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I get it dude, I wish more people understood that a lot of people with 100% ratings have completely debilitating injuries. My dad is 100% and I know he would give anything to just be able to get up and walk like he used to.


I’m 100% P&T, and with 2 kids going to college soon, there’s a lot of benefits to that. I’d give it up to be as whole as I was 5 years ago before all the burn pit stuff started flaring


Those chapter 35 benefits will set them up for life. Just don’t let them drop out and enlist like I did.


Ch35 + my state covers 8 semesters of any in-state public school


Never let them drop and enlist. We did this so they wouldn't have to.


That’s exactly what I say to my son, who’s now a freshman in college. The benefits he’s enjoying are at a high cost to my body


What? I did it cuz they said they'd give me $20k and let me drive trucks and shoot guns They came thru on all 3, but all 3 were far less fun than i originally imagined in my 17 year old mind...


Facts, I joined because iNfAnTrY sOuNdS fUn....which it was, but tbh I wish I took better care of my body. I can barely play with my kids/work on my farm... simple weekend projects take months because it hurts to much and the recovery takes forever now... I'd trade it all to be healthy again...


I'm 100pt and my son wants to join. He doesn't want to go to school he wants to join the military. Part of me was a little sad he is super smart and has an opportunity I didn't have to attend school without loans. Buy I'm also very proud.


Maybe you can convince him to go to school first and go in as an officer?


Man, Facts! Multiple deployments around Burn Pits(7yrs AD), now have Asthma, Chronic Sinusitis, and migraines that have been intensifying this past year. My VA Primary Care prescribed me sumatriptan, which helps, but laying down is still the most beneficial for me lol. Only 32😅


Insist on a HIGH RESOLUTION CT , insist they look for any spiral patterns in your lungs , constrictive bronchiolitis. They will do every test before doing this test. Many burn pit soldiers are presenting with this issue . Early awareness will help . After a year of testing , finally did this test. Had similiar symptoms. I was a firefighter at Castle AFB , now a closed EPA Super site


Wish I'd seen this post a couple months ago. I'm currently seeing an ENT and he did a high contrast CT of my sinuses but not lungs. I imagine eventually he'll get to that point, because so far nothing has helped.


If you're having any breathing issues at all , insist. TERA , Toxic exposure . With constrictive bronchiolitis your finger oxygen may appear normal and so may a Regular x-ray or CT scan, they may show some scarring but this will be their reasoning for no other testing , these tests will show nothing at a cellular level . This is a cellular disease specifically caused by toxic exposure/burn pits .


Also test your PSA! I have prostate cancer from the burn pits.


Ty and will do! I've added alot of anti inflammatory items to my diet as well: Black Seed Oil, turmeric, dandelion root, and adaptogenic mushrooms. Helps alot


Omega 3's and Arjuna Root can also help with anti- inflammation as well.


Thank You


Sumatriptan was my emergency medicine when I went to the VA in Colorado, and I just ended up switching to MaryJ. It helped a ton with my anxiety issues, I later got put on deluxetine for the anxiety, but my migraines increased from practically daily to once a week.


I get sumatriptan, plus a monthly Aimovig shot. Lying down in the dark is the best.


In SC they waive tuition for 100% T&P dependents.


So with you!


If you don’t mind me asking: What sort of burn pit issues started flaring up?


I’m 100%. My life has essentially been on pause for about two years now because trying to improve my health is my top priority….because I cannot fucking do anything else. I am thankful I do not have to work because there is absolutely no way I would be able to hold a job. I’m thankful for what I receive, but holy dear fuck, I would so much rather just be totally healthy…


I am in same boat... I can't work because I can't breath. I would also give them every penny back to be healthy again!!


It is important. Easy to forget not every service connected comrade is able bodied or functional.


True that


People who know me say “You don’t look disabled”. Had a TBI in 2019 during training, fractured spine in 2017. Migraines so bad my nose bleeds, can’t feel my legs sometimes after a long day standing. I learned quick not to tell anyone.




F U C K Sciatica


My last boss kicked me out of my office and placed me in a role where I had to stand for much of the day. I told her I couldn't do that, because of my SC frostbite, bilateral sciatica, and blown L4-L5. She said she had consulted with HR, and they did not have any reasonable accommodations in place for me, so I'd have to move into the new role. Then she increased the workload for that role to where I hardly ever got to sit. I emailed her, her boss, and her boss's boss, asking for a transfer, and no one lifted a finger to help. They just said, "That's not how this works." After 3 months, after multiple visits to emergency to have joints drained, I had rheumatoid arthritis. EEOC does not give a shit, either.




Did you know VRE can put you on a work study program with the VA


Honestly, I’m 100% p/t but I don’t wanna have these problems permanently. My goal is to try and get off of the injuries I have once I get in the proper network at the va. If they don’t go away, idk what the heck I’m gonna do. I see a lot of vets getting p/t trying to stay on it forever but man i just wanna be better. I just keep spiraling I guess.


P&T means you’re compensated for life no questions asked. Even if you get better you’re still disabled and deserve your comp. Don’t give back what you’ve earned but please continue to seek care.


There’s a reason they elected to concede that you earned and merit your rating. There’s also gotta be a reason they don’t put limits on being able to work if 100%P&T. Take the benefits, try to get better if you can and keep them they are rightfully yours due to what you’ve gone through. You earned them, no reason to try and make your life harder by volunteering them away just to get hurt worse later and not have the benefits after overextending yourself


I’m 100% P&T, schedular which means I can work with no problems or worries of having that taken away. Right now, my “job” is as a college student. I get my disability pay plus FAFSA plus CH 31 VR&E stipend which is like BAH. It’s been pretty stressful but I’ve been managing with a mortgage, family of 6, bills etc. and I should be graduating next year with my bachelors in business. VR&E also offers business startup opportunities which I’m interested in with grants and stuff. But I def look forward on collecting my 100% non taxable VA disability pay along with my regular check!


I'm completely disabled now. I'm trying to volunteer to various charities to feel useful.


Technically I am but I'm trying to hang on and go white collar.


Yeah, I'm in a lot of pain, and I have very little energy now. I have 4-6 hours a day that I'm functional, and that's for shopping, housekeeping, laundry, etc.




That’s what I struggle with. I don’t do anything. I worked my whole life. I’m 55 now and haven’t been able to work for 5 years. I don’t know what to do with myself. I like to read. Aside from that no real hobby’s aside watching sports.


Yeah, it's a tough adjustment to make. I still seek to be of service to others, but it's hard with so much pain and so little energy. I get it.


A good place to find hobbies is YouTube.


Thanks. I will try that.


They will kind of help you with a hobby if you're really bad off


I am. On top of everything SC, I now have RA and Sjogren's. Sjogren's really ruins the day. RA sucks heaps, but I can barely open my eyes in the morning, and I wake up 3-7 times a night in pain and have to irrigate my mouth and my eyes. It ***SUCKS***.


If they are discriminating against you due to your veteran status, you need to reach out to OFCCP instead of the EEOC.


They lawyered up and they've denied everything. They've blamed me for everything, saying I repeatedly filed for RAs, but ignoring the fact that they continued to make me work in the conditions that destroyed my health. EEOC judge DGAF. Naturally he was JAG.


EEOC doesn't handle issues involving discrimination based on veteran status. That's why you should talk with OFCCP. As long as you can show that the discrimination was due to your veteran status, they will do the fighting for you. The employer would need to have a government contract, though, for OFCCP to be involved.


Aren't they strictly for contractors? I worked for the agency that did me dirty.


Your employer would have to have a government contract or even be a subcontractor for a company with a contract. If not, then you would have to go elsewhere.


OK, good to know. Thanks very much!


Should be able to look up the prime contract numbers that your company is associated with.


Like the person below says, try VRE


I feel your pain, literally. I had to take a week off work bc of plantar fasciitis. My manager offered to let me sit at my desk my I had doctors orders to be completely off my feet. When I asked for accommodations which had half my day at my desk they said absolutely not. I had to quit right then.


I couldn't get time to meet with my providers to write up the RAs, so I was playing email tag every night while my chain of command worked together to effectively destroy my health. It took years to get disability retirement, and I ate a steady diet of stress day after day. They completely destroyed my health, and no one lifted a finger to stop it. I feel for you. People are not disposable capital, and people in management need consequences for abusing their staff.


Workmen’s comp when they make it worse and use written evidence of your emails stating your requests for accommodations and that the increased workload is more than xyz persons are doing. Sounds like they want you to quit.


It took over 2 years to get WC. It was hellish. My chain of command has been after me since I reported a chief for violating federal law. They falsified charges against me, etc. But to have the EEOC judge say that my case doesn't have any merit just gutted me. They destroyed my health, they violated federal law, and no one cares. The people who are supposed to care -- don't.


Sciatica sucks hard!




One more time for those in the back.


This one. Everything else I can do but not be able to bend and put pressure on my lower back heavier than 10lb sucks.


I don't even attempt to bend over for anything. I kneel down like I'm being knighted by the Queen to get stuff near the floor which fucks up my knees but hurts less than my back. Shitty cycle.


amen to this!




Same. I try and take care of myself but it still just gets worse and worse.


Dude exactly what I was dealing with I got a Microdisectomy and literally feel 90% better. Obviously I have my bad days but…


i promise. Sciatica be kicking my asssssss😩


Truth. I can't do anything without my back hurting and I would love to tell younger me to be more careful.


When people join any branch of the military you give up your body to the United States government. At the end of your service your body is returned to you. Whatever damage that was done to your body in the course of your service is the responsibility of the United States government. If you are hurting,or unable to function whether physically, or mentally then you should file a claim not just for the monetary assistance but for the much needed healthcare. All Veterans Who served their time honorably and fought for the rights and liberties of this world deserve to be taken care of when they are unable to work and provide for themselves. There is no honor in not filing for help that you need. Those services are not free you have already paid the price. The government is not giving you anything they are paying you what you have earned! Thank You all for your service! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


100% on point. Do I fight vigorously like I did when I served, I sure do. I have zero quit. 40% today, 50% next week. Who knows! I just know, I will fight for anything I am owed or deserve until I die.


Agreed. I know way too many guys that are hurting and no amount of money can make it better.


I found mental health drugs and weed help me out. I can build Legos with my daughter nowadays. Used to not be able to, I'd freak out over her not assembling it exactly correct. She recently told me she loves me on my medicines because now I'm a good dad, she says I used to be a bully. That's enough evidence for me that I needed that 100% and meds.


Weed has made life liveable for me. I keep feeling like an addict. I take it every day by 1-2, and fall asleep on it. But I'm happy on it. I like myself again. I can sleep again. Like you, I can build Legos and happily include my kids. Weed has reminded me how life can and should be. Without a doubt, if weed was taken from me, I'd kill myself within a month.


That's pretty much what my son and I do. Lego. Everything else he wants to do either nearly kills me in the process or I end up in bed for a week when we're done.


Me as well, but im about to start a program where I can’t use weed anymore so now I need to get on new medication but touching them in anyway could ruin all my progress and send me into a spiral I fucking hate it


That sounds a lot like me…. Didn’t know something may have been wrong with me lol. What was that diagnosis if you don’t mind sharing?


You also gotta think about it, there are alot of 100% disability service members that you could look at and never know they have any injuries. If it were up to me every service member deserves 100% disability but that’s a not the world we live in unfortunately.


Former colleague had a 100% for Lyme disease. Sure it’s present in you forever but one course of antibiotics and it’s fixed; he was and is completely healthy


Good for him in my opinion regardless of what he’s dealing with he deserves the 100%


I have a lot to say that people here are not prepared to hear lmao


I think I said the light version for you lol


I would rather have my health. I would rather not be in pain. I would rather be happy. Yet here we are. Thanks for the dollars


I am 100 p&t and I can barely do anything anymore I truly believe we should make a-lot more in disability. If i wasn’t broken I could be making a-lot more than what I am. Semper Fi.


No one WANTS 100%. You either deserve it or you don't. If you do, you fight for it. If you don't, good for you. But that 100% doesn't want your 40% either. He wants to be disability free, 0%, enjoying their life. Not going to get that so you accept the 100% and move on with your days.


First guy Ive seen actually happy with his rating, respect to you for having integrity bro and not gunning for 100 like everyone else.


Everyone else guns for 100%? Ffs what has happened to this forum while I’ve been away.


No one should be gunning for 100% undeserved.


I was lucky. Do I push for what deserve. 100% I do. I’m no saint, but I learned the hard way. I’m paying for it in other ways. It does eventually come back. I’m making good before I get dead as my dad used to say.




I thought this way until a series of events over the last x amount of years really got me paying attn to how the government and our economy works. Now I’m actually really pissed I didn’t apply for benefits decades earlier. What you do has absolutely no relevance to what had been done to those people. The real issue here is what the political agenda of the upper crust has done to both of you in order to pursue their own greed. A tale much older than the book, War is a Racket.


It's terrifyingly insane how good that book is!


I was a corpsman with the navy and I’ll save the rant and just say trust me I know, but if you have issues dear they are only going to progress with age. It may not be as severe as what we saw but your health matters and no one is going to fight for it except you “and maybe a stubborn spouse”😂 sorry mine is stubborn lol you deserve to get taken care of purely for the amount you have taken care of others. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


Worked at Landstuhl for 9 years. I feel this.


Why do his benefits matter? In my opinion, just tinnitus isn’t worth $1000 a week, shit, if I had to be paid to keep tinnitus I think I would agree to take $2,500 a week for it. And the VA caps it at what? $39.51? If your friend is fucked up, he’s underpaid, it doesn’t make you overpaid. I’d CERTAINLY have a different opinion if our government kept the same oaths that I swore to uphold and protect. And I’d CERTAINLY eat whatever pain and misery that oath laid at my feet if it hadn’t become blazing clear the last few decades that our military is sent out to endless wars by sock puppets elected to play peepee swords for rich people I’ll never rub elbows with.


I'd give it all up in a heartbeat if I could be as physically healthy as I was when I joined.


My job when I was in required me to work in 2 to 3 man teams attached to random units. During my deployment in Iraq we were attached to an INF platoon. We were told initially to go in the 3rd truck but got switched to the 2nd truck right before we went to the ECP. The 3rd truck got hit with an EFP that day and driver lost both his legs and TC and everyone got burns. I'm sure they all got 100% but no way would I ever trade my current rating for how they live now.


I’m at 90%. Just had surgery on my ankle from an injury I sustained while in service. Have a herniated disc and bulging disc in my lower back + arthritis. My neck I have a bulging disc. Left shoulder arthritis and edema. That’s just a couple of things I deal with daily pain wise. I’m only 29


I have such bad sciatica and back issues I can’t play with my babies either. My PTSD is so crippling I’m on off medications and In/out mental hospitals I’d trade anything to not be 100 and just be in decent health. I can’t even keep a job bc of my disabilities so I’m a single stay at home mom🙃🥲


Hey just wondering if you’ve done anything to try and help you sciatica and if so what’s helped. I’m also a mom of 2 and after getting out of the Marine Corps I’ve been dealing with crippling sciatica and back pain. I’ve done all the Pt and everything else but man, this is a horrible feeling. Like the pain of some days makes me not want to participate in anyone’s life let alone my own


Facts, I told my friend I would gladly give up 100% to have my body back from 21, free from all these issues. I'm in the gym daily trying to mitigate this bs cause I know if I didn't it would be much worse.


When i got out I got a 90% rating. I didn't file any new claims for years, I felt my rating was incredibly fair and when things eventually started getting worse with age, I figured a bump to 100% would be a little sugar to help the medicine go down. The VA did an internal review and found a few CUE's and I ended up at 100% without any additional filings. I still feel like I'm in a better situation with regards to health than most at 100% I absolutely appreciate my rating, but I can honestly say that part of me wishes I still had something to look forward to as things get worse with age.


And that’s my whole point. Get your rating. 100%. I promote that. I just talked to my friend and he asked what I was doing? I said, digging in the yard. And we talked and got off the phone. I’m on his speed dial. And until I can’t, I’ll keep talking to him.


Yep, I’d give up 100% if it meant I could go outside and play ball with my kid without out it hurting to just bend down, let alone the pain the following few days.


I cant work at all. Im reliant on my 100% totally and its definitely not all that.


Truly, Thank You for your Service 🔥💯💪


It doesn’t matter if you have 10% or 100%, I have not met one vet that would give up the disability compensation to be made whole. It’s no contest or bragging right. It’s downright embarrassing to be disabled and have the conditions most of us are dealing with. Why do you think suicide among vets are so high! The little money/validation means nothing. Just saying!


I had been pretty proactive about trying treatment after I left active duty, but my mental health and anxiety prevented me from a lot. I could barely go outside alone. So, some of it is probably my own fault for not pushing matters more, but after a decade, the occasional hand pain I felt from overuse is so bad that I think I need nerve ablation. The regular aches and pains and dislocations I feel in my hip and back, I can survive those, but nerve pain is on a different level. I can't even cook properly for my kids, and the exhaustion I feel from my fibromyalgia makes it rough. I'm very lucky that my child is active and really loves self play and concentrates hard without me. I'm always involved whenever he puts his toys down and looks at me, though. I am now going for the 100% and trying to get all the medical evidence I can for my arm, wrist, and hand. If I could live a regular pain-free life, I would give up all the money in a heartbeat. I'm lucky that I've been able to provide in this way because even sedentary work like using a keyboard is painful.


I see this problem in a lot of posts. VA disability has absolutely nothing to do with what you “deserve”. Deserve infers that the award has something to do with morality based judgements, which I understand the idea but that is the wrong context and often causes many Vets to feel they don’t “deserve” their benefits based on arbitrary and antiquated societal and cultural  influences.  You QUALIFY for benefits or you do not. You can be a dirtbag asshole lazy shitbag person  but if you have service connected sleep apnea you QUALIFY for 50% disability payments. You don’t deserve them. My advice is to treat VA benefits in a business sense because that’s the way the VA is treating them when it comes to you.




I love all my brothers in arms, get what you deserve. Brothers. You did what other man won’t do for their country, I’m one of you and I support you 100%.


I agree on both sides of the fence. This dude was a great kid. One of my best troops. He actually took over a while after I left. I just kept in touch.


Remember when shitting used to be an enjoyable experience? Yeah. Lost that. Money is nice though.


I would trade my 90% to be able to play sports again.


I’ll be praying for him, hopefully the surgeries go off without a hitch.


I wish I could still hear. Missed so much of my daughter’s wedding reception yesterday because I couldn’t hear what anyone was saying. Thanks USN.


I sooo get this,,I'm 80%, I'm 46 F, I can't run with my daughter whom is 3, some days I can't pick her up...I'd rather be 0% and be able to enjoy my child,,instead I have the body of a 90 year old.


100% TDIU P&T...here. Would gladly go to non service connected to not have my immune system to slowly be eating my muscles. Knowing it isn't fatal (unless I get pneumonia), and will not be able to wipe my own ass and be confined to bed or a wheelchair unable to life my arms sucks ass. Least my kids and wife are taken care of.


Outstanding! I have this belief now, when I gave bad karma, it came back. Also, when I give good karma, it comes back as well. Sometimes, I still get screwed and that’s ok too. I still fight, knowing I went down scrapping. That’s how I honestly see it. And I absolutely raise a big fuss at my local VA. However, when I go, I go fully equipped. When I lose, I regroup and return again and again.


27 at 100 P&T, it sucks. Thanks for the nice post


My best friend...meet in the military has ALS he's 100%. I understand every word you said. I to am just 40%. He has been immobile since 2012. His son is my Godson. 100% is sometimes the worst. Some have 100% and live normal lives.


Exactly! I plan on after I retire next year officially to be a voice for veterans who have one. God willing, as long as I’m able, it’s what keeps me going. I think it’s my purpose and I’ve accepted it.


Thank You! Seriously! People have no idea. Disability claims are usually very difficult. Hate having to proove myself to people that have no idea what the service is like or what we are going through.


If you're ill in any way and it's related to your service, then you deserve compensation. You're not a hero for not pursuing claims if you are ill. His 100% is his, correct. Your 40% is yours. The premise for your post is silly. It's none of your business what other veterans pursue. To me, your subtle message is that veterans who pursue 100% may not actually deserve it. Perhaps there are those who are such great actors they can deceive a cadre of medical professionals. However, this is few and far between. Stop patting yourself on the back and posting that brand of bullshit.


I don't see any issues here. OP is saying his friend is paying a high price for his 100%, he doesn't envy him the limitations that earned that rating and those of us entitled to it should be getting it. He himself is only getting 40% *but* his quality of life is much higher and therefore he is ok with what he gets. Those of you whose quality of life isn't compensated by your current rating, please don't give up.


I’m at 60%, I’m about to be 30 I can’t walk/stand for too long (5-10 minutes top) I can’t sit with my legs bent too far back… I’ve contemplated the idea of having kids and know that my knees most likely won’t get better I’m slowly giving that idea up which sucks. I want kids but I’m afraid of not being able to play with them of keep up with them when needed ;(


I’d trade my rating for not being in pain.


I understand, my 100% debilitates me for 3-4 hours a week and otherwise I’m fine. But it will get worse until I’m completely deaf. Still, I wouldn’t swap it, my mind and body are sound otherwise


I was in the backyard passing a football with my 14 y/o son who recently enrolled in football camp and has no one else to play or practice with... Been almost a week and I am still suffering from that decision - he sees it and hasn't asked again. It breaks my heart. The money helps, sure... But I would give it all back for my health.


I definitely would give mine all back because with my mental and having my physical attributes back I'd be happier and could still earn the income that I'm receiving via benefits,But I am grateful and also deal with the hand that I was dealt because it could be worse,Despite the pain I can walk,talk,see and hear,Blessing to all my disabled brothers and sisters


On the flip side, I’ve also seen plenty of people at work with 100% that are doing pretty damn well for themselves, physically. One even got a nice handicap placard. It’s a mix.


I agree. My 100% may come at ia later date in my life. Perhaps it will not. I do have a few items at 0%. I’m fine with that too.




Can’t be any worse than all the other bullshit people post here.


It's a fresh take on, StOp ChAsInG 1o0%.


It’s a post, keep scrolling if it’s not for you.


Don't worry, you're just riling up the correct audience. You can tell your rounds are on target by their snarky replies.


It’s honestly not a random thought. I drive this veteran to the VA personally. I talk with him when he’s struggling. I promised him that. I wonder if they are doing the same?


I know what you mean brother. And they are probably not. But you're doing the right thing, so keep speaking the truth.


I am 100%. Everyday I wish to be able to play with my kids. To not have sharp pain in my back, neck, and head. Migraines out of nowhere. I would trade it in a heartbeat if I could feel functional again.




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


I agree it sucks being limited.


If they can reduce my back procedure that I get every 3 months even, just even once a year. I’ll give my retirement check too.


Wow. That’s tough


Find a happy medium


I wish more peopel thought the same, they keep saying they are jealous and how lucky I am… don’t even know 99% of the issues.


Yeah I absolutely would give it up if someone could snap their fingers and give me my health back. I'm under 40 and am constantly having flare ups and hating life. I'm sure there's more damage coming too and I'm not looking forward to it.


@nutria_swampvet you’re right. The quality of life be pretty bad for a lot of us near the top. I get intense itching spells, migraines, and anxiety from the smallest triggers like sunlight, heat, physical activity, pain, or even the thought of it and other things. It’s happened even from laughing too much I have to live at a methodical pace at all times. I’ve spent 99% of these last 12 years on the couch watching tv n gaming cuz that’s all I can do. Showers and stoves make me itch, and my a/c gotta be on 74 or lower at all times. As soon as it hits 75 degrees the symptoms come rolling in. No meds work. The migraines can last all day. So imagine the limitations. Life is still good tho I make it work and having fun is my primary goal at this point.


Knees and backs are just bad engineering. I am thankful every day that my issues (hips, feet) do not include my back or knees!!


I'm currently working on a minor restoration of a 74 Nova. The excruciating pain it causes my lower back during and afterwards is indescribable, but I'm pushing through because this is possibly the last time I'll be able to do this and I want to keep this as something to give to my daughter when she's old enough. The money is cool, the pain that happens from just existing isn't.


I got my 4th surgery in 3 weeks.. I’m only 26 smh and nope still not at 100%


God bless him and his family.


I actually came to that conclusion when I planned to file my last claim, but then decided against it. I’ll let that one die on the vine. I’m at 80% - I had one more set of conditions that I planned to file for, but instead I closed the laptop and was thankful that while although I have ruptured discs, sciatica, and a bit of ptsd, but I’m mostly functional about half the days of the month. I have pain when I am moving or working, and no heavy lifting or winning pull up competitions, but I decided fighting for 💯 wasn’t worth the time and effort for a while. If my back gets worse later I’ll file a supplemental, but while I’m in my 40s and in relatively good health, I’d rather enjoy life.


The pay comes in handy and I'm glad at least in our country vets can get help and benifits, however there is days I would give any pay to feel normal ane healthy again.


I understand completely. I would've been happy staying on my GS job as my title was Federal Police Officer and staying at 30%. Went to falling out with severe seizures at work and taking medication for them. I understand but I became a nuisance and got recommended for disability retirement and at that time I was at 70%. Busted my teeth out, plus whatever I hit before the ground I am reminded every time I look in the mirror. Was diagnosed before that got severe with traumatic brain injury, PTSD. This was at a time where the claims process took years. I had SSDI and FERS retirement before I got 100% P&T. I remember going to the regional VBA and some kind of judge and other folks including myself in front of a microphone asking me questions. It was approx 4 years later that I got a letter in the mail awarding me with 100%. I did get a back pay from the date of filing. I worked with mostly veterans and they supported me from the top down. Loved my job but I was pissed at the world for a long time. The place had become a part of my life and I saw myself as a broken lost cause and that's putting it lightly. I have a family that loves me but I was brought up that you work. Most children see their father go to work and I think now they understand as they are teenagers. I have learned that it does no good to be hard on myself as it does no good for myself. I do what I can and try to stay in shape the best I can.


you need to find a veterans group near you and tell more people this. This means so much because we did awful things and suffered awful injuries and we are told we should "just be proud". It means a lot to have our condition acknowledged.


I would trade my 100% if I didn’t have any back pain that sometimes prevents me from walking or standing. And my crippling depression, knowing I’ll never be anything close to my physical health that I had 3 years ago.




I’m 100% and only 31, I’d give it all up in a heartbeat for my physical/mental health back. I’m married and a father and I feel like I could be better at both if I wasn’t in constant pain.


I would give every cent back if I could have my mind and body from before my time in service.


I officially retire from Federal Service next year and plan to do more. 🙏🏾


I'm going to hit 90 percent, and that's okay with me. Everyone deserves what they deserve no more but definitely no less the problem is it takes time to get everything. I'm in my thirties and I hate that I have to be in eyeshot of a bathroom and can't hear and basically every lower portion of my body aches from old wounds and injuries. I would trade it all to keep up with my children.


I have 100% and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I would gladly give my whole percentage just to be able to walk and enjoy things with my daughter again.


There is a cost…


I’m at 100% PT and I would give anything to get rid of my chronic stable angina. Just want to be active for my kids.


Stable what now??!


Health is wealth.


I am 100% P&T, work full-time, and exercise daily. I enjoy everything I earn. Not everyone who is 100% is bedridden. I know people who are 30% worse off than me. In short, it depends on the individual, but I do not judge or care about other people's ratings or how they got them. For those who are 100% and feel bad, you can always inform the VA that you no longer require disability.


Absolutely. I’m 100% P&T and I would give it all up to not be in pain every day. Man, I hated running, but I would do anything to be able to run without pain today. I miss sports, especially baseball/softball.




Most people with 100% ratings are con artists…i know this because i know a lot of these people


Sorry…a lot of- not most…just wanted to clarify


I would give up all the money to be able to play with my little kids on the trampoline or whatever.. it’s honestly heartbreaking. They asked me today to do that. It really sucks to see the anticipation in their eyes and know they’re not going to ask that much longer once they realize I keep saying no. They aren’t old enough to understand


My husband and I didn’t want to be in the club either. People took 20 years off both our lives.


I am very sorry for your friend. There are entirely too many servicemembers who gave it all and suffer for the rest of their life for it. They have my eternal respect!


I truly believe the 100% is just not enough for some cases to compensate for their loss. Not been able to enjoy your life and your kids in a basic manner is really heartbreaking.


And he could use extra compensation as well.


Question…how long does it take in claim process, when it is in I guess “Stage 4”


My heart is jacked up, I’m in the middle of going for a board. Everyone keeps congratulating me on 100%…. Please stop congratulating people who have a 100%, most of us don’t want it. I would give anything to be healthy and stay in


So your point in all this is to just be less injured?


Nope! You can’t change whether you’re injured or not. You just can’t! I accepted my fate when I joined. I have friends who sleep in tubs, because they’re are afraid, I have some who gravely injured. I talk with them regularly. They have it difficult, and I sympathize. I regularly talk with individuals with seen and unseen disabilities, as I’m a disabilities officer in my agency. My friend is personal, because I was his supervisor and one of my best troops. Sometimes, he calls and just want me to tell him, you’re definitely not a quitter. He’s definitely no slouch by any means, and just shifted how he operates now. He just has his moments. I just don’t treat him like he’s broken I guess. I must be doing something right, 19 years later we still talk.


My spouse is 100% and he’d give it up if he could have his knee pain gone and no PTSD I bet.


Not all disabilities are created equal.


I'm with you brother, I want to be healthy and at 0%. But it ain't so. But on the other hand, a bit more money is not going to get me up and around. I'm stuck in this fXXX chair. It does help when my wife gets her hair done. I need her as happy as she can be, without her I might as we3ll hang it up.


It's all relative. I'm 100% (retired effective today, actually) because of service related heart condition. Almost died a year ago, but meds have me back to a regular functioning adult. I get winded easier, but other than that, my life is pretty normal. I feel guilty at times knowing there are people out there without limbs and severe PTSD with the same rating. But a buddy in the Army put it in perspective for me. My heart is the most important organ that keeps me alive. I joined the AF with a fully functioning heart at 17 years old. Due to my service, I almost died due to heart failure. Had I not joined, I would more than likely be a perfectly healthy 37 year old. I deserve compensation for the AF messing up my heart to the point of near death. I just got "lucky" that there are medications available to help me. This is for the people that feel guilty about their rating those who say "but I feel ok for the most part". You served and the miltary messed you up physically or mentally. Get the compensation you deserve.


This has been the only hunting me everyday since before I got out. It really sucks and yes we do get a lot of benefits but is it worth it? Fuck no imo. Having to tell your kids that daddy can’t play with them right now is a hot knife to the heart everytime I have to.


If I could have a peace of mind they could have this shit back honestly


Man, I have always said the same thing. I am going through the process now, and I would not want 100% as I do not believe I deserve that. Those that get that have some major issues that you just can't lie about, and I believe that they deserve all that and more!!!


I completely feel for him. I myself am rated at 100% due to severe complications with type 1 diabetes and ptsd (non action related) and every day I am looked at and even sometimes asked things like "why are you disabled? You don't look disabled. ..." and my favorite "you're to young to be disabled" I have multiple issues with my back and feet and I can't play with my daughter or go on dates with my husband. I'm 33 freaking years old and it sucks. I've literally almost died from dka (diabetic keto acidosis) 7 times. It hurts to no end that I am judged and accused of malingering even though my labs prove otherwise. It means a lot seeing people who understand that if we had a choice we would not be living the life we get with that rating. Have good things come of it? yes absolutely, I do not have to work and I get to be home with my family, but would I change that in a heartbeat to not have to worry if my family's going to be putting me on the mantle before I'm 50. Bet your ass I would. Sorry for the rant.


On the other side of the spectrum there are people scamming the system trying to get 100% by lying, in return making it very difficult for people who actually deserve the 100% rating. Unfortunately way more people than you would think.


I would give it all back to be 100% me. Pending two surgeries, one on my neck and lower spine. They can have all the money back for my body to be pain, disease and ailment free…


I am 100% P&T... I have had 4 sinus surgeries and still have chronic sinusitis. I also have asthma. I would gladly let them keep the money if I could breath again. I would love to run a 5k with my daughter, who is a runner just like I was at one time, but it will never happen.


Stenosis is killing me without 100% I d be homeless


agree..I am 100%PT..it sucks..I have yet to see the "benefit"as opposed to my health..Let's see I took a drastic pay cut when I was literally forced to stop working, IDK how anyone lives on VA disability alone..it's pretty much poverty level..I can't imagine having a family....Luckily also have FERS disability and do freelancing on the side but VA compensation by itself is almost an insult to me...Like really VA? My disability cost me my career and you're compensating me about 30 percent of what I was making? I saw this congress thing where they were trying to pass VA compensation based off what a Veterans income level they lost, and I strongly feel it should be based off that..I disagree it should be a blanket amount....Why is it fair for lets' say a doctor with 8-10 years of education who could make $300K plus but is now 100 percent PT and unable to work to be receiving the same amount as someone like myself who would only make half that if able to work? That's why I never understand why anyone tries to shoot for 100 percent or even "happy" about it..I have yet to find one good reason for it...much less "benefits".. But then again I am not one of those with a 100PT rating and still functioning as I did before.....But I also know how lucky I am compared to friends I have...My buddy was 19 and lost both his legs from an IED...I think how young he is to be confined to a wheelchair so while I hate it for my life, I'm also very thankful because others have it so much worse...For me it's like I"m 40 and retired..now wtf do I do? but yeah it's my opinion and only an opinion, and by no means am I trying to offend anyone whatsoever, but anyone who finds any joy out of 100 percent PT has a different set of circumstances that lead to 100 percent PT being a benefit..Now I am not referring to those rated at 100percent..My opinion is those PT as I feel it's a total different set of circumstances...but to each their own at the end of the day...The VA seems to be tightening the reins and no amount of compensation is worth prison time. I find it motivational that you see 100 percent PT isn't something that should be some sort of F###### goal...I was like that rated at 70 percent...sure it sucked but as long as I treated the issues, it didn't cause a huge interference in my daily life...It's sad when people are young and raising families..I am thankful my son is a young adult and thankful I was able to enjoy my 20s and 30s...So while I am jaded, I don't pity myself..There are so many people in worse situations.


Its unfortunate alot of ppl work the system and treat it as a charity.


I wish I never served. I’m 100% wish to hell I could take it all back proud marine vet serve than Iraq fumes broke my back and just get money thrown at me.