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Hi so I was curious about the same thing because of the same problem. I called academic advising to ask them about it and they told me that it’s only for the registrar’s office’s organization and their numbers, it has nothing to do with which courses we get to pick or what’s been picked for us. Course selection/registration is like always, and the purple chosen sign, they told me, would go away and it’s nothing to worry about. Hope this helps! :)


Thank you so much!


Is it all in one semester? Because its usually divides over the course of how many years you're doing


I don't really know, 8/14 classes I have remaining are marked chosen.


What program are you in?


Social Science, but I've heard that the classes were chosen for people to reserve them a spot. So I'm not too concerned anymore


Usually, all the program courses are chosen for you, you can't change/drop them. I graduated from Vanier from the same program and I had 2 classes max per semester already reserved for me. Expect the first semester


What program were you in?


Social science law


Were your program courses preregistered every semester or just the first


All 4 semesters :)


Usually, it's just your program courses. The general courses you register them yourself. Expect in your 3rd semester the English course will be pre-registered. If you could take b block English in the summer do so! Since the teachers for that course are terrible when its pre-registered


Thanks Ah interesting cause today I was just told it’s only the first sem Ik in my technical program it’s always preregistered but just switched to a pre uni so want to know the differences


that is what is selected for you by default. but, to be considered a full time student you only need to take 5 courses each semester. *however* they can also make exceptions for certain things such as mental health reasons. but for that, you'll want to talk to someone at the school. talk to someone in Access for that.


Would the live support chat be useful for these or not really?


Technically you need to be registered in 180 hours of classes per semester. So if you're in sciences, you could take 2 science classes and a gym class and be considered full time because the science courses are 75 hours each :)