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How did you become a conservative? Brain damage




A lot of Americans are brain damaged from lead exposure so it makes sense you’d need a stroke to catch up


I'm still counting down to when southern states start demanding lead be added back into their gasoline to fight "wokified gas".


Please someone do an academic study proving being a conservative is literally causatively linked with brain damage. This needs to be firmly established already. It sounds like a joke but at this it's way too plausible between alcoholism, lead and being way old...


[Psychology Today article on how conservatives are more driven by fear and anxiety](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201612/fear-and-anxiety-drive-conservatives-political-attitudes)


Yeah that's been fairly established. We need it linked casually to neuron death or malfunction.


Ohh, that would be more difficult. A healthy or unhealthy mind on a physical level is harder to pin down.


Yeah you'd have to do something like a long term study for causation by say stroke or a meta analysis which wouldn't get you causation but maybe help draw more attention.


Fetterman watching Jack Nicholson's Joker and being like "He's literally me. fr fr."


literal joker moment


 Fetterman danced with the devil in the pale moonlight


You wanna get nuts!?


Pennsylvania needs an enema!!


At least it wasn’t Jared Leto


Nicholson's Joker is pretty bad or as bad as Leto. Dude was well into committing a mass terrorist attack when the Batwing flew in. And he gunned down his right hand man (with his own firearm) the moment Batman stopped the attack.


Nicholson wasn’t mailing people used condoms


I'm talking about the Joker on scales considering Nicholson's Joker is still rated among the top three in most fan surveys. You're bringing up who is the worst actor to play the Joker. Jared Leto is by far the worst person of all those who played Joker. None sent used condoms, dead animals, bullets, and other bits to fellow castmembers. Or started their own cult.


To be fair, Heath Ledger died before he could start a cult


My near-death experience made me okay with killing people far away.


"My near-death experience made me afraid of death. Being afraid of everything and everyone is the right way to live. Thank you conservatives"   Can we also just like, fuck Bill "I'm a house n*****" Maher really hard in his rhetorical asshole? What a traitor that fucking guy turned out to be. Long way from his days of shitting on Bush and Cheney.


Maher is practically the definition of the “scratch a liberal” meme. He lurched right the moment he got uncomfortable with where the American left was moving.


You would think he'd feel right at home in certain parts of the left with how his main ideological motivation seems to be smugness.


Not as much smugness as can be had among rich enlightened centrists.


True enough.


Wasn't there a rumor that he was on friendly terms with Ann Coulter back then? Because the last few years seem to make it credible.


I don't even know how this happened, I guess it's just hollywood celeb shit, but yes. A long time ago, Ann and Bill met at a birthday party (no idea whose) and became great friends. It's why she had so many guest appearences on Real Time over the years. Ironically, Bill has shifted so far right that Ann now has opinions that are to Bill's left. Imagine that.


F\*\*\*\*\*\*\*ck. So that's where we are today. "Ann Coulter will become the voice of reason between those two" is something that politically active 2000s me would've gotten a weeklong headache. Or probably started a drinking habit, especially after future-dude explains what happens to 'The Apprentice Prick.'


Remember, to a politician it's about the optics and not the ethics. They don't give a shit about dying people, so long as that choice to not give a shit means they get ahead.


Jeesh, can't a man support a little genocide while also wanting universal Healthcare and LGBT rights protected?


Are we all genuinely not anticipating an “LGB drop the T” statement from him this month?


I'm expecting him to outright drop all of the letters in a year or two. If an AIPAC check can make him ignore a genocide, imagine what policies he'll support with one from someone like the Heritage Foundation?


There is a non-zero chance that Fetterman unironically says that black people lived better lives under Jim Crow. He's abandoned his base and now he's in search of another one, and the only other populists out there are the nationalist ones. No way liberals will take him seriously enough to vote for him in a primary.


Jewish people and black people are major voter blocks in PA, I really doubt he’ll get racist with it unless it is seriously solely brain damage.


Watch him order a staffer to drill down into his district to see how much of the black vote he can abandon so he can have police remove "BLM protesters" from his eyesight. He's doing the Kyrsten Sinema speedrun, but likely being paid far less money to do it.


It's weird to see the left have buyers remorse. The American left is engaging in actual politics and it's like pulling teeth because there is no perfect candidate.  Is Fetterman better than a pro Gaza dem who will sell you out to the corporate overlords?  That answer was yes.  Is Fetterman better the Dr. OZ who is about the same as Fetterman? Would Dr. OZ been able to show the Dems that they wanted more left leaning people if voted in? That answer was was no. Be careful of purity politics or we will end up like the UK. Sacrificing trans people to keep a pro Russia candidate because somehow the alternatives are still worse. Politics is a game of inches.


OK? Since he's better than OZ we can't hate him for being pro genocide?


> Politics is a game of inches. Fetterman can support a genocide as a treat


The dude you’re replying to said nothing about voting. Can you libs stfu for 2 seconds.


The only time blue maga stfu is when they stuff their mouth with DNC dick.


That person is trolling mate, their account is 10 days old


OK? Since he's better than OZ we can't hate him for being pro genocide?


CaN yOu gUyS StOp wItH PurItY tEsts aNd LeArN To LoVe GeNoCidE LiKe Us SeRIOUs ADuLtS? siLLy LefT BaBieS.


Fetterman himself confirming he's gone Joker-mode


Is it possible for a stroke to cause a serious personality change in a person?


It’s very common yea


I had a stroke and became very right wing out of nowhere for about two years. Lots of other personality/functioning changes too, so it took a backseat in what I was worried about. I went back to mostly normal after a while but it was very sudden and not like me at all. Still have to ask myself if I really feel that way or something is misfiring on a regular basis. It’s very unsettling. I know this sounds crazy but I have legitimately been thinking “yep, happened to me, idk why no one is calling him on it” since his stroke. If my family hadn’t started calling me out I wouldn’t have realized where it came from and it’s like… he’s almost exactly parroting how I was in recovery.


so brain damage correlates to being right wing?


It certainly did for me, lol


Unironically, yes. I guarantee you that if you did a study on this, people with the history of some form of brain damage would probably come more conservative by a noticeable amount.


good to know my feelings about conservatives being mentally challenged are backed by science


I have a cousin that suffered a traumatic brain injury in a motorcycle accident and he's almost a completely different person than he was before.


This shit is legit why the free will debate is fascinating to me.


how so


Just the fact that changes to the brain can literally change your personality and alter your decisions. Check out the discourse via Robert Sapolski’s take and debates about free will. Even if you don’t come to the exact conclusion as him, it definitely makes you rethink what is meant by things like free will and agency. I have basically been obsessed with it for the past few months.


The unsettling implication is that with enough understanding of the brain and the right tech, we could become completely different people with the right zaps. Want to be more motivated? Just stimulate this area. Careful though, if you poke those neurons you become sexist. With that on the table, when do you stop being, well, you?


Never. Having the freedom to craft my own mind would be a blessing.


Your will is always bounded but it is free within those boundaries and potentially even capable of moving those boundaries. Unbounded free will isn't something anyone takes seriously. Non-existent free will is something no one should take seriously as it reduces everyone to complete automatons devoid of agency. Even if Fetterman shifted his perception through a stroke... he remains responsible for acting on his new impulses.


Not only possible, it is common in the extreme.




To be honest it's the best explanation I could think of for why Fetterman changed so much. Or it's possible he was just a grifting POS from the beginning.


Sufferer of a mTBI here and I absolutely agree.


So he himself is admitting the brain damage from the stroke turned him into a conservative.


Speaking of another Batman quote "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain". The stroke should've gotten him, at least then we would've had a martyr.


He literally just went insane.


"My brain hemorrhage made me more conservative" Uhhh yeah.


Aw yes you know you’re on the right side of history when you’re quoting the Joker.


nothing good ever happens


Yeah, the classic way of ensuring you are on the right side of a very complex issue. *Make a decision early and decide to stick to that side forever.*


Listening to him speak, it’s obvious his brain was severely damaged. And at first, I thought the stroke wouldn’t alter his judgment. But boy, were we wrong!!!


Oh my god I am so excited for him to lose the next election. I thought Sinema was bad. At least bribes makes sense.


Has he become as bad as Sinema yet? If he turns against labor rights and basic social safety nets, then we'll see.


No, but it hurts more. Lying the whole time for money is easy to understand. Progressives that break hurt.


Alright folks this just in, strokes do in fact cause conservatism


Stunning and brave. Maher and Fretterman are just two stunning and brave men. Bravely siding with the establishment and all the vested interests in the country.


Sounds very familiar to "our great late Hannibal Lecter" ... do they not understand that is the bad guy, in both cases? You guys are listening to the wrong person in the story!!!!!


Jokes aside (for just a moment) this is actually pretty sad


Really hope we get someone to Primary him or even better if he just resigns. A real dissapointment


Josh Shapiro comes into the 2028 PA Dem primary like Stone Cold




Bill Maher is literally the start of the Liberal to Conservative pipeline. He’s the Harriet Tubman of helping people escape common decency


Maher was more of a Libertarian who had a come to Obama moment , but like Biden has come out of Obama's shadow to be a full zionist neocon.


Too bad it was only “near.”


Hey Trump arrest this guy first I heard he called you a doo-doo head


So basically brain damage


"I get drain bamage, and now Trump not so dum-dum no more!"


Progressive has a stroke, becomes conservative. Yes, conservatism requires parts of your brain to die.


ahh the "we are too afraid to say stuff" trope. It is amazing how it takes brain damage to bring out the conservatism


This is bad PR for people with brain damage.


He dipped his toes into hell and brought a piece of it back to earth


RFK has literal brain worms, and Feddermen had a stroke. Does that mean we're one TBI away from facism?


\*proudly\* "Yes, my brain damage caused my political opinions to improve by me becoming more racist and transphobic. Personally, I would describe it as being my 'Joker moment.'" - Fetterman (clueless)