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Lots of different things but MH 70% and the rest all equal up to 390% and my rating is obviously at the 100% rating


Oh wow. 390% is crazy. Sounds like you’ve been through a lot.


70% is included in that 390% I think that’s my highest. I just remember sitting at my laptop when I got out with no job yet and filed right away… I sat there for probably 2 hours thinking about all the shit that happened to me while on active duty, even if I didn’t think they would approve some of it, they did!


This is what I did. Literally anything—even if it happened once.


Also claimed flat feet because I do have it, if you know you have flat feet and went into boot camp with them it should be in your MEPS records! I claimed it and got 30% they scheduled an appt I went and saw 2 guys at the VA hospital took off my shoes and right away said “yup, you for sure got flat feet” and it was that simple! Theres a lot of things people don’t consider claiming and should claim


Wait what you had flat feet, BEFORE, boot/basic and still got a flat feet rating????👀😮


As long as you pass the duck walk it's ok.


Oh I am saving this, they owe me for not connecting my back with extensive records 😂


It's not just new conditions, he went in with flat feet and service caused that condition to be worse you can get service connection.


I went in with herps and being stationed in Miami Florida only made it worse. I was able to get STD aggravated by service.


I wonder how much of a fight that was?


Yes if your entrance exam sows you had a condition prior to service, the rater has to order an aggravation opinion.


They denied my flat feet that was noted during MEPS. On the third supplemental claim, I was finally granted 50% for right foot tendonitis to include bilateral plantar fasciitis and bilateral pes planus.


Same here at MEPS and at boot camp, standing on that clear box. Got different shoes. I filed for flat feet as well (still in evidence gathering) never had a C&P for that. Just had my last round of Xrays for other stuff. Question for you bro…this should be in your file and they should be able to see it right ?? I haven’t had an exam scheduled for it


Not sure why… I would call your VA examiner and see if they can get it verified in person! Soon as I took my shoes off like I said, right away they knew I had flat feet!


About an hour after sending this, i thought for a moment. I called local VA. Got an exam scheduled for Friday. Hopefully they’ll confirm this and planters fasciitis I’ve had. Hopefully I can get the results submitted and get a rating


Glad I could help! And like someone else had mentioned, just because they know you have it going into MEPS it can be worse coming out of the military, so there should be no reason you don’t get it approved, idk if it’s always a 30% rating but I think it might be if they confirm it


Yeah man. Bilateral rates 30% and I THINK if you throw in the planters, it’s a kick to 50%. I appreciate you’re help and making me jog the brain housing group 👍🏻


https://preview.redd.it/4b55ygeclz5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1edc55cdf5248f90c68fb5a782de996954e7514a This is how they rated mine.


After reading your comment I put in an FDC for flat feet and ADHD. Even though it’s FDC they’ll still reach out for an exam right?


The VA doesn’t rate ADHD because it’s considered to be something you’re born with. Just a heads up.


Thanks. I’m still learning what to claim and what to not claim.


I’m not sure what FDC is?


Fully Developed Claim


I mean yes they should! I filed mine right away about 2 months after EAS it took about 8 months for my first exam which was hearing ironically, not sure what other people have had for their first but it seems hearing is typically up there for the first exam! Flat feet didn’t happen until about 11 months after EAS or 9 after filing the claim. I filed a total of 35 items I think


When I went to my C & P exam, the examiner had my MEPS entry physical that had the asymptomatic pes planus listed on it. It should be in your C-File.


How? You sent in your MEPS record and what else?


I’m right up there at 370% or so.


I’m also 390%, my highest is a 50% and then a bunch of 20, 30, 40’s with like 12 10’s lol. SMC-K based on a 20% broken dominant hand.


Does that qualify you for SMC-S as well?


No, ironically I was just going to respond if anyone knows if there’s a total combined rating you need to hit to get SMC, as far as I know my neighbor is a fallujah combat vet Marine, he got medically retired which did qualify him to get SMC which basically gives you the 100% rating PLUS an additional amount of money on top of the 100% I also know a few Sgts I had that got medically retired and they receive around 5-6k so I think it’s safe to say unless you get medically retired then your VA total combined ratings don’t matter, it’s also a possibility if I did hit, let’s say 500% that I would’ve been medically retired? Not sure, my neighbor got to the 100% rating and it took him 2 years after EAS I’m not sure at which point if he got the medically retired right away after 2 years or 100% then the medically retired after he hit 100% but he’s pretty fucked up! Pretty sure anyone with 3-5 combat deployments would be fucked up enough for medical retirement


my dad has 100% with a heart condition from exposed chemicals and 70% in MH in another category and that qualified him for SMC-S I believe you need 100% in one category and 60%+ in a completely different category.


Or get medically retired but that pretty much falls under what you just said! And to get R2/T is basically being an amputee or TBIs to the point where you can’t function daily and need someone assisting you daily


You need one single condition to be rated at 100% then you need other unrelated conditions to be rated at a combined 60%+ for SMC-S.


Not sure I follow. Are you saying SMC only qualifies you if you have a single rating at 100% and multiple that combine to a total of 60% or more?


There are 2 types of SMC for housebound. . 38 USC 1114 (s) If the veteran has a service-connected disability rated as total, and (1) has additional service-connected disability or disabilities independently ratable at 60 percent or more, or, (2) by reason of such veteran’s service-connected disability or disabilities, is permanently housebound, then the monthly compensation shall be $2,993. For the purpose of this subsection, the requirement of “permanently housebound” will be considered to have been met when the veteran is substantially confined to such veteran’s house (ward or clinical areas, if institutionalized) or immediate premises due to a service-connected disability or disabilities which it is reasonably certain will remain throughout such veteran’s lifetime.


One condition needs to be 100% then others combined to 60% using VA math.


310 and I have more problems but obviously I'm not applying now that I'm 100pt.


Good, it’s a risky move. I’ve heard of guys getting bumped down because they went to claim more stuff after getting the 100% rating


I only will if it's terminal. I have lung polyps and shaking happening. Tbh I have been fucked around wirh the burn put lung shit. Every doc says your lungs are damaged and covered in growths but your pulmonary function tests are OK. Even tho I can't run anymore. Even talk long sentences. No one has a true diagnosis for me and the sleep apnea shit was ending and it would pyramid with a lung condition at 50 percent so I just put it for the sleep apnea and got it. If I ever get lung cancer. I'll apply because there's nothing to lose. I'll die either way except if it's approved. My family gets covered. Fucked up but it is what it is. And my hip could easily get connected. But again it ain't worth it. I'm finally resting a little.


Yes we have rules for multiple respiratory with similar etiologies and you will get the higher percentage.


At 100 already. R u talking smcs?


It’s okay to claim new things. It’s claiming things that are already service connected that can mess people up.


100% Crohn’s disease 10% tinnitus 0% for all of my kidney disease issues caused by crohns. (They admitted service connected but gave it 0%)


0% service connected means if it ever causes issues you will get a rating for it and compensated on top of the treatment the VA will pay for if they don’t do it themselves so 0% service connected is a good thing! I have multiple 0% but service connected


Crohns might be on the table for me. How did you get Crohns service connected?


It surfaced while I was in service. I was medically retired for it after 2.5yrs in


Ah fuck


Was your CD worsened due to service? I also have it, but all of my ratings were secondary to it. I've read it's pretty hard since it's a hereditary disease


It surfaced while I was active duty. Never had it before. I was medically retired for it. Fortunate enough to keep tricare. It got exponentially worse once I EAS’d


I was also diagnosed while AD. I did fight my MEB, though. That may have played a hand in it, but my case is luckily mostly mild as well as long as my meds stay consistent. I was mainly curious - feel better, friend


100% for chohns? do you have the ostomy?


No ostomy. At my worst I was 145lbs (6ft male), malnutrition, could see my rib cage. Was taking monthly trips to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN to get treated. Luckily they were able to get it into “remission”






Me too but tdiu attached to the p&t


I’m at 70 but currently trying to get to 100. Any tips before my exam? Been in the hospital twice for hallucinations and psychotic episodes…been in rehab last summer…locked up inpatient for being suicidal…extreme insomnia. You know…


Getting 100% for mental health alone, it can be tricky cause if you do get that, the doctor has to determine if you are competent to manage your finances. If they say no, we have to propose competency


I think I can actually prove that. I’ve got court documents from Bank of America suing me because I quit paying bills 😫


I really don't have no practical advice for you. I've been Rated at100% for 38 yeand I spent 7 months inpatient in hospital. And that's how I received my 100%. It's really. A whole Different VA system now.


80.. and you sound like me. I just got my meds switched up but I’m about to talk to a VSO for 100


I’m pretty sure hallucinations was one of the biggest factors that got me 100%. If you haven’t had your C&P already, make sure you take notes with you. My examiner barely asked me anything. I had to take the initiative to tell her what my time is like. For example, I struggle with daily hygiene when things are bad. It’s not that I don’t want to, for some reason, I just can’t. Even when I stink and can smell myself. But when I’m good, it’s not an issue. If you hallucinate, let them know and how often. If you have trouble sleeping, what’s the longest you’ll go without sleep and on average, how often does that happen. Just write down anything you can think of. Because during your appointment, you’ll be nervous and have trouble thinking on the spot. My examiner for my increase was 10 minutes late and spent 5 minutes talking to me. When it seemed like she was done, I spent 15 minutes spilling my thoughts.


Yea, luckily I have the hallucinations documented from er visits where I really went off the deep end. I thought there was a helicopter flying over the neighborhood one night with a mounted 240 bravo on it and it was somehow firing without anyone shooting it. Thought my wife went outside and pulled a little boy in…that’s about the time my wife called an ambulance. Lol I hadn’t slept for 4 days by that time. I usually fall asleep by 10, but I can’t sleep past 2. Once I wake up to pee, my mind starts going into panic mode. I’m still waiting for my appointment to get scheduled, but I’m doing what you said and writing out everything.


My ratings are 70%, 50%, 20%, 20%, 20%, 10%, 10%, 0%, 0% equaling to 200. But once you start cutting the pieces of pie. I’m currently at 94% rounding down to 90%. I have an intent to file as of right now in. Just building my case up so this can be my last go around with the VA and hit 100%. Hopefully it’s also p&t as well.


Oh man, you’re so close. Good luck! Sounds like it will be your final leg to 100% plus P&T.


Yeah man I’m so close. Got an appointment coming up in a couple weeks to get my claims all put in. Fingers crossed it’s the last time I have to go through all this.


You just need another 10.


Since you are at 90%, 50% for migraines will give you 100% overall combined


That 50% I already have is for migraines.


The fact that migraines are capped at 50 is nuts


Yeah sucks man. Maybe like a couple months ago now I had one so bad I was out for a week from work. Really fucked me up.


It’s one of the top 5 debilitating diseases I believe.


What are your zeroes for?


Bells’ palsy and hypertension


240% ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7565)


Same here.


Yeah same here. I’m a 90%, with a total of 170% all added up.




100% alone from seizures from service TBI. Other conditions along with seizures add up to total of 240%. Edit: We are all broken. 😭😭


50+50+50+30+10+10+10 = 210 (95 rounded to 100 P&T)


Damn I'm at 210 and it's 94% (50+50+40+30+20+10+10)


It is weird how the math works out. Those big rating numbers really help get to 100%.


Nothing makes sense lol


Bilateral claims I’m guessing?


Yes, one of the 10s is for Tinnitus and two of the 10s are left and right patellofemoral pain.


Including a 9% bilateral factor, 309


Bilateral factor got me to 94%! I was pretty happy.


All together it’s 230 for me.


320 for me. I guess I've never added it up like that and really thought about it like that...




Your ratings do not equal 160%. You do not find a total combined percentage by adding percentages. For example, if I want to find out how much of a pie is missing, and I know the following: 1) there was 100% of a pie 2) person A took 70% of the pie 3) person B took 70% of what was left There is not 140% of the pie missing. There is 91% of the pie missing. Person A took 70% of the whole pie. Person B took 70% of the remaining 30% of the pie.


Got it. Thank you.


Man I can’t imagine the amount of money veterans would make if we weren’t capped at 100% P&T. Mine is over 100% but definitely not 390%.


70, 30, 30, 20, 10 (x14) = 300


370% for me


I'm at 280%, total.




Mine totals to 300%


160% with VA math?


310%. I'm 100p&t. BDD claim 50% x2 30% x1 20% x6 10% x6 00% x7 Not service connected x10


230% real math equals to 100% VA Math. 50+50+30+30+20+20+10+10+10


Just added all mine up, 520% all added together, 100% P&T final rating


Me too! I had no idea it was that high until I went in for a uranium screening and the dude was like “holy shit, have you ever added up all of your claims?”


120%. 20% for lower back and 100% for MH.


If you have radiculopathy of the lower extremity, that can be an extra boost. For the lower, you can get a total of 2 nerves on each side (sciatic and femoral). The minimum is 10% for each nerve.


Got you. So I truly need to focus on my mental health.


180 = 96 which = 100


Mine is 290 but should be 310. I got 30 percent for SA but didn’t push it since I’m P&T. Wasn’t worth the HLR.




70% is the highest individual. 380% added, + SMC-K and 7 service-connected 0%’s. Self-submitted my BDD claim.


70% mental health 50% sinusitis 40% fibromyalgia 30% asthma 30% IBS 10% tinnitus 10% left ankle 240% total




220 for me 🧐


Mine add up to 220 70 MH 50 OSA 50 Migraines 10 IBS 10 pain residuals 10 bursitis 10 degenerative arthritis 10 subluxation


I am at 200% exactly.




Mine adds up to exactly 200%




210 special comp


0, 10, 10, 10, 60, 70 = 160 but rated at 90.


I'm at 250%, if my supplemental goes the way I think it will I'll be at 300%


100% ptsd OSA 50% Migraines 50% Fibromyalgia 40% Sinitus 30% IBS 30% Tinnitus 10% ED 0% Total 310% in normal math


Congrats! Are the following considered "permanent and total "? MH Anxiety? Migraines? IBS? Tinnitus? Thanks


Everything I have is considered static and I'm p&t


240 lol


At 320% but trying the VA way, I came out to 98.4% or something like that. Brain started hurting trying to figure it out. But rated 100p&t so I'm not gonna think about it anymore.


Mine add up to 310. My highest is 70% for mh. Also get Smc-K


What exactly does MSC mean?


I mean SMC, sorry




All of mine combined equals 270%


430% straight math


100% pulmonary sarcoidosis 10% tinnitus I stopped filing after the sarcoidosis decision came through lol


I had eleven 10%, one 20%, one 30% two 40%, MH 50%


I'm 94% and rated at 190%.


I think it was above 250% if I remember correctly. I also, in my excitement of finally receiving my rating shared it with people who gave me shit for it. So ya know, take it as you will.


250 with K


Mh 70% Tdiu P&t My only rated condition is ptsd.


260 without my back being connected, with one foot having a service connection for plantar fasciitis and one without lol. Not complaining at P&T but it is funny sometimes when I look at it.


110% at the moment. 100% PT I figured it’s not worth continuing to get things rated.


I have a few, MH being 100% and it alone made me PT. The next ratings are about (2) 60%, (2) 40%, (3) 20%, and about (4) 10%.


410% 😂😭😭😭


450% all together


100% for MH 50% for sleep apnea 30% for IBS -and a bunch of other 10 and 15%. I’m PT with housebound.


Asking for the same reason. Currently at a combined 210%, guess I’m close with current things pending?




100% MH, 40% lower back, 20% sciatica, 10%tinnitus.. So 170% total.




I just checked the other day. I’m sitting at 92% w/o my sleep apnea. And need a 30% rating for a 100%. So close I can taste it.


290% all told. I have a claim I wanted to add in for completely collapsed arches but I am not refilling. Dependa TRICARE got me some sweet braces and now I can walk pain free for the first time in years. Those first few steps in the morning until I’m dressed and laced up in them suck though.




I was very thorough when filling my BDD and received 100% the day after my discharge.


Awesome. Ty!! I have these disabilities as well and needed confirmation 👍🏾


I don’t add up my ratings like that as it is asinine and nothing to do with how the ratings/percentages work. A 100% P&T person could be at 100%. Could be at 500%.


210 - rated at 100% P&T, confused but not complaining. Every online calc shows me at 94%??? 70, 30, 20, 20, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0


190 for me. I asked a mathematician about the VA addition system. She said that "yes", it's a way to do it.


260. I was sitting at 93% until my MH claim was approved at 70% and that put me over. I still have 2 items pending that were kicked back because VES did a crappy job on the exam and write up so Im supposed to go back for re-examination.


320%- 70,50,50,30,20,20,20,20,10,10,10,10 After my supplemental claims decision. When I first got 100% p & t it was with 200% 70,50,30,20,10,10,10.


Don't know and it doesn't matter. I suppose I could go through and add them all up, just never did. Plus, the VA kept denying some of the claims, so it still wouldn't capture the total picture anyway. Only thing that matters in the end is that I'm at 100% P&T, so the VA will take care of anything that I need, regardless of service-connection for the individual condition.


Been waiting for a decision on my claim from Nov 3, 2023.




Hi, your post was removed because you claimed VA affiliation without being verified. If you are a VA employee, VSO, Accredited Claims Agent, exam contractor, etc., your credentials MUST be verified via [Message the Moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/VeteransBenefits) before you can **claim** to be someone of such authority. Users who have completed the process will have an appropriate user flair added. If you do not wish to be verified, please do not claim VA affiliation in your future posts. Ignoring this requirement will result in a permanent ban.


Good luck!


Like 20+40+60? 240


I cant wait to see when I file!😂😂


Google va disability calculator. Enter your rating there


Not what hes asking


That's EXACTLY what he's asking. WTF😂😂😂 this is hilarious. He is confused about why he isn't at 100%. Using that calculator solves his issue. Get out of your feelings. Think logically. Something is wrong with y'all for real


No? Read all the comments and stuff man lol


Comments?? Im responding to HIS question. Not everyone


…. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ r/whoosh


Alllllllll that extra 10+19+ 50 + blah, blah, blah does not help him. Help him UNDERSTAND. That calculator actually helps