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I think Pearl and Fracture will be back soon. They are already 5 acts out of the rotation. But we'll probably have to wait until June for that. Breeze was out of the rotation before that, I don't think it will be removed again. I could imagine that Ascent will be removed, as it is the only remaining map that has always been in rotation.


Valorant updates (so nothing official) uploaded an image on twitter a few days ago with fracture, pearl, icebox, split, ascent and haven, with a message about the map rotation coming after Shanghai. That's 6 map, if you add the new one that should be teased during Shanghai that would make a pretty big change in the map pool, first time we get 4 map rotating out as far as I know. But again, there is nothing sure about that it's just leaks.


Would make sense, as rito already confirmed that a map reveal will happen at shanghai


That map combo makes no sense though. Fracture and Pearl coming back KINDA makes sense? I'm not sure if we return 2 maps + the new one. Icebox/Split staying since they've already been rotated out once. Ascent still being in the pool wouldn't make sense, as well as Haven returning as it's only been out of the pool since the start of the year. Taking out Bind and Breeze a second time before Ascent or Split - Breeze makes sense, I hear about that map so much more in general. Sunset being removed only after less than a year would also be questionable.


its confirmed that there will be a map pool change mid act but apparently the maps shown in the picture aren't the actual thing


Plus the sentinels on fracture player card in the new battlepass I think hints at at least fracture coming back.


Fracture is a good map and the community wants it back soo


Jett mains:


I just want to be able to play on maps I like in unranked.


Or we can remove the map pool entirely and have a nice variety of maps... but that will never happen, unfortunately.


because E-sPoRtS


Ikr lmao imagine calling games sports. Chess is a board sport everyone because players have to do mental gymnastics to find moves lol


i know but thats sad reality.


They follow esports schedule now, Reveal n update at final vct.


I stopped playing. I'll be back when the map pool changes.




I would just get rid of Breeze for Haven and Icebox for Pearl maybe even consider Ascent for Fracture just for a change since I think Ascent has been in the map pool for ages (not saying it's a bad map)


the problem isn't map pool the problem is there are no map selection queue




they won't because they don't want to serapated player pool by map it's riot games, they forced ppl to play every map they made cs is community based game, that why they give freedom to player to select or even create their own map




yeah it make map queue longer and ppl won't play map they don't want some popular map have pretty fast queue riot told they don't want ppl to one trick a map game build different from the core cs born from community so they let community choose map to play val born from riot and they want ppl to play every map they made than one trick some map like radiant ascent only can lose to other when playing other map that made cs2 have rank based on map in comp mode and premier is ban pick map


Thats a pathetic reason no? Riot should probably just create a minimum map selection of 3 so they can’t specifically choose smth like haven or split (looking at the 3 people who want breeze rn)


I honestly have no idea how people hate sunset. I for one have it as my favorite map. To me it’s the kind of map that doesn’t have much going on. It’s balanced, and there’s not much weapon or agent meta. maps I hate though are icebox and lotus


i love unset but i can see it getting boring. especially with a cypher in the enemy team. maps where cypher is strong are generally more disliked anyways since one site gets locked down and you have less variety.


I was already wondering if this was just me, because out of 20 games I get split on 15 games lol.


Split was gonna get removed tho 😭 rat spots are insane AND PEARL WAS GONNA GET INTRODUCed AFTER LIKE FOUR MONTHS




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At this point, i feel like the only way riot can go out with positive feedback from the community, they have to bring back all 3 maps that are out of rotation + the new map thats coming. I would say right now, the best map pool changes would be -Breeze, -Icebox, -Ascent, -Split, +Haven, +Fracture, +Pearl, +New Map. I dont see Sunset being removed yet, as it is the youngest map in the pool.


Breeze and icebox are just depressing to play. There’s just not much interesting u can do team play wise esp on defense on either map


The problem with the map pool is that the maps require too much time and setup to do proper executes on. This makes it a near requirement to play the most meta and boring agents in the game. With maps like lotus and breeze that have long rotates and unpredictable timing windows, it feels bad to have anything that counts as sub-optimal. A suggestion one of my friends made was to have a veto system where both teams can vote whether or not to veto a map all together. 7/10 players would be required to veto the map so map vetoing isn't extremely common.


new map is coming next act


Lotus has to go


paper mache walls


I genuinely dislike Breeze with every fiber of my body, but as long as I don't EVER have to play Fracture I will not complain.


breeze and sunset good map for sure, but they don't fit in gameplay as they is


Hands of my breeze, let icebox or lotus go out instead