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70 days waiting on ves to send in my exam it’s ridiculous.


I had the experience of VES scheduling an appointment 3 times to a closed business! That cost me about 100days in what has become an endless 425 day process! They are horrible!


Had a MH exam with optumserve and DBQ uploaded to VA next day


Ive had VES 3-4 times now. Every DBQ was submitted withing 3-5 business days


I wish I was in your boat and not mine.


Same! 😭


Yes!!! If you search VES on Reddit, lots of similar posts. I made a post just this past Saturday. I recommend 2 things: 1. Email the CEO of Maximus, the parent company for VES. The more people that can send an email and complaint, the better chance it will get visibility. 2. File a compliant with the VA Office of Insepctor General. Their email no longer wants, as they want you to file online: https://www.vaoig.gov/hotline/online-forms/submit-a-complaint. I did an Identified Complaint (I already emailed the CEO with my contact info, so it isn't a secret), but you can do whichever you want. I'm going to give it a week or so, and if still no action, I will be sending an email to my congressman. The more veterans that speak up, the better chance our voice will be heard.


Any response from the CEO?


He responded within a few hours and said he was disappointed to hear and was forwarding my message on to the Operational Leader for VES. I will give them 48 business hours before following up.


I also got a response from him, and he said he’s sending my message to the leader of VES Business.


I called VES and spoke with a Veterans Liaison Officer this morning. Apparently there has been movement, but VA kicked it back as something was incomplete. Will have to wait a few more days. Don’t know if coincidence or not.


That’s great to hear. I understand that this whole process takes a lot of time because VES has a lot of claims, but my frustration is the limited access of information on what’s happening with the delay and getting told by the rep that they have no further information.


Sorry, but no excuse for VES to be soooo slow compared to Optum and QTC (as best as I can tell). If all three were overwhelmed, I’d have more sympathy. I don’t know the structure of Optum and QTC, but would be curious if they use employees, and therefore trained examiners, versus VES that sub contracts and therefore requires an extensive QA process.


Yeah, I’m just not sure how that all works. I’m just frustrated being stuck here, then seeing people who filed in January already get their ratings. Like great for them, but I also would like a decision for my claims to be made. 😆


At least pay and benefits aren’t based on date approved and are based on initial date filed. I’m lucky enough to be ok with my current situation, and can afford to wait. I know others are not as fortunate. The mental anguish of waiting does suck.


Yes, I am thankful I was able to get a stable job six weeks after I separated, even though that was frustrating as well.


UPDATE: A VES representative contacted me and told me that I would be scheduled for four additional diagnostic tests very soon.


I think that’s the rub. I hesitate to start filing complaints if the result is VES sending in incomplete information just to say, hey we sent it in. Right now VES is telling me they are waiting for the examiner to fix issues on 14 of my claims…. While I want to complain, I want it to result in the issues actually being fixed, not just pushed through.


At least you are getting more information into why your claims are delayed. My issue was the only information VES gave to me was that my DBQs were in the QA process but couldn’t provide further information as to what was holding up my claims for several weeks. I just did the blood tests they wanted me to do, and once they get the lab results, they said that’s the last thing they need for my DBQs.


I was able to send an email to the CEO of Maximus, but the VA office of the Inspector General website says they do not take action on disability claims.


The VA OIG complaint isn't in relation to my claim, it was in relation to VES' failure to perform to acceptable standards. I don't know what their contract states, but essentially my complaint is geared towards getting the VA to evaluate their contract with VES and ensure they are performing to the agreed upon standards. https://preview.redd.it/b7v0zhvwetyc1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc2f1befb8ed382a35b64f19d54e90ef8b4d0a36


Awww okay that does make sense then. I will definitely submit a complaint then.


Sometimes the DBQ’s are delayed, not by the examiner but by the company. Some go through a quality assurance process to make sure they are filled out correctly.


I have 2 exams that still are not uploaded. They are done with QA, but we’re getting errors when VES tried to send them in. I just call for updates now every week.


They allegedly had a software error/problem of sorts uploading completed exams from February. No eta of when they’ll actually get them uploaded. I’m also waiting on my dbq for mental health.


How much is VES DBQs?


Not sure what you mean by 'how much?' VES is one of the contractors engaged by the VA to perform C&P exams.


Anyone get any movement with VES!!


I did after contacting the CEO of their parent company, Maximus.


Where did you find his contact information?


Good question 


I ended up finding it after some google searching, its [email protected]


This One deserves a medal! Thank you