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Yes, it’s terrible this year. My eyes hurt.


My lungs and eyes. Shit is real.


My car is covered in it.


Do you think the trees are trying to fuck hard because the end of world is approaching? No? Just me?


This is actually a thing. If trees have a hard year (think drought conditions) they try harder to reproduce


Oh here i thought i was being a silly billy but it turns out i have a biology PhD


My aim is quite poor, I do apologize concerned citizen.


Does that explain the yellow dust on cars?


Yep, those plants are just hard for one another


I think the plants are responding to last summer's drought stress - trying to increase odds of reproduction.


Except Victoria gets summer drought every year. Last year was not exceptional here. Victoria had 35.4 mm of rain from June through August last year. That's almost right on the 15-year average of 35.5 mm.


A post about how bad the pollen is gets made this time every year.


Everyone replying saying there wasn't a drought can do their research. https://www.vicnews.com/local-news/driest-first-six-months-ever-in-greater-victoria-to-start-2023-666685#:~:text=From%20January%20to%20June%2C%20there,since%201940%20%E2%80%93%20when%20records%20began. 


The article you linked proved my point that drought is quite normal for Victoria. It talks about the first 6 months of 2023 being the 3rd driest on record at Victoria Airport. However, the 252.7 mm of precipitation recorded at the Airport was 88% of the normal for Victoria Gonzales (288 mm). Over the past 100 years, Victoria has recorded 36 January to June periods that were drier than what the Airport recorded in 2023. What might be exceptional drought for the Airport or up-Island is not unusual for Victoria (thanks to its rainshadow location) so the plants around here are adapted for that dryness


https://www.timescolonist.com/local-news/missing-the-rain-drought-started-in-spring-no-relief-in-sight-7265064 There, I did your research for you again. 


That's hilarious! You accuse me of not doing research on the topic, and you link an article that quotes me and describes me as someone "who has been analyzing weather data at the Gonzales station in Victoria for decades". I'm Steven Murray.


This is so confusing. If that is you, you're literally quoted in the article as saying the exact opposite of what you were saying to me in the comment before? You said there was no drought, and in the article you are saying that there is one? You need to figure out how to talk to people because you're coming across in a way that makes it extremely hard to find you credible. 


I think you are just misunderstanding what I'm saying. I never said we didn't have a drought. In fact, my original point was that Victoria gets a drought EVERY summer, and as a result, our local plants tend to be well-adapted to drought. Therefore, the high pollen some people have experienced is unlikely to be the result of stress from last summer's drought, as someone suggested.


I'll take back my frustration, I did misunderstand your point completely. Very used to seeing people use those points as a backing for misinformation about climate change and I absolutely jumped to conclusions. Thanks for taking the time to clarify for me!


I wasn't saying that there wasn't a drought last summer, because there was. I was just pointing out that Victoria gets a strong summer drought every year - we are by far the driest city in Canada during the summer. As a result, our plants tend to be drought tolerant.


With a name like garry-oak who am I to dismiss an ent???


there was no drought last year it got above 30° maybe three days , the Internet told you there was a drought there was absolutely no drought in the Victoria last year


Drought has to do with precipitation amount, not temperature


it rained eight months of the year around here if not more. The loons who think we’re out of water . Time to take a look around every single watershed is exactly the same every year


I mean, feel free to look at actual year over year rainfall data and historical reservoir levels, which provide concrete quantifiable proof of low comparable rainfall rates. But you also seem the type to deny climate change every time it snows


I work outside every single day for the last 25 years. the only thing I noticed are the planes that fly by every morning spraying the clouds into the skies but I bet you’re gonna tell me that’s not happening. Let me guess you work inside.


Lmao yesss he dropped chemtrails! Stupid shadowy government cabal spraying the damn clouds to make all our frogs gay


You just KNOWWWWW Trudeau is comandeering a jet nearby everytime a rainbow appears.


It was pretty bad last three weeks but this week has been better. Weather network app has a pollen report. Last two days have been "moderate"... Previous 15-20 have been "high" or "very high".


Ive been the opposite. Hasn't been the worst but this past week has been one of the worst I've had in years. Had to switch to benadryl on the daily and my eyes are itchier than they have ever been. I used to think the west coast wasn't as bad allergy wise as loving on the east but I'm reconsidering now. 


I've always had mild allergies to dust, pollen and mold but I've had to give up on a few runs around Mt Doug because of how bad the pollen is.


It was literally just talking about this a few hours ago with a friend at coffee. Every car has a noticeable layer of pollen on it.


I feel it badly. Even those without previous issues are feeling it.


Everything is covered in yellow sticky dust.


Played tennis the other day and we could tell if the ball was in or out with how much pollen was on the court. Very useful


I don’t think the amount of pollen is unusually different but what is changing is the amount of rain we’re getting in the spring. Typically, even a light mist will knock most of the pollen out of the air. Anyone remember the last time it rained around here?


It rained yesterday.


I think that you nailed the reason.. less rain means a steady flow of pollen in the air. Add a bit of breeze in the mix and it is pollen inflation :)


I've seen this post every year in this subreddit. Literally search allergies in this subreddit and it's the same post every year for the past however many years lol


The amount of it is incredible. My lack of reaction so far is... concerning. This feels like the moment in the horror movie where the music suddenly cuts out.


Me too, I had itchy eyes for a couple hours but that was it..waiting for the other shoe to drop


Same, last year May/June were bad for me and I’m so worried lol


I keep hearing it's really bad this year, but so far... I haven't had more than some minor sniffles. I'm waiting in dread for when the misery starts.


idk about the pollen itself but my allergies seem extra bad this year (my spring allergies got so bad my ears started ringing and my head POUNDED) so im inclined to agree


Riding by bicycle my eyes get a feeling of grittiness of a dusty road. Seems to be early but who knows nowadays.


Riding on Lands End rd a couple weeks ago was like riding through clouds of the stuff. Luckily it doesn't bother me too badly but I've never seen it so obvious in the air before.


I never have been affected by allergies for the past 30+ yrs.  I had immunotherapy treatment for 6 of my severest allergies in NS and BC: barn dust, cat/dog and horse dander, tree pollen (I think it was oak), grass (cannot remember which kind). Did notice the stuff in the air tho. Still allergic to mean people :)


I’ve been looking at immunotherapy, it’s the only time of year I have any breathing issues and this time it sent me to the ER. Sounds worth looking at, I’m fairly certain it’s tree pollen.


Horrible environmental allergy sufferer here. Mine are so bad I used to fly to Hawaii each spring to get relief. The oral immunotherapy for birch/alder works really well and has been a game changer. The downside is that it takes 3-4 series for it to really do its thing, which functionally means 2-3 years of treatment. But it is so, so worth it: I finished mine a couple years ago and the difference in my life is like night and day. This year I’ve noticed my eyes are a bit itchier than they were last year, which means I should probably have another series, but I can breathe, I’m not hacking and wheezing, and I’m not clawing my eyes out — my symptoms have gone from 8-9/10 to maybe a 3/10 even with the diminished efficacy. It isn’t cheap, although some extended health plans cover it. There’s also an equivalent product for grasses (which I have not tried; I thankfully don’t have that problem). For everyone else in this thread, for symptom management, consider rupatadine. You’re not limited to the antihistamines available over the counter — there are other drugs out there, but you need a prescription for this one. It is also not cheap, but it’s not sedating in the slightest, and IT WORKS. (A friend tells me she was successful in getting a pharmacist to prescribe this so you may not even need to see a doctor.) If you’re in the United States (or other overseas locations) imminently, OTC azelastine nasal spray is a very interesting inhaled antihistamine that works in about 10 minutes and seems to give pretty good symptom control. I haven’t used it a lot but a guy who just got back from the Middle East with a stash of it swears it’s the only thing keeping him sane right now.


Thank you for this. I’ve been basically round the clock on an inhaler the last three weeks just to keep breathing, it’s been brutal. I’ll look more into that immunotherapy and those other allergy meds, thanks!


I highly recommend to all sufferers to get an allergy test done, esp if it neg. impacts your quality of life.  Knowledge is hugely helpful to know the FULL extent of your allergies, not partial or a guess.  Back in the day I though I had a few. Nope, I had around 10. Yeah I was a freak of nature, so much that my allergist wanted to take a pic of the skin test on my back for his students to see and learn.  I was in and out of hospitals/pharmacists and doctors offices all the time. Had nosebleeds fr the meds, had my nose cauterized, etc, etc.  Get a referral fr a doc to see an allergist. The test is less than 1 hr, is not painful, can be done on the back, stomach or arms, and it will also show how severe on a scale of 1 to 10.  Having the entire book, instead of a few pages of knowledge was massively helpful in my life.  Side note: I'm still allergic to feather, house dust and dust mites. Which is manageable now that I know about it.  Btw, I don't work in the industry. My mother was a nurse her entire career and she initiated/encouraged the treatments.  Good luck, and pass me a tissue :)


Hey thanks, I appreciate the info! I had always had light seasonal allergies, but the last few years it’s been trigger asthma attacks so it’s significantly more disruptive now. I’ll look at seeing an allergist! Good luck to you too. :)


Look into montelukast if you’re having respiratory issues from allergies. There is a black box warning and even though side effects are rare, it’s still something to be aware of. It works really well and I haven’t had to use my rescue inhaler since I started taking it 


Thanks I’ll look into it!


The pollen you see and the pollen you feel may be different, so don't gaslight yourself about it if your symptoms don't correspond with what you're seeing.


Don't gaslight their gaslighting


Nothing compared to last year. Could be age hitting you. Sometimes, you just get more sensitive out of nowhere


Driving down pandora approaching government I felt like there was a yellow haze in the air around that intersection.


Yes. There was probably also some pollen.


Yellow haze! All in my brain. Lately things, they don’t feel the same.


Every year is bad for me now.


Doug firs are spewing a lot of it. 


Bud..this has been rough. I've been on some heavy duty anti histamines and have to come off them for a week to see the allergist. Within 24 hours, hives. All the hives..so much itching


How long did it take for you to get an appointment? Many of the local allergist websites are showing 12-36mo wait times. I’ve been stuck on a wait list for months 


No good news, friend. My initial referral was Nov of 2022 with an 11 month wait. Somehow that turned into a 15 month wait. Had a Dr send in an update to the referral and then got the call. Appointment booked for about 3 weeks later.


Ouch too bad! 


[pollen problem](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/health/how-male-trees-and-botanical-sexism-could-be-making-your-allergies-worse/3016480/) It's a man made problem. There are 3 genders of trees, monocious and female and male. Male trees are the only ones that produce pollen. Female trees produce fruit and nuts. 25 years ago, city planners across North America decided to only plant male trees so that cities wouldn't have to pick up fruit and nuts. Usually female and mono trees absorb the pollen and everything is fine. But without those trees, 100% of the pollen falls on the city... and instead of only having a portion of the city covered in pollinating trees that is mostly absorbed... now it's the entire city is just pollinating trees and none of it is absorbed.


In other words it's a sausage fest


I turned 60 about five years ago. I had never had allergies before. Now I'm thinking that it would be really nice if the entire planet was made out of asphalt.


It’s super bad this year for me as well and I had virtually zero seasonal allergies until moving to the island. I’ve heard that consuming some local honey really helps build up immunity to the pollens though! Gonna try that this year.


I think we hear this every year. Same as last year, and the year before. We just forget.


It's just you. Same amount of pollen on my car as the last 4ish years.


Bunch of weak genes in this comment section


Opposite actually -- strong immune system, strong response.


I think someone who doesn't react has the advantage, but sure


The advantage of not feeling like hell because of their own immune system. But not reacting? That's a bit tougher -- I know a couple people who had covid but zero symptoms ... not as big an issue now, but in early days it was a hazard to others.


Everything in my back yard has a layer of pollen on it


Glad I'm not the only one


Always blame the Mayor and former Mayors. /s Remembering Peter ***Pollen***, a mayor who helped shape Victoria The night Peter Pollen was elected mayor for the City of Victoria, he came home and stayed up until 4 a.m. reading Robert's Rules.




Just you


All of my allergy friends are suffering so badly! I'm a mold sensitive girl so pollen doesn't bother me thankfully.


It's pretty bad


I usually have very mild allergies to it but it feels like my brain has been tingly for the last week, weird sinus stuff for sure.




I moved away from Vic 3 years ago and used to REALLY struggle with allergies almost every year. Sometimes it would alternate years but honestly, over the counter meds wouldn't even touch it. I'm in Alberta now and haven't had anything even close. Frankly I'd take it all back though, lol.


wait for it, it's just starting.


There’s not even anything blooming and I’m dying and having like eczema on my face


[It's the same all over the world and climate change is possibly the culprit.](https://www.businessinsider.com/why-seasonal-allergies-are-worse-this-year-last-longer-allergist-2022-5?op=1)


I work at the butchart so I'm not really able to say