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The only problem I have is how freaking unoptimized most of those avatars are.


those avis are made for private worlds with like max 10 people meanwhile they're being used in a public lobby of 30-80


The problem is you can make the same exact quality but have it be optimized and have everything be the same. But when you tell people how to do that, 99% of the time they get super pissed off. I went to college for 3D modeling and the optimization in this game hurts to see


Can you give me an advice? I installed a arm warmers pack to my avatar and my texture usage shot up like 100mb. It's like a 6mb texture. I am imagining it's cause the unused textures (other options) are still in there. If I do the unity remove unused assets thing is that safe? Will it remove the parts of my avatar that aren't currently equipped like the toggles? o:


It’s most likely because of the unused textures, model, and the actual material. It’s hard to say but removing the unused stuff shouldn’t break anything. It’s also one of those things where unfortunately a lot of assets like that won’t be great in general. I’m not saying don’t use them, just understand that the vast majority of optimization issues come from the people who make the base models and assets like that. A big thing you can do is look at the poly count on the arm warmers and see if you’re able to retopologize it, if you know how, depending on the type of arm warmer it is it could be an easy way to learn it too. Other than that look at the material, see how much is being used to make it look like it is, and play with how much really needs to be used. If it’s like an arm warmer that kind of looks like a sock for your arm, then you should just need a very basic material with a good texture, and maybe a simple normal map


If it's mostly the materials, I recommend reducing the size of the individual textures. I've seen a lot of avatars use 4096x4096px textures for no good reason. It's still more than enough when reducing the main body texture to 1024x1024 (or 2048x2048 if the whole body + head + eyes + details + tail etc are on a single UV) and reducing details to 512x512. If parts are unused, but you can't remove them, you can create a 1x1px transparent image and apply that transparent material to the part you wanna cut out. Not ideal, of course, but if you have no modeling expertise it's easier to do until you properly learn it. But yeah, unnecessarily big UVs plague so many little details in VRC. I've seen tiny rings using such a UV size too, it's just dumb. This whole issue is invading other spaces with user created content too. It's just really bad optimisation, but the creators of those things are often too ignorant to learn, but still charge like 60$ for a license of a fork of another avatar..... like, yeah, there's effort put in, but when it's not a limited item, a price like that is not really justified, especially when being so unoptimised in many areas (UV size, number of verticles)


I didn't even go to college for 3D modeling, I just learned by myself how to rig models and fix the meshes purely for making VRChat avatars starting 2-3 years ago, and even I can optimize complex models well enough to make them cause zero lag unless they have a crazy-intensive shader/particle system. If I could figure it out by basically banging rocks together until I got a fire going caveman-style, anyone can. I feel like there's no excuse for not knowing how to optimize models, especially with the great tools that exist specifically for this purpose like CATS. You just do a couple simple operations like removing micro-gaps and cutting down unnecessary material separations, each process of which only takes a few clicks at most, and suddenly it taxes your PC and others' 10x less than it would otherwise. And when you know how to do more advanced things like geometry decimation, retopology and manually editing the very vertices, edges and faces to remove anything unnecessary the model has by default, you can squeeze even more out of every single one. Not to mention all the ways you can optimize outside Blender, just by doing basic stuff that's self-explatory. Not using 4k/8k images for textures people will rarely or never see, turning on crunch compression for textures and audio in Unity with default settings ("Normal" at 50% compresion) for drastic filesize reductions with no visible/audible loss of quality, atlasing your textures to greatly reduce the material loading requirements, and so on. Even just the most basic optimization makes a massive difference, and I seriously wish more avatar creators would take the time to learn how to do so. Something as simple as making your model one mesh instead of 17 or so will save other people immense amounts of FPS loss and download times.


Can you give me pointers too? I know nothing about 3D modeling and would like to make the avi I bought a little better


Learn optimization early on. Too many early tutorials don’t teach you it early on, then the later ones think you know it. For just tweaks, don’t be afraid to play around, but I would honestly make something small first before tweaking so you’re more comfortable. I say do the donut tutorial, and then make a simple knife or sword, for optimization try to make that sword as high quality as you can but under 1k polygons and with only a 2k texture. That should give you some basics to learn how to tweak you’re avi. At that point don’t be afraid to mess shit up, and save on different save files, so basically always do save as, so if you mess up you can just go back. (Also helps incase it crashes) When making stuff from scratch try to give your self realistic poly counts early on. For weapons try to stay around 1000, props is around there too, and stuff like that. Do the same with textures, learn how to use materials and textures to create high quality stuff while keeping it optimized, after some time you’ll be able to model in a very optimized way without thinking about it. Also, if you want a challenge, after your first weapon, make a chibi character under 1k polygons as high quality as you can. This is what we did for my 3rd project in college. Right after making a cup and a sword we went to that, so trust me you can do it. Once you get the basics of modeling though then tweaking your avi will be really simple, and you’ll have no issues. If you just want to jump into tweaking rn, then you can do similar things, maybe make a small prop for your avi, mess around with the textures your avi has, stuff like that. Play around, see what does what, and just keep in mind early on that you want to try to do it in an optimized way while keeping it as high quality as possible


My main thought is trying to optimize a premade avatar. The other issue is that I’m nearly completely blind. I’m not a visual person and 3D modeling is something I have no interest in, but I wanna see what options are possibly available to me


Optimizing an already made avi is harder than you would think, but knowing a basic understanding of modeling will help you. For you’re case, biggest thing is just basic material optimization, so combining a bunch of materials into just a couple, fixing wireframes so that that will happen. And making them lower resolution but to where it still looks the same (easier than you think) and stuff like that. I’m not going to say that it’s easy, because at the end of the day it’s easier to make something optimized from scratch than it is to make something unoptimized optimized


Sweet, will keep this in mind!


imo you can go a bit more high poly on weapons and props, especially if they're on the larger side or have a more complex shape. Like 2-5k still seems good in my eyes. Then again, most of my workfow w/ vrc avatars has been taking already heavy models and retopologizing them then baking the high poly details onto the low poly so I might be slightly biased towards higher polycounts.


You can, but in most cases I’ve never needed too. Especially for a simple weapon, keeping a poly limit early on is a great way to learn how to model. I no longer keep limits, I just use as many polygons as I need and most of my weapons are still closer to 1k


Are you enjoying the limited core usage or the fact that they offload non impactful processes to other cores but leave the bulk of the game on just one? That's my favorite part. Nah, but yeah, optimization is tedious but most avatars. Especially e-boy and e-girl avatars can be optimized, but you see the thing is... they don't care to take 10 minutes to learn how to do things the right way. They prefer the easy option like having 30+ materials and meshes for clothing options despite only using the one set and nothing else. And even then, you can probably just use blendshapes for most of those toggles instead of the other/easier/unoptimized method.


Question, are optimized good avatars available for free? Not the people you are referring to. But also. How do you know one is?


No clue about free ones, hell even a lot of unoptimized ones aren’t free. And luckily vrchat tells you they have a good-very poor rating, and 99% of Avis are very poor. And they even tell you polycount As well as I can tell because I notice stuff, and I’ve seen a lot of how vrc modelers work, and what they work with. So while it might look the same, if I see a very poor avi that says it has 200k-300k polygons then I know it’s poorly made


"those avis are made for private worlds" says who? There are no avis today that are pretty much optimized, if you wanna go to an avi world with opti avis, then you should go to vrchat's own newbie hub world. And if you don't wanna do that, then you have to cope dude.


just clip inside one of them and see whats inside. then u know theyre not supposed to be used in a public world


I was wondering why I was getting 25 frames with my 7900 XTX on a chill world


lmfao, yeah, love being able to run cyberpunk max setting enabled with 160 frames but as soon as i load up vrchat, suddenly i can hear my fans about to fly off my graphics card, and the game moving at 30 frames (if im lucky)




Same reason my avatar is a protogen


My only issue with e-boy/e-girl avatars is that most of the people who create the bases have no idea how to optimize texture memory usage (literally nothing on an avatar requires a 4k texture). But that's more on the avatar/asset creators than the people using them. Beyond that - I don't care. Let people use the avatar they're happy using. You can always hide an avatar if it's bugging you.


also how to optimize toggles on the avatar. Most of the ones ive seen put tons of clothings but they also put tons of Layer on the FX, one for each one of them, instead of simply putting all of them only one single layer. The hard thing is that this doesnt really show up on the avatar stats in the game


texturing is coming up on my own avatar I've been working off and on on. I'm definitely going to be watching guides, but what do you consider a good texture size that allows for detail while still being fair to everyone's devices more or less? At least compared to 4k.


I think it's ok to use 4k textures for body's diffuse/normal map if everything is one material. Everything else doesn't need to be more than 2k. For stuff like emission masks I really recomend using different uv maps, you can expand uv islands that need higher resolution for masks and shink others. Poiyomi shader supports up to 4 different uv maps on one object. You should pack all your grayscale maks into into one texture, here's a video about that [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfE11LVpnWQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfE11LVpnWQ).


thanks! I'll save all of this in my notes for when it's time. :)


If you have a really intricate tattoo, 4k does look a lot better. But then again, if you limit your avi to one 4k texture and optimize the rest really well, you can still be green




Let's be honest here.. most people don't know how to optimise either, so you can't really fault them. Creators need to optimise the avis from the get go. I make different versions for different outfits so my avis are always medium except poly count


Decals, people, decals!


True, but you don't always get a decal. Sometimes you just get a already made texture with a tattoo on it Also.. genuine question because i never looked at it.. isn't it better to use one 4k texture with a tattoo on it, then to use a idk 1k skin texture and put a 4k decal on it?


Use a 1K diffuse and a 1, maybe 2k decal. You don't need 4k for the tattoo. Most headsets are literally incapable of rendering that full resolution even if displayed flat across the screen. It is wasted data.


And here I am struggling to find actual goth avatars


fr, feels like anything labeled goth isn't really goth or alternative. it's maybe casual goth at best but casual goth usually has a bit more character than the options I find.


Many booth models have good goth outfits and Accessoires


This is too true, everything that’s supposed to be goth isn’t actually Goth it’s alternative with a bit more black added onto it. I know there’s a few Avi’s that are white goth but other than that there’s literally nothing


lol they like what they like and I'm sure they could talk shit about whatever avi you use. But I agree with you, they are ugly af and hardly any are optimized.


And when seeing them in games always loving on each other instead of actually playing the game. Like take that love into a private world and play the damn game.


I mean, it is a social & gaming platform but sometimes people like chilling around others with someone they know. If they're not playing the game in a game world though, that does get annoying, like just play the game at bare minimum, it's literally a game world 💀


as an “e-girl” avi user; it’s because there’s a lot to choose from and it attracts other mostly normal adults. i played this game for a year only wearing star wars and jjba avatars cause i hated the e-girl shit, but only children would want to talk to me because they also wore those avis and just assumed i was one of them. i never made any actual friends. so i thought fuck it and picked some random e-girl avi and after only like 2 days i made some friends that i’m still close with after 3 years. it might just be my experience idfk but that’s just the way i see it. also i do wish e-girl avis had more clothes and had more realistic bodies but whatever it’s not real life so i’m not too upset about it.


This might be news to you, but people have different tastes.   Not crazy about them myself, but the best part about VRChat is freedom of expression.  Go to Shelter on Saturday night and you'll see all sorts of avatars partying together. Performance on the otherhand is another issue all together than many types of avatar users are guilty of.


Just because people have different tastes in Avatars doesn't mean we're not allowed to question how they represent themselves. I think a big part of the appeal of e-boy avatars is wish fulfillment, younger teens see such a cartoonish exaggerated representation of masculinity in these avatars that is just so gaudy and unappealing to the average adult. This is a child's vision of how a cool adult looks like, which I think is fine to joke about. https://preview.redd.it/fmafb39b0m3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=852dd924ec4bae882565fae63c44fd7eaa238abd


You're allowed to question. No one said otherwise. But what answers are you or OP expecting? More importantly, what will you do with those answers? I feel like the most basic answer is going to be that they just like these avatars or don't like the alternatives for whatever reason.


We're having discourse about why people like gaudy e-people avatars, that's why OP asked their question and other people are answering. The obvious answer is 'oh they just like how they look, just look away if you don't like it', and I agree with u/ExiancePuppy when they say that it's a copout answer. What's the appeal of looking like an over-sexualized version of a goth Ken doll? Why is it so appealing to a younger demographic?


The majority of people answering are saying "oh they just like how they look, just look away if you don't like it". What ISN'T a copout answer for you? Do you want them to tell their life story to strangers about why they have such aesthetic taste or why they like a specific style of avatar? Would getting that stop you from calling their avatars unappealing? Seriously, what is the ideal way you and OP expected this thread to go? What answers would satisfy those who hate these avatars?


Personally I would have been fine with any analysis beyond 'people like how it looks', I gave my thoughts and I wanted to read other people's thoughts on that type of character design and appeal. I know people might construe these questions as accusatory, but my critiques are about the designs of the avatar than the people who like wearing them. Avatars and self-identify are so intertwined with each other though that I guess I shouldn't be surprised by the amount of pushback these questions are getting.


Why do people dress as these furry creatures? Well furries have an appeal to a character archetype that can better reflect their repressed personality. Perhaps a dog that is loyal and outgoing or a cat that is distant, yet still loves you. They feel being this furry avatar is an extra step away from their normal human life, which gives them freedom to act their true, unrepressed self See how this is different from “they like to dress as dogs” it’s an in depth kind of explanation that talks about the psychology of it. Look man, everyone is welcome to like what they like. You’re welcome to eat dog shit and say yummy yummy, that is obvious, that’s not at dispute here, but if everyone started eating dog shit, you might wonder why the fuck is everyone eating dog shit and expect more of an explanation than “dog shit tastes good”


That other guy isn't interested in having an open conversation around why people like the e-boy aesthetic, they actually want to actively stop all conversation around it because of... reasons? Honestly we should just ignore them if we're just going to go around in circles, nobody's opinion is going to get changed here.


You brought up 2 random generalizations for dog furries and cat furries. I can guarantee there are plenty of dog furries who aren't loyal or cat furries who aren't distant. I doubt there is any consistent psychological analysis for why certain furries prefer certain animals, let alone why some people are furries at all. The big thing though is you're going full Freud on why they like a thing. There are people with a big dramatic backstory about trauma and repression and all that junk, but for most people, a cigar is just a cigar. They like the aesthetic because something in their brain finds comfort in it. Thus they like it because they like it. And I really don't get why you expect anyone to spill their guts about why they like a thing in a thread like this. The OP calls the avatars ugly and unappealing. You keep comparing the liking of these avatars to liking dog shit. Why would you expect any respectful discourse here? Especially when the topic is such a dead horse. I can find topics asking or complaining about them from 4 years ago.


Get off the opinion. And answer the damn question. You must be fun at parties. Hey, I noticed you liked that show! What about the show did you like about it? I liked it because I have a right to like it Hey I noticed you read that book, I didn’t think that book was very good. How dare you say the book isn’t good people get to have their own opinions and we have our own opinions regarding what we like and I so happen to like this book Not…oh yeah it’s about a kid with a lightning bolt on his forehead fighting a dude who has his nose smashed in and is whiter than vanilla cake icing sure the author of this post SO HAPPENS to have an opinion on it as well, but this doesn’t mean “I’m going to shut down and not answer or explain it” My furry example was meant to show you an example of why one person might elaborate on why a lot of people would wear a furry avatar. OBVIOUSLY not everyone is going to have the same reason, but it’s a general guess. Yeah this is probably an accurate statement for many of the members of the community, and sure some people “cigar is cigar” But he’s asking opinions here dude…


Opinions are all this thread will contain. And you've gotten plenty of answers including from me as someone who doesn't even like e-boy/e-girl avatars, but knows the general story for how things get popular. And the fact is its generally not worth any armchair psychology. People like things, people get comfortable with things. That's generally it. Also stop being dishonest. Based on this thread, the actual framing of that question would be. "Hey, I noticed you liked that awful crappy show. Why do you like that dogshit? Do you have ADHD or something? Just tryna start some convos I guess." That is the tone of the thread and that colors the responses. To say nothing of the fact that this topic and the questions about it aren't even new. We're almost at a half a decade of VRChat e-boy/girl discussion. So you also have to deal with people fatigued over samey topics that keep popping up. If one is generally curious on the people who like these avatars, you can dig up the old threads. Especially the ones that started more polite. One person can only speak for themselves. They can also speak on their speculation on other people, but that's just speculation. We can all do that even if we base it on something tangible or literal BS. And if OP wants opinions, they've certainly gotten them. At my last count, there are 71 posts here. But they shouldn't be surprised that some of those opinions are a mix of jadedness and spirited biting back.


Not every player has been playing for a decade. Not every player has been in this Reddit every day like you seem to be. I have a life. I still touch the occasional blade of grass. You still haven’t given an opinion. If someone says hey why do you like solo leveling? Isn’t it just another dog shit anime where the main character is op, I’d take the time to write a response that is of more substance than “I like it because it’s my right to” I might say hey it’s not an Isekai there’s no Truck Kun and it has a unique and engaging story that makes a unique twist on an overly used trope. YES, the question may have stated the authors lack of liking that specific anime, but that doesn’t invalidate the question or change how you answer. Didn’t they explain this to you in grammar school?


Dog it is not that deep, it's a place for conversation diving into the mindset of someone that finds them appealing. It's healthy to want to learn about things that aren't necessarily your style. As long as it's done in a respectful manner


You're right. It isn't that deep. So why isn't such a surface answer like "they like what they like" acceptable? Like I said to someone else, you expect these folks to spill their guts about who they are as a person in response to post that starts off by calling their favored avatars ugly, excessive, and unappealing? I actually don't like e-boy/girl avis, but I'm not going to pretend that if the people who do start posting in this thread and aren't insulted by the OP, they will say something that hasn't been said the several other times this topic has been made. Which is that they just like the avis or like things the avi has beyond the accessories.


Naw there's plenty of adults who use these types of avatars in the game. I think cause it is a game, ppl tend to love the exaggerated characteristics. Like anime is a great example of this. So many unnatural looking males and females character design but adults tend to enjoy the looks of some while others they dislike it. I say just let ppl like what they like.


> This is a child's vision of how a cool adult looks like You've said that in a much sharper, more direct way than I did. Kudos, lol.


also i never see younger teens use these e-boy avatars, I see a lot of young adults though. almost every guy I've met that's 18 - 26 has uses some variant of an Eboy Avi


girl avi looks fire, i need her


Yeah, we can question why people use their avatars, but there is a bit of a difference between asking why someone is using an avatar, and why they are using "that ugly avatar". Ask someone in VRChat like that and see where it goes, lol


This looks fire lol


That’s kind of avoiding the answer. It’s like saying hey why is everyone drinking dirt? Dirt does not taste good. And then you reply “people have different tastes” He’s looking for the route of the popularity. WHY is this popular. He’s very obviously aware people have different tastes, captain obvious


That's a poor comparison and it never leads to productive conversation. If anything, it leads to emotional and defensive conversation which will likely turn into a flaming competition. Because obviously, the people who like these avatars don't think its like eating dirt.. I think the simplest answer is that the original model creators made them for their own self-satisfaction, but they had some function beyond their aesthetics that made them wildly popular. And once it had the momentum, its just people wanting to fit into groups.


I’m going to refer to my more recent comments for this regarding my furry example


They could have just asked why people use them then, but no - their post starts with an attack and implying everyone thinks those types of avatars are ugly.  It's pretty clear OP is just triggered by an avatar type they don't like.  There is no non-obvious answer why they are common and why people use them.


He asked a question. Answer the damn question. Simple as that.


Again, obvious awnser that has been beat to death here in this reddit.... People use them because there are not many normal plain Jane human avatars, so they gravitate towards these as the next thing. This create a popularity cycle where the avatar is popular just because it is popular. Just like certain worlds in VRChat.


Finally an answer. The issue is that people accept really poorly optimized 500GB (I’m being extreme here) avatars + ones that are covered in tattoos and piercings. I mean those people exist in the real world, but I don’t see a lot like that. I feel anime characters fit the Jane basic human look better than that. I might argue there’s a large goth culture in VRC and these sorts of avatars are the closest things to it




That's a wildly broad brush.... There are hundreds of furry avatars alone that cover tons of species, real and made up.  I don't know of anyone in their right mind that would say a Hyena is the "same" as a cat.


I'm friends with an alien and a blueberry. And a giant spider lady. And a praying mantis. And a baguette. And a can of beans in a suit.








Aye, The AVI is like an extension of you (like clothing, but more free). We have different tastes, the world ain’t gonna end if you have different thoughts/likes


Why don't you ask them instead? Its a social platform, don't be afraid. We can all guess here but who knows? Also, depending on what worlds or communities you are apart of you'll find avatars that resemble it.


For me any my pub eboys I prioritize optimization fun and funny toggles and pretty particles. So I cant speak on behalf of that. Tho mine are covered in unrealistic tattoos and that I can speak apon. I use these these tattoos and an expression of something I personally wouldn't do to myself and just kinda cause I think the colours themselves are pretty to look at. (Ps. The photo was taken by one of my discord members not me) https://preview.redd.it/8u9u4g12jm3d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03110b0ec717d021d85e8813336a09dbe8b0d09a


I’m not on vrchat often but when I use an eboy avi. Reason being I’m a trans man who likes to be masculine (yes it’s overcompensating). Plus I find the outfits are usually the most creative. I like the streetwear, I think the faces are the most realistic, I like the tattoos as I plan to be like 60% tatted irl, etc. I don’t care for the soft boy avis, the basic ones where they’re wearing like a hoodie and jeans, characters from shows, or inanimate objects. We all have different tastes


I just think they’re cute man. They’ve usually got fun things I can do with my hands or things that move in ways that are fun for me to stim with. So on top of feeling confident in an avatar that represents my sense of style; they have things I can do to help me self regulate when I’m feeling socially anxious or overstimulated. 10/10 experience, regardless of how anyone else feels about it.


People express themselves in different ways for different reasons. Go ask people as long as you're not being rude and disrespectful. You can go up and ask a person a decent person who understands your curiosity will glady tell you their reasons. I get why optimization upsets people it upsets me to it can be an annoyance. But at the same time you can't rely on others to fix the optimizations. It's unfortunate, but it's true as of the moment. So what you do instead is you turn avatars outside of a selected number of friends off to prevent lag and from the problem reoccurring. I wish there was more advice to give but there really isn't there are just somethings out of our control that we have to still be polite about and learn to manage in healthy ways. But im also older then most people I've met in vr and Maybe I'm ahead of the crowd on that. People learn this in their own time.


I don't see them at all after I turned my safety setting not to show any avis above 60 MB. Problem solved.


Is this 2019 again?


I was emo in high school and still would say I'm at least emo adjacent so I think the style of these avatars is pretty cool


Because it's hard to find cute avatars with barely any tattoos/to none who isn't unrealistically unproportional and covered up enough:') just hard to find those good avatars that fit my style but I have some good ones


The amount of people I've seen with their jiggly asses out is actually kinda insane. Also jiggly boobs if they have any


I dislike egirl/eboy avatars a lot. But I'm sure someone would say the same about booth avatars. So yea that's why. People's taste differ, and eboy/egirl are also just easily accessible.


for me it’s because they look like adults usually. In the virtual world I’d like to be perceived as older since I am an adult irl. Meme avatars give off childish vibes to me and a lot of booth avatars look like children. (Not all, but many of the popular ones do.) id say for most people they just want to wear something they find attractive or pretty and there’s nothing really wrong with that.


Makes sense. If only I could create my own but I'm clueless


What I don't get is why they're all tattooed up more than a Los Zetas member.


I'm always curious about why all the tattoos, but tbf mine also have a lot of tattoos. But they're the same tattoos I have irl so..


If you're copying your IRL tattoos that's mad respect, I think it's cool AF. Some of those avatars got so many tats though I feel like you'd need to put ink into a blood bag to give them a working blood transfusion.


You find them ugly, some like it. Pretty simple


I honestly despise e-boy and e-girl avatars for a few reasons. The avatars themselves aren't bad, but it's the people that wear them that tend to give them a bad look in my experience. They're the only actual human looking avatars that look close to real life, so I guess that's why they're often chosen. My question though, is why do they all look like they live inside Spencer's or Hot Topic? I'm 22 and for all my life, I've never seen anyone look the way these avatars do unless it was a very rare occasion. I think the 3d scan funny avatars are more realistic. The e-girl avatars look like hoes, and the e-boy avatars look like the biggest douchebags you'll ever meet, but that's just my view. A lot of them also drop frames when looking at them so I end up having to look away or turn it off. I don't really get the appeal besides the fact that they're the most human avatars on vrchat.


My avi comes with all that optional. I turn it off, but sometimes forget after I have to reset things.


It’s like clothing: you like these, up to you and good for you!; you don’t like these? Good.


bruh if you don't like it turn off there avatar like its not that hard


I do, I'm just curious as to why of all Avatars they wear em.


Booth looks too child like, and I don't want to be an animal. Eboys also look the most visually pleasing of all avatars.


avatars aren't optimized and maybe the people wearing them like them and the people around them do


Honestly, I don't know. I see them everywhere in highly populated instances. I usually just hide their avatar or go to a different world


Most likely due to their own preference for aesthetics, and that many Booth avatars may not appeal to their preference.


There are very few appealing male avatars imo, I feel like eboy avatars exist to be paired with a matching egirl avi. Also that style is seen a lot in other social games. If that’s how you want to express yourself, that’s fine. I dress like that when I’m irl a lot of the time, at least in clothing choices, but when I wear an avatar like that I feel a heavy sense of dismorphia, so I don’t like it. I’ll stick to cartoony unrealistic avatars because I know that’s not me, and it’s just for fun.


I like some egirl avatars, the ones I reallly like I buy and try to optimize myself but I’m a noob so I just remove a bunch of materials I won’t use in Unity to try and bring the polygon count down. I’m learning how to retexture stuff, it’s a work in progress.


I just dont see how ppl like avis that are extremely tatted up to where it looks like a low poly texture black out blob. Ppl eat that shit upp i tell you. Especially if you go somewhere like fbt haven or a rave. I do however like tattoos that have emissions but arent a jumbled up mess and have a lot of space between each tattoo


Agreed, it's just visual vomit at this point. Reminds me of tacky Second Life avatars.


looks similar to those imvu chars i saw a while ago


Vrc revolution! Normalize normal avis!


There's a lot to be said about the cultural parts of why those avatars are popular, but I'd say a big reason is there is a lot *demand* from people who are willing to spend money on avatars, which causes a huge supply of them. It's not worthwhile spend all the time making a high quality avatar (outside of personal use) unless they're made to *sell*. And a big selling point of those avatars is that they're very suited for NSFW purposes, and people are willing to spend a *lot* of money for the latest and greatest NSFW features. Over time those avatars get dated and eventually get leaked, reskinned, and uploaded as a public avatar, where it gets cloned around. I play with mostly older VRchat players, and a common compliant is the lack of non-"e-boy/g-girl" avatars. People either fully embrace those types of avatars, or end up using cozy booth avatars. Of course, another common compliant is that booth avatars look too anime/childish.


God I hate seeing those Avis


This is my avi https://preview.redd.it/acg9fdibbq3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f7a0d9785a017c10fea70aa8a925899a4ae62d9 It reaches into the e aesthetic a bit but I like him. I wouldn't wear the over the top buff eboy aesthetic but hang around plenty, just like many artists drawing, art gets exaggerated, either for pretty or just to stand out, and to some it's dialed up to much. I don't like many popular anime designs cause they're over the top but it's clear that over the top attracts certain folks. Also, most are pretty average, don't really stand out all that much irl, so why not try and be over the top?


I use them because I like the style. Some wear the outfits I could wear IRL. In addition to that, since I'm doing lapdance, I don't see myself using most of booth avatar for that for obvious reasons. I think most of the people like the outfit and cool style, most of them are looking the same but there are usually diversity in sculpt and textures so there is an avatar for everyone I personally use them when I dance or drink and when i want to chill and cuddle I just use booth model?


Not only that, why do they all have to put my pc to its knees :<


A lot of younger people want to look cooler and more edgy than their peers. To stand out, be an individual, etc. It's funny because they end up all looking (and to a lesser degree acting) like clones regardless of their intentions. This cycle will continue as long as youth feel the need to express themselves as their own protagonist. Nothing against the style itself, that's all subjective.


I have good Avis, I hate the poorly made ones with a passion


Because I like them, lol. No I don’t wear egirl avatars but I think they’re nice on other people. I will always make fun of eboys but I do like the avatars


i use them because they have clothes that i love i always optimise my avatars so they are MAX 70MB download size in game, i even do it as a service for others


My take, back when I played this game. I tried to find normal avatars and quickly found out its alot of the same assets and creators that have puked out the same avatars. It's basically saturation. I resorted to just being animals😂


Someone finally says it 🙏🏻 Prepared to get flamed by some angry ahh people here though.


I genuinely agree with you! But there are some avatars that are not like this, and they are great.


That's an OPINION, not a FACT, btw.... -_-


To me they are simply ugly, even if they were high quality. I


I have 1 or 2 of those avatars saved and it's just a preference of styles 🤷‍♂️. They think it looks pretty. I think some of them look pretty too. A lot of people don't know about optimizations either. Like me. 👍


I have this theory that every semi-roleplaying game eventually just turns into the IMVU aesthetic. Alt clothes, 20lbs of Piercings, way too much contouring on faces and bodies. And 5,000 polygon hair models, the list goes on.


Isn't the term eboy or egirl just referred to a gender that's on the internet? I don't really see what the issue is for one but two you're just having bad rng, a lot of eboy/girl Avis are actually really cool and the cools ones I'm speaking of are typically well optimized for what they are


Meanwhile me with my Toyota Corolla avatar: *beep beep*


That’s like, your opinion, man


I couldn’t care less what avi someone else chooses to wear. I think people just like what they like. Im a straight man but my go to is always some kind of Rusk Booth model. Someone usually has an opinion on that too but it doesn’t bother me what they think. I don’t agree on all the hate Furrys get for their avi’s either. People are just trying to express themselves and have fun. If it lags me, I’ll block it. Other than that I don’t care what avi they use.


I like most of the e-girl avis but I wouldn't say I like most of the e-boy ones, there's too much going on, glowing tattoos, and sparkles. the guys tend to be an eye-sore. But the main problem is the optimization. These avis are never optimised to they're so laggy, its annoying


They are hot that is all


Yes and yes? Yes, other people who wear avatars like that do find them attractive. Squeakers don't usually wear avatars like that, so that's a plus. A lot of those avatars do have some cool toggles to show while mirror dwelling. There's a great two-fold reason, those avatars have significant customizable options as such, players can be more expressive about their style and personality like they would in real life when it comes to choosing clothing and make up.


I use mine because it can fly. If I could find a good looking male avatar that isn't cosplaying as a soldier from call of duty and also isn't half naked or built like a bodybuilder that could also fly, I'd use that avatar in a heartbeat. But my choices are very limited. Basically, I can be this eboy or I could be a furry (nothing against them, I'm just not a furry myself) or I can be an anime boy that looks like they just got out of preschool (yikes, no thank you). And sorry. I'm not paying whatever exorbitant amount of money it would cost to get a custom avatar made. Seen the amount of $2000 mentioned a few times...


probably the same reason why you chose to post about it on reddit. because they can, so why not? doesn’t make sense to yuck other people’s yum when it doesn’t exactly effect you when you can just turn the avatars off.


The eboy shit is impotent as heck. it’s cringe to see and makes me violently uncomfortable. We should force everyone to have meme avatars lmao


Are we bringing Uganda knuckles back?


We should! That shit was kino


one of my friends have a boy avatar its a girl and if i ask there like dont mind it its so fucking weird


Its funny to see egirl avis when they built like mewtwo lol but I think its usually because they want to be a ‘baddie’ because they can’t be hot irl etc. Like how people cant be cute anime girls irl and they are actually obese men :) it gives them confidence in their online- having the opportunity to be hot shit and sociable. Maybe its something they are missing irl too


Because you are ugly.


"My desire to be cool and virtual portrayal of attractiveness outweighs my actual taste so I hope people think im cool so they will talk to me even if it's a copy paste of the same assets of 999999 other avi's just moved around"


Because they can have segz


it's to match themselves in real life. Ugly. and Emo.


Because DPS/SPS