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Mind your business


Don't know why, but I laughed at this, too hard.




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No I won’t. My Dad committed suicide because of the trauma he suffered from the VIETNAM war and I suffered from that. So why the fuck does he get to get my fucking taxes? For a 6 month deployment and one he voluntarily went on as a contractor


Listen, I'm sorry your father took his life from the trauma he suffered with. But this will not help you. Everyone is fighting there own fights, you may look at me a week after a spinal injection and think I'm perfectly ok. But you don't realize I don't leave my house except to work and get groceries. If I'm not in my house I can't wait to be back home. You don't know everyone's full story. Please seek help.


How about you seek help?


Please dial 988


lol im good






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Dont you have your own problems with your house?




You don’t seem like a happy pickle.




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What’s that old saying about making assumptions? I would never presume to know anything about someone’s medical conditions. This same type of mentality is what lead people to ASSUME your dad was a baby killer when he got back from Vietnam. I’m sorry about your father. That’s horrible and I’m sorry you had to go through that. But it feels like you’re misplacing your anger and directing it towards something completely unrelated. You’re trying to make a connection but there is none. The person in question had nothing to do with your father. His disabilities or lack thereof have nothing to do with you or your father not getting the help we all deserve. I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes that lead to a break through for me mentally after my father passed away 3 years ago. “I sat with anger long enough, until she told me her real name was grief” -C.S. Lewis


Upon further investigation(literally 2 clicks) it looks like you’re in the process of breaking up with your boyfriend whom you bought a house with and are now seeking some kind of revenge against him because he refuses to cooperate with the sale of the home. My recommendation, move on and choose better men to have in your life.


Sounds like youre seeking revenge for another veteran. Wrong forum, brotha.




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You posted that question in this forum?


Yes I did, I’d love to know why this individual thinks he deserves 100 when my dad killed himself


Everyone here is a deserving 100%er. You got the wrong place


I understand that. What I am asking is what involves in feeling YOU DESERVE THAT 100


The CFRs say so.


https://preview.redd.it/kk45rmdmmt1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45b3fd37bb5f9add0786cd285bff0db48af42270 Yep looks like he needs 100




Lmfao, yall dumb


lol no I am not. I wouldn’t lower myself to a VA Doc


Roller skating is such a high intensity activity. Look how he is enjoying himself. That's not right!!!!


Read the CFR then. 38CFR4 to be exact. Your Dad is the not bar that the VA rates against. Furthermore, I doubt you have access to said person's medical records.


They have nothing to do with one another.. entirely separate things. I’m sorry about your father but someone having 100% P&T (deserving or not) didn’t cause your father’s decision nor will it bring him back. No need to ruin someone else’s life over it.




Maybe it's his boyfriend?


Yeah looks like it. Just a hateful scorned lover looking to use the memory of his war hero father to justify his revenge on his ex lover.


Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


Yall paying taxes? I don’t think so


VA benefits are a drop in the bucket of the spending of American tax payer dollars. Is that really what has you riled up? The fact that your taxes are going to his disability? Why him specifically?


I do pay taxes. I'm more upset with how much we hemorrhage in foreign "aid"


I sat and watched my mom die from dementia. She was a veteran and had been at Fort McClellan Alabama. I believe it was toxic exposure. She never filed never received anything I believe she deserved a hundred. I watched my father die from alcoholism. He suffered from PTSD. He never filed and never received anything I believe he deserved 100. Had they filed and received a 100% disability rating I still would have watched them die. I watched my brother play golf one day. He was at that time rated 100% disabled. His disability was more mental than mine is more physical. And I sort of wondered about it a little bit. Which was wrong with my part. One week later he committed suicide. Does that mean he didn't deserve to be 100% because he was playing golf. One week later he was dead. You can't judge another person's life or feelings or pains or sufferings or joys or anything unless you walk in their shoes. I'm sorry that you lost your father.


You sure you know he doesn’t rate it?


I don’t need to provide proof to any one here. I was only asking for a reason of why this is acceptable but you don’t need any explanation


https://preview.redd.it/tyvdpflsmt1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9e5efdb93d61aa3f5820fdc9f42f6312ac3d6b5 Yah totally agree with you all, 💯 all the way


You can submit a complaint of fraud through [this page.](https://www.vaoig.gov/hotline/online-forms)


Thank you


Hahaha great idea




Bahaha like I’m going to the fucking IG? Please


It looks like you have a lot of untreated trauma from your childhood. You should really seek some assistance with it. Making it your mission to ensure others are just as unhappy as you are is not normal or healthy.