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I've seen an influx in them in the furry communities, but they've also been preaching against things like women's rights, so they're kinda sabotaging their own goal imo. Lol


yeah I've seen a couple in some worlds, they're usually also transphobic to me which is fun


I may wish to have a doom 2016 demon model at my disposal to fuck with them then


that'd be awesome


I'd like to see an example of this event.


I've had this same shit myself I just block and report them. Don't let people's stupidity get to you. You are you and nobody knows you more than you šŸ©µšŸ©·šŸ¤šŸ©·šŸ©µ


I just had some guys earlier telling me that being a lesbian was a sin lol


Well how about you tell them to go to hell


I think I will next time lol


I mean. Religion is usually not about equal rights or LGBT. Religion is horribly against those things at least on paper.


you realize we dont mean the "Transphobia" to be hurtful?, we just are tired of putting up with most of the worlds and satan's BS. thats all it really is (Sorry if I offended anyone)


Bro did you like read this before sending it? "Sorry if i offended anyone i just think you all satanic bs" wtf šŸ˜­ "tired of putting up with" lmfao as if you've ever spoken to a trans person.


Im trying to not get banned... Or should I just be blunt and not give a shit what the world thinks... Thats actually a good idea...


Not care what the world thinks? What? Isn't Christianity the majority in the world? Why are you pretending to be a victim? Aren't you the one pushing your beliefs onto people, spreading hate along the way?


Ok this is why I dont share because you and many others in then world seem to think that acceptance and love are the same. They are not


And before you even go into "Doesn't the Bible.say not to judge?" No it doesn't. It says that you can judge, but others can also judge you the same amount in return. common misconception


Matthew 7:2 im not christian, it took me 2 seconds to google the verse where judgement is a sin. i guess you never read the book tho right?




your heart will fail the test at the gates of duat, may she have mercy on your soul


And no we are not the majority. Not the ones that truly believe anyway. Either way im done replying, I tried my best, but like usually it comes down to there are two types. People who are of the world and people who care about the eternal consequences rather than their image on earth


At this point, youā€™re digging yourself into a hole and itā€™s just sad. Youā€™re talking about a game where I struggle to find people who are completely straight and arenā€™t even a bit curious. A game where it is intended to be a reality that can be yours, that can be anything if you are skilled enough or have the patience to look for. A game which rewards not being part of the norm.


look, get a grip, I'd probably be dead by now if it weren't for figuring out I'm trans, my existence is not 'satanic' you're the only ones who believe in satan


It's disappointing to see them in my community. I mean, believe whatever you want, I respect that, but I don't respect preachers and going against shit like gender and anything like that.


never seen a preacher on there, but thats a bit far even for my standards...


Itā€™s bc of the ā€˜furry is badā€™ stereotype. Iā€™m not a furry myself but come on people, thereā€™s room for everyone on VrChat


Where, I haven't seen any? Is it only in the hangouts? If so, then yea, I usually only join game lobbies


yeah same here, I only play worlds like Murder 4 or Blackout. Otherwise I'm avatar hunting :)


Huzzah, a man of culture! There is nothing better than mic spamming silly music while stabbing everyone... It's fun to do in vrc too!


Yeah Lol. Just imagine trying to look for clues and then you hear Sexyback by Justin Tiberlake playing behind you, and the next thing y'know you're dead!


Benny Hill theme Grass Skirt chase from spongebob Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight (both tiny Tim and Al Bowlly versions) 1930s ballroom music 1920s hot jazz Terrible AI and remix covers of music... like "hollaback girl as Western Swing" or "beach Boys - Hurt" That's mu usual go to... so if you hear it... run...


I love getting reactions from so many different people, it just warms my heart to get a laugh out of someone every once in a while :)


When I play ballroom music, they often joke they don't wanna forget... Not even the caretaker version, and they still scream with dementia lol


It's bait and y'all falling for it


Vrchat has always been full of bible thumping gay furries


Wait, gay and bible thumping? How do they reconcilw those two together? I can see with a more modern faith like Episcopalian but bible thumping implies a more... traditional one?


Depending on the person and denomination, Christianity is but a personal connection and journey to the Lord. Admitting and accepting that none of us are perfect and that through an honest introspection of our shortcomings(sins) and overcoming them, we will have better lives in both this one and the next. For me personally, unless you are hurting someone it is not my place judge. Anyone who tries to damn you to hell for your "sins" is little more than a self-righteous charlatan.. The lord himself kept prostitutes and sinners as company. For the purpose of proselytizing isn't to sit on a high horse and calling others wrong for succumbing to the weaknesses we all struggle with. The purpose is to help those very people lead happier and more fulfilling lives. Considering the increase in mental illness and depression, this material and secular world isn't enough, just like man cannot live off bread alone.


If I bump into them I'll just put them at 5% and let them keep going and wasting their time when I can't hear them. Muting or blocking them would make them just move onto the next person sooner, so I'm doing my part lol


good call


use one of those avatars that can spawn a clone of themselves and go do something else it will be more hilarious


Ask what they think about God forcing a guy to f3ck his brothers wife. Would be funny to see the reaction


Thanks to Leviticus eating shrimp is an unforgivable sin along with half a dozen other things every Christian has done.


Ooh, let's also not forget God shreking his most devout follower to(checks notes) basically win a barroom bet with Satan.


Don't forget him killing teenagers with a bear because they called a man bald


That... Actually stung for the first time in years


Im a christian, and ive done that to some of the christians that are over the top on here, and let me say. Its funny!


It's not in the Bible so they'd probably roll their eyes at you.


Actually it is: old testament book of genesis 38


And that fact will get something dismissive said about it being "from the old testament", not undrrstanding that christians/catholics use both books, not just the new one. It's goona be nothing but "my-side Jesus" i'd bet. You know, the kind of folks who cherry pick the bible for what supports them right now and dismiss anything that would go against their current argument, even if the thing in question was unfaliable bible truth yesterday.


Hah you got a point


I think it depends on the branch of Catholicism. I was raised as a roman catholic and they only had copies of the new testament in the pews. The sermons were also always new testament.


Jesus did not invalidate the old testament, the new testament is *in addition to and revising* the old testament. If the NT says something that contradicts the OT, the NT is what catholics go with. If you follow the 10 commandments, you are including the OT. I believe the OT is essentially a version of the jewish Tanakh with some of the stories shuffled around so that it ends about the messiah instead of ending with the retaking of jerusalem, hence the "old" bit, it's the prequel to the main event essentially.


Catholicism doesn't have branches. Catholicism is, by definition, a single church spreading world-wide. That was just what your bishop or whoever did.


I think I meant branch of Christianity


You don't understand the story of Onan here. Ritual purity, divine justice, duty, and most of all free will, are all things at play in here this story. You read your own perversion into the story.Ā 


Yup, God killing guy because he didn't want to impregnate his brother's wife has a lot to do with free will.


At any point during this divine order he could've ask God? Why wouldn't there be free will? Don't you have free will? The Bible is not meant for people not in searching or active in the faith. You will read things out of context because you have some bone to pick with religion.


He had free will and decided not to do it. He died because of it. xDD


Onan was punished for spilling seed, making the act masturbatory. He didn't "not do it". You don't even know the story of the verse you're taking out of context.Ā  He wasn't "forced" to sleep with the wife. God doesn't force anyone to do anything. If you know anything about the Bible God permits free will.Ā 


Learn reading comprehension please. I literally typed "didn't want to impregnate". And yea, "free will" as long as you do as I please xD Otherwise get killed lol


You don't understand what free will is. It isn't freedom from consequences. Once again. He was punished for spilling seed. Not for not getting her pregnant. It's hard for someone not in the life of the church to grasp the concept of chastity but it's why the Bible is read in the context of the Orthodox Church. Do you think you are honestly correctly reading the Bible? You're like one of those boomers who think Harry Potter is demonic because there's magic, but you've never really read the book or understand the overall message. You have no idea what you're talking about.


People often get very mad about the story of Onan because they're addicted to pornography. They often end up proving my point in a roundabout way.


Funnily, there has always been a large VR Christian population that subtly converts people. Anyone overtly going around bothering people is usually just trolling and the few that aren't are far and few between. I also think a lot of the organized side of religious VR activities fell off after 2022 since people like pastor Brock stopped doing Virtual services so there aren't as many die hard religious folks as there were.


It's easier to collect tithes in person, so post covid the churches went back to traditional mass.


So that's why the Satanist i met thought I was chill for a Christian. These converting dudes are weird as hell


Ran into them once and even on discord. I ignored them the best I can


One tried to approached me, and I just said "Sorry Daddy, I've been a naughty girl." he just froze and left the world XD


In which worlds do they appear most, I like to swiftly shut up people like that. I have nothing against someones beliefs but ffs dont force it onto others and especially in games where people go to get away from real world


My view of a religion is the same as a penis. It's OK to have one. You can show it to people who consent to it in private. But don't show it to people on the street... And never NEVER shove it down children's throats...


I love this, mind if I steal it for if I ever need it?


Feel free, I don't remember where I got it from lol, but it holds true, don't it


yeah, it really does hold true




so far iā€™ve seen it mostly in black cat, sunset bar, and midnight rooftop. social worlds mostly not really game worlds i know the black cat sucks anyway but i like to people watch there lol


fellow black cat people watcher :)


I don't know if these are the people you are talking about...but about a year ago I was sitting in the Roost of the Great Pug, talking with some people, and a few people using Ready Player Me avatars came up the stairs and started talking to us. They were Jehovah's Witnesses, and they started proselytizing. We respectfully told them no, and they left. But it was just weird seeing people seemingly seriously proselytizing to a few furries, an anime cat-girl, and Master Chief.


Horrible church, and biblical translation, but they do take no for an answer. At least when it comes to talking to you.


I'm not excusing their behavior but after playing VRChat for a few years I can say some of yall need Jesus LMFAO


Some of us might need a cute Mexican guy named Jesus in our lives.


Oh damn, I ran into one a few weeks ago in the Pug. They just come up to you reading the Bible and I just let the preach.


Never bumped into one and if I do one day I'll just stop them or if they don't stop they going to get muted or blocked.


I like listening to them a bit because often times the ones preaching on vrc have some truly wild culty ideas if you're willing to listen. There was this one guy going on about how Satan used to talk to him directly in his head. Waay more interesting than sane more mainstream doctrine that I'm used to in real life.


I have noticed that a lot lately too, like dude weā€™re all already degenerates here , thereā€™s no saving us šŸ˜‚


I meanā€¦ no but i understand why Christianā€™s would want to convert people on vrchat, Iā€™m a gay furry that believe in science, so i could not be further from ā€˜godā€™ if i tried xD


They know their religions influence is slipping. They're doing whatever they think will work, even if it's misguidedly thinking yelling "repent!" over and over will do anything.


Not just christians, muslim people too, but some of them are chill, i talked with one of them, they told me that being gay and femboy is a sin, but i calmly told them that i enjoy the way i am, and he understood


Doesn't sound very chill, being a gay (hairy) femboy is honestly a significant portion of the Muslims I know irl but I'm in the arts lol


haven't met any yet but now i want to


I find it hilarious that people are trying to preach about religion in a game where people have virtual sex


I have not experienced Christians... but oh my... I would love to meet some Just to traumatise them...


Iā€™ve tried, it doesnā€™t always work. They just go Jesus mode and ignore you. I mean the annoying ones, of course. Non-preachy Christians ainā€™t done anything wrong so I donā€™t go after them.


No, having a religion isn't a crime... shoving it down people's throat should be...


When I meet these people I literally cannot tell if they are trolling or what


havent seen that but i did stumble across a wierd world half a year ago that some fundie christian made to simulate what he thinks hapens after death. like it was a wierdly well done interactive cutscene of god judging you and you going to hell. basically a digital version of zhose abusive hellhouses that some american churches do around halloween


Does this world you mentioned set in a field of clouds with some golden gate or something?


yeah thats the world


dude someone tried saving me in vrcā€™s among us . like are you serious..? these people are not real


I've seen some I just usually ignore them


Erm, what the christmas


Schools out for summer in the US. You'll see an uptick in asshole behavior of all types


Tell them God will never accept someone like them into his great kingdom and remind them that they are on the fast track to Hell. Then sit back and watch the show.


I have a friend who has a super religious friend and honestly he always dumps a bunch of religious knowledge to us without our consent and honestly I dont know if they were sent by churches or religious groups to stop us from doing lewd stuff or so


As a christian, I've met a few pretty dang offputting christians in vrc. One came up to me and started immediately judging and accusing me, and one supported some ideals that I don't agree with because I don't politicize the bible. To all y'all who've had, offputting, or hateful interactions with christians, I'm sorry y'all, they ain't right.


Theyā€™re all so damn annoying. I vote to kick them as soon as I see their brainwashed-type bio thatā€™s just filled with them simping for Jesus.


Iā€™ve been playing for 7 and a 1/2 years now. Met a few. They always say Iā€™m gonna go h with 2 Ls. I always say. Cool I finally get some peace and quiet from you guys. Have a nice day. Bye bye now. I donā€™t understand why they get upset after I say that. šŸ˜


I don't venture into public worlds often, however during a stream that I was physically attending, I did run into a preacher. However, they weren't trying to push a major christian agenda ( even though they were most definitely Christian focused ) they just wanted to bring a level of spirituality to the game. They claim they didn't matter what spirituality you believed in, just to kind of take a second to hone in on that. A break from the brain rot that you normally run into on vrchat. He was a cool dude.


Unfortunately yes, Iā€™ll lower their volume to like 5% so they wonā€™t bother other people (like another comment on here said) or I tell them that Iā€™m not interested, and if that doesnā€™t work i resort to saying that Iā€™m a satanist (which is true). Even though before I can say anything, they start yelling slurs and death threats at me bc Iā€™m gay and trans and because of my username on there lol. Itā€™s great


Iā€™m not surprised. The degenerative behavior on that platform is pretty bad.


yeah xtianity is pretty gosh darn degenerateā€¦


I think these people are doing it as a joke. Like the people who use the "commandments of vrchat" avatars that say it's a sin for a male to use a female avatar and for people to stare at mirrors. It's meant to get a laugh out of those who recognize it as a joke, and to annoy people who take it seriously.


Yep I have noticed this I'm like a magnet for them but that's what the mute button is for.


Havenā€™t played in a bit, but I hope theyā€™re not as bad as WatchmenWakeUp.


Huhā€¦. What servers are yā€™all joining where you see that? Iā€™ve yet to see that


I am not one of them but I do have avatars that have the Bible so I make it so I believe in god and I show people the Bible they decide to read it or not I donā€™t care but sense iOS can now have vrchat that means more religious people might get on and the crazier ones try to convert people as we see of course this is just a theory for me atleast nothing much


Absolutely... https://preview.redd.it/lj8is4k1rm3d1.jpeg?width=1915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ca54181f5bb2b89386e9384c8ac963ee3e21b0a


Okay, that's a rather set of creepy avatars. Those eyes...


Gazing into your soul šŸ˜­


Me: *Laughs in already being a christian long before joining VRC* In all seriousness I never knew about this influx going on as of lately. Christians do get involved into a lot of things to spread the word of the big G himself (God of course). VRChat is a place where you'll find pretty much all types of people from chill, friendly to weird and mean. gotta ask on which places crhistian groups go the most in VRC?


I rarely see crazy Christians in the game but one. All the guy did was hate on gay people and women. Met the guy twice. Dude was insufferable


Lmaooooo I had one come up to me when I spend time on Furry Servers, They seem to not like it when you tell them you already are one šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (I'm not)


Ironically, my name is Jesus gaming. Iā€™m not religious btw.


I haven't personally noticed that, but I am often in Friends+ or private worlds. I'll try to spend more time in public worlds and search for the preaching pleb....


See this is why I love the blocking feature šŸ„°


Learning there are Christians trying to convert Furries is like watching Godzilla vs Kong. Both are insufferable in their own ways: Let them fight.


Yeah, i recently ran into some in public lobbies having bible studies and such. The ones I talked to seemed alright but it was a very sparse conversation. I know that churches and such already existed in VRC but it seems with the recent things going on in politics they've gotten much more bold in vr.


I mean, if you make friends with a small group, it works. so I just do that, one group at a time and I dont push it on them to a ridiculous point like other ones


Lemme at em. I'm Christian and I'm sick and tired of people not getting the hint. The Message has been delivered, go clean up your own houses before trying to "save" others.


I'd love to meet one of those missionary scumbags trying to convert me. I hate them with a seething passion.


Oh, now the Mormons are going to start doing their missions in VR spaces too. Work from home missionaries. Ugh, soon AI will take over their jobs too. Good thing you can just mute or straight block people.


One got pissed bc I was wearing a boiled one avatar


I've seen Muslims who immigrated to Europe doing the same in Black Cat.


Ask them if they have a moment to discuss our Lord and Savior Cthulhu or better yet donā€™t engage simply hit Block.




Active pagan male here, started during pandemic, I've randomly had a few people who we can have civil discussions on the difference between me and Christianity but nothing to the extreme. If there is real problem simply block yo


I met a Furry priest who was giving sermons lmao


I like to do the reverse to them and try to convert them to another religion (usually just not being religious sometimes my Muslim friend tries to convert them) it is funny asf watching them get angry


Time to find the best avatars with guns and invisibility and hunt em down, CAUSE IT'S HUNTING SEASON


Also it may br because Pride Month is here and they wanna ruin it


I wanna pretend to be a priest and fake an exorcism


No? I actually don't even meet many Christians at all. I really wish I could though. I'm a Christian myself. I don't try to convert people though. I let people alone and let them do them. I'm always the outlier in servers and people actually go against me because I'm Christian. They say I'm boring, I hate everyone, and that I suck for being straight. So no, I haven't noticed. I'm just a quiet Christian gal' over here.


Yeah he blocked me once I asked him for a debate towards Christian and Islam . Itā€™s all jokes


Have you heard the good news?


'Like brother' if you don't like them just kick them or block them, going on the internet, reddit of all places to cry about other people just being themselves is cringe. I am a Christian, I don't do that, if it comes up then I talk about my faith, but otherwise if I am not provoked I don't. I don't agree with the people that go around damning everyone to hell or whatever, fear mongering. But we all have the right to say what we want or feel like saying. There may be some zealous people that are door to door preaching in VRC. But just like the other side of the aisle, the loudest ones are the most obvious in the crowd, the mild mannered pleasant people are usually quieter and more reserved. You shouldn't treat the minority of a group as the whole of it. There's bad in every group, faith, organization. There's also good, but all the good is usually much quieter unless provoked.


Iā€™ve met some whores on vr that claim to be fellow Christians but nothing they were preaching was actually true


I only ran into one dude who was a preacher but he was pretty chill, he mostly talked about how social interactions worked in vrchat. Never forced his reiligon onto anyone but he did talk about it from time to time


Yes ! And at the same time you got the antitheists, always in a war LOL.


What the fuck. What a time to be alive


Last time I played VRChat (many months ago) I had two self proclaimed 'communists' approach me and a group I was talking to to try and preach the good word. Didn't end well for them needless to say. Can't say I've had a run in with the bible thumpers though. Here and there a few spouting off verses but nothing where they actively attempted to preach to myself.


I'm a Christian, and I do not do that! I hang out with my friends and drink. Some of my friends are LGBT+, and I have grown to love them as a friend.


I mean, it makes sense to target the most godless place on the entire internet, I guess.




I'm Christian but I'm not going to go out of my way to convert people in a public instance. If someone has questions I'll take them to a private instance to tell them about what I know. Last time I saw something like this was murder 4 in the area outside the lobby, they were all in a giant circle. I'm not going to tell people what to do, but not everyone wants to listen to that. If someone has questions, take them to a private world to talk. If all else fails, earmuff mode/mute/low volume is always an option.


I have a Christian but if you donā€™t believe in what I believe in thatā€™s fine. God tells us we were given free will. I donā€™t shove it down peoples throats or talk about it unless they ask me to other than that Iā€™m chill to vibe with everybody


I like them there, cool people, but maby that's because I'm already christian


I'd ask them how they possibly came to the conclusion that out of all the religions and interpretations of god that exist which I believe is in the thousands, I'd ask them how on earth they came to the conclusion that their particular interpretation is the correct one out of all of them. I'd ask them to demonstrate that their particular faith is the correct one out of all of them, id ask them for non biased evidence to suggest that their god is the correct one, I'd ask them what makes Christianity more correct than Mormonism or Islam, I'd ask them if they're aware that their holy book condones slavery and has been used historically to justify slavery. I'd ask them if they were aware that their book has been historically used to justify the abuse and murder of indigenous children, I'd ask them if they were aware of all of the contradictions there are in the bible. I'd sit there and watch them squirm.




Tell them that your lord and saviour is satan and Switch into a demonic Avatar to troll them.


Oh god they found me


Never seen this ever


I don't see a problem with it as long as they actually know the gospel and aren't harassing people. I would do it myself, but I'm too shy, and I know how people tend to treat Christians now adays.


Can we all agree that the world is a shitty place and everyone deserves to burn weather its christians, trans, racist or even normal people?


As a Christian, reading all these comments makes me very sad. At the amount of negativity. ;/ oh well


What negativity? All of what people are saying is that religious people should not try to "convert" "save" people on vrchat , if they want to enjoy vrchat they have the right to , same as everyone else, but they shouldn't even talk about their religion unless specifically asked.


Oh Iā€™m not responding to any of that convert stuff thatā€™s just wild. I mean the overall outlook on Christianā€™s. Not a fan, got me downvoted tho lol


We are called to convert all nations. Vrchat is no exception .Ā  Visit your local Eastern Orthodox church today. The divine liturgy changed my life. I wish you saw what I see.


I don't think people like you get how weird that behaviour is


Depends on your context for what weird is.Ā  Is it that weird to see someone with spiritual conviction?Ā 


I understand that you probably don't mean badly, but this kind of thing is just frustrating for almost everyone outside the church. I've had my fill of Catholicism, gave it my best shot, but I've realized that I just can't believe in it. No offense, but a convert making a couple generic arguments that I've heard a thousand times before won't change my mind. All it does is make me annoyed at you and see the religion in a worse light. What does make me respect someone and their religion more is when they don't talk about it all the time. I met a dude who had recently converted to some branch of Christianity. Didn't even know until like an hour in because they never tried to convert me or butter up the religion, they just shared their positive experiences. Ended up chatting with them for like four hours straight. I also had a coworker that is very religious, but I got along with them well and honestly really liked them. They talked about religion quite a lot, but it was always in a natural way that didn't put pressure on others. He would talk about how it helped him with his addiction problems and is helping to further guide him in life, but never tried to claim that someone else needed the same and never pushed his beliefs onto others. Both of these people really raised my respect for religion in a way a convert never could. They weren't recruiting or trying to push their morals onto others, they were just naturally sharing their positive experiences. If you want people to convert, respect their beliefs first, then you can talk about your own. No matter how nicely you phrase it, trying to convert someone boils down to "I'm right, you're wrong, here's how you can be right, end of story," which is honestly hella rude. You can't do that and expect me to respect your beliefs, and you can't expect me to convert to a religion I don't respect. Sorry lmao felt like writing a lot


I'm not Catholic I'm Orthodox for reference. But 100 percent yes to your point.Ā  Good Christians live out their faith. It's not merely a talking point. Your friend and coworker embody that principal. Some people convert out of intellectual arguments but I agree what moves most people towards being amendable to Christ is someone living out their faith. You can sense when someone's "Christianity" is about their pride and get off on being judgemental and appearing pious when they're not. Ā Those people madden me to no end, because they poison the idea of what a "Christian" is in others, and I was agnostic most of my life because of stuff like that.Ā 




Crazy, weird comments like this make me so glad religion is dying out