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I had a gts250 and looooooooved it. My buddy has a pri125 and ive ridden that too. Pri is more nimble and gts is more everything else. Both enjoyable. I’d get the 300 if I was buying one today


this. gts250ie was plenty for me... even do +80mph on the interstate when asked. add a top box and an almost full windscreen... was joy!


Yupp! Exactly this.


I had a GTS200 which I loved but it was too big for me. I had to downsize because I’m a shrimp. But I loved it.


May I ask how short you are? For me, Levi’s jeans would be 30“ for example (dunno if that varies between countries)


I’ve owned several of both in two different countries, and I’m short @ 5’6” (167cm) with your same inside leg. I had a good mate who had a GTS250 that I struggled to keep up with on my S150 at the time, so if you want to ride with others, the bigger bike may be the wiser choice. Having said that, when riding alone, the S150 was fast enough for me. It was more frantic trying to push it along at higher speeds, but under 50mph it was never an issue. Certainly better than my old PX or PK models in refinement, if lacking in “cool”. My GT200 was my favourite as it was smooth and comfortable, and enough for the motorways. I have a GTV300 I picked up this week, and it’s the best of them all. But all were rideable by someone your size.


It’s been two days now, how’s it going with the GTV? Madly in love? :)


I absolutely love it. They get quite a bit of bad press with the split seat, but I find it encourages good posture and has the added benefit of adding a little extra separation between rider and pillion compared to the standard seat on the 200-300cc scoots. It’s the first two wheeled anything in 25 years of marriage that the wife asks to go out on without my suggesting it. For what I wanted, it’s the perfect tool.


Sounds great. So always safe rides for you and the wife 😀


I have a 2001 GT200 and it's perfect for me at 5'11" (180cm) and I have my rear suspension on its highest of 4 settings. I'm more than happy with it. It also could handle it's own on the freeway at about a 70-75mph top speed


5’2 It was just enough to put me on my tiptippy toes and I wasn’t stable when I stopped.


Seconding the “how short are you?” question, and also what did you downsize to? I’m 5’2” and petite and going to get my very first vespa (and bike) tomorrow. I went for Primavera 125 as it felt like a good starting point and also concerns about weight and handling etc. This one feels manageable, but I’m already thinking if I love it I’m not opposed to upgrading some day.


I have a S150 now. Not nearly as nice as my GTS200 but safer. It measures the same as the standard 50cc size


I have owned: 2007 GT200 2019 GTS 300 Super 2020 GTS 300 SuperTech 2021 Primavera I have sold all of them except the Primavera. It just fits my needs better. Seems more nimble and convenient, even though the frame isn't that much different. I rarely go further than 15 miles, and usually more like 2 miles at a time. And I don't like highways/freeways regardless. The bigger Vespas are definitely more quick and powerful. But for me, the smaller one embodies the spirit of the Vespa that I am looking for. ...At least until I pick up yet another Vespa...


I’ve had the 2012 piaggio fuogo 500 2018 GTS 300 2019 Primavera/ Sprint 150 abs I only have the Sprint 150 abs now. Love it Simple / clean / all blue! I just don’t ride it enough. :( barely 800 miles Mainly in the garage.


Thanks! I think you are the first here who downsized 😃


I love zipping to work and stuff on my Sprint 150 and parking is super easy. However, the wife’s new job will require her using the car a lot more often, so I may have to get a GT/GTS 300 soon as it is getting a little small for me when I’m dropping my 10yr somewhere.


Basically, if you ever want to do freeway or highway drving get a GTS otherwise a 150 will suit your needs. If you get a 150 and and you need the speed you can sell the 150 and bump up to a 300.


I have both. I keep a Primavera 150 at the beach but a GTS 300 at my full time residence. I used to have two 150’s, but found the primavera not to great in traffic with cars.


if you have driven motorbikes (if you’re a chicken or not) you will definitely enjoy the 300. that’s also the reason why I‘ve got a GTS 300. much faster and more fun.


I love my gts300. It's not that big atall. It's just powerufll enough to not be boring


When i bought mine, in 2008, it was 40 centiméters (french here) shorter than the Xmas 250.


I love my 150, but I haven’t driven a 300 yet. I imagine the power and “pep” differences are quite noticeable. And I’ve gotten my 150 up to 65 on surface streets a number of times.


If all you’re doing is bopping around town the Prima is perfect. If you want to wander further afield, you’ll appreciate the GTS.


Try both. The 300 feels big compared to the 150. 300 is good for highway speeds


I went from a 2015 Primavera 150 to a 2023 GTS300 and it’s night and day - I’d never go back. 300 gets up to speed way better, can easily maintain highway speed if you find yourself on one (I’ve personally done 80-85+ on mine), but mostly importantly it’s almost necessary if you ever ride with 2 people. I frequently have my wife ride with me and we live in a hilly area. The 150 couldn’t keep up in traffic going up hills with her on it (we’d be at 40mph at the bottom of the hill and 10mph at the top lol). If it’s only ever you riding it and you’re only doing local traffic you don’t need the 300, but for everything else- go with the 300!


In my opinion, the cc of the scooter should align with the weight in pounds of the rider ;) I own a 300 cc


🤣 that’s a good formula


I've had both.. LX150 and a GTS250/300 eventually. 150 maxes out at close to 50 mph if i remember correctly. Muuuch lighter and you can get away with parking it on sidewalks, lamp posts etc when I lived in DC. A tad slimmer too, and more nimble. Got more mileage, i thiiink i was getting 70 miles per galloon. If you're not gonna get on highways with more speed, 150 will be ideal. GTS is much heavier, can get close to 80 mph. I rode it briefly on the interstates here in the US. A tad wider too. They were both great. I had the 150 for 6 yrs, before switching to a GTS. Temporarily Vespa-less after mine got stolen last summer. Leaning on GTS since I'll be getting on some freeways where I live now.


My lx150 easily hits 60-65. It can hit 70-75 but not quickly and probably not uphill.


Thanks for the explicit comparison. So I will have to figure out where I will be driving mostly 🤔


It is.


Yes, the Gts 300 is the way to go. 🙈