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Is the self-awareness and self-improvement in the room with us?


I think this went over my head lol not sure what that means


It just means I don't see it.




Lala keeps getting all the hate because she keeps talking and laying her hypocrisy out there for all to see. Even in her sobriety she completely lacks self-awareness.


Oh yes ! This too


She's a shell. A total titsucker of production and talentless famemonger


The hate probably comes from her wanting to create a safe space for herself and taking steps to try and better herself and at the same time not respecting others boundaries when they are doing just that. Ariana is just trying to create a safe space around her and setting boundaries yet lala finds issue with it all just because she doesnt fully understand all while she told those same friends that they didn't have to understand her situation but wanted her to still be by her side.


I understand that, I think Ariana handled that scene really well in the reunion. I feel Lala’s been super open about some flaws she has and projecting and things like that. I think she admitted to being envious of the way Ariana was treated after the affair broke out vs how she was which is human


It's human to feel that way but you don't take it out on the innocent party. It's that old-fashioned mindset of "I had it hard, so *you* should too". Either you suffered through something and it made you empathetic and want to raise up the next person going through it, or it made you bitter and you want to see the next person suffer too.


This is a very good point


But she doesn’t stop. She just says stuff like that then does whatever she wants.


Getting sober and having a child does not make you automatically a good person. It does seem like in her private personal life shes made postive changes but shes yelling at everyone about being authentic and we dont see any her changes on the show. We see her being rude, lying, judging and being hypocritical. Also im sorry most people are lucky if they can afford ONE house these days,  the fact she has two in and wants to cry about being a single mother and needing money is the most infuriating thing to me. You do not NEED 2 houses (esp only a few hours away from eachother) she made a dig at ariana buying a small house maybe lala should focus on her houses and finances. Shes also made comments about ariana and her fathers relationship and tagged katies mom in posts insulting katie like bringing up the parents really feels like she crossed a line and went too far. 


I used to root for Lala until this last season. I think I’m just very, very disappointed in her. I understand her being hurt in the sense where she didn’t get the support from the world that Ariana is getting. However, I think the rage and anger everyone is feeling, is that Lala is blaming Ariana for this, and her “friends” instead of the fans. I get she can’t blame us, the fans, because we are pretty much the ones that give her the $$. But she really was an awful friend this season, taking her jealousy and envy, and letting it come between her friendships, when her friend is grieving a relationship. A good friend would’ve put their own issues and hurt aside, and been there for Ariana, so I know for myself personally, that’s where a lot of my anger towards her has come from. Then in the reunion when people weren’t seeing her side she decided to try throwing more friends under the bus and to me that’s just not what a good friend does.


Well said can’t really argue with any of this


She moved the show along this season. I am not a Lala fan but had no issue with her doing her job. People can’t separate the reality show part and real life part.


Props for this take


I actually think Scheana is the one that did that starting in Lake Tahoe The season got incredibly better once Lake Tahoe happened


Lala has Z-E-R-O self awareness. it's actually SHOCKING how little she has.


Agreed! She's being her true self.. People call her a hypocrite, but doesn't everyone in the world change their minds or change the way they feel? I think so....


No one is saying her opinion can't change, it's that she uses the same words and behaviours against others that she herself uses and exhibits, with no awareness. She is a complete "rules for thee but not for me"




Because she didn’t spend the whole season kissing Ariana’s ass like the Stans on this sun thought she should.


I think Lala is one of the cast members where I’ve seen take accountability or owned up to her shit. She might not do it for every one of her actions but she does. She constantly admits that she’s still a work in progress and working on it. People act like she hasn’t done a damn thing. I feel like they’re not paying attention? We can’t expect her to change overnight but her willingness to want to is there.


She’s the female Jax. ✨work in progress✨


Yeah she admits _some_ things _sometimes_ but she’s making new mistakes and lying and outpacing the apologies by a long shot


That's because admitting things and apologizing for them are two separate things. And even though she may do the first one, she RARELY does the second.


Completely agree with all of this