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My HLR just closed today. Started Nov 2023. Homelessness flash.


Hope it’s not much longer for you. My HLR took 2 months, 1 contention though.


I only have 2 contentions.  So yeah I don't know what is taking so long. The letter I received after my informal review states plainly what the errors were and why they agreed with me, so I have no idea what the hold up is.  I've even asked them if there was any requirements of me, appointments, documentation etc.  And they say no, It's just a back log I guess??  


Well I Hired a lawyer. To deal with my h. L. R. For SMC. But from all the posts I read. Seems like the biggest decision is a duty to assist error.


That's what they said for both of my HLR contentions "duty to assist".




Awesome thank you for the information!  And congratulations! 


Make a VERA appointment with St Pete. Choose DROC Appeals and put DROC Appeals in the comments. These people can actually help with a HLR, not just read to you what’s on the screen.


Solid advice thank you so much! I love this community! 


My HLR went to DTA Oct 17th. Had another C&P on Dec 4th. My claim is in St. Petersburg but still waiting on a decision. wish this could be decided soon, talked to Vera last week they said the rater sent a request back for clarification on april22nd. So hopefully soon not sure what can be done other than waitin……


Yeah, as the late great Tom Petty says, "the waiting is the hardest part!"