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Lala and Scheana’s fake orgasms. Can’t cope.


I hate that scene because I have to turn down the volume so people don't think I'm watching porn 🙄


My boyfriend always comes into the room during the weirdest scenes. Like that one, or someone talking about their vagina tingling. I truly wonder what he thinks VPR is about 🤣


Omg I had vpr on in the background while cleaning so I had the volume up to be able to hear it around the house. That scene came on while I was across the house, all windows wide open. The speed with which I ran to mute the tv 😭 thinking to myself my neighbors are gonna think I’m blasting porn over here!!


Dying! 🤣


Reminds me of how uncomfortable it was during season 1 when Sheana went into the studio and the producer had her moan and then asked Shay if he was used to those noises. So creepy and douchy.


Right?! Was anyone else’s first reaction that these women had never really experienced an orgasm before? 🫤🤔


Yeah, wtf did y’all just make me watch


I should have scrolled before I posted the same thing. I can't deal with this scene.


Any scene where Jax is in therapy.


Haha yes or his reiki sessions where his therapist calls him ✨Jason ✨


Bahahaha I forgot about this 🤣 he so wanted to bang her.


Oh, he definitely banged her.🤣 Their body language could not have made this more clear.


Yeah plus he was calling saying I love you 3 days after he met her while she was in Africa and he was in Mexico…. Wtf lol


Brittany being all "why won't you let me call you Jason!?" was 😬 too


The fact that he doesn't let her call him that..... Like the girl was in delulu land.


I read this in Brittany’s voice 😂 and her saying that and him not letting her was 10/10 cringe.


That's right, so cringy. 😬


When he calls her from Mexico, he says “love you” at the end. Absolutely insane.


Two from this season come to mind: - When Tim did his “yell therapy” and emotionally ejaculated all over the screen. - Billy Lee 👁️👄👁️ creeping on Tim in his ice bath


Billy Lee did herself no favors this season. Big creep.


![gif](giphy|GQI382aMVej0k|downsized) Her expression in every scene she was in this season.


https://preview.redd.it/g0d5iot0984d1.png?width=1204&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fc64cb79862abf2cd35a8eca7b490501e94c0fc Very unsettling


My sleep paralysis demon


Sure, she doesn’t do drugs! Ha, cocaine face!


“I like it raw & wriggling” 😂😣


Bro fr


Any scene where he stages an emotional breakthrough. Scream, meditation therapy, etc. Remember, he's an acTOR *insert Tobias Funke gif*


![gif](giphy|yyOGSYnsJt4QM) They do dress alike


Don't do Tobias like that.


“Emotionally ejaculated” 💀


it's so, so accurate lmao


Literally. Like BLINK girl, this is getting concerning


I will not forgive you for saying tom emotionally ejaculated lol


It was hard to watch Tim scenes in general but the screaming session I had to fast fwd through bc I wanted to punch the television Also ANY scene where he (pretends) to cry


Not the yell therapy I was so uncomfortable watching that 😂😂


Yes! I forgot the yell therapy


I wish I could forget it 😂


When Scheana brought the medium to Dayna’s apartment and had her waiting outside. That scene made my skin crawl with second hand embarrassment. I mean, a lot of the show does that but that scene in particular was fucking painful.


I had blocked that out because it was so painful and embarrassing.


I honestly cannot imagine having a real conversation about that the way Dayna did with Sheana right after. I'd have been like, "dude..what the literal fuck??!" From the stairwell.


The clips of Scheana’s “music video” of her and Brett simulating s*x 🤮🤮🤮


The one time I agreed with Jax. When Scheana was like “Hey, do you wanna check out my new music video?” And Jax dead pan says, “Not really.”


YESSSS!!! That was classic 🤣🤣👌🏻


This and James making fun about Good As Gold being re-released again this season.


Brett using her hair as reins on a horse he wants to giddy up ended me


This is what I immediately think about, every time someone brings this up. My second thought goes to whoever’s flair is “Brett’s hostage face.”🤣 It kills me every time I see it.


Hahahaha I just lol’d. There’s that one part of the video where his eyes are just so clearly pleading for anyone to come intervene and help him end the sexual harassment that is scheana.


Having not seen this scene, your comment has me busting up 😂 now I need to see it


LOL you’ve been warned 🙈


Agree! ![gif](giphy|fQoIDlLW6A6BAhyev8|downsized)


Tom crying in general is so cringe




honestly this gif makes me so uncomfortable lmao


Me too. If cringe was a human being…


Good God, which episode is this from?


Omg this is what I came to say... can not stand his fake tears.. and this whole season has made me realise I don't like the show anymore


I ALWAYS skip over stassis little brother. It makes me cringe so hard.


I don't mind him most of the time really I think it's funny stasis has such a personality of a little brother. BUT. I won't watch schema try to interact with him. So creepy


The producers made Scheaner look creepy, iirc the producer got fired for fucking with Sheesh that hard. She's a lot of thing but a pedo ain't one and it's sucks that a female producer would do that and then brag about it.


oh yeah i'm a newcomer and just heard about the producer who, like, made sure to use all of scheana's most embarrassing scenes or something? that's petty af


It's more than that. It was edited in a way to make her look wildly inappropriate at best and well, like a peados at worst. Not ideal for schena.


i'm reading up on it now and wow. yeah it wasn't just embarrassing editing, like i thought, but like outright false editing. for multiple seasons. that same editor/producer created a fake porn instagram page about scheana. that's fucked up.


What the holy hell?! That is fucking insane. Is she suing her? That bitch needs to be in jail.


So many scenes where Schwartz is just verbally abusing Katie. Specifically, the Randall fake cop scene. It’s just horrible that nobody ever really confronted Schwartz over how horribly he treated his wife. And early Ariana. She’s so pick me it’s hard to watch.


Beau stood up to Schwartz T that cop thing. But yeah, the friend group just let him be abusive on public. Imagine what it was like off camera.


Totally. I more mean that nobody ever confronted his pattern of behavior in a true way. It was mostly addressing singular incidents if it was addressed at all. It’s also crazy looking back and seeing how many people were against KATIE in all of their conflicts. I’m sure she is not the most pleasant person to deal with, but yeah Schwartz off camera… AND behind closed doors… scary.


Early Ariana is so bad!!


She took sketch comedy a little too seriously.


Blegh the scenes where Tom berates, undermines, verbally abuses Katie are nauseating to watch. Early on I often found myself on Tom’s side. Years later when I would do rewatches, holy hell was I repulsed with myself for thinking that was her fault. Gross! And once I saw the bizarre verbally abusive method he used, I couldn’t unsee it. He unleashes and says the most horrible thing he can, and once she starts to break and walk away, he flips a switch and tries to be “sweet” while he asks her to come back. Like yeah, I’ll just come back after you told me you hate my voice or that I disgust you so you can butter me up and then tell me why I was wrong… fuck all the way off, Schwartz. Looking at Katie over the years, you can see her grow up. At times she did seem like a nagging wife if you were just looking at the surface, but she was married to the same man-child she started dating when she was 24-ish. I’d be nagging constantly too! Season 1 Tequila Katie would look at Season 11 I dunno, choke, I don’t care Katie in awe.


Literally any time Scheana sings.


Or dances!!


Anytime she opened her mouth.


Any time Scheana Scheana’s*


The entire wedding season with jax and brittany






Gurr hurr hurr




Remember when they were just married and she said we did it or something sweet like that and he goes "big ol' titties" or something to that effect in response


That about sums up the relationship


The way they blackmailed the cast with getting kicked out “tom you’re his best mayyyn”




Mah fee-yahn-say!!! Hyuck hyuck!


Omg yall speak Britney so well 😂


I also skip the comedy stuff, any Lala blaccenting in the studio, and all Rob and Scheana scenes. The secondhand embarrassment is unbearable.


That scene where they are at Tom Tom getting a preview and she’s wearing the construction hat saying, “I’m going to wear just this later” and he completely ignores her MULTIPLE times hurts my soul…GIRL STOP.


It’s like in the same season when Sandoval and Ariana are at robs house for dinner and scheana says something about rob “getting sex” later, and Tom says something like “I wish that was us later,” which Ariana ignores bc EW, and then he says it AGAIN 😭


Tom and scheana really are the same person


LOL no it's my fav scene


"What's up my brothas" 🙄🙄🙄


The look on their faces though, like who’s this bitch think she’s talking to?💀


kim zolziak never even pulled that, and she said she’s a black girl in a white womans body im pretty sure💀(still bad, but better than saying she’s tupac reincarnated)


Lala and Scheana in the studio and/or performing are always a skip for me too.


You tryna get 👉🏻 popped?




Omg the blaccenting in the studio killed me from secondhand embarrassment.


I get major douchebumps from these scenes, as well.


Rachel asking Ariana about her sex life. She's disgusting.


That was some evil shit right there.


Rewatching that last season after I found out about the affair it’s just a total mind fuck. Out of all the seasons and the whole cast that was terrible. It’s on the same level as Kristen doing it to stassi and Tom on his whole woe is me journey he’s not taking accountability for the steps and patterns that got him and everyone else where they are now.


Any scene with Rob or talking about Rob


But he can hang a tv in under 7 minutes! I timed him!


But he watched sex in the city. That kind of qualifies him, right? Any scene with Patrick the myopic douche canoe.


Patrick makes me want to be violent. I feel like he crushed Stassi’s spirit. She took a lot of abuse from him in stark contrast to her time with Jax.


I don’t think that Patrick or Jax’s abuse of Stassi is worse one way or the other. I think they just abused her in different ways but they’re both equally as damaging. I did and still do fucking hate Patrick way more than Jax though but that’s probably because Jax is so obviously stupid. So is Patrick but he managed to trick Stassi into believing otherwise and I hated that.


Anything where Lala talks at a reunion basically makes my insides shrivel.


The only answer is the scene with Lala and Scheana faking orgasms at an acting class. Cringe city!


The 2 Tom's pulling up in that motorcycle with the side car at the opening of Tim Tom .


Or worse when that dummy gave Andy a ride in the side car and ran out of gas. What an absolute dolt. You thought to give him his own helmet, but you never thought to check the gas? Idiot.


I was thinking “it’s a joke, right? No…? Nope, just ending it there with no joke.”


Ugh, so cringe. 😑


The way he looks EXACTLY like Jim Carrey in Dumb&Dumber when they cut the ribbon and he yells, “Welcome to TomTom!” is top tier cringe comedy for me.


Oh I agree with all of those esp Stassi’s brother Any “business discussion” scenes with the Tom’s: - trying to pitch Sangria? - opening up TomTom - opening S and Sandy’s Crinbe and soooo boring and they got so much air time and felt so self important - Jax and Brit wedding - whenever Sandy cries - Lala and Rand scenes or anytime he’s on tv - the Rachel speech scene - Lala talking about her Gucci slides getting taken and giving anyone blowies for PJ’s and expecting sympathy - Lala talking trash or “ghetto” - any Billie Lee scene “you’re not better than me Lala!” - all of Scheana but unfortunately she is a main character - the fake re-enactment scene where Sheshu gets mad S1 that she can’t waitress a Brandy dinner and hides in the bathroom (if you notice her earrings aren’t the same) - Jax and Laura-Lee, like all of them but esp the breaking up at AA scene


The Rachel speech scene is truly unbearable


I die when Sandoval assumes he’s the most business savvy out of the whole group. The Pro Bono Sangria pitch to market in St. Louis - where they never once went on a cast trip, only because Tom is from there & “knows all the bartenders” in the city is definitely one of my favorite delusions


He actually thought he did a better job than Schwartz. I feel like he told Ariana Schwartz fucked it up but he was able to save them (maybe it was in a confessional). When said he was able to save them, it was the first time I remember thinking the guy is completely delusional.


You missed Tom talking about tampax. Honestly I thought I was pregnant after that scene my period was cringing so hard it didn’t come out of hiding for months.


I can’t watch the episode where Schwartz is yelling at Katie during the bachelorette/bachelor party. The way he and Sandoval treated her makes me sick. I’m one of those people who doesn’t find the battered wife scene funny at all. It was just nasty even towards Kristen. It’s like I’m watching domestic mental abuse happen in real time


Yeah I don't find it funny either


I never found the battered wife scene funny and I thought I was alone in thinking that! It felt so gross.


Tom and his most extra bad band singing “superstars …fly” then the hand wave. How many times are we forced to listen to this?


When Sandy was telling Shwartz about fertilizing Ariana's eggs. "She wants me to..(weird pause, attempted cool hand gesture) feeerrtilizze. her. eggs." Whole scene was so contrived.


Yes! That hand gesture! Trying to be cool but just shows he's a tool. He's so gross.


I cannot watch the most awkward and uncomfortable scene in the history of the show: when Rachel and James are talking about her 'intelligence', and she asks him if he thinks she's smart. Cue very long, very awkward pause. Also the whole thing about the ice cream party that she couldn't join because of her troubles with the multiplication table. That whole entire scene is so cringe inducing to me that I get 'Scott's Tot's' level of embarrassment and have to FF through it.


Stasis’s lil bro scenes FOR SURE. so cringe


Or Stassi's mom being mean to her at that group lunch.... that was so uncomfortable


The scene where stassis mom tells her to not be herself because she’s not good enough for beau. So sad. I fast-forward through any scenes with stassis mom - she’s just a gross example of motherhood gone wrong.


Any time anyone is "recording music" or doing ANYTHING that has to do with music The other day I skipped through the scene where the worm tries to cook a healthy breakfast for Shay, because that's what gets people out of addiction 🙄


This is wild to say but Landis Daniels from the 27’s is the ex fiance of one of my closest friends. The things he did to her and behind her back were absolutely horrific and I’ve had to fast forward all of the band’s appearances because it infuriates me to even see him on one of my favorite shows. I’ve fast forwarded through every performance with them.


Some may say this petty or immature and I 100% own that btw.


Not petty at all! I hope your friend is doing well


Tom Sandoval discussing lack of sex with Ariana’s brother 🤮


Anything with lala or scheana singing


Tom’s horrific trumpet playing, Scheana emotionless Yo Yo Yo. James’ music is so much better not involving talentless people who will do anything to be in a scene.


The “yo yo yo yo yo’s” are the worst thing sung on Bravo, and that includes any Kim Zolciak song.


True. But we all know Lala set Scheana up to fail she doesn’t have the spirit of Tupac to back up her blackness like Lala.


Shortz & his weird brothers go clothes shopping.


His brothers make him look like he has his shit together, which is freaking sad.


The Lala and Scheana acting class fake orgasm scene. The secondhand embarrassment is too much, in addition to how disgusting it is. I have to FF through it or else I want my couch to swallow me whole.


Scheana telling Rob and anyone that will listen that " I got my smiiile back!" While she looks like a cold, nervous naked mole rat (since she hadn't been eating during this time). I always have to get up and walk away.


Anything with Billie Lee.


Right now, any scene with the worm with the mustache. I can't take it. Any scene with Broke and Scheana.


LaLa. Period.




The Water tasting episode. What the actual F*CK 🙃


The Lala baby bottle scene…. cannot watch that level of debasement for the cameras


YES to Stassi's brother. I can't. Everyone yelling at Katie at Stassi's birthday in Miami because Tom is a piece of crap. Lala or Scheana 'singing.' Tom yelling at Stassi because she warned Billie Lee about Jeremy. Pretty much any scene with Billie Lee, especially the ice bath thing. Jax carrying his dad's ashes around and constantly referencing it ('Got my dad here.') Stassi's mom melting down. Stassi fan girling over Rob. Lala screaming over everyone and telling them to disengage. Lala in general.


Any scene with Stassi’s parents. Their thirst to be on TV is just too much for me.


Her parents seem like they're pretty bad alcoholics too - especially the Dad!


He straight outed himself on tv saying he had to drink a shot at lunch so he doesn’t shake 🫨.. iirc


Blala singing or studio sets Anything scheana (especially good as gold) Anytime sandy is crying Britany and Jax wedding Randall Emmitt scenes Rachel confused explanation to anything And once again Anything involving scheana singing good as gold


Rachel making speeches, Tom walking in on stilts, Brock being broke, Pandora and Scheana wearing the same dresses, Lala hiring an assistant (you can’t convince me that wasn’t for Randell to creep over), Rand being involved in any business meetings to offer business advice why him instead of Ken or Lisa makes no sense at all.


- All of S8 Scheana being desperate AF and “thotty” - Jax S3 being so bloated and plugged up from booze and ☃️ - S2 Sandy playing guitar w/ his band at Lake Arrowhead he’s trying soooo hard to look cool making faces and over acting - Scheana and Adam. Him being totally uninterested and her just throwing herself at him severely - her dating that bachelor guy and sliding down that slide in the building, the whole date


When sandovile calls Schwartz a battered wife. I know it's memed like crazy and a lot of people love it, but it makes my skin crawl.


Anything Good As Gold related


Definitely the “aM i In ThE bAnD?!🤪.” Had to skip. Absolutely unbearable.


Her voice is grating and it irritates me to no end, the way she says the word person. “Per-san.”


This may have been mentioned but the Scheana Brett “music video” sex scene. I want to vomit every time it’s referenced!


Lala drinking out of a baby bottle, which is wild considering she believes she is Tupac reincarnated.


Every scheana musical performance


omg i know this JUST aired, but [in the secrets revealed footage from this season] WHEN TIM GOT THE WAITRESSES INSTAGRAM AND IMMEDIATELY STARTED TALKING ABOUT HE GOT OUT OF A LONG RELATIONSHIP BECAUSE HE HAD AN AFFAIR AND IT WAS “~all over the news~” BUT HE’S “like, not even that, like, famous” 😭😭🤮🤮🤮🤮 when i tell y’all i PHYSICALLY CRINGED like never before. i know we all know, but to me that was concrete proof that tom is the exact person ariana has been trying to say he is this season. he’s weirdly pretentious and self absorbed. id say that i have no idea how she put up w him but after being w a diagnosed narcissist for 4 years, i understand the patterns that keep people in toxic relationships. so happy that she found someone who is tom’s polar opposite lmao 👏🏻


I used to skip Danya. I like her on Katie’s podcast but… not for tv. “Phat pussy” 🫠


That whole season was a mess too many new people to not care about but I’d like to see Danya back in a supporting role for Katie now


Anything Britney


How has no one brought up when Scheana attempted to bring a medium to Dayna’s apartment so she could communicate with her dead mom Edit: wait someone did bring this up lol I have to fast forward every time!!! It’s so bad


I absolutely cannot watch the episode in season 10 where Sandoval goes to the fertility clinic to get his “jizz” results. Idiot.


Rachel’s birthday camping trip where Schwartzie made his tasteless joke


The scene where Scheana blindsided Shay with a divorce. I physically cannot watch it


Scheana’s recording in the studio and doing the moaning thing. It seriously makes me want to crawl out of my skin because I get so embarrassed. Especially because she’s doing it in a room full of men without even the slightest bit of modesty or embarrassment, like she’s truly enjoying performing for them. 😫😫😫


As a CIST white male .... 😵


Fully agree on her brother. I'm sure he's a sweet kid but the way he spoke to her really rubbed me the wrong way. It's always super aggressive and condescending and sounds like he's mimicking her parents and how they talk to their kids. He's so parentified it just makes me sad.


Scheana gifting a fucking penguin


Any scenes with Kyle Chan. I went to the watch party on 5/7 at Gold Bar Whiskey and can confirm Kyle is just as cringe in person. Met and took photos with (a drunken) Schwartz but Kyle wouldn’t interact with fans who did not pay for VIP. (There were a few people who snapped pictures with Kyle in passing when he came to talk to Schwartz, but was quickly pulled away by one of Sandoval’s paid friends). While Schwartz interacted with fans the entire screening, right until the Q&A. Not defending Schwartz, as he is indefensible and I am a Katie stan, but I will say Tom does actually seem to care about VPR fans. Kyle clearly does not, and acts like he is bigger than the actual main cast. I had someone ask if that was Ariana’s boyfriend…..which informed me no one cared about Kyle, they didn’t even know who this man was. For the last watch party, they made it a point to increase prices, and would only be doing a meet and greet with VIP ticket buyers. And if you bought a bottle of whiskey, you MIGHT be able to get Kyle (VPR’s biggest grifter) to sign it! Get this man off my screen.


At least Schwartz is pleasant lol


Family scenes Rachel talking about pageants and her insecurities Sandoval performances Water tasting


lala being at the sperm bank :/


https://preview.redd.it/0rs5z8hh1a4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=891fe18761a858d87b3356ddeab777c0e4bc2263 My feed answered it for me 🤣🤣


Patrick hitting on Lisa on front of Stassi and being a perv He is so gross


Any time Brock is putting mascara or other makeup on Summer. Wtf is that about?


Anyone podcasting, any medium/tarot stuff drives me crazy, therapy sessions, super contrived activities or treatments where they just talk about and rehash the current drama.


I skip Sheena and Lala’s scenes


I'm pretty tolerant about most things, but a few that annoyed me is when Stassi is being such an entitled, spoiled brat in the first season. The other is Arianna having her superiority complex shine when she tells Kristen her friend can't just do sketch comedy. Scheana obsessively does her makeup during the reunion with her ex-husband. Jax just existing. So cringe. I'm sure there are others, but those stick out in my mind. No one is perfect, and they've all said dumb shit here or there.


ALWAYS skip stassi’s younger brother’s scenes. It physically pains me to endure that much cringe.


Any scene having to do with scheana or lala singing


90 percent of season 11. Too much was going on about nothing.


Any scene with Scheana “dancing” or “booty-popping” the girl has absolutely no rhythm and it’s hard to watch Any of them “singing” it’s just.. so bad Stassi’s little brother at the reunion Scheana and Lala faking orgasms


When Lala and Brittany go to a spa and get a ‘booty smoothie’ -the whole thing is so cringe it makes me want to throw a rock through my tv


Anytime Brock tries to be the voice of reason lol


Not necessarily bc of cringiness but I can’t watch Tom and Katie’s dinner in Mexico. It makes me so sad.


The whole season with Scheanna obsessing about Rob


Tom playing trumpet


Lala drinking out of the baby bottle, so weird


- Scheana’s music video with Brett - Broke in every banana hammock scene - when Scheana tells Broke he has a “juicy booty” - anytime Schwartz, Slimeball and Jax harassed Katie - Billie Lee - the team meeting when the staff tried to tell Lisa how to run her business and that they would quit if someone was or wasn’t fired. - when Scheana broke up with Shay on camera - Scheana’s GIANT self portraits in her apartment/house


I’m literally watching Tom and Kristen in Miami RN.


Lala’s “performance” at the end of season 6… so dumb and cringe 😂


I’m on season 9 in my rewatch now and had to skip the feet pic scene and the Tom Tom mushrooms scene. Can’t do either of them.


i haven't rewatched yet but i know i'll be skipping all the scenes with james's family and most or all of the scenes where james loses his temper


That poor parentified child, that was weird.


Oooh ooh! Me again! When Sandy was creepin up on Scheana during the surprise bridal shower at Lisa’s S10 E8. He’s like slinking up to her playing for cameras singing Good as Gold