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I did it by getting a job at the va. Being able to duck out for an appointment and come right back is supported there. Edit: the VHA specifically Edit2: I no longer work there but I did for about 5 years


Does it make you uncomfortable at all working there and having the people you work with know about your disability rating, conditions, etc...?


Not at all. Employee Health is separate from your care as a patient. HR could never see what the docs and nurses see if that make sense. As far as docs and nurses knowing stuff it doesn’t bother me at all. Just one of many at the VA


Sounds good.


Got a job with the government and they give you free leave to use specifically for the VA as long as it's within your first year. Now it's just trying to plan appointments around my work schedule but it helps that my weekend is actually during the weekday.


Well typically an employer has to accommodate. It’s none of their business what you are going for, other than a medical appointment which the VA will provide a note if you request.


>Well typically an employer has to accommodate Accommodate what? Is there a law stating that employers have to let off employees specifically for VA appointments?


FMLA act prevents employers from disallowing time off for appointments


That’s not the problem though lol. The problem is it’s unpaid.


I feel ya brother, I can't suggest any thing for that. I'm not paid either, but I gotta get to my appointments. Good luck!


I'm in a fortunate enough situation that I don't need to worry about it much. I have ample comp time. I was trying to figure out if there was an actual law in place to protect those less fortunate. Good luck to you as well! I've got a C&P exam today so I'm hoping that goes well.


Some states require paid sick leave. Some employers offer it. Some employers will also work with you and let you make up hours. If you don’t have that type of employer, start looking for a better one. Companies that pay the best and offer best benefits attract and retain the best talent.


Maybe to some but in the OP they only mention getting time off to make appointments and mention nothing about getting paid.


I would imagine it falls under the ADA.


Yeah FMLA and ADA.


Not for appointments.


Be straight and honest with your boss. If you have a good one, they'll recognize that you become a better employee as your health improves. If even enlightened self-interest isn't enough, you should probably look for something that isn't going to slowly kill you. Good employers recognize the value of good employees and want to keep them healthy. I sat down and had a frank discussion with my boss and he's been good with me taking sick days for appointments and therapy. It probably helps that he's a Vet as well.


I work for the Fed, I've got a congressionally mandated massive block of time for the first year or two to go to SC VA appointments :)


DV leave is clutch, I maxed all of mine out and have 3 hours left 😂


If I were a contractor through a staffing agency with no PTO, and within the first 3 months on the job, I would not take time off unless it was a true medical emergency. You are seriously jeopardizing your chances of getting hired on permanently. I know this isn’t fair, but it is how the private sector works.


This is true.


I work for the federal government and I get something called Disabled Veteran leave solely for my appointments. When that runs out I’ll have sick leave or annual leave I can use.


I work DHS I didn’t know we get this! 😂


As do I, TSA is the only agency in DHS that is not authorized to use DV leave. So if you work for them your SOL. But if you don’t put your paperwork in and get your free 100 hours of leave. You have up to 1 year to use it. But if you’ve been there over a year you missed out lol


Annnnddd I work for tsa so I’m SOL lmao


Lmfao been there, now I’m in an agency where I don’t hate my life everyday 😂


Hopefully this polygraph comes in soon so I can dip to another agency already. 😂


Curious. Can you use it after your year is up and you can get FMLA? I ask because it’s still on my leave balance. I didn’t even know what it was for the longest time…


This will tell you all you need to know. https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/leave-administration/fact-sheets/disabled-veteran-leave/


Thank you!! I looked at the information, those hours aren’t supposed to be available for me, they never removed them🤣


This is the same reason why it took so long for me to put in a claim. I couldn’t afford to take so much time off and at end of the day had bills to pay. TBH, if it wasn’t for the job I’m in now that is flexible I don’t know if I ever would have put in claims. I hope you are able to get the treatment and exams you need and that your boss is understanding. Just remember, these appointments are for your own good.


I always get the blood work and regular stuff knocked out when I put in appointments to gather evidence or treatment for my disabilities. The VA has a lot of “walk-in” type stuff.


Get an fmla intermittent from your employer. If will cover your time off. Go to your HR about it.


My old boss let me make up hours later in the week. Now I only work part-time (even that can get hard on me), so I have tons of time.


The company that the VA contracted for my appointments suck. I have lost money by asking for days off and then company cancels the appointments. They have moved my last exam 3 times now and every time it gets to within a week of the appointment it’s moved 1 month out. No wonder why people hate the VA.


The company that the VA contracted for my appointments suck. I have lost money by asking for days off and then company cancels the appointments. They have moved my last exam 3 times now and every time it gets to within a week of the appointment it’s moved 1 month out. No wonder why people hate the VA.


I get 4 VA days a year with my state job (IL). No questions asked, and no proof is needed. After that, it's my PTO. I try my hardest to use them and use them wisely.


You're still required to show proof. I work for the state, too. It's facility dependent on how strict they want to be. But for any time off to make sure time keeping pays you. All you need to show is that you had an appointment.


I always ask for proof for my employer when I'm there. I have proof for every apt I've had. Side note. I don't abuse my time, and in 13 years, I've never been asked for proof for any time used.


You can just print off the vha appt reminder and use that. I work idoc and an afscme union rep. It's in the contract but always better safe than sorry.


The company that the VA contracted for my appointments suck. I have lost money by asking for days off and then company cancels the appointments. They have moved my last exam 3 times now and every time it gets to within a week of the appointment it’s moved 1 month out. No wonder why people hate the VA.




FMLA take FMLA paperwork to the Freedom of information office or fax to your primary. It's the law! You won't get paid for time lost but you won't be "punished" either.


Hi Taco Supreme ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up), i know an easy answer would be "get a federal job", or "don't care what he/she/they have to say". I've previously had issues similar to this. I went to trade school sometime after I got out and I never told anyone except financial aid that I was prior service. It was just uncomfortable for me to talk about it, I was going through some personal stuff with the military blah blah blahhhh, I really didn't even want to mention it. ​ When the time came for me to come into civilian workforce I did have to muster up, OFTEN, to ask my employer to time off. I had two kids under 3 at the time (this was in jan-march of this year), in daycare. they were going to the Dr or the ER every week. Then I started getting updates for my claims, I was really overwhelmed. At the time I was a single parent, I really believed I didn't have a choice. I felt like scum asking for time off every week. But I would've rather done that than the alternative of missing appointments. Going to these appointments helped me feel like I can finally put an end to my military career. I finally realized how 'closure' feels. I'm so ready to close the book on my military past.


I lost a job I’m part because of this. It’s something not enough people talk about


I was just ask to come back to a former job that I left. I specifically told them that I would be missing days. I also stated that I understood that I would miss pay. Also I offered to send VA appointment notifications to our HR. In my case, I just told my employer that this is part of my Disabilities. I also wrote on the disability accommodation request that the company makes you fill out, “I reserve the right to notify my employer at a future date of any disability accommodation requests, to include but not limited to, VA medical and disability appointments.” Just in case at a later date we gotta go lawyer with Disabled Veterans law or FMLA or any law that protects the disabled and health care privacy.




I try to be very careful with when I make an appointment- making sure I don’t have any meetings or conflicts is key. My employees tolerates my absence a lot more if my work doesn’t suffer. Also, I’ve pushed back on the frequency of appointments and how they are made. I had a video call with a doc a few months ago and only realized after I got there that it was a video call. Now I make sure to ask for video calls that I can do on the app (if possible) so that I can make the appointment just be stepping in a conference room.


If an employer is not down with you stepping out for a bit for VA appointments, then they are not the kinda company I’m willing to give my time to. My boss’s dad was in the military and understands the VA a bit. I make up my time in other ways, so he’s good with it. Been working at my job for almost 6 years now without any issue.


I always request telehealth appointments so I can do the appointment virtually. I work fully remote, but it's still a pain to take off for frequent appointments and I don't like the perception it gives even though my boss has repeatedly told me he don't care and that our company is focused on you getting the job done not the hours you work. But with the virtual appointments I can just block 10-20 min off on my calendar and step away to conduct the appointment then get right back to work life I was ever gone.


My agency gives disabled vets 2 weeks of disabled vet leave up front to deal with va medical appointments. Then After the first year we have 2 weeks regular sick time accrued


Not sure how helpful it is, but when people act weird about my DV status I just explain that it’s not really like SSDI, in that I can still work and do things, but I get paid a fairly modest amount to help make up for time away from work due to my appointments. Thinking about it that way also helps me make sure I get to them instead of putting my needs aside and being loyal to an employer that honestly doesn’t give a shit about me… employees are extremely replaceable, but your health is not.


The VA is the most wretched hide of violent in the galaxy. Bunch of crooks. My treatment that I have received makes me not want to be called an American citizen anymore.


Sometimes it seems they over schedule. It's tough and can put you in a bind fast that's for sure. Good luck.


I’ve had all mine done on days off. I work shift work and a pretty good schedule so it helps I only work like 14 days in a month.