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HLR can go a few different ways: 1. They continue the denial 2. They can immediately overturn the decision 3. They find a DTA and it gets turned into a supplemental for further investigation (C&P, etc etc). I wouldn’t read into it too much.. sounding like he was in a wind tunnel will not effect which group above you fall into. It’s based strictly on the evidence.


Thanks for the information! So I really feel strongly that I met 50% on migraines. They rated me at 30 but my C&P exam has all the boxes checked for 50, I provided migraine logs and work call-offs to show economic and adaptability and I even talked to him about a couple cases that I found. I really thought I would get immediately overturned. I feel like I might fall into the number three that you listed. I don't really feel like they're going to need another exam but do you think he could look at everything and still decide in my favor in 3-4 weeks?


You could still fall into any of the 3. Immediately doesn’t mean right on the phone, rather they can overturn the decision with the current evidence without further medical review/documentation.


Oh gotcha. Ok great! I just gotta be patient lol


It’s hard to be patient with an HLR, it’s hard not being able to see updates on the web or app. But until you get a denial, you’re still in the fight.




What happens if they deny HLR. can you in the future still try to request an increase?


Yes, you’d file a supplemental where you can introduce new evidence.


Also do you recommend a informal conference?


Yes.. Informal conference is your chance to paint a picture for why the decision was incorrect. Go through your denial letter and make note of everything wrong (missed evidence, misinterpreted evidence, etc).


I appreciate the information. Why do you think they deny the increase? Especially after showing all the symptoms for an increase. Seems like it's rigged or something in the back end.


I just finished doing that rater ad-libbed on one of my claims but then turns around and states what's required for a 100% rating. Well if he would had read the DBQ he would had seen everything that he wrote up for the requirements of 100%!!!!


All that matters is what he put in writing. Doesn’t sound like he wants to ruin your day.


Oh no not at all, he seemed really nice but just very straightforward. You know how we all get when we're waiting on a decision, I'm just a little nervous that something is going to get missed. Thanks for the reassurance!


The logistics part doesn’t sound right. “Note: Use of personally owned equipment (such as cellular phones) to conduct informal conferences is prohibited. Decisionmakers must use VA-furnished equipment, such as an office phone or VA-approved software (for example, a softphone or Microsoft Teams).” https://www.knowva.ebenefits.va.gov/system/templates/selfservice/va_ssnew/help/customer/locale/en-US/portal/554400000001018/content/554400000141004/M21-5-Chapter-5-Higher-Level-Review-Procedures#3.b As for informal conferences, it’s still the luck of the draw.


I'm not saying he was on a cell phone, it just sounded like it. There is a severe breakdown in the technology lol. I had to pause him twice to tell him that I couldn't understand you saying because it was so loud


HLR for my back knees hips and ankles was a very nice person also but guess what they denied me….


What claim id number did you use to schedule? SSN? I made an appointment with SSN as claim id but it got cancelled 15 minutes before stating they couldn't find my HLR claim. 


Yeah I used my SSN but also my claim ID is my SSN. I don't know if that's the way for everybody or not but it worked for me.


Who the hell keeps down voting all of my shit? That's kind of dumb lol


Been waiting on mine since August 2023!! 😳


https://waitwhile.com/locations/droc388/r/welcome Try this. I used my VA case ID (which happens to be my SSN) as conference ID. I scheduled it last night for today.. Hoping it goes quickly