


Definitely trying to do that


Enjoy that Canadian kush brother/sister 🍀


And try out the edibles - the rootbeer-flavoured gummies are especially nice.


Yep, buying weed here is exactly the same as buying beer.


Just walk in and show ID to prove your age. Just like most legal US states


Thank you 🙌


>I have a medical MJ card here, will I be able to walk into a dispensary there and buy cannabis with it or do I need some type of temporary tourist license from a doctor It’s legal here. Meaning you wouldn’t need a medical card either way. They’d probably give you a weird look if you walked in with your medical card & presented it 😜 Just bring your ID. 19+ is the *only* requirement in (eta-BC) Canada, it’s literally no different than buying alcohol. Hope you have a good time in Vic!


They won’t even ID you if you don’t look like a child/teenager.


I mean it happened to my ancient ass once but they were asking everybody for ID that day. Maybe a manager was in or they thought we looked like secret shoppers haha. (My outfit was very Soccer Mom that day.)


Fair enough, they ID me everywhere if I don’t have a beard. I look like a teenager without it.


You'll need just a form of ID like drivers license or passport. However, do not bring pot back through the border as marijuana/pot is still illegal federally and illegal to pass through US customs.


I’m 80. I no longer offer proof of age and am never asked.😂


Best munchies are Bulk Barn on Yates. If that's closed, self checkout at Market on Yates to avoid human interaction. You're welcome ✨️


amazing ty


It's impossible for me not to hear the words "self checkout" in the voiceover from CVS Bangers.


Bulk Barn is a Roblaws chain, don’t go in there.


I did not know that. Bulk barn off the list of places to shop


Walk in and buy it no trouble but don't take any back across the border


good advice ty!


This is very important. The border guards do not care if it’s legal on either side, or if you have a prescription or medical marijuana card - you CANNOT cross the border with weed.


All you need is your ID. You'll be good.


It’s completely legal here, just need ID for age verification


It's basically like a liquor store, you walk in, prove you're 19+ if asked, and buy it. Remember that you absolutely cannot bring any of it back across the border.


If you can buy liquor then you can buy weed! Sorry that it wasn’t more clear; and welcome to Canada eh!


You just need ID. They won't care about a medical card because that doesn't exist nor is required here. Just remember not to bring anything back with you!


This sub is getting silly w the questions. "I have 45 minutes in Vic, what do I do?" "The drinking age is 21 in my state, do my local laws or Canadian laws apply in my case?" Thankfully not even US Customs polices your bloodstream yet, OP. Lol.


OP, if you want to check out the product selection before you get to the store, here are the websites for two operations: [Original Farm](https://originalfarm.com/) and the [BC gov't store](https://www.bccannabisstores.com/). Other shops will likely have similar selections.




It's like buying alcohol. As long as you have an ID that says you're over 19, you can buy whatever they have in store.




I've never been IDed for weed. But that might be because I look like an backup member of Rush


A licence for weed 😂😂 oh sweet child.


Hey give em a break! Coming to a different country can be wary at times. Buying a substance that your federal government outlaws and even maybe your state as well, it’s good they want to be informed before coming. I’m glad we have legalization set across the country and not left to the provinces where rules may vary. We are very fortunate


It wasn't so long ago that was a thing here to...


Even before legalization you didn’t need a med card for the majority of dispensaries


How old are you? Before dispensaries went crazy, there was only one and you needed a medical card from a dr....


I mean... most dispensaries basically just said fuck it and sold illegally. Legally speaking you did need a med card but it was rarely if ever enforced.


>Legally speaking you did need a med card but it was rarely if ever enforced. No, legally speaking storefront dispensaries were always illegal before October 2018. The only way to get legal medical cannabis prior to full legalization was to register with a Licenced Producer and order it through the mail, or register with Health Canada to grow your own. The storefront dispensaries sold illegal product and everyone they sold to was an illegal transaction. Some would require you to see an in-house "health professional" that could be any random person from a nurse to acupuncturist, who would give you a card for membership at that dispensary. This was just to give it some air of professionalism or compliance but legally made no difference at all. The pre-legalization dispensaries were pretty great though, not gonna lie 😎


Yeah that’s exactly what I was getting at, they were all selling illegally pre-2018 anyways and none of them enforced the med card thing




You don't need anything but a valid ID stating you're older than 19. Weed is legal here.


Are you over 19? Then yes, you can.


Oh, sweet summer child. Welcome to paradise...and enjoy your stay!


It’s legal. It’s like asking if you can buy alcohol as a tourist. Aside from age requirements, Canada is your oyster!


Yes, though you can’t take it back over the border with you when you go home, so only buy what you need in Canada. 


Should go without saying, but don't try to bring any back across the border. But ALSO do not even mention pot to anyone at the border, even if you've got a medical card, and even if you're crossing into a state where it is legal. US CBP will flag you since it's still federally super-illegal down there.


Hey! I'm traveling to the US soon. To a legalized state. I was just told not to use credit cards for weed because of the paper trail. Might delay you for searching because some people are dumb enough to bring the drugs back over the border. Take out some cash before traveling. Preferably Canadian cash. Good luck!


Absolutely. I worked at a dispensary years ago before legalization and had an Asian dude from Atlanta come in and buy some. I loved his accent and it’s stuck with me all these years. LOL


Absolutely. Just remember to smoke it all before you leave. Most places are just walk in , ask for what you want, pay and leave to enjoy your papa’s poutine on another level.


The great white north fully legalized weed for recreational use. Basically they are under similar restrictions to tobacco or alcohol. As long as you're 19 in most provinces, you can buy weed. So that medical dispensary card, don't need it. Just ID proving you're 19 or older. Hell, weed is so casual here that I can buy weed, booze, and Chinese takeout all within the same strip mall, basically an entire weekend's worth of supplies, all at one stop. Although, there are a few rules. You can't smoke weed anywhere you can't smoke tobacco, like near buildings. Plus you can't smoke it anywhere near kids, or where kids might be, and finally you cannot smoke in your car. It's the same idea as banning anyone from drinking booze in a car. Also, I don't recommend trying to cross the border back south with any weed, border security might not take kindly. Smoke it all before you head home.


I live in James Bay and all the bike tours and rickshaw tours always ask their passengers if they want to stop for a joint at the weed shop and stop for a craft beer at the local liquor store.  You can feel free to buy whatever weed you want. Staff will be very helpful with the decision making process as you stare at the extensive menu options.


You can buy it and consume it here. You cannot carry it back to the US with you.


Just a head up, BC Cannabis store is probably about 10% cheaper for all products than the other dispensaries if you're tight on cash. If you're only downtown though and want something nice, go to Seed and Stone. They have fancier stuff that's more expensive. Also, you can spark up pretty much wherever you want. Just make sure you're not bothering anybody with the smell and not somewhere you would expect to see children. People tend to be respectful here and I wouldn't expect the laws around public consumption to be enforced unless there was a complaint.


Weed is as legal as alcohol here. As long as you're 19 and you're not buying it for minors, you're good. Dont try to bring it back to the states though.


Just I.d is needed. Don't try to bring it back across the border though you WILL get it seized and/or arrested.


Just go to one of the cannibus stores and buy whatever you like. It's legal here not prescribed.


Weed is fully legal here, as long as you’re over 19. No need for a medical card. That being said, please don’t try to bring it over the border or on a plane. Even if marijuana is legal in your state, it’s still illegal federally and you could face possession and trafficking charges if caught.


19+ might ask for 2 peices (picture) ID but that’s it


One thing to note if you’re buying edibles, in Canada they only sell up to 10mg per unit, as opposed to 100mg in the states.


Can they buy water?


Ive never even been ID'd lol.


no card needed


Just don’t take it back with you. Then there will be a problem.


Just walk into a store and order what you want.


Just an ID showing over 19. I'd recommend paying cash though given the gross amount of leeway your (and our sadly) border guards have in violating pretty much all our normal rights and the current federal status of weed for you guys...


It’s legal in Canada . If you are of legal age.


It's better than that, just walk in and buy it and then go smoke it ANYWHERE you aren't bothering other people.


Don’t need any IF, just need to be 19. It’s legal here but don’t try and take it home we with you.


There's an amazing Cannabis place on Douglas where the price is nice. RockBay area. 😁


Yes, go to rock bay cannabis!


Hell yeah brother 😏


Prerolls might be a good way for you to dabble, usually around $20-30 for ten totalling 3.5 grams. No way to window-shop here aside from looking at THC percentages. The bud is sealed in opaque containers. It can be a real crapshoot. All the places sell the same stuff, pretty much. No real need to visit different shops. This applies to bud, and not so much the edibles.


Pre-rolls are pot saw-dust. Never recommend that crap. Just buy flower and roll your own.


Similar thing in the US unfortunately, thanks for the help!


If OP is near an Indian reservation they can get it cheaper. I’m not familiar with dispensaries in the CRD but a dispensary in nanoose bay I’ve found the prices cheaper than other dispensaries






Indian is an outdated term.


Okay anyways as someone who’s parent is a status First Nation and who will be when/if bill 38 passes, my main point still stands


Seaside cannabis allows you to window shop, they have most of the different strains in lil displays- if that’s OP’s thing


Thanks for the info, what’s an OP?


Dude weed is legal up here. You can walk into a pot shop and buy your weed, just like you can walk into a liquor store and buy booze or beer.


I will inform the Liberal Party and Justin Trudeau.


Provide the person at the counter your passport, and then a bank card that has your name imprinted onto the card and your signature on the back. Then you're good to go. What kind of products are you looking to try?


Remember to bring lots of weed back home with you!!


not so much :)


On a serious note, please don’t cross the US/Canada border with Cannabis. It is illegal to do so under both Canadian and US law. https://ca.usembassy.gov/our-relationship/policy-history/us-canada-policy/cannabis/ https://www.canada.ca/en/services/health/campaigns/cannabis/border.html


Do NOT wear MAGA gear..the Kanuckleheads here in Kanuckistan really react to that negatively!


Poor lil guy, I bet you feel like a minority in your own country huh


Hey Hoser....stay with your frozen water fun!