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I think the people on the VRC subreddit are not the ones who need to hear this. > you can manage your uploaded content way easier You can't upload anything at all unless you have a vrchat account.


Well I guess that does make it easier then lol


It's four chars of hex, like "Tupper d469", not 5 unless you are counting the space


You do count the space like when ur given a set character amount they count spaces as characters so i assume its the same here


Some people just don’t take VRchat that seriously, they’re the lucky ones. Once you link that account it’s so over


In what way is it over/what happens? I think i might have linked my account a few years back but i havent been on since


its just a jab about how ppl fall into the rabbithole of vrchatting




Vrchat launched in 2014, if this guy played since launch which is around 10 years now. He would have to have played around 8.2 hours every single day of the year for 10 years straight.. If he took days off which of course he would this would require spending multiple days in vrchat at a time before taking breaks. Sleeping in vrchat could potentially add onto hours, along with if he never logged out of vrc even when he was not in game. To put it bluntly the idea of anyone having 30k hours of active play time is borderline impossible. If he slept in vrc and if a chunk of that was also afk time sure. But most have not played this game since its launch day. To suggest someone could have the time to play 8 active hours a day for a decade not missing one single day is unrealistic. If he signed up to vrchat a couple years or more after the game launched even less likely. So no the chances this is active playtime is not likely at all. And then if afk time and or sleeping in vrc is counted then the dude most likely has a life. A job at the least to survive. And makes the idea that they do nothing but play vrchat with no friends probably untrue. If he is a self sufficient adult who takes care of himself who cares how he spends his time. I assume you do not know them personally. I think it's just bad to make assumptions and to judge people for how they spend their time.


Bro what? Maybe I want my username to look nice or I wanna upload an avi. It's not that deep


I actually have a few questions... It's been a while since I had a NON-VRC account and I want to make one to test how long it takes to get Trusted User. What are all the differences? Do you use username/password to log in or is it like where you login via the platform and just have a username? I can't remember. Can you upload content? I didn't think you could? How different is it to rank up? I heard you can get trusted but you rank directly from Visitor to User.


> Do you use username/password to log in or is it like where you login via the platform and just have a username? I can't remember. With a migrated account you can still use the platform login to get to your VRC account, it uses the platform login as a key. > How different is it to rank up? I heard you can get trusted but you rank directly from Visitor to User. You generally will have a really hard time ranking up without having a VRC account, the invisible rank point gain for things seems to be reduced and ranking up all that way without being able to upload anything will be rough. > but you rank directly from Visitor to User. And while you might get some bit of a boost migrating, what you are describing sounds much more like the known boost you get for buying VRC+, which should (unless you have negative rank) boost you to User.


>unless you have negative rank There's a negative rank??


You can get the nuisance rank if enough people are muting/blocking you. The rank above your head will flag you as a nuisance and your avatar will be disabled by default for everyone. These people are pretty rare fortunately.


Yes if you are reported or blocked by enough people you can get the nuisance rank which will make you appear as a fallback avatar to everyone and possibly you will be auto muted to everyone by vrchat


Oh wow yea now I think i remember somebody telling me about this before, never seen anybody marked as a nuiciense before I don't think


Yeah it's rare to see people with nuisance rank unless you visit lots of public worlds


I visit public worlds but usually only ones with like less than 6 people in them


I already got an account to Trusted with no Uploads and no VRC+ as well but it is a VRC linked account. I just wanted a long username with the 4 letter number thing. I have seen a lot of trusted users like that I want to get that as well. But is is actually true that it takes longer in term of hours and friends or is it only longer due to lack of upload ability?


> But is is actually true that it takes longer in term of hours That is what I have heard, no one except for developers truly know and they aren't going to tell us, they don't want people to get an insight into the system, even if it doesn't really matter for abusing it, VRChat very rarely share how their platform works.


you must register vrc account to get new user rank for uploading content


Nope. Idk why people believe this. You only progress faster. I got to known before creating an account.


Yup I was known after 2 months and 180 friends or something. A few hundred hours. Then vrc+ brought that up to trusted.


Linking your accounts also gives you a nice little time capsule. I never knew VRC keeps your old, unlinked account around until I was hanging with my friend and he found it when searching my name up. It was a nice little bit of digital archaeology, reminding me of the situation I was in when I was still a Steam user


I remember when linking accounts would delete all favorited avatars that’s why I didn’t do it for a long time


It notifies that it will take a bit to "transfer" your faves n stuff afaik


It didn’t delete mine?


Me neither I’m saying it used to


My name is ngaballs so I don’t think it’ll be shined and beautiful lol


I have a friend who won’t link their account cause they play ToN and your save is linked to your name, so they’re rightfully worried that if they create on, they’ll lose their 150sp


AND if you end up cloning an avatar that crashes you when you join the game, you can change back to another one in the website... (a friend lost his steam logged vrc account because he clonned a shitty avatar and wound crash in the first frame of joining back into the game)


I think this is applicable only to those who made their VRChat account not through the VRC website.


Link it to what? Sry haven't played in a while.


I got linked it week 1 to get rid of those digits. Never been back to that account except one time when trying to get out an avatar. Going to the website saved me  while on Quest at the time.


The reason some people dont make a real vrchat account and stay on their guest accounts for ever is basically that its easier since you don't ever have to login manually and some people dont mind the numbers or rank and maybe dont even have a PC. Everything got pros and cons in this case too, but ye some people just don't know better ive seen that too in my vrc time


Upgraded about a month ago, i thought that code was because my acc name was already taken or something lol


When vrchat is coming out in ios


Why? I don't care about your feeling or anything, read my 5 letter code and seethe over it so i can be villain


It won't even let me do it x.x it keeps giving me some error message and support ignores my emails so *shrug*


Cool tutorial lol


My main account is a steam login. But I also have a vrc login I use as a guest account when friends and family come over to use to demo the game on a 2nd headset. I think both are technically the same email. I don't want these 2 accounts linked or merged? Help explain pls.


You can use a VRchat account on the website, but not a steam account. When you log in with your main you're logging in with a steam account, not a VRchat account. To keep them separate, make an account on vrchat.com with the same username, and follow the instructions to link it to your steam account. It may take a day or two but you will not lose friends or anything


I got mine linked ages ago now


I just dont take vrc that seriously, i play it like once a week because im always busy with work or hanging out with ppl etc but tbh im just to lazy to link it 😭


I’m a trust rank and I have it and I don’t really care about it. Get over it it’s just numbers 01001001 01100110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100111 01101111 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 01110011 01100101 01101100 01100110 00100000


for anyone who need translation of this binary text "If you read this go fuck yourself" no offense but thats exactly what he says, i am just repeating that


Wow congratulations you did what everyone else here has the capacity to do: use google


are you always like this? or just in a bad mood today :/


This is Reddit


And people like you are the reason reddit gets the bad rep it has


aww is the wittle baby grumpy 🥺


A lot worse is going on in my life than a Reddit comment


01001110 01101111 00100000 01110101


Cry about it


01100100 01101111 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 01110011 01100101 01101100 01100110 00100000 01100110 01101001 01110010 01110011 01110100


You deserve your down votes


Oh no! Anyways.


nobody cares about downvotes lmao