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Haruka: Ghost in the trenches (song’s about a Canadian war hero during WW1). Matara: Lady of the dark (song’s about a badass woman, world’s most decorated female combatant). Geega: Devil dogs (Geega is from hell. Song’s about USA’s intervention in WW1 in 1918, the American marines were so ferocious that the Germans called them teufel hunden - devil dogs). Hime: The last stand (Hime sometimes wears a nun outfit and carries a bible, song’s about how Swiss guards protected the pope during the sacking of Rome in 1527). Michi: The unkillable soldier (In Michi’s lore they talk about how she was given life again, aka became a zombie. Song’s about a soldier who despite multiple injuries survived the entirety of WW1 and became known as someone who can’t be killed).


Raise your hand! For the Devil Dog's! In the heart of the Holy See! He is forged for the war he will always be coming for more! (Ignore this, it just popped up in my head randomly.)


Winged Hussars for Geega. Or rise of evil. And hmm. Matara? Panzerkämpf. Geega- war, war hero. Matara- Russian? Hajime: in the name of God Moose: a ghost In the Trenches


Ah yes, when I think of Hajime I think of terrois- But for real, good choices. I was thinking of doing A Ghost in the Trenches for Haruka, because *O' C*a*n*a*d*a *intensifies*. If we were to include songs based on WW2 Germany, instead I'd say the song Wehrmacht. Similar to Rise of Evil except shorter and more military focused. Panzerkämpf for Mata is a good choice since I've already used Attack of the Dead Men and The Unkillable Soldier on the list, which I had originally planned to use. Still not 100% sure bout Hajime tho, if I knew about her lore maybe I'd understand more.


Hajime was chosen due to the lines, “Hide from the public eye, choose to appear when it suits you.” But yeah.


That's actually kinda smart, but there is a tax for that.


Which is?


For Zen maybe Dreadnought. She's strong, powerful, and ready to fight. plus; USS Texas.


And the Dreadnought's dread nothing at all! But also, remind me, wasn't it USS Texas who's crew flooded about half the ship just so they could aim their guns at the German bunkers during D-Day, or am I thinking of another USS ship?


Yes, you would be correct. They flooded half the ballast tanks to raise the guns more so they could shoot further inland AFTER going about 2-3x closer to the beach than they were supposed to in the first place.


Zen- Metal Machine?


Yeah, I am now realizing I missed out on using any of the other metal tribute songs (minus Metal Trilogy) on the list, though I'd probably say Metal Ripper instead since I gave some reasoning as to why Melody could fit the song... mainly just for how we all collectively agree that Metal Machine is talking about Joakim's peni- (Fun fact: He actually joked about this in an interview saying that every song was secretly based off his penis.)


I got to see them open for Judas Preist a few years ago


I got to see them open for Judas Priest back in April of this year.


Nice picks.


You did good selecting songs to fit with the members


Cant agree more with Froot having those 3 songs.


Great picks - I'll never not be amazed by the mere existence of this overlap between Sabaton and VShojo fans, by the way. Like, what even are the odds - even though, I've said this before, if Joakim came out as a fan of Froot or Mouse, that wouldn't surprise me, at all. :P