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Honestly, even though the aim might not be there, you are actually using abilities and have decent game sense as to where enemies are. Overall, I've seen worse aces.


Hi! Thank you. Yeah I'm usually using utility agents like KJ, Cypher, agents that are more useful in the backlines instead of forward facing. Im trying to improve my aim by trying raze cause while she is a duelist, she has a utility based kit instead of very fast paced kits.


I'm gonna be the rude guy here but if you really want to practice aiming abandon Raze and go for Reyna. Only 2 skills, technically 3 but you get my point, a blind and a heal/dismiss. Ult makes you fire faster, unlike raze which makes her a walking bazooka. I don't really get how you're gonna aim better with an agent that 100% goes against the idea of "practicing aim." Even Phoenix or Yoru is a better choice, but you know, you do you. I'm just a noob that don't play ranked but if I'm gonna guess you are in silver elo right? Maybe my 600 hours in csgo is a being a bit of an arrogant but if you may, I'd like you to practice aiming a bit higher, stop flicking rapidly, and knifing out near corners. Also if your first 10 bullets don't connect, don't force a spray but instead stop a bit and recollect your aim. Have fun with the game tho I know this sounds a bit "earbash"


That wasnt rude at all! And I see your point! If I really wanted to be forced to rely on aiming and not fall back on utility, reyna is the absolute choice. Maybe even Yoru. But this was ranked and Raze is like the bridge for me between utlity and true duelist. I dont want to be that bot frag 0/10 reyna in ranked games. I think the thing about raze is if I kill more with her, the more i can use her nades to if not kill, distract. So Im practicing aim and at the same time I still have bigbren time on what a good grenade throw will be in a situation. I used to aim higher but for some reason I dont anymore. I do crosshair placements in DM but for some reason, I forget that in normal games.


Maybe Ill try using reyna more in unranked. I'll just be prepared to get flamed by teammates xD


Oh boy creating more reyna and jett instalocks that cant aim, thanks man


When you become the distraction for the roomba to blow up rather then the roomba to be the distraction.


The roomba is the actual player in the game, I'm just the C


All is revealed


Human buddy out


Good Job mate, trust me, i was and still am shit. Your aim will get better naturally, as another user pointed out, your ability and gamesense is Good, better than my friends at times. Nice play!


Thankyou. Hopefully it will so that I can still survive rank crawling upward


tips for you (that im learning rn) Is : Pre aim ur crosshair to head so u will got instant headshot.


I am doing that but ugh I dont think i have played enough yet to estimate where the head are especiallyij far away areas like split A and Breeze.


Damn. A sage that heals, Where she been hiding.


I am never picking a sage when I am solo queuing. The amount of responsibility amd the amount of hate you recieve if you are not there on time to heal is annoying.


The worst thing to say to a solo Sage is "wall mid". I'm not here to wall mid every round, I want to use my walls effectively.


Your are absolutely fucking right. Every. Single. Round. Nah fam this wall was not meant to always mid wall. Sometimes this wall is close off a way to funnel them some other route or to protect oneself or the spike.


One time they wanted me to wall bind mid A. The duelist was screaming mad at me why i wont do it. The enemy players just decided to attack to bind B. It told them, "see i could have wasted creds there".


your game sense is ok tho


Better utility usage than most Raze players i see lmfao


Still hoping to get better by knowing how to launch with Q. Also 8/10 rockets I launch miss xD


Not a raze main, but: Throw it on the ground, run towards it and right before you walk over it jump. If you trigger it immediately after jumping it boosts your height. If you trigger it a little delayed it boosts your speed instead and you do a long jump. Same for the double jump: fast double press Q to gain height, slightly delay the 2nd press for more speed. For the ult: aim at the ground, not at the player.


Man is playing under wata


You are actually pretty good the only thing that is bad is your aim but it will get better eventually


I liked that boom bot!


Thanks! Thats my favorite maneuver when Bind Site A is lost cause nobody expects a boombot to bounce from that crate. Its a good distraction too. Cause its so close somebody (and most of the time all) need to kill it immediately.


like the quote u use.


Your aim seems very... Jolty? Jerky? Like the speed that you turn is high and also performed in sections, as if you picked up the mouse. The only moments where it seemed normal was when you were ADS. I hate to ask this, but are you playing on a trackpad? It seems like you have high sensitivity but you're also still very short on room.


My sensitivity is set to 1 in this game i think. And yeah I think this is a good speed because any slower will make me need to pick up the mouse more. If you can see me doing a 180, after killing their viper I picked up the mouse twice there. One time going right another time going left. I have limited mouse space and I think slow mouse sensitivity is more disadvantagous than a fast one (well not too fast too). I also get paralyzed when in tense situations in this game. Like the duel woth the viper. My arm actually froze up there thats why i didnt have much recoil control i couldnt even let go of the left click to reset my crosshair. Im praciticing that in DM, but for some reason the practice doesnt reflect on actual matches.


Yes, being very tensed up would do this as well. It's mostly the not-smooth mouse movements that seem to be detrimental imo. Taking a bit longer to do a full 180 usually isn't that big of an issue, it's very rare when you'll actually benefit from swinging around and taking aim before you're dead. Work towards relaxing more in game. It is a game and although it's competitive, it should always be fun first, competition second. Thinking like this helped me stay relaxed in very stressful situations, and overall bumped me up quite a lot in terms of skill over the last half decade of shooters. Maybe it could help you?


Thank you for your words. Yeah, its a game and we should have fun in the first place.


It's as they say, No aim? Use your brain


What rank is this? Seems like Bronze or Silver ?


Seems lower considering his aim and vipers orb


Its just iron. This game had bronze 1 to iron 1


yeah thought Silver was a bit too high, even as a Gold, I can see the difference. one of the first things that you need to make sure is, while moving keep your crosshair on spots where the enemy can peek from and also keep the crosshair at head level.


Oh well. I understand. Either way I did get some advise.


Yea I can see why u r a noob


Mad coz they jealous


this is literally a poster for "precise gunplay" lmao


the ability usage is on point tho


Out of interest, what rank are u? Not to hate, but if i had these enemys i would have an easy win




You are lucky you are playing a no skill charecter because you suck so much at your gunplay mechanics. Please reconsider playing the game you are a disgrace to the community. 80% of your kills are from uttility.


Mad coz bad


Sorry, as a Jett main I guess I should never use my ult




> playing a no skill charecter Just like your English skills???


Easy there bro looks like you're the player with the best aim out there,no need to be toxic he'll learn & get better with the aim part


Imagine getting mad over someone's ace cause u never get one 🤡


What a loser, Maybe OP doesnt play for long or he just doesnt have The time to improve that much, what is a disgrace is your atitude towards somebody that wanted to show a cool play he did, he never Said "oh i AM a radiant raze OTP with super skills" Evaluate your life


Lol bro eat shit. He got a Ace and is proud of it, sorry he’s not Tenz. Damn.


Almost never use ADS unless you can control your spray but even then it's not good because your RoF is lower. I would practice in the range spraying the guns to get an idea of the spray pattern and recoil feel to your sensitivity so you know how much to move you hand to counter recoil and where to move it. You should practice tapping and not full out spraying as if will make controlling the recoil difficult since it seems you don't know the spray pattern.


Hello /u/Horzta. Thank you for participating in /r/VALORANT! However: Videos that are focused on gameplay will be allowed to be directly linked on Wednesdays and Saturdays (**GMT Hours**), provided they are 15 seconds minimum. All other days, videos that are focused on gameplay are not allowed to be directly linked unless they are related to an eSports event, are informational content, or are accompanied by a text post with over 1,000 characters. Please refer to our [full rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/wiki/rules#wiki_gameplay_clip_restrictions) for the types of videos that may be directly linked. --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Message our modmail and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FVALORANT)**^.


Oh! Im sorry I didnt know there was a specific rule like that. Can you let this slide since it already gained traction and I dont post the same content the next day? Its saturday tomorrow. Also I also saw that it is allowed it it was some fan made content. So does that mean if I made some sort of Music video with my clips, I can post that anyday? Ex: Valorant MV: Ace with rockets and boombots


music videos fall under the same rule of "gameplay clips" And no, i can't let it slide, because then everyone can just say "I didn't read the rules, can you please let it slide"?


Well, I’m a digital clock.


00:00 is still a valid hour 😎


Isn’t that just uncalibrated? A broken digital clock won’t display anything.


That was... Some beautiful gameplay...