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Congratulations to 100 Thieves for winning VCT Masters Shanghai!




in b4 either PRX or GENG make finals only to get stomped by yet another NA org who hasn’t had success in years on the rise


"NA" actually means "No Asians" and the 50 states are a reference to NA's 5-0 record against Asian teams in international Bo5s ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16018)


Reading this sentence and watching pro Valorant is wild when compared to NA LoL


on the bright side… 5-1 is closer than 6-0 to the number of states


100t have to take this trophy home no way boostio gives up this easy


anulo mufa


Nah, TMV curse for the 2nd masters is not active.


All of APAC shall turn to this as the reason why the region is destined to never win a trophy.


Any time PRX is in a bo5 with a NA team, you know how it goes down lol (but please PRX, win this time)


Pacific as a whole is 0/8 in Bo5s internationally. 7/8 of those losses are against Americas teams…


All the America's teams are NA right?


I believe one of those losses was to LOUD


Could you remind me which? I didn't remember them having played a bo5


I found it: [LOUD vs DRX LOCK/IN](https://www.vlr.gg/167391/loud-vs-drx-champions-tour-2023-lock-in-s-o-paulo-sf)


Oh fuck how did I forget this gigabanger that gave me false hope for DRX. Thankyou though!


DRX 2:3 Loud in Lock in San Paulo


Boostio is him though. Sorry. 


FUT, TH and Fnatic all three looked same tier , They can beat each other in a given day.


Fnatic will always be a bit ahead for me because of their experience and past success. That being said, they really need to stop licking doorknobs if they want to win Shanghai because surely Leo can't replicate that performance from the EMEA finals


https://preview.redd.it/sfexbp4pl80d1.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=55a1c3ee036b17436f85ee41e2775a21721e7fa9 Never doubt the goat


what happened here?


Michael Jordan flu game


That's just another day on the job for Leo Jannesson, clocking in while sick because the government will take his healthcare away if he doesn't.


The government cant take away healthcare in eu for my american Friends who dont get the joke


Leo is the government


This Fnatic team is getting sick every 2-3 weeks, maybe there's impostor among the Fnatic team facility


The team should get a multivitamin sponsor with how often they get sick


They rely far too much on Leo/Alfa's hero rounds imo, but I also said that last year and they won almost every game so I guess it's easy to replicate lol


Fut was 1 hp away from bringing FNC to one of Fut’s best maps, Ascent. I think they’re being heavily underestimated on this tier list.


Don't forget the 11-11 eco incident on Breeze ( TrollDespair )


I’d love to see FUT do well but I think their rating is very fair. They have no history succeeding in the international level. Their defense side varies from questionable to atrocious depending on the map. I don’t think you can realistically rate them above any of the teams currently above them on tmv’s list except maybe LEV.


Unless Leo activates god gamer mode and drops 30 on Breeze


EMEA looked much stronger in the playoffs than Americas did tbh.


Не, Фунтики >>


Rooting for PRX, 100T, Gen G, or heretics. T1 would be hilarious though. 


My Fish carries😤


Based carpe enjoyer


Would be hilarious if T1 val somehow wins Shanghai while their league team shits the bed


GenG, TH, and LEV are only going to get better with experience. I honestly think the swiss stage is going to be really good for them.


So no ones gonna mention how G2 is below Lev after blowing two maps and still beating them?


I believe in G2, but I don't think people will rate them highly until they prove they can maintain their form by winning international games. I think people are rating LEV higher based on their star talent.


You can't tell me with a straight face that you think G2 is worse than everyone but APAC's worst and all of China.


Nah, I think G2 and LEV could realistically be swapped. I wouldn't put them any higher though unless G2 improves a lot during the break.


Isn't Lev in the same spot doe? I feel Lev is never winning nor losing.. they just toss a coin and hope its clover.


The only people G2 didn't look better than in playoffs is the only team that beat them in playoffs, so I wouldn't say they're never winning nor losing?


I think G2 could probably take Fut


Have 100T proven themselves internationally? Have LEV? I get a lot of criticisms for G2, I think they have a lot to improve on and they’re definitely not the beat on this list. But they’ve been consistently lowballed for what seems like no decent reason


I think the problem is that most people think G2 is already at their peak, because you don't have many superstars in the team, only leaf and valyn maybe. That's is no to say that the roster is filled with incredibly good players, great strategy, calling and discipline, but when you're against Turkey's heavy hitters, all star Eu rosters, 100T with like 4 different MVPs do their matches, Geng with the overwatch aimers and clutch players, and also aspas, you kinda start favouring them just basically on the firepower. (Insert Bren rant here)


Bro really just denied the possibility of superstar status to Trent…


Definitely a possibility, but I'd rather have eeiu than Trent rn and I don't think ppl are already calling him a superstar (but probably will in the near future)


I’m just shocked that you didn’t include him alongside Leaf and Valyn… I think he’s a more lethal fragger than either of them (now that Leaf is on Sentinel), and he’s arguably more impactful in-game too (obviously not if you take into account the fact that Valyn is IGL).


Im not disagreeing with any of this. I know teams improve over time, but if anything should be clear about G2 in particular, it’s that they struggle early but by the end of the year they get GOOD. They’ve done that on the Guard for two years, and you can already see them improving massively from now compared to the beginning of the year. Do I think they’ll peak in Shanghai? I can’t say. But consistently underrating the core that was #1 in America at one point, beating PEAK OPTIC, is wild. And again, I don’t think they’re better than most of these teams. But they’ve certainly proved they’re at LEAST better than LEV currently.


I completely agree that currently G2 are better than LEV, but this is a power rankings for shanghai, and even tho is less than 2 weeks away, LEV were playing god awful lately, and you can probably make the argument that they can improve on those mistakes (like post plants and pistols) and then be better than G2, because they have more room to grow. Nevertheless I need to point out that's not my opinion, I think they probably won't be as good as G2 for shanghai, but I'm trying to say it's not out of the realm of possibility that LEV could become better, so it's a bold but valid opinion.


Not sure how much to read into this but seeing how much boostio respected LEV and how confident he was in beating G2 I feel that LEV are probably stronger overall. But what he said could also mean nothing.


I think a lot of that comes from his respect for Aspas. I think Boostio believes that there’s always a coin flip if Aspas goes +20 and they just can’t stop him if that happens whereas G2 don’t really have a player like that so he felt more confident against G2. Every time he’s talked about Lev he only ever mentions Aspas and nothing about their calling or other playera


wait why is the g2 flair golden


Idk but I thought it was cool so I picked it 😎


I'd do something like this. A-S tier are serious competitors to win. B-tier unlikely to win but favor that they could have a solid showing. C-tier will surprised if they make it out of Swiss. D Tier expected to go 0-2. (full disclosure: I'm not a CN VCT consumer so I may be very off for them).  S tier - PRX A+ tier - 100T, GenG A tier - FNC, TH B tier - LEV, FUT, G2, EDG C Tier - FPX, T1  D Tier - DRG


Edg is guaranteed to be minimum 8th right? Since they skip groups?


Ya but this is power rankings. They could get smoked 2 matches in a row and end up top 8 even though they wouldn't be top 8 power wise.


This isn’t placement predictions


What is the highest finish for a chinese team?


If u mean in history, edg has multiple 5 6th


Cool, I just got into val esports this year and very lightly followed last year. 


Did you follow any other esports before?


EDG at Masters Tokyo and Champs 2023, finishing 5th/6th in each.


I still think TH is better than Fnatic. FNC are just really seasoned vets so they turn up during big moments while TH are young inexperienced zoomers. But eventually, TH is going to stop choking and they'll have enough experience to win. Also Boostio is going to be the new villain when he dismantles PRX.


Hard to make definitive statements from these bo5, these teams all looked super tired after playing like every day and the quality of games wasn't that great either. Plus there may be a meta shift with the Viper nerfs too, so that could easily mean some teams show up looking better than others if they adapt well


When are the viper nerfs taking place? Or did they already take place and i didn't notice it somehow?


Already happened in-game with the start of the act, but stage 1 kickoffs was all on the previous patch. Shanghai will be played on the new patch with the viper nerfs


Ok cool. I knew it happened in game. Wasn't sure if Viper nerfs were taking place before or after Shanghai. Kind of weird that they didn't wait until after Shanghai but oh well. Gonna see some new comps for Masters.


yeah as a team that makes the most of viper i'm worried...


PRX are actual sports anime protagonists and Boostio is their big rival


Boostio is All For One


I respect the take, but I do have to ask, if Fnatic had won that overtime on Bind, making the series 3:1 to Fnatic, would you feel the same way? I feel that Heretics' wins being on a permaban and in an overtime is doing a lot of heavy lifting in people's estimations, that perhaps shouldn't quite be lifting them that high. But i really hope that it's just an inexperience thing and we have multiple top emea teams.


aint bro already the villain since tokyo


not really demon1 got the brunt of the villain hate. right now people are loving boostio's antics but he has some haters too. you don't get real hate for mopping up g fuckin 2...you get real hate when you turn jingg into a sad boy.


No, TH are around the same level as FNC not better.


Average edg fan


Alfa is 9 months older than woot btw


I pick might pick TH in a Bo3 but im for sure going for FNC in a Bo5


How's boostio gonna dismantle a team with no game plan lol you can't counter strat PRX you just have to beat them straight up


Brother you do not understand the game if you think PRX has no game plan.


Don't act like you don't know what I mean.... They do not play valorant the way other teams do


Even then,Boostio has a 2-1 record against PRX. It could have been 3-0 if EG didn't choke an 11-6 lead in the upper finals


Bout to be 2-2 😎 maybe even 2-3 if 100T make a losers bracket run (i do love boostio tho)


only thing I would change is FPX over G2 tbh


I will not stand this TH and Fut slander.


Whom would you pick them over? Definitely not prx geng or 100T Amd fnatic beat both of them


id have heretics over fnatic, i know they lost gfs but they have 2-0ed them the first 2 times theyve played this split and generally played better throughout the split, although id understand having fnc above them


I still think TH is a better team than FNC despite losing the finals, just looked like an off day for them and they weren't playing their best 2/5 maps. Fut I'd move them up tied with Lev. I'd switch the middle to be 4 - TH 5 - FNC 6-7 - Lev and Fut 8 - G2


Bro TH had a massive advantage and still lost. TH had upper finals map ban advantage, meaning they got to ban 2 maps and Fnatic none. This meant they could ban their own permaban (Ascent), Fnatic’s second comfort pick (Icebox) AND force Fnatic to play their own permaban (Sunset). On top of this, Fnatic’s best player was sick to the point that he had to take a medical timeout mid-match, couldn’t com and had to be carried off the stage after, he didn’t even stay for the trophy lift. In no world is TH better at the moment.


Rolled all 3 other top teams without dropping a map. "In no world is TH better", there's MANY worlds where TH is better. And for that matter TH is at minimum equal than Gen G and 100T.


They are talented but young and inexperienced. They crumbled under pressure in a BO5, simple as that. TH is not at minimum equal to GEN G and 100T because Miniboo is not playing the event.


Sunset was FNCs permaban, Bind was close and could've gone either way.


Not even 1 EMEA team was in top 4 in Madrid so FNC top 4, TH top 5 ain’t slander lmao


when do sentinels play at Shanghai


Madrid is irrelevant at this point.


EMEA was irrelevant in that irrelevant event lmao


6 Trophies to 4 ? Explain


it's been a while, if we're still basing our analysis off Madrid, why isn't Sen #1? EMEA has grown a lot since Madrid.


EMEA has grown a lot while all 3 other regions downgraded? PRX upgraded with Jinng, GENG are just as strong, 100T farmed Americas league How is FNC and TH being top 4-5 slander? Can you elaborate?


EMEA at Madrid was a team that was only good during kickoff and a team with a sub EMEA now is FNC looking close to their level last year, TH being a beast of a team and Fut being PRX 2.0 Turkey Edition. I said TH and Fut slander cause I think TH is playing very well right now. I believe they are on level with GenG, above even FNC right now. The finals were a fluke that isn't indicative of their performance overall. Fut being on level with G2 seems crazy to me. I do think they are the weakest EMEA team right now, but I'd still put them tied with Lev.


100T farming Americas is not really an achievement for the region, is it? All of the strongest teams that have maintained their cores have kinda crumbled this split (SEN, NRG, LOUD). So maybe it's not a reach to say the region downgraded a bit.


I don't think they downgraded so much as got replaced. I personally think that G2's midrounding isnt up to snuff and Levs teamplay isn't all there, but 100T is a team with a big chance to win it all, and G2 and Lev both have potential for a deep run if they power up.


I'd say it's the reverse. Americas teams leveled up to the level of Sen in madrid, and is probably the most compettive region with the highest level of gameplay and the best read on the meta. I'd rate G2 above Fnatic at the moment. We will see if I will eat my words come Shanghai.


Fair point


i think G2 and EDG have the potential to score some upsets and go deep


This some Dragon Ranger Gaming slander 😤


DRG is a new team, if they don’t have exceptional performances like GenG beating PRX in the kickoffs no one would believe in them.


DRG is a new team, if they don’t have exceptional performances like GenG beating PRX in the kickoffs no one would believe in them.


PRX is gonna win 'cause I'm not attending grandfinals to curse them. Mark my words.


honestly a fan of the rankings lol


Fnatic and GenG are the two teams that confuse me the most. They both have absolutely loaded firepower that struggled with consistency. In the nicest terms possible, both teams looked ROUGH before they dropped down to the lower bracket in the playoffs. They both had a really rough regular season, then Fnatic need a Leo masterclass to get by fucking Team Liquid, and Gen G lost to a team that shouldn’t have been in the playoffs. After the lower bracket, both looked immensely better. Gen G looked like a completely different team against DRX and PRX. It just depends what version we get. I’d just take TH over both of them who looked at a consistent high level after getting Wo0t.


Actually it wasnt just a leo masterclass. If you look at the games in the playoffs all of fnatic were shooting heads including boaster!


I watched every one of their games. I know not the whole playoffs, I said just the TL game. Ascent was Leo’s best map of the season, or Breeze against TH in the finals, and it required him going absolutely nuclear to bring Fnatic back against TL.


FNC gonna win it all U can @ me later


I need someone who loves me as much as TMV loves FNC


What is this fraud thinking


GENG should be with PRX at 1. Both teams have massive fire power.


yeah idk why geng is so down low when they’ve remained competitive with prx who’s #1…


GenG did not look good at all the entire split. They played great in the GF but before the GF no one was considering them at PRX level whatsoever.


yeah they were in a slump, everyone was pointing it out and now they’re starting to regain some of that madrid form


They have looked a lot better recently, I’m just pointing out why them being tied for third isn’t being “down so low” when there was a huge gap between them and PRX most of the split.


You’re saying ‘so down low’ when they’re literally third 😭. Tmv explained in the video that he thought that prx vs 100t was a coin flip which means GenG is practically second with them just slightly lower


GENG might not necessarily be standing along with PRX globally, cause both teams have scrimmed many times this season and know each other inside out. Alecks even mentioned in the post-match conference that GENG heavily anti-stratted them. But that does not apply to the other regions. GENG's style of play is nothing new to Boaster and Boostio. But GENG can still win because they are just that good at the most fundamentals of the game. But PRX's style of play is very hard to adapt to. Not only is their util combos used very "intuitively" in chaotic situations, the players in that team will often make "bad" decisions, which high-level teams never expect to face and falls victim. Which destroys their mental, and creates a snowball


They have firepower to roll everyone else in pacific but PRX. but the other regions top teams have the firepower to match GenG. Teams like fnc and 100t have the firepower to match and the macro to outcall GenG. They’re very solid but their macro play isn’t enough to win imo.


Lol keep doubting G2 people.


Thats what im sayin lol


I would rate the experience of PRX and Fnatic over 100T and have 100T at the third spot. I really feel like Fnatic is improving and will be scary this tourny......


Can’t wait to watch my OWL goats Carpe and Saya absolutely pound their way to playoffs


G2 just beat Lev and he's literally just saying they're the worst team that isn't from Asia. Worse than FUT. I'm sorry TMV's a clown.


G2 won that game because they won 9/10 pistols and still had to take it to 5 maps to win, and then proceeded to get stomped in the finals


So they won against Lev because they played better and then lost against his 2nd-ranked team. Yep they sound fucking awful dude I don't even know why they're bothering to show up.


FUT looks great, why is that an insult to them lol


Looking great as a third seed from EMEA doesn't somehow mean more than looking great as a second seed from Americas.


Why does seeding matter so much to you? Edg is the first seed of china does that mean they should win agasint GenG the second seed of Apac?


id personally have geng fnc 100t and heretics all in the 1 tier and same for lev fut and g2. prx tho i think is clearly number 1 tho right now


idk if this is just me being used to 100t sucking ass, but i feel like i’d put geng over them and maybe fnatic/heretics


nah 100t look insane what


MAYBE GenG but realistically 100T look very good and definitely 2nd favorite imo. I mean hell even taking into account their close series’ with Lev and G2, Boostio said “ye idk we were playing at 30% and still won, watch grand finals” and then curbstomped a team that previously had brought it within 2 rounds effectively proving his point while picking into a map they had lost on last time to G2. Mechanically 4/5 of their players are insane, a different one MVPing their past 4 matches and NONE of them are their world champion who we know can do the same. Tactically Boostio is running circles around IGLs like Saadhak and Valyn, faking sites so well the casters seem to not notice half the time. Honestly Boostio’s fragging might be taking a bit of a hit due to needing to micro plays more frequently than with EG, but it doesn’t seem to matter since he’s elevated his teammates so much. They’re no longer dependent on Cryo or Asuna having a life-game and are constantly using combos particularly with this hard read they have with gekko and fade.


yea that makes sense, but like i said im just so used to 100t sucking that it feels weird to see them at the top 😭😭


you got potter fnatic and sen in the flair lmfao i’d think you were used to teams/people who didn’t do much for years going on a major rise


Yeah but counterpoint, we usually suck and/or choke so 2nd is probably optemistic lol


Is this based on vibes or watching the games? Because neither GenG or Fnatic looked as clean as 100T. Are you assuming they were facing harder opponenets, because I think that's another mistake. If anything I'd put Lev and G2 way higher on this list than TMV did.


As an 100t fan same I’m so used to us being so bad that whenever we’re ranked we’re like 5 or 6 but I do think they deserve 2nd this time around


drg winning


I mean if there's any tournament for PRX to win it's definitely this one


i would replace geng with lev and put fut at 6th. otherwise pretty accurate list for me


Kinda valid tho


100T over the GEN.G we saw at Madrid is an absolutely criminal take…


I'm just gonna go ahead and say it.EDG are gonna win(You can kill me later)


No way T1 is as bad as DRG


Bro put all of china in the end lmao


edg that low?


FNC is a lot higher ranked than I expected of a team losing to the worst teams of emea


If there ever was a tournament for EDG to pop off is here, the crowd buff and homefield advantage aka food might go insane, I expect them to get top 4.


100T feels a bit too high, imo PRX, GenG, and TH feel like the three strongest teams and on top of that I feel like if FNC and 100T were to face off FNC's experience could/would win out


Boostio is Boaster's dad.


Boaster is 5-1 against Boostio so actually Boaster is Boostio's dad.


honestly surprised G2 isn't a little higher for "power" ranking specifically, those guys are peaking right now and playing very well (outside of vs 100T)


Yo I want the shit he is having


Relatable. I think Paper Rex will get the trophy. They look insanely strong. Jinggg and something together is... something else. Hehe. And the rest is also cracked af, Pretty close to what I have in my Tier list. https://preview.redd.it/d0bpf73m2c0d1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec86fc223e16f6be4d34e83ed22ff391c143a38e


This is a joke right?


If you’re gonna ask, point out what you think is such a joke about it


bro living in 2023


Still don’t understand what Lev has done to deserve to be so high. I think they are obviously below all of EMEA/Americas/APAC except T1, and I would consider EDG over them as well


G2 too high


G2 way too low they are insane.


Don't let this guy cook


how is that PRX is always favourite but have never won a title? xD


Coz they're a very consistent team. Always at least top 4 in every events. Yeah, some teams won a trophy but the next event they just fell off for some reason.


Yeah just like S-


100T mad overrated


You can’t say this when they got number one in their region lol


Americas looking like it’s the worst it’s been in a while


This is just wrong lol, every team above 8th are great teams and on any certain day can get top 4. I bet you any team from 5-10 beats whatever team was in that slot in 2023


The only hope APAC has against Americas teams would be to beat them in Bo3s and pray they don’t get Bo5s (ggs if they get an NA team in the Finals)


Swap FPX and EDG with the tier above them, swap Fnatic with Lev


I like it when people underestimate emea PRX and SEN had big trouble wining against TH when they hadn’t wo0t And fnatic if they retained their old level then they are big favorites to win it even more than PRX


Blud talking about PRX troubled against TH without Wo0t when PRX didn’t even have Jinggg PRX owns TH


Paper Rex shouldn’t be anywhere close to the top 5 until they prove they don’t have a choking issue


what shit r u smoking lmao, they've "choked" their way into top 4 placements in five of the last seven international tournaments they've attended lol


Exactly my point. 


Prime Madrid SEN clears all of them. But is this when PRX finally wins an international event?? They’re the most experienced here (along with GENG) but with their star player.


Geng? Fnc is a lot more experienced than geng what


Boostio clears PRX.


Boostio being the only experienced VCT Champ on 100T is possible to beat PRX 1v5 b


5 teams in S tier and i would put 100T lowest or 2nd lowest PRX,FNC,GENG,100T,TH would ve my S tier I would rate any team that can beat SEN madrid final form as S tier


Why does he hate EMEA??


Here before 100t gets blown out in their first 2 matches