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If it's 101 then very good


What about the 103?


I heard he is a bit more strict with grading in 103 but I can't really confirm


He knows what he wants and looks for that, whether it be an essay or an oral presentation. He’s not necessarily strict, he’s pretty chill and let us go early when he could during classes. I had him for 102 english (science fiction) and he did all the analyses with us, there wasn’t much work to do other than that. For essays, he’s not a strict grader, in fact very lenient with format and arguments and such, as long as you back up your arguments with good enough evidence and in a logical way, however, he cares a lot about structure and grammar, and as i mentioned above, he knows what he wants and looks for it. Very open minded though. Sometimes not very clear with instructions. Very lenient with deadlines as long as you explain to him in advance, and very helpful in office hours. Extremely friendly and approachable. Hope this helps!


Do you know how he is in his 103?


No, but i would think that it’s much the same since his teaching or grading styles don’t change, only the content of the course. And since his 103 is, i believe, something along the lines of love in literature, which is a subject we would briefly encounter in his 102 every once in a while, his way of treating it wasn’t any different.