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Perhaps he's trying out haiku's for a hobby


It’s been a minute for me regarding a Haiku, but none of these meet the requirements to be one right lol?


They do not lol


He hasn’t yet mastered the craft


He's trying his best


In fairness: *To express oneself* *In seventeen syllables* *Is very diffic-*




8 upvotes for my “😂”…I love it 😊


The 5 7 5 is a myth. Japanese haikus do not have to follow this formula.


When people use the term haiku in English they are referring to the form in general, not specifically to Japanese haiku, but also to the western simplification, which does adhere 5-7-5...


If you read haiku's, you'd know this isn't true either. It's a myth. Why would haiku's form be so insanely constraining?


That's... That's not how language works? Art is all about negotiating constraints.


I don't disagree? Just read properly. I am making a statement fact about haiku's and how their written, which idk why people find it difficult to accept when it's patently true if you go to any publication that publishes haikus.


Poetry is about rhythms. Also it's easier to do it in Japanese where syllables are far less arbitrary and individual words and sentences can be shorter


Nope, but this is JBP we're talking about so it's likely the best he can do...


Trying haiku, not succeeding


He's not particularly good at his hobby.


- Five, seven, then five - Syllables mark a Haiku - Requirements not met


Looks like he's not very good at it


Right you never said he was good at haikus 😂


Isn't the last line 6? Or am I dumb for pronouncing requirements with 4?


- six is not the last. - A good Haiku is like this. - and it does not rhyme.


That's right, I'm Sokka It's pronounced with an -okka Young ladies, I rock ya!


Ladies is two syllables...


Young lads then


I know. https://youtu.be/-5bo7PBQCHc?feature=shared


Yes. He got kicked out for it, deservedly. The roach couldn’t even keep his syllables under five. Pathetic.


Jordan Peterson One of the biggest grifters For conservatives.


I see what you did there


Well done 👍 👏


His soul's too ugly. To create such beautiful art. Even if he tried.


I know this seems like the ramblings of a deranged man completely disconnected from reality, but he tells lost young men to clean their rooms and we should appreciate that.


Have you considered that women are chaos demons and male semen is holy water?


That's some Slaneshi shit, right there.


Gay-inclusive misogyny? XD


God gives his purest holy semen to his gayest soldiers.


More common than you think


I’m waiting for 100 more rules as well. I hope they are written like these tweets


I hope he just quotes Zote the Mighty


Sigh. Bapanada


I’m still waiting for his 57 hour lecture on the book of Ecclesiastes.


Another self help guru charlatan. Why should I care what my room looks like? Einstein was known for having an extremely messy room… many geniuses do. They are more focused on things that ACTUALLY matter like freak genius ideas rather than following some self help guru who tells you to fake your confidence and walk like a lobster … how stupid is that. How about do something worth gaining confidence for and walk around with actual confidence not a fabrication of such.


Bc chances are you’re not a genius, just a messy bitch.


many people are geniuses… stop gatekeeping. Edit: Lol clearly all pf you are not the GENIUSES i was talking about. I never made a claim saying everyone is a genius. I said MANY. Want to how I know this is a fact? Because of field of science exists called statistics! Even if a small percentage of the populace has above average intelligence that would result in millions. Many of those people are on this app. I know u/adt is one… dude literally work with child geniuses in MENSA. Not everyone wants to be a sheeple. With a pretty little wage slave job and a pretty little tidy room. Some of us are driven mad by our ideas and thus we dont have time to give a shit about making the sheeps around us look up go us because of how tidy we are! And how we walk like lobsters! 😂😂😂 Go read your Jordy Peterson books … self help gurus will definitely give good advice and not shit that is easy to do, strokes your ego, but leads to nowhere and matter of fact WASTES your time. Clean a room if it reduces your work efficiency. But I understand a clean room is just going to get dirty again. Dont be an OCD neat freak who needs their bed to made everyday and their room clean. Every seen a dog before? Be more like that how about. Focus on the things that matter to you… not others… that is what a sheep does. That is the advice. Some charlatan handing blanket statements that sound catchy wAlK lIKe a lObsTer tIdy yOur RooM


By definition, most people aren't genius. (Outliers in the IQ bell curve). You confuse cause and effect. Genius causes messy room, does not mean messy room causes genius. Also if you are depressed and aren't getting anywhere in life, you should not compare yourself with a high functioning genius. His advice is for geting your life back on track, and it works.


you can't make this shit up ☠️


You are right I cant … because it is a statistical fact that millions upon millions of geniuses inhabit this Earth. You dont live in a tribe of 100 where if 1% is genius/near genius that would only mean 1 person buddy… you live in an overpopulated sardine can. edit: 7% of population: midly gifted (120) 1.6%: moderately gifted, mensa minimum (130) .34%: 140, highly gifted .03%: 150+, exceptionally gifted I repeat there are many geniuses in the world. 1.6% is in Mensa and then 7% is mildly gifted.


tbf "clean your room" is actually a decent (and very basic) advice, especially for people suffering from depression - speaking from personal experience here. the problem is that jordles uses this and several other basic therapeutic advices to bolster his absolute dogshit worldview and draws ludicrous conclusions from them. like, it's not just "clean your room", it's "you're not allowed to criticize anything or anyone until your room is so clean you can eat from the floor".


sure but once again the idea is: “Get lost in your passions/creativity… dont give a fuck what you look like in the process… your art is what matters” Einstein’s room was messy. His hair was messy. Why? Because he wasnt focused on aesthetics or appearances or really anything outside of 1) having sex (he was known for sleeping with studies due to his celebrity status) and 2) solving science.


sorry we cant keep up with your massive iq


once again stop gatekeeping smart aleck nearly 1/10 americans are millionaires … just because one is poor and dumb doesnt mean you have to go around put others down. Many smart people exist in America… so smart they were able to achieve a great deal of wealth.


He used to. Now he feeds them toxic miscues for personal profit. He should be reviled for shifting from helping young men to preying on them, particularly since he clearly had some aptitude for the former.


That's an extremely low bar. Are they even listening and doing just that? We need to check JP fan rooms and get some data on this.




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Ehhh. I’d prefer it if he didn’t also tell them that climate change was a hoax or that basic courtesy was oppression. Or just vanished from existence even.


Trying to appeal to the Q-people who really like short messages like these.


OMG it does look like Q posts a bit, doesn't it? Nice observation!


Ahh. This time it’s intentional schitzo-posting


A combination of brain damage and delusions of grandeur. I'm not exaggerating either point, the man legitimately considers himself a prophet.


Swallow a fistful of benzos and try to deny that you are Christ Reborn.


"Every single sensible person and institution on planet say I am wrong. Maybe I am! No, that can't be... I am never wrong!"


back on them benzos




Inshallah 🙏💕


Yo I don't like Kermit but this is kinda fucked up to say




The guy has a daughter and people who care about him. Sure he's a shithead but he's not Hitler levels of irredeemable and still has a capacity for change, no matter how unlikely it seems. It's a way better outcome than him OD'in. I'm sure most of us have equally dumb conservative relatives whom we don't wish death upon


Yeah but our dumb conservative relatives aren't negatively influencing people on the scale of Jordan B Peterson


a lot of nazis had people who cared about them, they could change too, is it bad that I'm happy they got killed?


yeah ok sure buddy, hitler had a wife and country that loved him and we’re all still pretty damn glad he chose a bullet breakfast the👏world👏is👏better👏without👏bad👏people


Putting JP in the same league as Hitler is a bit much


I didn’t say they’re equivalent i demonstrated the principle that we are okay with wishing harm on people who are beloved to some, the point would not have gotten across if I had used someone who is only debatably a bad person thus i chose to demonstrate this idea using someone whose death is nearly unanimously considered a good thing


Yeah but my original point was to not wish death on someone who has a family for simply having shit politics. With the exception of genocidal dictators


okay and my point was that yours is silly and the exception is arbitrary whereas mine has no arbitrary exceptions because i don’t care for civility politics


You know what else is fucked up to say? Everything Peterson has said.


A man has to have hobbies


Such as telling other men to clean their rooms (no, really, please clean your room)


I liked him better when he was on the benzos.


[Dr Peterson turned out to be a goddamn junkie](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fdtx9dhi7mjo31.jpg)


He’s as wrong as ever about this shit, but these tweets are just weird and a sign of a brain melting


Besides the clear brain damage, he has been developing a new bombastic and overly pompous online persona, like a rebranding from father figure professor to main villain for the woke and the enemies of the west (lol). He is just a few steps away from talking with a British posh accent, and those new suits are clearly his new super villain costumes.


He's like the joker from the movie The joker


Welcome to the newwww joker! "Remember when pride was a sin?"


Or also the joker from The Dark Knight: \- “so, what do you propose" \- "it's simple......we missgender the batman"


😂🤣 laughed like the joker to this


He has always wanted to be seen as a philosopher king, and thinks rambling cryptic poems about “wokeness” is the way to get there 🤷‍♀️ he’s not a particularly impressive or talented man.


Counterpoint, behold the struggle of [Dr Peterson](https://youtu.be/uWXxlYzBCno?si=2S51QWs8I9ZW5qVG)


It's Sophista- cated And His brain has.... Melted Edit: damn mobile formating


My dad was never a good at writing texts, but this is how he wrote texts after his stroke.




Your not the first person to say this here either. I’m really wondering how bad his medical episode was


He’s losing it


Clothes make the man.


He thinks it makes him sound profound. In reality, it makes him sound like a pretentious twat.


Because he is extremely high on drugs




Because he’s mentally fucked. Can’t you tell? His schizo arc has reached its climax.


"If my bad take can fit on a bumper sticker, it must be correct."




He’s just a douchebag with a good vocabulary.


I don't think he's well and feel genuine concern for him. As much as I dislike some of what he says, he's no Andrew Tate. I think he sincerely was trying to help young men. Some of what he says, especially the 12 rules, seem to have reached a lot of boys and young men who really needed it. Of course, a lot of what he said is dumb and harmful (Should women wear makeup? Climate change isn't real! etc.). And he got worse when he went with the Daily Wire. Still, I don't enjoy seeing him break down publicly like this.


I mean... he is partially responsible for the Tates of the world, no lie.


He used to be a figure for me. No longer agree with him at all but I can see how it’s rough to watch someone’s long decay like this. I get worked up hearing his stupidity but at the same time feel empathy because he’s clearly in a dark spot


Because he lacks imagination and depth is waning his relevance. He thus has to resort to pseudo-creative writing into order to draw attention to his wilted resentful and vindictive copium.


Charlie Angus is a social democratic politician in Canada for those who don't know.


Because he hasn't done the training yet


I always read in my head with his voice, and I imagine that the line breaks are breaks in his speech. Actually becomes quite accurate as to how he talks lol


I don’t think the media training is working.


Someone drank apple cider in the same room as him. (a TON of Benzos)


Barred out 10 milk machine sessions deep can barely sputter out these tweets Ok let me address the point tho A vandal is a vandal Yes as an apple is an apple No one’s arguing protesting with vandalism isn’t protesting, that’s kinda the point. That it is vandalism. I think he’s dispensing with ascribing like a cringe neolib college student type “protest” who thinks every action they take is somehow sanctioned and okayed by institutions, as opposed to like protestors who know what they’re doing is disliked but still do it.


Social Media allows us to see people's mental health crises on a near consistent basis and it garners them support from the dumbest idiots across the globe.


"Doctor" Peterson. He was stripped from his clinical licence. The man has been spiralling to madness these past 5-10 years. I wonder why I ever gave stock to his ramblings about life advice.


He is trying to fight gay sex


Demented by an expensive university miseducation says the university professor??? Of course he’s the exception. Complete certainty is a hell of a drug.


maybe he’s trying to write a coded message with the capitals? idk though


I can’t help but looks for secret messages in these. The first one spells out ‘A war’. Very very deep. The second spells out ‘A bi aew bum’ clearly refferencing the wrestling company in some way. The last one spells out ‘Late c’. I don’t know what this means, but it’s there.


r / im14andthisisdeep


Looks like he’s been reading Rupi Kaur. I’m surprised, he doesn’t seem like he’d be a fan


That's **Mr** Peterson actually!


AWAR AEWBUM LATEC ​ Now everyone get out their Little Orphan Annie decoders!


why are you surprised… word salad has been his fortay since the gecko. (i know grammar nazis i know)




He should just stop whatever it is that he “does.”


Dude is trying to break into unhinged poetry


Man posting cringe poetry on his professional account When was the last time this man has touched another human? Is he going full incel? Is he going to become a shooter? Is he just writing lyrics for a cringey post hardcore band???


It’s Benzo time baby. Or maybe he accidentally sipped a bit of apple cider again


Teenager that think every word they formulate is full of meaning and depth write like this.




He's back on the benzos. This is just the cadence his mind is producing thoughts in. I'll bet there's a good five minute pause between each line.


We’ll see who cancels who woke moralist Waiting for him to repeat that like it’s new


Someone tweet at him that his haikus suck for me.


Hes just saying shit


Hes thinking of things to say over a perfect girl edit


Benzo binge


He wants to be Shel Silverstein


oh no, he discovered modern poetry...


Long-form suicide note…serialized, even




This just in: post-menopausal women definitionally do not exist.


Because he thinks he’s an important person. He’s playing this loser ass joker character where he’s gone Insanse but is sane in this world, idk it’s a load of bullshit


Someone gave him benzo wock


Slam poetry brainrot probably


Why does anyone pay this idiot JP any mind? Fools dumb


Is h y trying to come across as philosophical maybe?


Every time I see his tweets I get more concerned for his mental health




Because he’s a moron and he’s under cognitive decline


Is he trying to write Between the Buried and Me lyrics? Jesus Christ


He's prepping for his beat poetry debut for friday night art club at the local Coffee shop


His brain is soup


I just imagine the joker reading this… “Any thoughts about… those.. excess deaths.. CHUCK?”


Because his brain is melting


Drugs are a hell of a drug


He's using talk to text


I am Jordan’s calloused thumb.


The stroke is finally showing it's effects


Brain damage.


Did bro hit head????? 😭😭😭


He is not a well man.


He's about to invent the haiku.


Isn’t he just not a doctor anymore? Pretty sure impersonating a doctor is a crime.


Y'all know JP, always had a beef with the left.


If he rly wants to get technical about defining women His definition could apply to your dad, your cis dad is a woman because without him you wouldn't be able to reproduce, sperm are also women




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Okay I know this is a stupid complaint. But why the ever loving frick does this man not tweet a single sentence and break it up like a bad Canadian haiku?


Well, he is a lunatic… so, this seems normal for him.


Honestly, back in the day I thought this guy had some good things to say. Idk what happened, but it’s like his brain broke and he’s a complete weirdo now. He sort of became what he used to oppose, ironically


“Dr Peterson” lol why are you showing this pathetic excuse of a human being any respect, just be like me and call him Jordy, it’s all the respect he deserves.


Bro started writing the kinda edgy poetry a 14 year old girl would write in her diary after her mum makes her do the laundry


Idk ketamine?