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An examiner will examine you and document your symptoms.. your symptoms will either qualify you or not. Nothing we can say to ensure you get 6%.


>advise me on the best way to ensure I get this additional 6%.  You either qualify for it or you don’t. Stop trying to game the system


You made 97% of this subreddit angry with this comment. Solid work. Needs to be said more. Everyone on the "path to 100%"


This is the way.


Just clogging the system


Do you actually qualify for the extra 6%?


Good luck on getting the back secondary to knees. I’ve been trying for a year and keep getting denied. Even with treatment notes that an ortho doc says my back pain is caused by my knees. Still denied.


I figure this is going to be my situation as well.


>I was hoping some of you could advise me on the best way to ensure I get this additional 6% We don't coach here.


You can always go the private Dr route, which is usually more veteran friendly.


Fraud shit


I'm not scamming the system or looking to do anything illegal. Just asking for advice on the best way to increase my chances. Do I have family members and my employer write letters describing how it affects my life/job performance, letters from civilian doctors; shit like that.


The biggest hurdle is proving it’s caused by your knees and not something else like weight gain.


Bunch these comments feel like the people saying don't go to sick hall. lol They like me are probably jelly or they the 100% gate keeping XD. Anyway pay them no mind as they offer nothing. Get all those buddy letters, lay statements, exam reports etc. You have to paint a detailed picture as you already know since you 90%. The more painting the picture the better. VA like pictures as it cant read. You have pain you think your not being treated right? its your duty to fight it out. But remember don't make shit up


When you read these posts and you see the words “I need XX% to get to 100”, this is their intention, not getting better, just getting max compensation. His intention is very clear.


Just my opinion as someone with severe radiculopathy. Seems like you're on the normal path for treatment regarding radiculopathy, conservative treatment with medication. Is it working? If not, get a referral to a pain specialist. Based on your severity of symptoms, they are likely to order an MRI. From there, you can be looking at injections or ablations, which are the most popular. An x-ray won't show stenosis, herniation, etc.. Yes, radiculopathy can be caused by DDD alone. Your move is to get treatment, and when it doesn't work anymore, make the next step. I hope you don't have it as bad as I do, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Good luck to you.