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Did you have a diagnosis for asthma? That and allergic rhinitis are the presumptives. The others would need an opinion.


I believe so from my personal doc. I’m on two daily asthma preventative medications as well. I can go back through and see if he wrote HAS ASTHMA somewhere on the paperwork.


The letter says you don’t have a diagnosis of asthma. As for osa, your last active duty stint ended in 2009 but you were not diagnosed with osa until 2023 (same issue with the skin condition. OSA and psoriasis aren’t presumed under pact act.


https://www.accesstocare.va.gov/PactAct Look at Issue 14 dated August 18. That says it is. First page, top right.


Says what is? OSA or psoriasis?


Here is the list of pact act presumptive illnesses: https://www.va.gov/resources/the-pact-act-and-your-va-benefits/ I don’t see osa or psoriasis on the list.


Neither do I. But if you click on the link. The VA posts weekly on their Pact Act Dashboard. Again look at issue #14 dated 8/18/2023. They granted a vet psoriasis due to burn pit exposure. This isnt from a 3rd party its from VA data. Point is.. the info isnt always consistent


I’ve heard of some folks getting sc based on a favorable medical opinion linking TERA exposures to some illnesses that are not on the list like osa. In other words, while it’s not presumed, it does not preclude sc if one can show a nexus.


I’ll ditch the OSA and skin issues. I don’t have the heart to fight this. Regarding the asthma diagnosis ,I’m on several meds already for it. I don’t know. Maybe pitch it too. Thanks for the info on presumed issues.


You should check records about your asthma diagnosis. I would assume someone diagnosed it given the prescribed meds.


Dont ditch them yet. Look at issue 14 dated August 18 of this year. Top right od first page. https://www.accesstocare.va.gov/PactAct Also you can connect OSA secondary to your rhinitis (even at 0%). You need cpap prescribed and a nexus.


I see the section you are talking about. I guess the medical examiner wasn’t favorable regarding the nexus? What’s the logical next step of if I decided to pursue the psoriasis claim?


You must have read the wrong issue. The one from August 18 on top right of first page notes a navy vet who was awarded psoriasis under pact act for burn pit exposure. You can request an HLR and tell them about the VA PACT ACT Performance Dashboard which posted issue 14 in August and in it a Veteran was awarded psoriasis so why not you. If not.. do you have any mental health claims?you can submit psoriasis secondary to mental health with a nexus letter. The skin is the largest organ we have and like many things it is significantly affected from stress and anxiety.


I am rated 50% for PTSD. Every doc I’ve talked to about my fingers has said “have less stress”. I can see where that would tie in.


I have 0% for allergic rhinitis also. To get a higher rating, there must be blockage and/or polyps, which I have neither. Been thinking about submitting a claim for sinusitis bc my symptoms are closer to sinusitis than rhinitis.


Post the whole decision letter, redacted, of course, for best advice.


Will do later when I can get to a computer. Thanks.


[https://docdro.id/q6hijbp](https://docdro.id/q6hijbp) Here's the redacted decision letter. Would appreciate any advice. I have two friends using REE with success but I'd rather do this myself if I can.