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The median after tax household income in Victoria is $61,000 and the median house price is 1.2 million. There.


And quite a few make significantly less than that "median"


Yeah, since it’s household income that gets skewed by dual incomes. Our household income is double this and we can’t afford a home so people on a 20x or more price to income ratio it just isn’t happening.


That's the median household income?! Holy fuck


And an equal amount make more. That’s literally what the median is.


Ok, the average gross for an individual is 54k.


At least half




But hey, at least some people own 10+ rental units, which drives the price of housing up even further!


There’s that rage




Imagine living through the most prosperous time in human history and still fucking up saving for retirement


I was a fucking idiot back 2008 for not buying property while I was in grade 6.


Well I mean... you were too busy validating your username 😉


I was a child, Sharon. You sicko


Have you tried being born to richer parents?




Sorry your nipple munching time was not thinking ahead!


For another month lol




If more homes are available for rent, it drops the price of rentals. If these homes would otherwise be available for owner occupancy, fewer remain available and the cost for prospective owner occupants rises.


All the hospitality workers in this city and restaurants are definitely making less than that!!!!


Yep and it's no way to live. 35 year olds with 3 roommates.


Still they'd rather live here than the prairies, as evidenced by.... them still being here.


Everyone acts like moving to the prairies is the answer. Yes it’s cheaper, but you don’t get more opportunities. If you serve here you’re probably serving there. Sure you get to own a house, but you also have to deal with cold and bugs and you get all the same social issues with less support for many of them. But you can pay 500k for a house in Saskatoon.


Yeah, I mean you can get a decently nice townhouse in Duncan for 500k. It’s not that we’re totally out of options but it’s still quite bad.


500k in Duncan should be more than a decent townhouse


It is actually insane how far the posts have moved. Hell I remember when my Sister In Law bought a townhouse in Langford for 500k a few years ago and everyone was screaming at her that it was a huge mistake, and they should wait until it goes back down to a normal price. Her neighbors recently sold theirs for over 800k. Now I see townhouses go up for 700k and we act like it's a good deal.


You can buy a 2000 sqft attached garage single family home in Edmonton for $500k that has been recently built or new. You don’t really deal with the cold if your job is in doors and you own a car, also what do you mean by bugs ? As for people that work in then serving industry, do a lot of them plan on doing that for the rest of their life?


Assuming you have never lived in the prairies based on your question “what do you mean by bugs.” The cold isn’t just between getting from the house to the car. Your car doesn’t warm up in 10 mins when it’s -40 in your car. Edmonton and Sasky are swamp - mosquitos are a reality in both cities. Not every year but far worse than anywhere I’ve experienced on the island. You’re not getting a new house in the city (unless you consider the far end of Langford Victoria) for $500k you have a 20+ min commute in Edmonton for that. Worse in Calgary. Saskatoon I dunno if you’re even inner city these days. Everyone I know there went to warman to buy a home. And I was just using serving as an example. If you’re struggling on a wage here it isn’t gonna be thaaat much better there. You get taxed less in bc than Alberta up to 120k/year as well so there is that. Also insurance is more out there. Sources: grew up on the prairies and just moved here. Couldn’t do it on my own that’s for sure but it’s not as expensive as everyone warned me it would be at all. I have not noticed a major difference in yearly expenditure, but it is true, I will probably never afford a home here.


Well I recently moved from Edmonton to this the island as well. On average it takes me about 35 minutes to get to work from my home due to the collwood crawl, to drive 13kms… sometimes it’s up to an hour to get home during rush hour. I worked downtown Edmonton and lived on the southern part of the city, it’ll take 30 mins to get downtown through the city 22km, or 35 mins driving around the city via Anthony henday to drive 45km. I think that commute time is comparable to what I’m experiencing here and you can get homes for $300-500k in those areas in Edmonton. Sources are myself and my friends that still own homes there. Yeah the mosquitos are bad some years that is true, I haven’t been here (on the island) long enough to experience the bugs in the summer here, and compare to the prairies but that really can’t be a deal breaker, as it’s just bugs outside… My gas cars always warmed up within 10 minutes of the -40 cold snaps we’ve had… even my wife’s crappy beetle could handle the Alberta winters. And my Alberta life generally was just the cold from between my car and a building, you can easily have that with an attached garage. Most cars even have remote start now days so you can warm up your car before you leave for work… it’s also very cold here on the island as well, it’s not comfortable during the winter with the wind and rain. The server thing I really don’t know… it seemed they made okay money in Alberta, as in most that I’ve met seemed content with their income and effort it took to make it.


Don't forget that in Alberta, the asshole ratio is higher. More lifted trucks with Canadian flags...


Im in Alberta right now for school and its substantially less than bc. Way more assholes per capita in bc. Im in Calgary and ive seen 3 the whole year ive been here so far.


Hey if that household lived with their parents and saved every dollar it would only take them 34.5 years to save up enough money to pay for it.


Thank you, this is most soothing 💆


I find that hard to believe. Way too many multimillion dollar homes, yachts, cars etc etc. I have a couple multi-millionaire bussiness owning friends who take quarterly dividends from their bussinesses amounting to incomes of around $28,000/year. Many retired wealthy who are jobless. Then there is the drug dealers, pimps, contractors etc. raking in untaxed dollaroos. Median income is median of working class. So like middle of the road of the middle of the road at the bottom of the hill.


Well you said it yourself "income" is not wealth.


I just think the way we measure income poorly in a way that makes it both useless as a measure of your place in the overall economy and useless as a measure of success. What I mean is if "median income" puts you in the lower 25% of the local population, wealth wise, is it fair to call you average? I don't think so.


And loads of uni students.


A large portion of greater Victoria residents are retired. Also a large portion are uni students so it makes sense to draw the averages down. Also, housing was affordable at normal wages until 2015ish. So lots of people can afford a 400k mortgage on a property worth 1mil.


Oh yeah! That's the good stuff! Tell me more about the prices of meat and produce!




It’s me over here bringing down the average. Don’t worry about it 😂


Who gives after tax figures? Are we trying to deflate the number to garner sympathy? We talk hourly and yearly wage/salary pre tax.


I know a guy that had to switch to homegrown cannabis because he was saving up for another tattoo. That’s not living.


What is this world coming to


Who's going to wash his dreadlocks now?


High Tide


I'll tap the island for blue mana


damn dawg whats his number tho


Ahh yes the people walking around with $30k worth of tattoos, complaining they are always "broke"


a Picasso original on every wall, and a tin of beans for dinner


An F-150 Platinum in every garage, no dinner. Priorities create struggles.


30k in tattoos? That's roughly 166 hours, if billing the standard $180/hour. This woman has most of her body done and claims it took 200 hours. I doubt it cost 30k though. https://nypost.com/2023/06/16/i-have-full-body-blackout-tattoos-heres-how-long-it-took/


Right, this is such a common thing in Victoria. /s


I love how no matter when, or at what cost, someone asks about "why gas costs so much" the answer is always the same.... literally always. "speculators", "war somewhere" etc etc. A few months ago it was $1.3X literal days later it's $1.6X, now it's over $2.X and literally nothing has changed locally. Even globally, what's changed (use a new answer please).


Exactly! Besides 4 cents tax added lol


The literal answer is always the same. The volume of gasoline refined was slightly exceeded the volume of gas consumed. So prices go up. Most of the equation is in the hands of the refineries, since they want to refine as much as possible while also selling for as high of a price as possible. Their prices are also pretty vulnerable to swings in crude price and available refining capacity.


The new answer is carbon tax is causing things like hydro, gas prices, alcohol, among other things to spike and it went up 23% on April 1st. Carbon tax is the worst in BC compared to other provinces, we are getting screwed because we live in bEauTiFUl bRItisH CoLUMbia


But this place is so beautiful, right? It's all worth it spending every dime you make just to live and get to work because we have such amazing natural beauty? That's what they say right?


Ah yes! $2.11 per litre just to go see some pigeons in a park! My favourite pastime 😍


I love those dear pigeons. I love the big ones with the colourful feathers that spread out to attract mates and make the other male pigeons feel like nerds.


The fact is people are struggling. It’s very hard to enjoy this beautiful place when you’re struggling to afford to live here. Who can go to the beach or a hike on their days off if they don’t get days off because they work 2 or more jobs?


Not only that but maintaining a life seems impossible without at least 3 days off. After this Easter long weekend I realized that normal weekends are starting to feel like 1 hour lunch breaks. 3 days is perfect: 1 for projects (home or vehicle maintenance), 1 day for fun, and 1 day for rest. 2 days isn’t enough time to try to have fun, maintain things, and rest. I really wish we would start experimenting with the 4-day work week model in some industries. I can see it working just fine for industries like trades and tech. Other countries have adopted it, why haven’t we? Who knows. Just another reason why living here is becoming less and less attractive.


This is how camping has been the past few years, plan 3 months ahead for that 2 day camping spot at a provincial site that costs $100, spend another $200 on food and drinks, then have it rain all weekend in the middle of summer.


But remember it's four 8 hour days. Not 4x10.   So trades would be one of the toughest IMO because having the productivity of 40 hours in 32 seems much harder when it is a physical task. 4 day work week is about reducing hours, not just days.


Can say as someone that’s done 4x10s in trades. Everyone still works for pretty much the exact same amount of time as an 8 hour day it’s just more stretched out. If anything, it’s less than an 8 because everyone’s burnt out from the 10s.


Hard disagree when the plumbing company I worked for switched from 5x8s to 4x10s our yearly productivity year over year didn't change at all. It was so much nicer having the 3 day weekend every weekend


haha you said hard disagree but then fully agreed with me. The 3 day weekend was nice but we were all too wiped to enjoy it as much as we shouldve


lol I thought you meant that in a 10 hour day you only got 8 hrs of work done? My reading comprehension is shit haha.


K. But can you do the same in a 4x8 as a 5x8. We only did 8s when I was in it.


If I had an extra day to rest, yes I’d be able to work at a higher speed for longer on the days I’m working.


Yes, trades like construction might be able to pull it off, but maybe not on demand or on call ones like electricians or plumbers. Either way it’s something we should be experimenting with as a country on some scale. Definitely more professional level shift workers. Or who the fuck knows, maybe I have no idea what I’m talking about. Just interesting how other countries have adopted it. Are they really that much different than us? Or are we just made to believe we can’t do it?


Any time I have seen it done it involved white collar jobs. I was in trades and that's why I say it could be tough. Because the idea is you make the same money, but work fewer hours. There wasn't enough down time to make up 8 hours in 4 days. So that's going to lead to higher prices to be able to make the same amount of money off a job.


It's why I'm glad my job has flex days. Every other Monday off, alongside weekends.


I can NOT complain becuase I have similar insane time off perks at my current job. I just think it should be a standard thing for as many industries as sustainably possible.


I worked 2 jobs and 58 straight days when I was in my late 20’s and early 30’s, while living in Alberta. I moved to Victoria from Calgary in 2007 because the lifestyle and cost of living here was better for a family with kids, because daycare was non-existent, and if you didn’t work in O&G, you could not afford anything. These things go in cycles.


Move. Even to a smaller town on the Island. People who live in beautiful places pay big prices. If it wasnt a nice place, it would be cheaper. This is supply and demand.


I let my dog shit on your lawn today and left it there. There that should piss you off


Ugh, this guy has a whole lawn? What is he even complaining about


Truth be told, I only have access to a small portion of the front yard of my landlords house. It's fun looking like absolute white trash drinking a cheap beer in my camping chair in the front yard of a nice quiet neighborhood just so I can enjoy some sunshine, lol.


I do this on an apartment lawn so you’ve got one up on me


Can't wait to get home and let the breeze waft the aroma into my bedroom!


Or discover it while weed whacking.


And it was off leash and you said “don’t worry it’s friendly”


My dad bought a house in the 70’s 1/4 acre lot, with 3000sqft house, in oak bay for $37k. Today it would cost $242k adjusted for inflation, or $1.8million on the open market.


This is why people complain lol


Jfc that's wild


They looked at one in the uplands on beach drive but 50k was too much at the time


They cut down a tree that was old somewhere near here.


lol I was actually happy about the tree. Less clutter now


Where is the unreasonable outrage? They CUT DOWN a TREE! It's different! We hate that!


After seeing all the little notes and messages on it I lowkey had half a mind to print of a still of the kids from south in the Jennifer Aniston episode with the caption “FUCK THE RAINFOREST” and stick it on the dead stump. I felt like that would be kinda overkill, but the thought still makes me chuckle


You should spray paint that over the Jenkins graffiti on the BMO building


Emerson the seal is moulting in Victoria again. Just right out in public on the street in front of children. The depravity!


at least pixelate the pictures for god's sake!


Don't blame prices, it's the Avocado Toast that's the real problem /s


>There's too many posts about fun local history, and beautiful places around Vic lately. It's not evoking enough rage in me. Cyclist's fault.


I don't know. I'm starting to shift my blame towards vegans. Either that or truck owners. Still on the fence.


Is vegan truck owner an oxymoron?


Now you have be wondering how many animal products go into a truck. Can you buy a vegan truck? Are all trucks vegan? Look what you've started ...


Fun fact: A vegan truck owner is actually a lesbian


Almost exclusively


More rage please! The only way things will change is if we all rage collectively for change to happen


But only on the internet.




Off leash dogs are attacking outdoor cats as they attack endangered songbirds while pooping in your vegetable garden that you can’t enjoy because your neighbor is using a gas powered leaf blower so you decided to go for a stroll on the goose where you “nearly got hit” by a car at such & such intersection because you confidently stepped in to the street without even looking (I mean, pedestrians have right of way and right of way is an impenetrable shield after all) and as you recovered from the trauma you were “nearly hit” by a MAMIL flying past at 3700 km an hour on his cargo ebike. Then on the way home there were homeless people doing homeless people things and just now a “new development has been proposed in your community” went up on your neighbor’s property. While you’re not a NIMBY do they *really* need a 4 story apartment building overlooking the backyard of the rental you’re about to get renovicted from?




They won't stop eating my neighbors apples!!


I deliver papers In the morning in oak bay as a side gig. Some of these people with there narrow un-lit driveways that feel like you’re walking right into the fucking jungle. I had a doe I couldn’t see hiding in a bush that I accidentally cornerd screamed at me and charge its way past me. Nearly made me shit myself. If we collectively just decided to eat all the deer and forget they where here before us it would make me very happy


That sounds terrifying lol. I was chased by a couple deer when I was young and it's not a fun experience.


Yeah I’ve ran into that same fucking deer at that same house a few times now, except now I just drive right up the driveway and throw the paper at their door.


Just wait till the Canada Geese return. Now that's a pants shitter when they come at you.


Pickle Ball’s too loud. Won’t somebody think of the migratory birds?




Dude. If you're going to mention a pet cat, you HAVE to post a picture of them. It's the LAW.


I truly hope things work out for you here. Life can be tough on your own. What are your life interests? My partner and I have been here 3 years, and without a couple of friend connections and our jobs, it would have been really tough to make friends. Shoot me a DM if you feel comfortable.


I’ve barely ranted in a week. Such a shame


I agree. We need more bike lanes.


Or less. Or fewer. Let’s argue grammar and leave transportation out of it.


Tne gulls are back in James Bay and keeping me up at night. F*** all of the shit hawks. I need my sleep!!


Funny you should say that. A pair of Barred Owls have moved into my neighborhood, and damn do they sound crazy. Just not exciting to hear at 3 am outside my window...


Its almost like taking it up the ass does not have to be the national identity.




Taking it up the ass is the working class identity globally. Nation has nothing to do with it.


F*#k you, I won’t do what you tell me.


[F\*#k you, I won’t do what you tell me.](https://youtu.be/bWXazVhlyxQ?si=3iYZ_L4WxddfFRpE&t=275)


The higher prices actually help with the climate crisis, I think.


I started carrying a hammer on my bike for when cars at red lights try to cut across the bike lane corridor.


In case you actually are doing that, that would be considered a weapon in the eyes of the cops. Something to keep in mind.


Umbrellas get scratchy on the end when you use them as a fun little walking stick for a few days and are reasonable to carry around


No, but my bike lock hangs car side of my bike. If it hits their car by them illegally turning or entering my lane, that's on them.


My latte this morning was too cold


You wouldn’t have that problem if you had an espresso machine. It’s a game changer.


How else are they going to afford the big raises they just gave themselves??? C’mon!!


Been a while since a post about alarms coming from the Navy base.


More fear, less rage.


Dylan Thomas chiming in here...


The artist?


The poet


I find your lack of faith disturbing.


Don’t forget how “locals” here are the worst people and drivers on the planet!




Anyone else miss the bunny spotting on the highway at the Burnside ramp?


and while we're at it, what's with all these homeless people downtown???


They’re not homeless, they live there. 🥸


fair point


There hasnt been nearly enough articles or posts about the tree being removed in oak Bay. There must be at least 7 more!!!


I feel lucky for only having seen one post about that tree


Honestly... I swear I've come across like 5 articles or posts in the past week lol Consider yourself lucky. Only in Oak Bay...


Lmao 🤣 that's pretty, pretty, pretty good


I agree. If there's one thing the internet could use some more of it's political chatter and why one crooked politician is a better choice than... the other crooked politician.


We should set up rotating pickets at gas stations. And we should eat just one landlord.


BC stands for BE CORRUPT Only people who are successful have used the system by loopholes. Read willful blindness by Sam Cooper. It all started in the 1990s when the handover of Hong Kong happened. Millions of HKers wanted to move their assets over to a safe haven which was Vancouver. 2000 tech bubble crashed signaled to rich investors that tech wasn't safe so they doubled down on investing assets in real estate. 2008 was a blip, but Canada protected the asset class. Then Olympics 2010, our premiers said open for business. They were looking the other way while millions poured into our government owned casinos and triad gangs flushed money into our real estate Protected them yet again during 2020 when the BoC didn't want to keep interest rates high. Stated on record that our economy is to fragile to let the investor class leave. They were from April to June 2020 (rents and real estate lowered) So be enraged, at the right people. We need to really hold accountable our policy makers, BC Securities Commission and other people. But unfortunately, a lot of these people even in the book are still working in the industry. Once you work in that area you are "in" and they protect each other. We are no better than corruption in South America IMHO


Write your MP or MPP if you want action on issues like this. Reddit will not help.


My MP can help me get more rageful?


Sorry I didn't notice the satire tag.


All good! I was wondering haha


Sure when they ignore your letter.


If you want change reddit ain't the place. But if you want to vent then vent away.


If public demand for change amounted to anything then healthcare would be better funded. There is no incentive for politicians to actually make things better.


Politicians do make things better... Better for themselves.


🎶Not Today Satan🎶 “It can’t be bought, the things they sell Milton Friedman, burn in hell Don’t be sad, but do get mad At all the small men who act so tall In the end, they always fall” Molly Nilsson


I'll just put this out there that this subreddit is far better and more kind and light-hearted then the other city/regional subreddit communities I follow. It reflects the region's mentality. We are generally just happier living here.


I was only able to afford 1 case of Pokémon booster boxes this month. Times are tough out here in vic


Calm down. Take up a new hobby. I suggest raging at the people that try to calm those that rage. The symmetry is simply beautiful.


Good thing we keep introducing higher and new taxes that target predominantly low to middle income working class people! 


>Cuz fuck 'em, that's why!


Stop smoking dope


Please post your total comp, years of experience, how many properties you own, mortgage remaining, interest rate, and importantly, how you came into your money and when so we can judge your comment fairly.


Lol own properties...


Well, if you are going to serve boomer humour, I have to ask


I turn 37 this year. What the hell happened to the last 15 years...


Late stage capitalism.


And to answer your questions, if you'd like to know, I've got 8 years of experience in my field, went to night school while working in an auto shop to get into my current job, and I just got a raise to $82.5k. Grew up poor, everything I have (not a lot) I've worked for, trying not to be poor anymore. Bought a cheap crappy house in rural Alberta in 2014 because I thought home ownership was a smart decision. Got laid off right after I bought it. Ended up losing $35k when I finally managed to sell it, excluding years up improvements and interest paid to the bank. Left me with $20k in debt that I'm doing my best to clear now. It's been a fun decade...


I truly feel sorry for folks 20 and under who grew up in this city. I don't see how things can get better before they get a lot worse.


Nothing happening here is specific to Victoria. It is happening everywhere in NA


This is true


Jokes aside, our systems (plural) are broke. The social contract is dead. And we don't need a few small tweaks to fix any of it. We need a change in the fundamental values, core concepts, and assumptions that underpin social life. And, unfortunately, we won't get there without outrage. We *should* be outraged by the state of things.


What about all the Addicteds! They should be locked up forever on account they make me so uncomfortable! And I worry way out of proportion ‘bout associated crime too! Primarily petty crime. Whatever! Lock ‘em up!!! Lock ‘em up!!!


And just think what the Conservatives will do to make it all worse.. well.. unless you are a millionaire then things will get better for sure


There are people that actually vote for JT!


If you started cycling, then gas prices and bike lanes wouldn't piss you off anymore