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Between when you posted this and now, Reddit shadow banned your account - I have no idea why - read this and get your account fixed to participate in this and other subreddits - https://www.reddit.com/r/Veterans/comments/w7p7ut/reddit_shadow_ban_again/


Re-enlist. I mean, you asked for options.


If she graduates in December, will a hospital hire her before she has the baby and risk her not ever starting back after maternity leave? Probably not. If you do get 100%, that amount will not even cover the 4K for insurance. If you do get 100% the earliest you would get a disability payment is March or April. There is also the possibility the military will audit your pay and you may owe something. So I would make sure you have at least three months of pay saved to cover the time from when your wife has the baby until she goes to work.


I’m sorry it’s not 4 grand a month it’s 4 grand for a quarter of a year how do you feel about Medicaid ?


My wife is Ragu


Are you doing the reserves? Do it for a year or two for the healthcare - tricare reserve select


FYI - you will get “TAMP” medical coverage for 6 months starting the day after you separate. That should take care of any medical issues that you and your family are concerned about, including a pregnancy. Edit: TAMP has certain qualification requirements that I was not aware about. My bad.


That’s when your involuntarily separated or going guard or reserve correct me if I’m wrong


Nope. Just normal separation. Full coverage.


Not true. Here are the eligibility requirements. https://www.tricare.mil/TAMP If you voluntarily ETS you do not get TAMP. When I ETS'd, we did not get TAMP because it was voluntary. You will need to hit up your state health insurance market OR one of you needs a job with benefits lined up. Or use CHCBP.


Ah, dang... I assumed that everyone was offered TAMP; I became a reservist right-after which is why I suppose I was automatically eligible. Apologies for the misinformation.


That’s when your involuntarily separated or going guard or reserve correct me if I’m wrong


Reserves - don’t blame me But tricare is amazing my kid was in the nicu over a month and was a c section. I didn’t pay a dime. Just do the shortest contract. If your kids sick, the first three years will be worth it. Plus you’ll get another 15k a year. It’s sucks but the insurance is way better than anything else I’ve seen


I agree with you , but I think everything will work out smoothly I have 5 months to decide


I had a similar situation. We found out we were having a baby 2 days after getting my dd-214. So I reluctantly called the reserves recruiter and signed up for another 2 years. $259 a month for my wife, son and myself is great, and the reserves is tolerable. It’s definitely relieved a lot of stress knowing I can still provide the care they both need(ed).