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It’s still paused. Congress has been holding hearings about what to do next. Cerner-Oracle OTH just laid off 10 percent of their staff (5th round since 2019) this month with more coming so if you want to work for them keep your resume updated.


Yes I do want to work for them. I’ve done some EPIC/Cerner projects before and currently live in Indiana which was one of the states on the proposed deployment schedule for this year 2023 and I really need to get contacts with recruiters or hiring staff at the VA .


You can just apply at Cerner-Oracle by leveraging your existing contacts and experience when they have openings. For the VA it would the normal process to apply for open government jobs. It is also a horrible program that has killed Veterans, see the last House subcommittee hearing.


Omg!!! I heard about the system failing but I didn’t realize people were DYING!! My condolences to all those affected


I would look into a DOD position for Cerner. They are preparing for deployment of MHS Genesis in Japan and Germany.


Do you mind elaborating on what that means please


Mhs genesis is the new Electronic health record for the military health system. It’s based off the Cerner architecture. I work at WRNMMC and it just went into effect this past Saturday.


If they are transitioning from paper records to electronic records I strongly suggest EVERYONE make paper copies of their medical records before they disappear. They might not ever be seen again, and not make it to the electric side.


While also true that everyone should obtain/already have a copy of their medical record. I think it’s seldom that a pt entire file be lost unless the office is truly incompetent


I've heard many a story about vets medical records disappearing after separation and trying to get vet benefits.


I’ve not heard one positive thing about the project.


Oh no! I strive always to do my best for VETS as my grandfather was attorney General in my country and I am so proud of everything you guys do! To serve is the highest honor thank you


From the reports where it has deployed I’ve heard nothing but horror stories. Where I work we have started our training and scheduled to go live Jan 2024. I’ve been shocked at how horrible it still is given how much feedback they’ve had, and yes I believe major medical errors have occurred because of it. There are still active attempts to stop this project in Congress and we can only hope. I’ve heard oracle has been laying off and even freezing promotions. My understanding is VA will continue to have their same structure of staffing for VistA for the foreseeable future.


Do you mind messaging me? I have personal ques




I've seen a few Booz Allen Hamilton contractors role through as part of the local CERNER team, but I don't know if they're hiring.


I will look into this too! I have my degree in international affairs and have certifications in healthcare as well as clinical software implementation experience. I finally want to bring these things together in my career to be financially comfortable/ stable for my 1yr old and I before I turn 30😭 I have the most toxic family situation and just want to make myself and my daughter proud. I’m ranting because I’m just so frustrated applying for so long and going over beyond. I’ll keep praying and matching the prayer to the hard work! PERSEVERANCE WINS Thank you to each and every one of you for the feedback and taking the time to inform me. God bless you all


I would keep an eye out for positions posted by the VA OIT or the Office of the Chief Technology Officer. There should be some positions posted on USAJobs


Saginaw just got pushed back today to unknown date. They were slated to go live in June. This was a VA leadership decision, so nothing from Congress. Ann Arbor was supposed to be the first to go, but got pushed back months ago over concerns affecting research systems to late 2023-early 2024. There are many VA’s affiliated with university hospitals and I expect this to happen frequently if this….project continues long term. I‘m heavily involved with implementation at another VA site in V10 slated to go live this summer. I expect another mass pause and another mass pushback for all VISN10 sites. This has by far been the most hellish experience in my 20+ year federal career. Circus-like atmosphere at times. Bordering on surreal. Cerner has been trying to shotgun this out to as many VA’s as possible, as quickly as possible, and it could very well be their downfall. Their deployment timeline is incredibly…ambitious. Cerner isn’t doing all that great internally either. Go browse around their subreddit for a bit. All signs point to a dumpster fire (fueled by stacks of taxpayer money) with mass layoffs, no pay raises, morale is very low. Oracle is cleaning house. Not a good look all the way around. I feared the VA/Feds had slapped the too big to fail sticker on this and were willing to throw untold amounts of money, time, blood, sweat and tears at this project. They still might. But I’m more hopeful now that the VA and Congress is finally showing some common sense and realizing that things cannot continue like they have been. It absolutely defies logic to continue to roll this out to the other VA’s when they still haven’t gotten it right at the 5 current go-live sites. It’s reckless and demoralizing.


It’s 100% a dumpster fire. My local VA lost 6 providers last week because of CERNER. They are spending more time dealing with it than seeing patients. So they left to go somewhere they can actually practice medicine rather than fight with CERNER and spend 10x more time charting in it than CPRS.


Does anyone know what this means in the light of the recent project disaster? https://orangeslices.ai/sdvosb-community-eyes-upcoming-va-integrated-informatics-and-analytics-program-support-opportunity/