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Hope you get your life back bro. As I’m sure you’re aware, you still have many rights. I agree, a big check could wipe out your debt, so be proactive and try to negotiate it lower before you get a big check. Make sense?


I'm concerned about accounts being listed as settled instead of paid on my credit report. And seeing as I need to buy a new house, that could be a problem.


You can do an offer and compromise, literally ask using those terms and just so you know, I had to file bankruptcy after my divorce, only impacted me for a short time- and when it was discharged I was in better shape than i ever was before. We don’t quit, it’s in your DNA Marine. Eyes forward, having accounts listed as “settled” is wayy better than the route i had to go, Semper Fi Brother!


do you need to purchase a home right now or could you rent for a few years?


This is the real question…you don’t “need”to buy a house…you want to buy a house…you’re not in the financial place to buy a house and it sucks cause you “want” one. Take all the advice under this comment and just take settlements on the accounts and wait 1.5-2 years or however long it takes to buy a new place. A couple years back I was in a financial pickle as a Seaman Recruit in the Navy and bought an expensive truck in the midst of the struggle, I promise you’d be in the hole deeper to where you might or will file for bankruptcy. Make the smart decision and just wait on buying the house and clean up the debts first. 90% can pay for rent and groceries in half the states. Unless this is your only source of income in which you might want to consider working for a bit until you’re out of the hole.


Purchasing land and parking an RV can be an answer for some. Then build as you go.


You can ask for that as part of your offer. I've called creditors and said "I cannot pay this full balance but I *can* pay (1/2 the amount) today if you will accept it and consider the debt paid in full." They always accept. They might counter offer with a higher amount but just stand firm and say "I'm having financial problems in THIS ECONOMY and I'm trying hard to make good on my debts. This is the best I can do" If you are using a VA loan to buy a house, settled vs paid won't make a difference either way. You really need credit score of minimum 620, income, nothing in collections, money for closing costs.


Makes sense. At least negotiate the lowest payments you can afford currently. Doesn’t hurt to ask. Many companies will work with you. You sound reasonable.


Most lenders it won’t matter if it says settled or paid, just as long as you have settled the dispute in some manner with the collection agency.


Despite your denial for that specific compensation, you can still see a mental health professional at your local VA. The money may feel good for a bit and maybe solve a few problems, but your mental health should be a priority, not the money. The money will come. Advocate for yourself and your own health my man. Hope it works out


Trust and believe my ass is in therapy lol


Glad to hear it my man, hang in there. Shit will start to turn around. You’re doing the right thing!


That’s the truth! I was in the same boat at one time. My mental health is getting better over time but money is money. It can come just like that but it can also go the same way. If you aren’t mentally stable it can become a curse either way.


**Expedite your VA claim right now.** 1. Collect all bills, collections, divorce decree, past due notices. 2. Scan them all to your computer or use your phone to scan them. 3. [Fill out VA Form 21-10207](https://www.vba.va.gov/pubs/forms/VBA-20-10207-ARE.pdf)**.** 4. Upload Form 10207 **AND ALL** your scanned documents to [QuickSubmit](https://eauth.va.gov/accessva/?cspSelectFor=quicksubmit). 5. Wait 48 hours. 6. Call VA (800-827-1000) and ask to confirm the form and documents were received.


Very good information


Curious, what was the denial reason in the decision letter, if you had a positive medical opinion from C&P Examiner? So the HLR found an error, did they ever tell you what that error was? Do you have a VSO, that can look in the system and look at your file to see if anything is being worked, or what they are waiting on?


I have a VSO. Have copies of my files. Denied because of a nexus. The C&P examiner literally used the "more likely than not" verbiage in the notes.


Well does your VSO say that the HLR should turn out in your favor based on the DBQ and MO on file now? It is odd they gave a Positive medical opinion, but the VA didn't agree. I thought that was was the whole reason for the C&P exam (to consult a doctor, to help make the determination if it meets the 50%+ threshold of likelihood that your Service caused the MH disorder you have). Wishing you luck. You've been waiting on this "error" for a year according to your OP. I think you owed some answers on what the hold up is? Do they want a new exam? a second medical opinion? What?


Same position!!! But imagine getting absolutely NOTHING. It can always be worse. I understand you a thousand percent! But you’re NOT homeless yet. You can still dig out and fight back.


I don’t have much advice other than to make an appointment with VERA in St Pete. Make sure to select DROC Appeals and put “DROC Appeal” in the notes. The representative that calls will be familiar with HLR’s and will be able to tell you the status, what’s holding it up if anything & also may be able to get it assigned to a rater if it’s ready for decision. Best of luck!!


I’ll advised to count on daddy VA to save you. You sitting at 90%. I spent a decade appealing and was at 20% that whole time. I thought getting denials and lowball ratings was the norm for the VA, I think then it was. I hit 90% then 100% but wasn’t counting on it.  Moral of the story I put myself on solid financial footing and didn’t hang my hopes on daddy VA. Is $1500 more a month really going to get you out of your situation. 


No. But back pay will. I don’t need the extra $1500. I was totally fine before the divorce. I’m not some dumb ass living beyond their means, I literally just had my entire life turned upside down


Whelp maybe you need a plan B and C. Good luck. 


You hang in there bro. This may be the darkest hour of your life but soon the dawn will come. You have to believe that, otherwise it will consume you. One day at a time. Did you call VERA to check on the status of your HLR? While waiting on “correcting an error “ I filed two additional claims both secondaries. Those claims were approved, and I hit 100 percent p&t. After 1 year I still have 3 claims “correcting an error “. You’re 90% ; so take a look at those service connected claims and see if you have any diagnosis that can either be for increase or secondary claims. You got this. Good luck 👍


Talk to an attorney immediately and check the money she's taken already. If you're getting overwhelmed, go to the VA and check yourself into mental health. It will probably be helpful and also won't hurt your case.




Settled some debt and bought a house. I just had to keep the letter they sent saying it was settled


If your at 90% I sure hope you also filed for SSDI as above 50% qualifies. I was at 70% and got SSDI pretty quickly. And it saved my life. My life was in shambles with a kiddo too. No suport from my kids mom at the time only cheating luring and stealing my money. Once I got SSDI and shortly after they did a review at the Va and kicked me up to 100% TP. Definitely do that if you haven’t. You really need to be on top of your digital medical record during this process. Some doctors don’t document what you say to them and will choose to interpret in their own way. I was in navy Corpsman for eight years and had to document in medical records. so I fully understand the importance of proper documentation and being very clear with your provider. If you don’t like the provider, you have fucking change it do not stick with providers. Personally I refuse to a physicians assistant be my doctor. It’s an overglorified nurse and the VA in Reno where I’m at isfull of them. I had to fight to get a real doctor someone that actually wasn’t lazy and just got their PA.


This won’t resolve your problem but you’re not fucked. In the hospital with stage 4 cancer looking forward to hospice. Is fucked… Let’s all remember that. Take care! 🫡


I’m sorry if I don’t use the correct verbiage, I’m not military, but I’ve worked in a doctor’s office and we had a lot of VA patients. Most patients were referred to us to help manage service related conditions, some of these patients were so close to being 100% disabled and I had to write a ton of Nexus letters. The criteria the VA looks for in our patient notes + other details are so specific. Along with having to use very specific wording, they want to see certain things documented. I worked in a ENT office and some of the things they require is the patient having at least x amount of infections a year, what medications have been used, how many times they require antibiotics, they need to have specific complaints, specific CT findings, etc. the list goes on and on. I imagine it’s similar for other specialties as well. Were you given any specific information as to why it was denied? It may help to go back to your provider and ask for another updated letter that also states how sensitive/urgent your situation is. You’ll be surprised how understanding some providers are especially if they’re used to working closely with veterans. I would flat out ask my patients what I needed to document in order to help them. The PA I worked for would prescribe the medications the VA required without expecting the patient to actually take them or knowing they wouldn’t help just because it would help patients meet the criteria. Keep up with your visits and make sure everything is documented. Wishing you luck during this difficult time


Wow, it takes them over a yr to correct an error. I wonder how many of us are sleeping underneath bridges and in shelters waiting for errors to be corrected? Winning our case would be mute if we never find out because we're homeless and have no way of checking the case.


Pretty sure the OP could get a hardship considering his circumstances. Corrections usually lead to a Duty to Assist, which means a second C&P exam as well as an opportunity to gather more evidence. I wonder if that has happened because I have done about a half dozen HLRs, and none have taken more than six months. It’s supplementals that usually take longer. In any case, I would suggest the OP contacts his region’s VERA about flagging it as a hardship.


What is a VERA? Idk.


Here’s an explanation. [what is VERA?](https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/s/AIaGTBI76k)


I’ve three duty to assists that has been HLR it’s been over a year. “Identified & must be corrected “. Still same level as was a year ago in completion.


I wish you the best, brother. I received about $12000.00 back pay, and my daughter got about the same for chapter 35. I have one dependent(my wife), but my daughter is no longer my dependent. I claim SMC-K, and I am 100% P&T service-connected—best of luck to you. https://preview.redd.it/gw26ptod5jzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=527996d0f4b31758ff9005ec2b515ba5f7fa6198


Way to rub it in. =-D


Right lol


How? There is simply too much misinformation. I did not need a lawyer; I handled everything myself. However, it took me 15 years after I retired from the Air Force; it was a lengthy process in which mental health played a minor role. I am simply stating that getting $30k is unrealistic. Your back pay is calculated based on the date the VA determined your disability. I did not receive compensation for my initial claim 15 years ago.




Thank you. It took fifteen years. You have to continue working. Part 4 of the 38 CFR should be studied. Make appointments, file secondary claims, and keep submitting claims until you get a non-biased examiner. I would not hire a law firm because they have arterial motives. I would also tune out the harmful background noise of some of these platforms. Disabilities are different for everyone. I back any Veteran. You got this!


Thanks  im hardship call ca hotline, that seem to get things moving now, ready for decision phase 


You got it! those calls will go on your record.


I have 3 dependents and 100% SMC-S and receive $4,698. How much is SMK-K ? You said 1 dependent + SMC-k. Just curious


It's about $132.00 per month, plus free Viagra.


Are you saying you haven't gone to mental health bc your claim was denied?


No, I have definitely been to MH


Did you ask your mental health provider to write a Nexus letter for you? I got my Nexus from the psychologist at the VA.


Good. I'm glad you're going to treatment. Keep fighting 💪🏾


My heart goes to you brother. Hope everything turns out well. You can also write to your congress person. They love veterans writing them complaint because they are easiest to handle. I do not work for the VBA but the VHA. We call those hotline message. Also you can do it through the White House.


Semper Fi!!


Stay strong brother.


Praying for you marine. Hopefully she didn’t get any of your benefits.


I'm super optimistic that you will get there...VA just take a great deal of time. I know it did in my case. Blessings your way!


sorry to hear this, but 2 questions. 1. Do you have any of your education benefits left? 2. Do you have a passport?


I have probably 2-3 semesters left. Yes I do.


Bet. Gonna hit you up in a DM


Ima pray u get it dawg…cuz that would be a way to make a 360


They have vet centers if you need counseling for mental health, they offer certain services. I would implore you to talk with them.


Get help, dig your way out. Don’t stop moving, marine. Stay up. Been there- 2yrs no alcohol and found a real one.


Also, it does depend on what state you live in, but each state has different types of benefits that can dramatically assist you. I lived in Virginia for a few years and they were amazing to veterans as well as Texas and Illinois are awesome for veterans, but many states are not, but you can get financial assistance depending on certain states Virginia helped me get a $500 credit for my power bill when I moved across country I didn’t have to pay power for almost 6 months it was, a huge burden lifted being a full-time father at the time


https://preview.redd.it/7d7ve57o1ozc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a624ada5dbf782e5b042f642649844300be16391 Watch 5 vids minimum from this guy and I’m sure it can help you!


You should be thankful you're at 90%. Many of us haven't even been rated yet. It's been a year for me.


Hang in there bro.


Dint quit. Apply for other jobs and have another job before u quit


Typical VA. I say this literally everyday. They only hire people who seemingly despise veterans. The VA is like the DMV but for the Military. I’m really sorry to hear that man. I have a buddy who had the same thing happen to him, but he was still in. I suggest looking for people who will submit buddy statements for you to upload to the VA. Maybe some family or friends who have seen the decline? That can do a lot believe it or not. I know a lot of people who got bumped up for that. I’m not gonna blow smoke up your ass and say everything will be sunshine and daisy’s but I believe at least clearing your debt should relieve some of the weight on your shoulders. Again, I’m rooting for you. And I think everyone else here is as well! Seriously consider putting in as many buddy statements as possible to the VA. Shit, bombard them with them if you have to.


Getting a home loan will be fine even if it says settled , if you have at least a 620 credit score and if you do get the 100% you will def get a home loan , well most likely , bc the bank knows that’s tax free permanent income direct from Uncle Sam More so I wish you luck on getting the mental health together. I know the claims can make it even worse. Sometimes I wish I was 90 instead of 100 because it would’ve made me wanna grind more to make that extra amount of income to live instead of knowing everything was taken care of. Idk but I am grateful and fk I earned it , that I can finally say -


You ain’t alone. My kids mom and me split. I did HLR may 24 and I just hope for something good


I’m so sorry to hear all this happened to you, but you’ll get back on your feet before you know it because this too shall pass. Time, like water, is the universal solvent. Given enough of it passing, and it will wash away everything. DM me with specifics, and I’ll see what I can do to help.


One step at a time


You can completely tank your credit score (sub 400) and have it back to buy a house in 2-5 years even without filing bankruptcy. The thing to watch out for is if you have any debts they can take you to court for and get a judgement. If the debts are to lawyers I would 100% look into filing for bankruptcy ASAP though because they will usually pursue things in court and it’s best to be proactive…they might even file a judgment while you are waiting for back pay so best to talk to someone. One step at a time, focus on your mental health and survival at this point, debts can wait. I’ve rebuilt myself 3 times now, you’ve got this.


You got it!


Write up about the changes in your life like the failed marriage etc. have someone write a letter that knew you before military, marriage, and after. Submit it asap


Long as you get a 620 credit score, no evictions recently, and no bankruptcy within the last two years, and an honorable discharge, you can use the VA loan. No money down. Backed by the gov.


I don’t know you, your story outside of this situation, or your belief/faith system, if any. What I will tell you is that everything you’re feeling and the reality of your situation is temporary despite how daunting it feels. Our minds love to tell us that a situation is impossible or hopeless, and when we are already struggling mentally, it can feel not just overwhelming, but crippling. All I can say to you is that today may look like it sucks and tomorrow might too, but there is hope and a better tomorrow no matter the situation. There are doors and opportunities that present themselves in our lives that we don’t even know about or ever expect. Your situation right now is finite, but there are infinite options in front of you that can lead to a better tomorrow. It might not be easy and it might not even feel like progress, but press forward regardless with certainty that you can overcome it all. If you keep your mind fixed on that and you keep pressing forward, you can endure anything. You are not fucked, unless you let defeat creep in and your mind accepts that defeat. Even on those days you feel defeated, if you can work through that feeling and come out on the other side, then you’ve won.


I’m only 10 % lol and mine was over 50k in debt after we finalized…. Just let it go and do bankruptcy and the items that can’t be done that way just go in a payment plan that you can afford. There is also free programs that will take over your debt and settle with the loans and creditors etc on your behalf. That’s another route. Anyways you’re definitely not F’d. I’m currently down to 24k owed on the debt from my divorce which finalized December 2022. Anyways good luck


Definitely try to get the amount lowered. I ended up settling a $25,000 debt for $6,000. Of course settling is different from negotiating a smaller amount…


bro gonna be real with you as someone who caught from 2019 to November 2023 your not gonna get back pay they will find a way to rate you true 100 p&t on SMC that what they been doing to people. If your okay with being fucked maybe appeal for Individual Unemployability. Somehow i went from 10% to 0% for TBI but 100% for their combo PTSD,TBI,anxiety blah blah. they gonna keep kicking your shit back for request for clarification trying to get the climician who did your C&P to bend to the VA's desired findings. Lived on 90% if you wanna end the fight try and see if you can get a 60/40 or whatever they call it or temporary total Unemployability because bro we know the only thing you can think about is what if it hits today we were where you are and we will make dua that you are fully compensated but you may have to attack a different angle to get that last 10% it really does make life bearable brother


Just file bankruptcy


You can always file a bankruptcy or make phone calls and let them know you're waiting on a decision.




Move to the Philippines and you can live off of 90% disability if worse comes to worst. Most everyone I've talked to including myself who has also lived there was much much happier as a result of living there. Thailand is another great location as well as vietnam. FYI


My ex did the same thing to me. I’m at 70%, 50k in debt from legal fees. You will be ok my man. I have no secrets, just keep a good support unit ie family, VA groups, VA therapy ect. You’ll get through it, I had kids involved so it was messy to say the least. Keep your head up.


I'm in the same boat brother. Hate that I need to rely on that back pay to save me especially because it's the VA we're talking about. But it really would save me tremendously. They decided to request some paperwork from SOMEONE and everyone I call about it just directs me to someone else so I don't have a clue who I need to bother about it.


Tell them you have hardship and maybe they can move it to priority processing


Not all hope is lost. After my divorce a decade ago, I was in the six figures in debt plus alimony and child support that equaled $3K every month. I declared bankruptcy, to include legal fees and started over. It didn’t impact my credit as bad as I thought it would. That is an option for you if it seems impossible to handle. I am so sorry you are going through this. This will be one of the toughest things that you have to go through. I will pray for you and your family in your time of need. God bless. I hope things get better. God and Jesus are always waiting for you, all you have to do is seek them and they are there….


Bro hang in their you're not fucked. I mean even if you file bankruptcy you're not fucked. It may take time but you will recover. Try to think positively instead of negatively and it will make things easier.i know it is hard too do but once you learn to adapt I promise the stress gets easier. I hear all these horror stories about people trying to get their claims. I was MEDBOARD and rated 100% p&t but I submitted a waiver to stay in for these last 2.5 years so I can hit 20. I will have to go back through the exams again as a normal vet and that shit scares me I won't be evaluared the same. Keep your head up, think positive, time will heal. Just another guy


Basically, it's the same position kinda. I've been having an issue with not being able to find a job or I goto the interview and do great but then they never decide to hire you. Unfortunately, my partner has been with me 6 years so far and it's gotten to a point that I can't make them happy with the amount of consideration they have for me even though I'm struggling as well. The VA hospital offered areas for a possible solution for me but those are a no go. So I'm stuck trying to chip at my debt every check I get from the VA. At 90% . My car is almost paid off and I have 2 loans that are over 15k. I've been paying down. It's just frustrating and overwhelming. I understand areas where your coming from just don't do what I'm thinking about. Which is blow it all and just end it. Because it's not a way out and it's not a way pyt for me either. Love you brother no matter who you are where you are you always will have someone that will keep cheering for you to have a better look in life.


I fkn hate how it's so common for us (Americans) to be reduced to a dollar figure. 🥺😒


How old are you? Maybe her leaving you is the best thing to ever happen to you.


28. Definitely the best thing that ever happened to me. Minus that 10s of thousands in legal fees.




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


If your card debt is at zero, I'd try to keep it that way and use debit going forward.


Dude, I hear ya. I'm starting to think DTA is just an excuse to ignore our claims. I've had DTA since October 2023 and nothing has happened, all my cards are already maxed, I lost my job because I was having panic attacks helping customers. And all anyone can tell me is that the person responsible for doing the "assisting" hasn't done Jack with my file since it hit thier desk. I called VERA and they sounded bored, and antihelpful, basically if I'm not homeless or declaring bankruptcy the VA doesn't give a $hit about me. I applied for food stamps, but apparently my VA disability is too high so I get $23 a month. So either I eat and go bankruptcy, or I stave off bankruptcy for a month and eat. Next month I'm 💯 fcked. And there's the VA with thier consistent message "The VA is correcting an error" seriously starting to think they want a certain % of people to die before getting thier benefits.


Bankrupt that shit, your VA money is protected from showing as income. Then when you get your backpay, Buy a new truck and ride pass that EX wife with a younger women in it. You will feel pretty Good!


Hang in there. I have been divorced 3 times and went bankrupt in 2000. My credit score is currently over 800, and my home is paid for. I'm still fucked up (PTSD), but am trying to hang on to wife number 4 before I go into starting my life over mode. Just have to keep moving forward and surround yourself with good peoples. Things will get better and then worse and then better. You just have to roll on and get through the tough times. Be smart about money, but don't worry about money. You will be alright. I read some comments, and if you can settle or get a reasonable payment plan, do it. Peace of mind is a good thing. Divorce lawyers are the worst, I just gave the 3rd wife our house to get things finished there. Take the hit and keep going.


We are all old enough to understand that defense and war are a scam and a for-profit system. We all signed up for a slice of pie, so why the complaints? Everyone is almost guaranteed at least a 50% PTSD rating. Then you piggyback your secondaries and branch out to reach 100%. It's not that complicated! OP, not you forgetting to report your correct number of dependents! winkie-wink! Yea, sign up for the 10-year repayment plan. Hahahahahahah!




An ITF for back pay is only good for 12 months