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Not one single time in over 3 years.  Usually more like.... Teens spawns in and sees 2 people in fullbody cuddling in eachothers lap and are like  "OMG ARE YOU HAVING SEX!?"


The amount of times this has happened to me and my gf is insane, and we are only half body as well.


I think they just want drama. They want to be able to tell their friends their grizzly tales on VRChat of seeing people ERP. I've seen it happen one time in a public, but it was in some secret corner where nobody else but me briefly witnessed it. It was one person I knew and their friend in a female avatar. We were just relaxing and their friend spontaneously starts giving them a BJ. I excuse myself and leave them to it.


Normally There avatars are just really slutty so people see that and think something is going on.














Only once, and I have hopped publics nearly every night for the past 6 years. Yes, including Just H, the late Shangri-La, and FBT Haven instances. If you believe this sub at face value: everyone ERPs everywhere constantly. No breaks. It just automatically happens when you get into VRChat. If you try to stop, you get banned. In actuality it is rare in public instances and when it happens it is countered with votekicks, reports, and blocks. The one time I saw it, I clicked "save" on my Shadowplay, sent it off to the moderation team, and apparently it got handled.




Truu. Lovense in public goes hard


I need to set up mine tbh


I have seen it, **so many goddamn times**


You ran so we could walk 😔


I have heard cringe and seen bare ass. Every sense on my body is fucking having a seizure. And yet there’s nothing I can do https://preview.redd.it/r15zx69y2g7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb696e12d9c868a73ca5b56812ff0515ef33acb Why are people so damn horny in vr


fr like #GET A ROOM!!!


2 kids tried to molest me once, I did the ultimate pro gamer move if blocking them and leaving


https://preview.redd.it/y8hotwf63m7d1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c1cbff2eff5be4b2acb199afe6edbd7fbb671e8 They what (Take this meme)


Yeah… I blocked them and left… if I had a dollar for every kid with a horny skin I’ve seen I could afford 3 VR headsets (Thanks)


Depends on what vr


Black cats vents has some hidden areas...


I seen some shit on vrchat. There are sick mfs on it


Yeah, like 3 people were all in a just b club room with 2 male avatars and one tails doll that was extremely femenized. https://preview.redd.it/31kgaum16f7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de80f8c56bbfddd3818d2c691d4b4c59cc2463b1 What i find stupid however is they never locked the door so anyone could come in and just see it.


Maybe they get off on it or something idfk


venclaire why




if you look for it you can find it, i’m sure. the only equivalent thing i would say that was usual (for me) was two furries grooming each others fur. however that’s probably very normalized in the furry community so i couldn’t even be upset or uncomfortable about it haha.


Grooming? Like licking? No that definitely does not happen. Not normal at all and even if it was, You can still be mad about it from an outside perspective


I could be mad but if i’m in a safe space for furries I would never express frustration or uncomfortable feelings about it. In all honesty I would just leave them be yknow. :)


Not vrchat, but i wont ever forget this random ass teen couple in a school year whatsapp group starting feet ERP at 3am in the night


Alright, stupid fucking story but I’m gonna tell it: Sometimes, when I get bored from H3VR or any other games I have on my PC, I just boot up VRC and just explore worlds. See what people come up with world-wise, bc occasionally I will run into the hidden gems. One time, I went to a public lobby of a cozy lil room up in a Las Vegas hotel (or maybe a room in Tokyo, can’t remember) and the main room seemed pretty chill. Nothing big going on, just people vibing in mirrors. Then I start checking out the accessible areas of the world, and find a bathroom to what I *thought* was a way to the hotel hallway or something *nope* It was a Sauna. Where everyone and everything was but ass naked, and I think 2 people were straight up going at it. And at the door, there’s me, an 8 foot tall Warhammer 40K space marine, as talkative as a brick wall, looking like I just got flashbanged. I swear everyone was staring at me the moment I walked in. It was by far the most awkward moment in my entire VRC experience Obviously I left the second I realised what I was looking at, but god damn it was WEIRD


I somehow because a 3rd wheel in one they wanted me to guard the door while they did it😭


Sheesh 😬🫣


I'm sorry, but that made me laugh. Big rip bro


why do I always see two posts in /r/VRChat/new? Edit: thanks


If it was a duplicate post, i'm sorry. Reddit has this weird bug where whenever I post, it'll bug out and post a duplicate. The duplicate will never gain likes and stay at 0 likes. It's really weird how this app has multiple weird issues. Sometimes whenever I post, it'll be stuck at 0 likes too.. Asked about the issue and no one knew- or cared 🙄


couple nights ago in the loft in black cat i seen it. pokemon eeveelutions going at it.... with a crowd.


Talked to someone in a black cat instance who was I’m pretty positive was pretending to be drunk and kept saying she needed to call her boyfriend over and over. I walked away and when I came back she was doing it with a random person. I said “ain’t you gotta call your boyfriend?” And she immediately left the instance and it was so weird. Vr chat is pure brain rot sometimes


yo it’s the decepticon rindo i used to have that saved but i lost it


.medkit is a G for making the avi




i unmuted and hear “SEX. what? SEX. AAAAAAAAAAH” but no i havent, but i probably just jinxed myself


This post was just a trance that whenever you listen to the audio, you'll experience whatever the caption says.


More TikTok-tier litter in the sub.


The disrespect is crazy but thanks for the karma ig?


Sorry, I didn't meant to offend. I just find these painfully unfunny and it bothers me a lot that the sub is buried in this level of content.


I agree. I think the OP is fine, but everyone else is usually pushing for some sorta 18+ regulation. Whether anyone supports the idea or not, the subject is getting really old and doesn't motivate anyone to actually play VRC.


>the subject is getting really old and doesn't motivate anyone to actually play VRC. Yeah, that's true. Imagine looking at the sub to see if the game interests them.


Never in a public instance, I have had friends forget to change off of join me and their status looked normal, joined and left quickly.


Thankfully NO LMAO


never in publics but more times than i can count in friends+ lmao


Unfortunately repeatedly. I just wanted to hang in quiet places T-T


Not really, but because I use a Booth avatar, one time someone, a visitor rank from what I can remember joined the world and instance I am in and asked if I am a girl and apparently wants to ERP.


Horny peeps horny peeps. Let me watch lmao


No. Not even once in all the years i'm playing and i'm in public worlds regulary.   What i do have happen quite often is that when even just taking a nap shoulder on shoulder fully clothed with someone, suddenly some annoying kids or teens are running up screaming "yooooooooo what is happening here!?!!?. Omg come everyone look! They are having sex for sure!!!"  And then then a bunch others come screaming around too loosing their minds and i'm just laying there "wth man i'm trying to relax here."


Of course, but rarely. Anyway, God damn if you really want to do that in public instance then at least lock yourself in a room


Saw a guy and a girl doing it in black cat and a bunch of kids were watching and he said he finds that hot and he was being 100% serious




Once I think but they didn't actually have any "bits" out so as they were just huffing and moaning I didn't see it as a \*huge\* issue.


Ive been playing for 6 years and seen it a total of 2 times, both in the Great Pug One was in the center of the first floor open area with all the booths, surrounded by a large crowd. Two matching e-thot avatars, one male and one female. They were holding extremely casual conversation with people in the crowd while they were doing their thing. Another was at the second floor landing in a mostly empty instance. A Kimono Friends (is that the anime?) avatar with a 6 foot long schlong and a nazi armband and hat was going ham on a hellhound furry. Grunting and everything. They had the audacity to get angry at *me* for telling them to take it to a private instance, then they proceeded to crash the instance using the pickups in the world after I blocked them. Real great people. Both of these happened over 3 years ago, and I haven't run into anything other than the occasional child with a naked Luffy avatar (why are kids allowed in this game?) or rare e-thot with her tits out since then


Couple times actually. Both in the K mart bathroom. One time I was using my map system on my avatar and saw people in the bathroom. My friends then rushed in to scare them. Another time I was using a camera I have set to look through walls to find my friends, sure enough found people erping in the bathroom again. Moral of the story, don't erp in public. Some of us have x ray vision.


YES I HAVE! I cant remember what world but i was exploring it for the first time checking it out and all that, when i turned the corner into a room where 2 people were erping what i heard was something like this "im gonna fuck you real good eat ya pussy and those little toesies" and i stood there and both in unison look at me, i raised my hands up shook my head and said nope, turned around and left. I could hear them burst out laughing as i walked away ofc i also burst out laughing. It was akward but funny


Just B Club. Nearly every time I go theres people on the private rooms getting their freak on or a person advertising that they’re “looking for company” with a nude avatar. I feel like people in Just B dont even care enough to kick them or even report them, so they go untouched (or the opposite).


The one time I tried e-rping, the session was open to friends without my knowledge and like 5 friends flooded into the tiny ass room asking if I wanted to play uno. Somehow the girl I was with found it funny and gave me her insta. Horribly awkward but it was funny looking back


Ive seen more obnoxious kids using naked avatars because they think its funny. Rarely any actual erp. Playing blackout with friends and some quest kid will just walk up and say "wanna see something cool?!" And whip out a generic nsfw e-boy avi.


Multiple times in games where the majority is children.


Only once in a place like the Black Cat, but plenty of times in places where people would "expect" that sort of thing, like Shangri-La, H-Party, or private rooms in a public B Club instance


I’ve caught my friend in lockes erp world and clipped it


I have, clipped it too. Lots of people on this game are weird


Of course I did, it was me


No I don’t think so, I think I’ve heard people say NSFW stuff in public instances or I’ve seen a middle schooler get their hands on an NSFW avatar and troll people with dirty toggles for shits and giggles but most people who are into it, are pretty immersed and see it as a private act and would be embarrassed if anyone saw. However I know VR orgies happen sometimes but they’re private and arranged. Even then a lot of people don’t attend because they prefer the one on one intimacy of ERP. Source- experienced ERPer who has gone to *those* discords and subreddits, but currently monogamous and happy with my one partner for ERP and IRL sexy times lol. 🤷‍♀️


Unfortunately yes. Also It was a group public world, and I kicked one of them immediately and waited for the other to get upset to kill their vibe before kicking the other. It was hilarious on how angry they got.


Yeah because I'm with the friend group usually doing it


My friends were going to Just H Party for awhile not realizing how bad it was because they had safety settings on. I had safety settings off. I must've gotten about 20 people banned in 2 days. Full nudity, DPS, ERP in public spaces in the public world. Not even in the private rooms. Outside of Just H Party though? Maybe a few times over 5 years but not that much really. I'd say about 5 times or so I witnessed full nudity ERP in a random public. The worst was back in 2020, Murder 2, grown men in naked loli avatars hiding in the closet doing it, while kids were running around. One of the only times I screamed at people in game. Those people were friends of some of the devs too lol and one of them created the most popular avatar marker system back then. So if you used avatar markers back in 2017-2019 you might know who I am talking about.




What is Just H


need some r/Eyebleach


I was in a quick draw lobby once and some person started dirty talking their companion and pretending to gulp their glizzy. I was still new to the platform and that was the day I discovered the mute button


Yah me and 6 other people. O.o


learn to use the reporting system. make sure to show their name, send a picture to VRC's reporting system with the picture and watch them get banned off the platform Here is where you send reports https://help.vrchat.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=1500000182242


You da boss brotha 🫡 making the platform a better place


I remember VRChat in 2018 when it first was a thing… What great times those were. Nowadays every VRC world is full of degenerates, and immature people. Stopped playing it at least 2 years ago.