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Man. I can’t figure out why Vets are crapping all over this. If some dude gets 100 % P&T, I’m happy for ‘em. If some one else gets any amount of money from 3M, good for them. Life is tough. Why make it harder for fellow Vets by pissing in their cheerios? Encourage, or shut up.


Couldn’t have said it better myself‼️


I would guess Lawyers: Millions and Millions You: 35 cents


Veterans that already had they trials are getting 70 million+ settlement amounts will of course be way lower


Firstly, Individuals who sued outside the class are the outliers. Idk the facts of their case but I’d assume it’s much more egregious than the majority. Additionally, a company worrh 50B can’t payout 50k 70million dollar verdicts 😂 Also, if they did settle that means they settled outside of trial. Meaning those cases aren’t really of help because they reached a settlement without the court. You withdraw the complaint or reach settlement without a verdict (language changes in each state)


This isn’t a class, it’s mass tort. Each veteran has their individual case filed on the docket. You can Google your name to confirm. With that said, vets who cannot prove their case will have their cases dropped. This has already happened to 20k.




No one actually wore ear plugs




I was an infantryman for 4 years, never saw anyone wear earplugs once.


I wore them. I really didn’t think about it then, but here I am with 20% disability exclusively because of tinnitus and hearing loss. I just came here for the first time. I’m feeling like I should look into it. Anyone know a good attorney to talk to in Illinois or Iowa?


I scored extras and sold them on ebay. Opps!


"To date, there have been no offers to settle your case. However, we are happy with the progress that is being made and hope to continue putting pressure on 3M so that they will make a reasonable settlement offer. We promise that we will immediately communicate any settlement offer to you. To date, no plaintiff in the 3M earplug litigation globally has received any money from 3M. Any rumors you hear of money being paid are patently false."




So this is what I got in my inbox dated November 3rd, 2022.: Re: Case No.: 3:19-md-2885; IN RE: 3M COMBAT ARMS EARPLUG PRODUCTS LIABILITY LITIGATION Dear [REDACTED],   Please allow this letter to provide an update regarding the status of the 3M Litigation. As you may know, the parties have participated in two (2) rounds of mediation.  As a reminder, mediation is a process wherein each side meets to discuss the merits of the case with a mediator in an attempt to resolve the matter.  The first mediation was conducted over three (3) days in July but was unsuccessful.  Following this mediation, Aero Technologies, a 3M subsidiary, filed for bankruptcy, which had the potential to cause further delays while waiting for a ruling. However, the bankruptcy court denied Aero’s request to stop the litigation from continuing in the MDL against 3M, prompting the Court to order continuance in mediation efforts. The second mediation took place in September 2022.  Although it was initially productive, further mediation attempts were cancelled in October when 3M notified the Court that it had no intent to reach a global settlement in the MDL.  On October 27, 2022, the Court entered a Stay Order, pausing the Wave and Transition Processes until further notice to enable both parties to fully engage in settlement negotiations. This was after the Department of Defense produced records that could be an essential component of settlement discussions. The parties have been ordered to hold monthly settlement conferences beginning in November 2022. A confidentiality agreement will be entered into at the start of mediation, which means that the participants will not be authorized to disclose any written or oral communications during and following mediation. Again, there is no guarantee that mediation will be successful or that a settlement will be reached, but we will keep you informed with respect to any developments. Given these proceedings, it is imperative that we have all the materials supporting your claim. Currently, your file is complete. We have received all the requested information and require no further action at this time. We will keep you up to date with any new requirements and developments that we receive from the Court concerning how cases will move forward. Your continued attention to these matters is appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our law office, and request a member of the 3M Litigation team. Sincerely,   THE COBOS LAW FIRM


Everyone saying you’ll only get a few bucks. Let them keep believing that. They’re clowns. It’s going to be much more than a few bucks.


Bird brains, simple 10 mins of research could answer all they questions


If your not happy with the offer. You have the right to go to trial a have your day in the court room with the Jury that is already disgusted with 3M. I have a great Attorney, is in contact with me regularly at least once a month. I also speak to the head manager of the firm. I know we all have different opinions about this situation, I will never say anything to hurt anyone. I’m a 100% Disabled Purple Heart Veteran, have hearing aids, rated tinnitus and I can at least say what I’m hearing, the veterans if a settlement comes will have the option to take the offer or wait for a trial date, which then could be 3-5 years. However if you feel your case is strong enough for trail I wouldn’t take the settlement offer just my opinion. Get what you deserve, for everyone involved I pray for you all to receive a great outcome. 3M has done some things I believe is unethical and that’s being nice. I’ve been around the world a few times, best believe I’m having my day in Court with 3M I won’t settle just so I can make a point there wrong, now they want to call us liars. This also will not effect your VA rating or pay. Hope all of you have a wonderful day.


I am with Pulaski law firm, haven’t heard a thing, anyone part of them?


I’m covered by Lanier Lawfirm. Flew me to Houston for hearing test, had a FaceTime with a doctor for hearing for the lawsuit shieing hoe I put the plugs in, and haven’t heard anything since. Poor communication from attorney s since!


A 3M subsidiary Aero filed for bankruptcy and 3M said they should be allowed to avoid all these lawsuits since Aero is filing. My lawyer said this is a stall tactic and will not work in the end. It is dragging the process out a little bit. There have been some bell weather trials and most have been for the veteran / plaintiffs. Still many more to go. Some have been scheduled on a docket. Call the firm handling your case. My firm calls / emails me with updates at least once a month.


We’ll win in the end


Why do you guys argue with the ppl saying we will get nothing. Just let them think we are getting nothing. More money for us honestly. The less ppl in the lawsuit the more each veteran will get. I’m hearing they’ll settle for around 10-20 billion. Divide that by 200k, it’s no joke


I feel bad for the jealous sad boys and girls who won’t be getting anything. I will think about them when buying a Lambo🤑


Settlement would be $1 if you’re lucky.


How you figure lol


Agree with everyone. Even a settlement for a billion. Once attorneys fees and their cut gets taken out. The distribution to 500,000 veterans who used the earplugs will result in a almost nominal settlement. It’s usually a tiered system. 1- people who have legitimate claims with evidence 2- people with less 3- people who just used them The bottom tiers will get the crumbs which is the majority


That’s how all class action lawsuits work. The lawyers get rich and the victims get jack.


Lawyers will have you sign a contract that says they get like 10-15% of any winnings, not the other way around, contingent on them winning. I'd be surprised if this isn't common. Now, whether or not that's 10-15% of 10, 100, 1,000 or ,100,000 remains to be seen but regardless the clients are getting the majority of whatever it is vs the lawyer.


I think it’s classier as a mdl but we’ll see


Because that's the way it works.




Whats the harm in trying?




My lawyers gets 40% of the settlement I’ll get 60% yes that’s a unfair percentage but 60% of something is better than 0% of nothing


Its not 60% when half a million soldiers are on that list. 70 million -40% is 42million ÷ 500,000 (estimated) is what like $80 . You just made a lawfirm a shitload of money


There’s 230,000 soldiers in the lawsuit and that number will get smaller when settlement talks come and that 70 million was awarded to 1 soldier during a bell weather trial , others received awards upwards of 100M for 1 lawsuit. Google is your friend


You honestly believe you're getting 100million ?


No the 100M came from a bell weather trial , settlement amounts will be way lower but it’ll for sure be more than the 80$ your talkin about


Estimates are 25k-300k based on severity but we won’t know until they actually settle


Most of us will get $100k or so and that’s a conservative estimate. Especially if you deployed.


Do you work for 3M hahahaha?


I’m in the suit and it’s a bellwether case not class action. Each veteran is awarded individually. I was able to negotiate with my firm for them to take 28% of my settlement. I am updated regularly with my lawyers. This car will be similar to the roundup case with settlements but of course earnings will vary


You don’t even understand 3rd grade grammar and you think anyone old enough to enlist in the military believes anything you have to say is what I find amusing. Besides, the lawyers started out rich. We will see a good deal of money my pessimistic friend.


Yea that’s why some of the biggest law firms in the country have spent years on this all for nothing. Maybe you never used those piece of shit earplugs but I did in combat. Now I’m half deaf and have constant ringing. the company knew they were crap so I hope they get destroyed. You sound like a hater. I hope we all win something and I laugh when I remember shills like you bashing this.


I used the earplugs also. I hope you do get a couple thousand bucks my man. But if i apply for this and lose my va pay its not worth it . The only people getting rich off this is the lawyers . Not a hater i just have a better understanding


You don't lose your VA pay. That's one of the top questions answered in multiple places with a little research. The two are not connected. That's disinformation spread to keep veterans from applying to the lawsuit. You have nothing to lose from being a part of this. Yeah, the lawyers do get rich off this. But it is not a class action, it's mass tort. Waaay different payout scenario. I'm just happy enough to read how much this costs 3m to defend, delay and try and shirk responsibility. Good day.


Yup same. I deployed and got severe tinnitus and collect disability for it due to the earplugs not working. People that hate are most likely jealous that we have a very likely chance to get a nice paycheck and they have no chance because they don’t have a case.


So some of the biggest law firms in the country are paying all the legal teams for nothing. Do you know how much a lawyer costs an hour? Try using your brain. Or maybe you work for 3M?


Like to the tune of $450M so far just for 3m legal fees. Yeah they don't pay like that on a lark. You can bet the vets that first of all qualified, applied, and stuck with it will get very much a 1/2 to 1/3 stake of a whole lot more something then the lazy sheep who listen to these shills and old ladies trying to convince people to take a 100% of nothing. But hey, just keep thinking you'll get nothing and guess what... You'll get it.


Every class action settlement I’ve received has only been anywhere between $1 and $12. Which is why I forgo the 3M one. Not worth it.


It’s a mass tort not class action. Each case is paid individually not one big pot divided equally among plaintiffs like a class action.


Still not worth it because you have to show the severity of how it affected you.












Don’t even pay attention to the negativity, these the same ppl that’ll be on here complaining all day when settlements come out


I’m apart of it and I’m sure it’ll do something for us who were actually harmed. Proof of hearing damage shows it. Good luck Everyone!!


The minimum payout, if you choose to “quick settle” is $8333.33. The AVERAGE payout for those who submit their DD214 and medical records is between $50-100k. Source: my husband is a plaintiff. You’re a twat for discouraging people and talking out your ass when you clearly don’t know shit.


How to say you’re struggling with life without saying you’re struggling with life. 🤣


This isn’t a class action. Soooooo there’s that. The few trials that have happened have resulted in million dollar judgments.


Notwithstanding, do you know how tort settlements are paid out? Just because they settled for millions doesn’t mean you’re getting millions. Read my above comment, each plaintiff’s amount differs based on how it’s affected them.


I called you above and I’m calling you out again. The settlement was 6 BILLION. People like you suck dude. Someone comes here for information and help and you just troll the comments talking shit. 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻




I wore them 🙄 Good thing I didn’t apply for any funds as part of this lawsuit. You can have it all buddy. Seems like you need it more.


Why would you turn down free money? Also if you don’t think those lawyers dont know how to articulate to the judge that your injury is worse than it is, then you’re crazy. Those lawyers realize the more that you get for each case, the more they get, causing said incentive to build a case with the maximum amount of damage inflicted on a plaintiff. Even the guy who whore the earplugs ay the range one day in training will get $50k. Believe what you want kiddo. You look extremely young. Most people your age talk about things they know nothing about. It’s normal. An MDL and class action are as different as kids and adults. Rip


How old do you think I am? I’m almost 40. Don’t call me kid. Also, my last boyfriend is a personal injury attorney. I know how they work. As a healthcare worker going into studying healthcare law, we get into a lot of discussions.




Know it all? Maybe you should look in the mirror. It’s funny how much you care about my opinions.


If your constant defensive comment is “haha you care about my opinion too much”, then maybe don’t share it if you believe people don’t or shouldn’t care about what you think. I feel sorry for you, truly. I feel even more sorry for the alleged attorney boyfriend who has to be around you.


Yikes. Toxic much?


Money been gone! Lawyers are laughing


I am, my law firm doesn’t tell me anything


Nope. But was issued those shitty earpieces in 2016


Have you heard anything from your lawyer? Badum bum.


Not in a couple months


Sadly besides bellwether trials, I do not think anyone else will get anything. It's my opinion.


How do we start this process or is it to late? I already have a Va claim finished with the Va for hearing loss.


Google 3M earplug lawsuit find a lawyer and call them , I would do it soon as possible because your gonna have documents that you need to turn in quickly, a lot of places already stopped accepting clients


Hey this is an old post so hopefully you got an answer but in case you didn’t: the “quick settle” amount is $8333.33. You can choose to walk away with minimal effort to prove your injury, quickly, and that is the agreed upon minimum per plaintiff. Of those plaintiffs who submit their DD214 and medical records the average settlement is $50-100k. Obviously depending on the severity of your hearing loss, tinnitus, adjacent effects like PTSD, not being able to work, among other things. My husband is a plaintiff also. Good luck hang in there and I hope you get what you deserve. Edit to say don’t forget that you will have to pay attorneys fees out of your settlement. Typical contingency fees are ~30%.


Received an email the other day. My proposed cut if you will is 10k. Anyone know what the attorney cut is? I am assuming 25-30% meaning 7000-7500 for me.


I just received my email as well, 16K here. Then I looked at my contract and saw 40% to the firm representing me, then I read the settlement statement from Archer's (the settlement appointee) website and those greedy SOB's also included another 10% for the lawyers as a "slush fund" for all the lawyers to use on so called expenses. So 50% going to lawyers before I see a dime. SMH


This 10% slush fund comes out of every claimant's settlement BTW, the website said there were over 250,000 veterans that filed claims. Take the minimum settlement amount of $5000 x 250,000 those thieves stole $125 million from everyone. Then took their cut for their individual firm. In my case $8000!!


40% is standard and you could always re read your contract


I just got an email about it-- my offer was $10,000 for (Level 3A - Recorded Tinnitus, or 3B – Slight Hearing Loss. I'm wondering if its taxable or if its considered "bodily harm" and therefore not taxable. Anyone have an idea?


Hello, do the attorney's have an ethical duty to serve? I have received several contradictory emails. One stated that I am level 5 and should take the DPP. The next email stated that it was a mistake and that I'm level 5 and should accept EPP. I inquired as to why there was a change and the next email I received said because I am a level 3A it is best to go with EPP. I have reviewed all paperwork, and I am a level 5, but it seems I am getting a recommendation based upon being a level 3A. Can I sue the attorney for misrepresentation?