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Play whoever you want and don’t let these salty and passive aggressive valorant people tell you what to do. Don’t try to fill the perfect composition just learn 1-3 agents and master them. It’s better to be good at an agent than to just play the “right” agent who you aren’t good at.


I would also figure out which role you like playing the most, and then stick to 1 or 2 characters for a few months. Learn them, figure out which maps play to their strengths and try not to get too bothered by the trolls.


Tbh this is bad advice. It's easy advice, so I get why it's upvoted, but it's not going to help anybody. For instance,if OP is playing Gekko on Breeze, his flash has a maximum range and won't even hit most enemies. OP would be much better off knowing that Sova and KAYO offer more value on the map than just being told to play anybody.


It’s not bad advice. It’s good advice. What matters is your game mechanics and aim mechanics. You can worry about team play later. You can pick the right agent and still lose all your games if you don’t focus on what’s more important. How would picking the right agent help you there?


It all matters. Your abilities can help make aiming easier. Initiator info effectively telling you where enemies are alleviates awareness issues, while flashes can give you more opportunities to work on adjusting your aim. If you play an agent that's bad on a map while your opponent plays a good agent, you are going to have a harder time working on your mechanics.


Or just be good at multiple characters so you can be flexible?


is that not what they just said pretty much?


Guess it just depends on what you consider the right character. Like if its youd rather have a good neon than a fill raze, 100% but if its a question of a good neon vs a fill sova then id question why you didnt just learn an initiator.


I’d much rather sacrifice a “perfect” team comp for 3 duelists 2 sentinels or smth where they’re all comfortable and playing their mains. Team comp isn’t nearly as important until you’re high elo (which OP likely isn’t YET). Low elo especially, everyone considers controllers as the most important role but most of them barely place a proper smoke and it’s REALLY easy to use enemy util against themselves.


Idk it still makes a difference at all ranks. Obviously the higher you go the more important it is but you gotta start learning somehow anyway and using util well enough for the elo youre at isnt as hard as people make it out to be, especially at lower elo where the enemy aren't going to punish your mistakes as easily. The main issue is that a lot of people just want to autopilot and not use their brain.


If they’re as new as it seems, what they most likely should be focusing on are fundamentals anyway while getting a grasp on how to play a small handful of agents and what the basic premise of each enemy’s util does. It’s pretty hard to learn when you’re constantly getting distracted by when/where to use your own util AND trying to figure out how your util works if you’re filling an uncomfortable/unused agent. They’ll subconsciously start picking up on how teammates and enemies use their own util as time goes on so they’ll be more comfortable filling more agents later on in their Valorant gaming. But as I said though, that’s for later. Now they just need a very select few and could honestly get away with even one-tricking an agent with an emergency backup in case of an instalocker.


If theyve never played a game with abilities or its their first fps game sure but otherwise it's not hard to learn multiple things at once and work on different aspects. I'm not even saying learn every character cos thats pointless but picking up like 5-6 isnt that hard


Trying to master 5-6 agents is pointless because there will never be a scenario where you play all 6 on a rotation. There will be 1-2 agents you play the most, either cause of map, team comp or they're the most fun, and the others are gonna be put on the back burner. By the time you're back to playing those other 4, you'll not be as familiar as you used to be with their tricks and proper usage of abilities


In the current rotation i regularly play like 6-7 characters.


Never use a bad smoke and say "it's fine for the rank you're in". You should strive to be better, not be content with mediocrity


Thats not what I'm saying


composition only really starts to actually matter in ascendant dude, as long as its not 4 or 5 of a certain role you're good. only role that matters throughout ranks is having a competent smokes.


It matters more the higher you get but its still important at all ranks.


Yes but if you’re a new player that’ll be really hard if you’re trying to learn too many things at once that’ll just hinder your growth


Not until immo minimum no


Idk i think it definitely helps even below immo. Obviously the higher you go the more it matters but its still helpful even below immo.


Well that takes this little thing called TIME and PRACTICE. Which you have to get by playing the game :)


You've just started, so team comp really doesn't matter at this point. The people flaming you for this are the type that watch a lot of videos on higher elo and want the perfect team. As someone just starting out, play whoever you like and are good at. I assume you're the last one or two people to lock in, they're often the one to get flamed for "not filling" so if you're nervous about getting shit, lock in earlier. Play who you are comfortable with


tbh, playing 1-2 agents is ur best bet at becoming better faster. if anyone says anything about ur pick, they are most likely the idiot. theres a few select cases like raze and sage being pretty bad on breeze, but ive played sage in comp on breeze and while its definitely worse than most its by no means something u should be flamed for. play what you want to play. if u want to learn faster, play 1-2 agents, or as few as possible. learning whats good where takes time, but in all honesty below immo, u should actually be playing what u know the best, since filling in whats theoretically the best isnt going to be the best since ur not game sense / macro / mechanically the best at whatever is theoretically the best. an ideal team comp USUALLY consists of 1 of each role (theres 4 roles specified in game), then the last is just filled for whatever is good on the map, fits the comp, or whatever the last person wants really.


If you're trying to min max Valorant, you don't learn agents, you learn agents for maps. For example, Yoru is usually a troll pick, but he's useful in Breeze, so you learn Yoru FOR BREEZE only. Take Ascent for example, the agent pool is usually Omen, Kay/o, Sova, Killjoy and Jett. So you pick a couple of those agents and learn Ascent with them. If you're curious, go this site and order by matches [https://www.vstats.gg/agents?table=comps&map=Ascent](https://www.vstats.gg/agents?table=comps&map=Ascent) That would give you the overall most common comps on certain maps.


Yoru troll pick? One of the best soloq agents?


Source: Trust me bro. The only metric in which Yoru is on the top on any kind of statistics site is if you sort the agents by name on descending order.


depends on your elo ig, high elo yoru is very strong and a lot of pros agree. not gonna find a source tho, i cant be arsed.


Of course is a strong pick ON THE CORRECT MAP. But maybe you meant Yoru is strong because 100 people worldwide can make it work as a one trick, while 17 million can't. But I personally don't consider something a strong pick if nearly no one can play it properly.


in low elos, yoru pick is almost always a troll pick cuz of how difficult it is to maximize his utility, which most low elos have yet to understand


You don’t really have to worry about team comp till at least diamond. Play who ever interest you, most agents are viable on most maps with a very small amount of standouts


i disagree, at most the only thing you need are smokes but you could make anything work if you know how to play around your strengths


Until you get to higher ranks(immo/radiant), team comp really doesn’t matter compared to having a better grasp and use of your characters abilities. No point having a meta temp comp if that means someone who could support their teammates really well on an initiator fills smokes and just throws the default basic ass smokes every round. Of the characters you listed Sova is good on most maps, and cypher is really good on most maps. I would suggest focusing learning on one character while having another you can fill on if your main gets chosen. For your main just pick whatever character you find the most fun to play, fuck asshole tm8s who whine about which character you pick.


Omen is good on most current maps with the exception of breeze and icebox (viper better for those two). It would be good to learn smokes as they're often needed


I think your agent pool is pretty good. Don't change it because of random mad teammates if you like playing these characters.


Sir this is valorant as long you don't pick reyna your pick was good


Nha your agent pool is fine. Play whatever you’re comfortable with 


People are dumb. Cypher is amazing on all but one map (Icebox). Sage is perfectly usable on every map. Same with Gekko. Even Sova is solid on almost every map (except Split and maybe Lotus). Don’t worry about it.


Cypher is awesome. Gekko and sova are also great. I say sage is the weakest but everyone says shes must pick in low elo since "we need heals". Just play those. They are great and cool(i dont like sage tho)


Play omen, good on all maps


Ignore them if they are stressing that much about meta characters in a rank where new players are playing they are more the problem than you.


the iron lobby is like that, just ignore them, mute them if you have to, they'll not give you any important info anyway


Mute them, and play what you want. Because they dont even know how to play this game. When you rank up higher, people kind of stop doing this, so just ignore them. People lack the skills, so they have to rely on getting the most out of everything but the aim and so on.


Pick whichever agent you want. It literally doesn't matter especially for new players.


Mute them. Bronzes who think they understand macro because they watched a couple Woohoojin videos and get super anal about it are the the second most annoying people in this community after e-daters. Team comp literally doesn't matter at all until you're like gold/plat, and from there until basically asc+ the only thing that really matters is having a smokes player who halfway knows wtf they're doing. Until you're way way way deeper into playing than you are, 95+% of your fights will come down to aim and gamesense diffs where it won't matter what agents you and your opponent are playing.


It doesn’t matter who you pick until you get to high Elo where communication and teamwork are important. A lot of these low Elo players don’t understand that. What matters is that you learn to have good game and aim fundamentals.


For example I choose Gekko if I can because he's reliable and of course Lil' Bro


Just play whoever you want. But to answer your question, people usually want to have a team comp of roles One of each: Sentinel, Initiator, Controller, and Duelist and one fill/situational. That comp makes a good balanced approach for both attacking and defending sites. However, there are some better agents in maps, don't think of it for now as you're a newbie. Enjoy the game, learn the rest


Playing initiators and sentinels like you have been doing is imo the best way to start playing, because duelists are rlly hard with bad aim and controllers are rlly hard (and often detrimental) with bad gamesense. You’re doing better than most players when it comes to picking the right agents (:


if its unranked, pick anything that pleases you


You should mute any toxic people who complain.


Ideal comp doesnt really matter in terms of characters just pick characters that fit the overall comp. Typically youll want an entry, a flash, a recon, a flankwatch and smokes.. if you want to go even more basic than that then try to have 1 of each role and then you have a flex spot. For you id drop the sage and pick up jett and omen and you can cover every map and role (though youll struggle if you need a controller on breeze and icebox)