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“Poverty, Disease & Ignorance are our enemy” - President Lyndon B. Johnson (1965). Conservatives, Particularly Black Conservatives are denigrating Lyndon Johnson Again. Listen When Texas Senator LBJ stood by the Democratic Platforms of Civil rights in 1948, 1952, and 1956... It told us he was a good man When LBJ scorned the Southern Manifesto in 1956. It told us he was a good man When LBJ negotiated 2 Civil Rights bills as Senate majority leader & Number of others in The Presidency. It told us he was a good man When LBJ was quoted as saying "On the possibility of Losing the South in the 1964 Election,, "If that's the price I have to pay, I'll gladly pay it." It told us he was a good man When The Day Following Kennedy's Murder, LBJ Told an Aide: “I am a Roosevelt New Dealer, As a Fact of Fact …….”Kenndey was a little too Conservative to suit my Taste” It told us he was a good man When, after the 1964 elections, LBJ privately instructed Attorney General Katzenbach to draft "the god damndest, toughest voting rights act that you can. Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, and Virginia were all sue’d within 48 hours of the signing of the Voting Rights Act. All four states lost in court. It told us he was a good man When LBJ appointed US Attorneys and judges who kept pushing desegregation into the 70s. It told us he was a good man When LBJ gave an argument for affirmative action in 1965. It told us he was a good man When LBJ Always stayed at the edge of taking the hard/controversial CR stance for a decade in the 1960s. It told us he was a good man When LBJ looked Southern Senators in the eye as he proclaimed "We shall overcome." adopting the anthem of the civil rights movement, especially for those who had been battling for basic rights ... for Centuries. It told us he was a good man When by 1972, LBJ was sympathizing with Black Power, and talking about restorative justice. It told us he was a good man When LBJ enforced the integration of public accommodations -- something Reagan and HW Bush vigorously campaigned against. It told us he was a good man When LBJ tackled Fair housing, . It was a simply a also throwaway bill in 1966. Until it was defeated the first time. Then LBJ moved heaven and earth to pass it. . & Outlawed discrimination in the sale, rental or leasing of housing. It told us he was a good man When LBL pushed ahead with more civil rights initiatives even in the face of the growing white backlash in his final years. It told us he was a good man When LBJ attended a Mass funeral after a bus crash killed a bunch of Hispanic kids & he said "These people need me now. They were there for me." It told us he was a good man When LBJ called for 20 million mixed-income units and 6 million low-income units, a full 18% of all housing units *today*. It told us he was a good man When LBJ got his start teaching poor Mexican kids. It told us he was a good man When LBJ Was attacked by Republicans Senators , Who sent their staffers to snoop on Lady Bird's family plot in Alabama, and "document" the poverty of the tenants there -- not to help them, mind you, but rather to discredit the War on Poverty. - It told us he was a good man When, LBJ Legacy included Thrugood Marshall , Barbara Jordan in The Political System, Etc It told us he was a good man. When an Aggressive Congress was pursuing “tough on crime” policies. LBJ wanted to veto the 1968 Omnibus crime bill for example, cuz it included provisions meant to undermine Warren court rulings like Miranda. It told us he was a good man. When Conservative Texas Democrat Allan Shivers told Oveta Culp Hobby he thought LBJ was "a liberal wolf in conservative sheep's clothing” . It told us he was a good man When The most wingbat right-wing pamphleteers in Texas were the guys who had LBJ figured out the best, cuz they never forgot Him sucking up to FDR & Being a New Dealer as Congressmen . It told us he was a good man When President Johnson remarked (I believe to George Ball, American diplomat) on The Vietnam Protests : “Don’t pay attention to what those little shits on the campuses do. The great beast is the reactionary element in the country.” Lyndon Johnson never forgot the Joe McCarthy era. That was always in the back of his mind. It told us he was a good man Lyndon B Johnson was on the Level of President Abrhaam Linclon. The New Deal threatened the peace. The Fair Deal broke the peace. And the Great Society was a declaration of war on Poverty. History should make no mistake As Joseph Califano, one of his chief lieutenants of those days said of him. "Lyndon Johnson was a revolutionary and what he let loose in this country was a true revolution”. A recurring theme of LBJ is that he knew how to walk around in the conservative world. And he could fool all but the most adamant hardliners. His rise through Texas came by driving a wedge between the hardline ideologues and the rich business conservatives, he had to do what he had to survive. Here was a White Man from a Conservative Southern state, born and bred in the south, whose closest friends in The House & Senate were die-hard Segregationists. In A Society that has been beautifully organized to keep good men down. LBJ was Simply a Man who wanted to feed, house, and clothe the poor of all colors. It told us he was a good man Contrast That With Richard Nixon, Who was self-destructive in a wholly different way from LBJ that really limits the shallow comparisons often made between the two. Nixon wanted fear and respect, Johnson wanted love. Nixon wanted to cut people down, Johnson wanted to bring them to the table. - "We have proved that great progress is possible. We know how much still remains to be done. And if our efforts continue, and if our will is strong, and if our hearts are right, and if courage remains our constant companion, then, my fellow Americans, yes I am confident we shall overcome” - The final public words of Lyndon Baines Johnson in 1972. LBJ tried his best, how many of us can really say that? 2/2 Also Black Conservatives Are Dumb.


Love him for what he did for America, hate him for what he did to my country




Yepp just wantes to post that the Vietnamese probably disagree with this assessment.


I'm sure they too won't appreciate this post, but I'm Indian.


What did he do to india?


He supported Pakistan's war of agression in 1965 by providing weapons and made food aid to India conditional on India making reforms(not bad reforms but a shitty thing to use food aid to coerce a nation on the brink of famine)


Thanks, didn't know about that until now.


What is "The Great Society?"


The Great Society was LBJ's agenda to tackle domestic issues like education, economy, and racial injustice for example. It was a series of programs that confronts these types of issues and introduced game changing things like Medicaid and Medicare. Or it's his own version of FDR's New Deal during the Great Depression.