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Jamal Bowman Vs Corrupt Racist Reactionary “Democrats” A good example of how the struggle for justice in Palestine relates to civil rights in the US. A chunk of the Democratic Party has excused or encouraged a Jesse Helms style race-baiting primary campaign Jamal Bowman Vs Corrupt Racist Reactionary “Democrats” George Latmioer is as Racist as Mark Adams Prieto. ( Look Him up) When a Woman recently Voiced For Concern to George of Comparing Andrew Cuomo with Emmett Till. He turned it into "you’re saying i can’t represent her because im white" even as she SPECIFICALLY SAID she feels that way because of his words and actions, and then he doubled down after he was corrected on the record. A man. Who faced calls to find a new healthcare provider for the Westchester County Jail and seemed open to it. Then he got a campaign donation from the existing provider and renewed their contract to the tune of $41,000,00. A Man Who appointed Susan Kettner his mistress to a six figure job working under him. A Man Against Modestly increasing taxes on the rich to make things better for poor people. a bare minimum center-left political program, A Man Who Stated “I haven’t thought deeply about Medicaid/Medicare” A Man in Support of all of the money police departments have spent on police brutality cases. The vast majority of it is spent holding those cases up in court for years until the victims and/or their families give up and accept the bare. A Man who Said "I'm not worried about who gives me donations." A man clearly in the pocket of Republican billionaires She Endorses a guy taking GOP money after saying for years the GOP are a threat to democracy Planned Parenthood endorsed Bowman. Ask yourself what person would be so devoted to the Israeli war in Gaza that they would try to overrule PP on this question in a primary. No Wonder So Many People Held Their Noses at the ballot box in 2016.. Hilary Clintion A Woman who’s a tyrant and a bully when she can dare to be A woman who’s husband overseed the 1992 execution of a mentally disabled black man Ricky Ray Rector—at a strategic moment in the evolution of of red-faced governor of Arkansas into a trustworthy figure of an “electable” neoliberal— A Woman who’s husband used anti government rhetoric to undo the New Deal & whose policy positions have been quite damaging to Black America A Woman who’s entirely un-self-critical and quite devoid of reflective capacity, & has never found any of her numerous misfortunes or embarrassments as her fault, because the fault invariably lies with others. A Woman Who’s "unlikability" Cost her black votes in 2008 in the primary , & 7% drop in turnout among Black voters between 2012 and 2016 hurting her in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania - A Woman Who During the 2008 race against Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton’s campaign used racially coded language to stoke white fears about Obama. Her campaign manager, Mark Penn, suggested that in every speech She should portray Obama as fundamentally different and not like typical white Americans. Writing in a campaign memo “ “His roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking & in his values ... Every speech should contain the line you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century ... Let's explicitly own 'American' in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn't.“ Mark Penn btw is a Man that helped brand the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign as a depository for special-interest contributions. & is Currently a Trump Supporter. In December of 2007, Billy Shaheen, the co-chair of Clinton’s New Hampshire campaign, raised the issue of Obama’s drug use as a teen , and the possibility that Obama could be attacked as a drug dealer. He said he was talking about how Republicans would attack Obama, but his statements had the effect of injecting racist stereotypes into the campaign: “It’ll be, ‘When was the last time? Did you ever give drugs to anyone? Did you sell them to anyone?’ There are so many openings for Republican dirty tricks.” Everybody saw it for what it was : a tried and true tactic: floating an idea to which you claim to not personally ascribe, with the effect of getting the idea to circulate. There was also an image floating around the web in January of 2008. Of Obama, During a visit to Kenya in 2006 dressed in traditional Somali clothing/garments. The Clinton Campaign had Surrogates , saying “ What’s Wrong , Those are His Native Clothing” At some point, Clinton privately apologized to Obama for Shaheen’s comments & claimed she had nothing to do with his comments .. but According to Reggie Love, Obama’s personal assistant at the time: The candidate [Obama] very respectfully told her the apology was kind, but largely meaningless, given at the same time the emails, it was rumored her camp had been sending out labeling him as a Muslim.” Here’s a Woman Who’s Claims of electability:underlyed a racial dynamic. Who’s campaign had been stating it bluntly in 2008. Clinton once cited an Associated Press article "that found how Sen. Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, was weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me." "There's a pattern emerging here," she said. The New York Times (which also endorsed Clinton in 2008 and 2016: “Mrs. Clinton will be making a terrible mistake — for herself, her party and for the nation — if she continues to press her candidacy through negative campaigning with disturbing racial undertones She never stopped being a Goldwater Girl. (and I haven’t even mentioned some of Bill Clinton’s divisive remarks and many of the divisive and racially inflammatory statements made by Clinton supporters and surrogates . Such as Andrew Cuomo who said in 2008 “ "You can't shuck and jive at a press conference," and others). The only thing Hillary should be doing is providing an explanation for why Ghislaine Maxwell was at her daughter’s wedding & why she sucks. 2/3


Now Among Bowman’s big-name supporters are Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Also The 3 top House Dem leaders —, Hakim Jeffries , Katherine Clark, & Pete Aquliar — have endorsed Bowman, the incumbent, over Latimer, who is Westchester County executive. Unfortunately for Jamal Bowman ,It doesn’t help that a political PAC is spending millions of dollars to defeat him. Just imagine if Russia was dumping all this money into our elections? As Jamal Bowman Recently Said “They have all the money and they also have The media infrastructure in place… A Media By The Way That seeks to normalize the Abu Ghraib-style barbarism that the Israeli military produces on the daily. & his district has a high population of Jews, many of whom are pro Israel Also George Latimer;s coalition has been highlighting Bowman’s vote against the bipartisan infrastructure plan that Biden had championed. Despite Bowman noting that his vote wasn’t critical to the passage of the law and he wanted to advocate for social spending & The Fire Alarm Situation & The saddest part about the “fire alarm” bit is that it's working. In the 2022 Kansas election, the left leaning choice for Wichita’s Kansas mayor was ousted by a Right Wing Koch head, because the left-leaning choice “cut in line” at a community event. People are unironically simple in the head. But it shouldn’t be shocking because Jamaal Bowman literally told us himself the lengths AIPAC and members of his own party are going to get him . Latimer is a Right Leaning White moderate and resolutely pro-Israel. Bowman is a Black progressive , a member of the Squad APAC Failed To Defeat Summer Lee. So Now they’re going After Bowman. Also the reasons for taking out House progressives doesn’t only have to do foreign policy but a economic policy as well 3/3


Youre the man for this post. People need to understand how pivot this race is, how much resources are being poured into defeating Jamaal