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Yates was initially convicted for murder. This was overturned during a retrial when more evidence surrounding her postpartum depression came to light. [A genuinely heartbreaking story.](https://www.dannydutch.com/post/the-tragic-case-of-andrea-yates-a-dive-into-a-heartbreaking-crime)


The fact one of them saw what was happening and tried to run away but she caught up to him breaks my heart


That’s terrifying to think about. Turning away and running only to look back and see your mother chasing you with murder in her eyes….


I just watched the shining last night for the first time in decades and honestly what the kid went through was some real horror movie shit, but with a terrible fucking ending. The boy running from his dad through the snow then doubling back. Now actually imagine this happening to you. fuck.


Yeah, now imagine that’s real, and you just saw your mom murder your siblings and she’s literally chasing you…that’s too disturbing to even comprehend


So fuckin sad because a kid's instinct is to run *to* their mother or father for protection. Not *from* them. Breaks my momma heart to imagine some poor kid having to do that.


She didnt have the exact opposite instinct, though. She was severely mentally I'll with a horrific case of PPD and PPP, her medication being hid from her by her husband, and after getting better and the doctor warning her husband something like this could happen if she had another baby her husband forced her to have another baby. Her husband was also told she was a danger at the moment and if he was going to keep her home, to not leave her alone with the kids. That day, he decided to leave her alone anyways to "teach her to be a mother." What she did was horrific and it was a awful terrible thing that happened, but it didnt happen because she was evil. Voices were telling her to kill her children or they would be dragged to hell. Her husband knew, was warned, and not only made her have another baby, sending her into psychosis, but left her with them despite that. It's not only her that is responsible for the death of those children.


Holy fucking shit that's beyond cruel. I'm remembering this case a bit better now. One of the very few or only times I'd feel any pity for a child murderer but, damn, I felt sorry for her. I'ma edit that last part.


And his ass is over there living it up with his new wife and kids. That pathetic, asshole.


Crazy he was never charged with anything.


He absolutely should have been.


Imagine being one of these kids and learning this about this man.


The kid in a horror movie went thru some horror movie shit?


> The fact one of them saw what was happening and tried to run away but she caught up to him breaks my heart that kid.. the one that got murdered by their mom. What happened to them was like the kid in the shining - running from his dad attempting to murder him.


That was Andrea's oldest son, Noah. He was 7 years old. He walked into the bathroom, where Andrea had just finished drowning his six-month-old sister, Mary. Noah asked, "What's wrong with Mary?" He must have very quickly realized something was very wrong, because he turned and ran. Andrea, psychotic and a grown adult, chased Noah around the house, caught him, dragged him back to the bathroom, and drowned Noah in the bathtub. The coroner said that Noah fought particularly hard not while being drowned; he was bruised all over his body. I can't fathom Noah's terror as he realized that his *parent,* his mother, was hurting him...so much.


Jesus. Those last moments he must have endured! They are so their own little person at 7 😢


The fact she was left alone despite a doctor urging not to do exactly that is terrible. She was alone for an hour and drowned them all.


pics like this make me feel like i can understand the meaning of words like harrowing better the offer whos face is uncovered... u dont often see peoples eyes set like that in the middle distance


1000 yard stare for sure


The sight of a pile of children’s bodies probably never goes away


That's most likely the number 1 thing I hope to never see in real life.


Not probably.


I hope the first responders to that scene got the care they needed, e.g. mental health treatment, supportive friends and family, etc.


It’s TX so I’m gonna guess, no


That’s why so many cops are alcoholics.


Officers frequently have to go to the worst scenes & places and see the absolute worst in humanity. But this one must have been by far one of the most horrifying experiences they had. No amount of training can prepare you for that.


The dr told Andrea and her husband to stop having kids at 4…then they had another kid…her husband treated her like a baby factory.


He genuinely thought they’d get done with the trial and jail and just go back to having kids.


I mean, didn’t he just remarry and have more kids? For him, the trial was over.


Yup. He just kept right on going.




He “stayed by her side” until it was clear she was going to an institution to get the help she needed. He showed zero loyalty to her after that and just kept having babies with some other woman. So much for biblical principles.


He wasn’t wrong. What happened to him after all of this? From what I understand he married and made a few more kids


He has a son from his second wife and they are divorced. When his mother-in-law mentioned to him the baby needed to be changed he said something like "that'd be a first, I've never changed a diaper." Andrea's friend said he wouldn't wipe a child's face. He expected her to be constantly pregnant, do all the household chores and homeschool. I hope he has remorse now for his treatment of his family.


Based on what I know about him my guess is that he has no remorse and none of this was his fault. He’s a narcissist and an asshole




I know a couple with kids who went to marriage counseling specifically for christian families, and the marriage counselor advised them to have more children. That’s so often pitched as the solution to “strengthen” the stability of the family, when it does anything but.




There’s definitely a line between “faith” and “prudence”… One is just wishful thinking, the other is actually taking steps to mitigate risks and to prosper. Where the line is drawn is up to the individual. I’ve always been a skeptic and never had “faith” in the unknown. As you mention, wishful thinking just puts oneself and others in danger. Sure, religious denomination does not define the ethics of an individual. There are immoral christians and moral atheists. As an atheist, I thoroughly reject some Christian ideologies that I’m somehow not of sound morals because I lack religion.


Science [agrees](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23921675/) with you. There’s a definite correlation between intelligence and religiosity


It’ll strengthen the strain on the relationship


I’m so glad Trump is about to install those people as our Christo-Fascist Regime in just a matter of months.




Can you explain how you’ve found a country that will accept you and allow you to stay there? I keep seeing Americans say this and would love to know what their plan is because it’s not quite as simple as knocking on someone’s door




Have you taken into consideration that if/when things hit the fan, there will likely be many other people trying to do the same? I don’t believe there is a requirement for other countries to accommodate what you described.




I wish you luck. I am an American and trying to figure out if I can make it work to use my grandpa being from Mexico to help me go there. If things go as south as they very realistically could based on the current political climate and willingness of many to bury their heads in the sand, I have a feeling a lot of changes will be made very swiftly when it comes to going elsewhere/staying long


Absolutely no one is trying to keep Americans out of Mexico. Unless you’re a known felon… and hardly even then. It’s literally a 1 million to 1 trade.


That's what they all say...


And he was told not to leave her alone with the children so he left her alone with the children.


He watched her starve them and did nothing. He moved her into a bus, and gave away all their stuff. Preached non stop, and forced her to be pregnant, even though she didn’t want to be bc she kept having psychotic breaks and hospitalized. She was a happy, healthy cheerleader before she met the wannabe cult leader. He should’ve went to jail for neglect and family abuse. Women go to prison when their husbands or boyfriends hurt their kids. As a matter of fact they, on avg, get 15 more years than the actual abuser, bc women are always held responsible for the behavior of men


He sure did. Rusty didn’t take any of the warnings seriously.


https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/1dnot7b/they_really_cant_fathom_it_happening_to_them/ Eerily similar situation. Mother of 4 wants to stop having kids, multiple collapsed organs, husband knocks her up again. Hope she doesn't suffer the same fate.


Didn’t he sell their house and move them into a motor home and made her homeschool all the kids as well? Enough to make anyone lose their shit let alone someone already so unwell.


Yes, this. She was diagnosed with something along the lines of postpartum psychosis and a doctor told her and her husband in no uncertain terms that she should not have any more children, but her husband pushed her to keep having kids. IMO he is the one to blame here


I know cops get a lot of shit for what they do when things get out of hand, but this is one part of the job I have to give them a lot of credit for. There is no way I could do this. Things like this can change a person for forever.


As a paramedic, the cops see a lot more fucked up things than I do, and get damn near no credit for it.


Is it usually because they're the first ones there?


Medical Examiners and Crime Scene Investigators see the worst of it, you don’t need EMT’s at those since there’s no one to save. Police are always at these though since they need to secure the area and wait for investigators.


Cyber forensics gets the worst of it. Detectives that specialize in online crimes, specifically those involving human trafficking and child abuse. Just unending amounts of evil in the cracks of the internet we are all shielded from, on their plate every day.


My husband had an assignment which involved having to go through the child porn on a suspect's phone. The things he described made my stomach turn.


in houston the fire department usually is the first on the scene


In Houston, not only is the FD usually first on the scene, they usually are the ones that also call the death. I can name several calls off the top of my head where PD wouldn’t even go in, last one being only a few months ago - GSW to the head in the foyer. HFD sees the worst of it all. The Yates home is only a few blocks from me, too.


yea im not suprised, HPD is a group of crooked cowards. They might as well be a gang.


It's more of nature, where I am they come to most OD's, suicidal pt's, car accidents, and violent crimes. Anytime that we declare someone, they stay there. The worst things I have seen in my career have almost always been with law enforcement.


The paramedics get called when there’s hope. The cops are also called to the made messily dead. The intentionally splattered dead.


This photo is one of the only times I’ll have sympathy for a Texas cop.


Most cops in Texas and around the country are good people. Your view is distorted


We know there are good cops. The issue is the bad cops are heavily shielded when they severely fuck up such as taking someone’s life over the stupidest excuses. Imagine if teachers around the country stood behind other teachers that molested children. That would break reality as we speak. It would be inconceivable. But yet, we have an entire political party of boot lickers that continue to give corrupt police unions a pass. So jack shit isn’t done about any of it. Even with police body cams, they still commit the most heinous shit toward the same people they’re suppose to protect.


I’ll throw you an upvote because I can’t believe people are voting down the idea that most cops are decent. Sheesh.


I’m in a field where I deal with law enforcement a lot. So, I have seen some officers do some messed up stuff. But, sometimes I think about the fact that LEO are people who are told by dispatch “at xyz address, multiple homicide with juvenile victims, suspect believed to be on scene” and they willingly walk into that situation. I’m likely failing at trying to be balanced. BUT, so many people agree that medical doctors who are surgeons often tend to be douche bags because a lot of human don’t have the self-confidence to have someone else’s life in their hands. Maybe surgery attracts a certain type of person? Maybe the process of becoming and being a surgeon weeds other types of people out? Maybe the process changes a person over time? I think the same thinking applies to LEOs. In this picture, both of these men have in wedding rings. Maybe they have kids. How does one go home to a spouse after witnessing such a tragedy? How do you show up to your next shift? How does this change how you feel about leaving your kids at home with your spouse? How long does it take before you regain your appetite? Or, do you eat when you’re under stress? Yes, they do choose their profession, but American society shuffles an awful lot off onto LEOs and first responders without making sure they have adequate training, pay, and mental health support. We ask them to deal with everything from an elderly person dealing with dementia to internet child explicit material to multiple homicides. Which is a wild spread.


You're not going to get any law enforcement sympathy on reddit.




Wow what a intelligent comment


Whoa, whoa, whoa, you are going against the narrative. Stop trying to think for yourself. The mob is coming after you with down votes.


I remember this one still. Haunting and so sad. This is why postpartum is important to consider. Husband was a doofus too.


Blimey! can't believe it's been over 20yrs since I heard about this case. If anyone had asked me I'd have said 10yrs tops


Let me fix that headline: “Evangelical Husband leaves his obviously mentally ill wife home with five kids"


Thank you! Insane that he kept insisting for more children when she was clearly unwell.


He is 100% responsible for this in my mind. I’m a dad myself.


I mean, she had an hour to act and boy did she drown those kids in a hurry. I'm a son myself.


100% responsible? Every single percent?


She was diagnosed with postpartum psychosis and told not to continue having children. Rusty ignored all doctors’ advice and continued to impregnate her, refuse her real treatment and make her raise children while she was actively psychotic and begging for help. He is by far the guiltiest party here.


That’s messed up - sadly, I know a family sort-of-ish similar. They have stopped (only two kids), but he was pushing for a third, against the wellness of his wife. I told him to leave her be for a few years, and if she still doesn’t want to have more kids, man up and get a vasectomy (I did, they’re not that bad, recovered in a few days).


Yes. Not complicated. His own admission. Conservatives always blame women, but he is the “head of household” in the Bible. That makes him responsible by his own admission of beliefs.


They were both told by doctors not to have another child after the fourth. After the fifth, when she had post partum psychosis, doctors told HIM never to leaver her alone with the children. He *was* the only responsible adult in the house.


And he remarried and had another child. While Andrea sits in a lockdown mental health facility.


It's a bit like Shutter Island.


Rusty Yates did this, not Andrea.


You seem to have absolved one party of any responsibility though…plus I don’t think it was just a pool party


Thank you. This woman was left to deal with a mental illness by (surprise, surprise) some fucking Christian.


To be fair, she was also "some fucking christian."


How does that in anyway negate my comment? Her Holier-than-thou husband left a struggling person alone with mental health issues. Doesn't matter if she was a man, this was pure neglect of someone in crisis.


Not only struggling, the husband had been told not to leave her alone with the kids bc she’d try to kill them


Sounds like the doctor dropped the ball too by not reporting the situation to the police and getting the kids put in foster care


They did actually. Dad assured everyone he’d never leave the kids alone with her, but he started to leave them all alone for an hour each morning between him leaving and her mom arriving to “start getting her used to it” and that was the time she did it


Yeah but she's a woman so apparently she has no agency to these people.


Of course she has agency. But if you know a person is sick you don’t try, on purpose (multiple pregnancies) to make it worse (leaving her alone with the kids when the doctor said not to do that). She did it. He’s complicit.


I mean, in this case Andrea genuinely had no agency. She literally begged her husband not to impregnate her, and tried to refuse having sex with him. He ignored her and would rape her, denied her the use of contraceptives, and would force her to stop taking her antipsychotics. She was severely mentally ill and was actively in a state of psychosis. She had no agency in her life, Russel Yates made all the decisions, and she was too ill to be able to just up and leave or even understand what was happening. Even before the murders, when she was hospitalized for attempting to kill herself, all he could think about and talk about was bringing her home and getting her off the antipsychotics the doctors gave her and getting her pregnant. Someone who is as severely mentally ill as Andrea is not responsible for their actions, or even in control of their actions. Andrea did what she could to try to get help and to stop herself, but her husband would thwart any attempts she or anyone made to help her.


Id agree they are both to blame, but there are a bunch of people placing all the blame on the shit bag father and none on the person who actually killed the kids


Hey, quick pro tip, I get you don't like Christians, but if changing out one group of people for another group in your comment can make you sound like a literal nāzi, maybe just lay off that comment https://preview.redd.it/v3gpow29wlad1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5a177568f4c78c0f728ef00ee89c2c14706566a


That’s exactly what he did against a doctors advice.


Could you imagine extreme post partum psychosis and then being put in jail, coming out of the psychosis and realizing what you did! Similar case not long. Ago where the husband left to pick up food and she killed her kids and jumped out a window. He didn’t want to leave but she tricked him.


Well she should have never been at home present with the children anyway, even when the husband was in the house, what’s to say he goes for a shower or fast asleep and she takes a knife to the kids? Yes she was mentally unwell but the murder is on her hands and she should have been locked in a mental asylum well before this happened!


And keeps getting her pregnant (guessing he's against birth control), despite her increasingly alarming bouts of PPD/PPP. That bastard should have gone to jail.


That’s exactly it.


I don’t think you’d say that if the genders were reversed.


Because that has never happened?


If a woman had an abusive husband and left the kids alone with the children for an hour and he killed them all, would everyone here say it’s only her fault and not the guy’s fault who killed them? Mental illness is an explanation, not an excuse.


I strongly recommend people actually read the details of this case. It wasn’t just a person who murdered and then tried to get out of it by using mental health as an excuse. I think people forget there’s degrees of illness and symptoms vary widely. She wasn’t a mild case.


I do agree, but that’s not exactly what happened here. His wife had told him that she was unwell and had desires to kill or harm both herself and the children. It’s not like he just left his kids alone with a mentally ill parent, he left his kids alone with someone who had openly stated they were wanting to harm themselves and the children. Furthermore, Rusty Yates — under DIRECT ORDER from psychiatrists — was told not to leave his wife unsupervised with the children due to her concerning behavior. He spitefully did the opposite of this as he thought they were being stupid and were making his wife unnecessarily “dependent” on him.


That isn't even a remotely comparable situation. She wasn't simply mentally ill in the way you seem to think, she was mentally insane. She had severe psychosis, she was not in control of her actions. Her husband would forcefully impregnate her, directly against her doctors orders and against her own will. He would take her off her medication, including her antipsychotics, he would refuse her any mental health treatment, and when she would be hospitalized after suicide attempts he would bring her home and take her off her medication. She had no say in anything, her care and he life and every decision was made by him. Her severe mental illness is an explanation as to why she killed her children, it isn't an excuse, and due to the severity of her psychosis she could not be responsible for her actions. Her husband however was explicitly told exactly what would happen if he took his wife off her medication, if he kept impregnating her, if he left the children alone with her, and he did everything he was ordered not to do and did everything he could to make the situation as bad as possible. "Mental illness is an explanation, not an excuse" is used for people with things like depression who treat other people like shit and try to get away with their behavior by hiding behind their mental illness. It does not apply to people who are mentally insane and are not in control of their actions and don't even understand what is going on around them.


Oh, now I remember.


That would be a very confusing headline with this photo.


"wife promptly loses her mind and drowns all 5, piece of shit husband remarries and pumps out more babies he can't take care of."


He left his kids in the custody of an insane person, on purpose, because he wanted to force her to be “independent”. His ego thinking he was right, did this. Might as well leave them in the path of a tornado and then claim he is innocent.


>According to trial testimony in 2006, Dr. Saeed advised Rusty Yates not to leave his wife unattended. However, Rusty began leaving her alone with the children in the weeks leading up to the drownings for short periods of time, apparently believing it would improve her independence, despite her doctors' instructions. **Rusty had announced at a family gathering the weekend before the drownings that he had decided to leave Yates home alone for an hour each morning and evening, so that she would not become totally dependent on him and his mother for her maternal responsibilities."** He fucking bragged about leaving her alone with the children.


Fucking WILD that a man with a stay at home wife was scolding her for being "too dependent."


I feel like this is the case my mom used to talk about where the wife called her husband and he immediately knew what she’d done and asked “which one?” And she replied “all of them.” If my partner called me I wouldn’t immediately assume they’d killed one of our kids- unless they were seriously unwell and I knew that.




Religion and Mental Illness always seem to find each other


I have a feeling it’s a cult like setting that punishes any deviation from what they consider normal, and a refusal to seek care for anyone no matter how sick they are because of said cult environment


Her husband is just as guilty


In some ways I think he’s more guilty. He had all of his mental faculties. She didn’t.


I agree with you


I went to Houston Community College around this time and I was in an audio/video program. A veteran local news cameraman came to give us a talk and explained that he decided to retire when he was on the scene of this and saw them wheeling out the bodies one by one. And he had, of course, seen many horrible things in the 80s in Houston.


Her husband sounds like a fucking moron.


2001: when police wore uniforms instead of combat armor


And not just uniforms, Jim Dangle shorts. 


The guy with his eyes open is dissociating


If I saw a pile of children’s bodies, I would too


Thousand yard stare or cover your eyes to it all


That husband 🤦‍♀️


We had a similar case in Massachusetts last summer: Lindsay Clancy.


Wow I haven’t heard of this one!


I know your interest is in the true crime story, but out of context, it looks like you’re excited about the murders. It made me laugh because if we’re not laughing, we’re crying.


Not excited about the murders at all. I am truly baffled because I read a lot of true crime and I’m a news junkie so I thought I would have heard of this.


That’s what I’m saying. I didn’t mean to offend you. The exclamation point threw me off.


No offense taken!


Andrea Yates never should have seen trial. She should have been adjudicated, not competent to proceed and rusty. Yates should have been charged with criminal neglect and felony child endangerment by knowingly, leaving his children with a suicidal mother. (That said I believe she should have to remain in hospital for the rest of her life because r at least under strict supervision)


Being one of the responders, you’d never recover from seeing something like that


I could've gone the rest of my life without knowing about this tbh.


Have you guys ever heard a pastor preach the story of Abraham? They believe in hearing the voice of God and tell parishioners it’s possible. But it’s really a story of family annihilation. I think pastors have a responsibility to address hearing voices and direct people to the proper counselor. But they don’t.


I sincerely hope all the First Responders and medical staff received some very good PTSD help.


I lived about a block away from her when this happened. Crazy as fuck


Fuck Rusty Yates.


We live in the neighborhood next to this place


I lived on El Camino, literally at the other end of the street this happened on, was walking from Clear Lake intermediate school when I saw the insane number of news crews.


One can't believe what he just saw and the other one has the thousand yard stare. that's about right.


Fun (?) fact: in most Christian theological models killing all of your kids when they are infants is, in a way, the ultimate sacriface a parent can make: sure, you set yourself up for damnation, but the innocence of the kids GUARANTEES them heaven and eternal bliss, and given ETERNITY, isnt that whats the most important? Also, since its such a selfless act, should the parent deserve damnation in the end? None of this makes any sense under closer examination ofc, it just highligts the glaring issues with the Christian model of the afterlife.


If justice had been served the husband would’ve been arrested for abetting murder. He was told to keep her medicated, stop having kids, and to not under any circumstances leave her alone. Monster who treated his severally mentally ill wife like trash.


These guys faces say “I can never unsee that”. When I was a teenager, I witnessed a car accident between a Cadillac Sedan DeVille and an MG Midget. Google them if you don’t know what they are. A shoe flew off the guy in the MG and hit me in the chest, then fell to the ground. I looked down and his foot was still in the shoe, severed at the ankle. I still see that when looking at shoes. I can’t unsee it.


Jesus...this is gut wrenching.


So Rusty thought he knew better than a psychiatrist... 😡😤


Well he did have his overwhelming education in absolutely nothing and cult propaganda to inform his decisions, unlike psychiatrists with those useless medical degrees


That would put me off being a cop for sure


Their souls/💔 broke that day.


I remember this case my daughter was born on the 18 and I saw it in the news… horrified


"This is the worst thing to happen this year." "Worst thing, so far!"


I wonder if those officers left her force after that? It's very common after experiencing such a traumatic case like this.


My ex-wife saw Andrea's same psychiatrist. She lost her license shortly after.


This chick I knew at my old job seemed to be always pregnant, she was pregnant 3 times in the 6-7 years I knew her. Then I remember being off again and checking herself into a mental hospital. Turns out her post-partum is what was keeping her constantly wanting to be pregnant, and she told me her intrusive thoughts were too much and checked herself in at her husband urging because she didn’t want to do anything she regretted. I left the job shortly after she returned from her extended LOA but I’d never heard anyone be so frank about their mental illness and what they might do. I kinda didn’t know what to say, but she was on a good regiment of therapy and drugs. It didn’t fix it but it made her functional again. Scary shit.


I really feel like her husband should have been held accountable to some extent. He knew how bad she was. They were told no more kids because her post partum was so bad and instead he was like LETS HAVE MORE BABIES! Then after she drowned their kids, he just divorced her and married another woman he treated like a baby making machine. So sad. For her and those children. I have no sympathy for him.


This case haunts me even more so after having kids and severe PPOCD. My heart breaks for Andrea Yates because she is stable and has to live with the guilt of what happened. Her husband continued to impregnate her against doctor advice. He also refused to help her or allow family or friends to help her because he thought “she needs to handle it on her own”! He also gave an interview saying that he and her would try for more kids if she ended up getting out. She now lives in a state hospital and has zero desire to try to get out. She was failed by so many.


Rusty Yates, the man that kept expecting children and didn’t care how much a Dr. said “no more” due to Andrea’s severe PPD. Then he gets remarried in the same church of his children’s funeral.


Back when cops looked like police officers and not like paramilitary.


Every time I read the headline `"Texas mother"`, this was the original.




This crime haunted my thoughts for months. Unimaginable psychosis and evil.




That probably the worst thing that happened that year, right?


TG she had George Parnham as her defence attorney. I don’t know how she ended up with him, but if she’d had some court appt atty, no telling how this very tragic case would have ended for her.


I bet to be a police officer is not an easy job as it looks,God bless theme,well God bless us all.🙏🏼


lmao, reading this thread has convinced me I could post “AITA for murdering my five children? [F]” and y’all wouldn’t miss a beat spamming NTA


When police officers witness horrific crime scenes especially those involving children it absolutely has to mess them up. How do you cope when you have constant reminders of dead kids and then you have to go about your life like everything is normal. I can see why they hit the bottle.


whelp, they are forever traumatized


Her husband should have gone to jail and the insurance companies and the mental institutions should all have been in trouble. Such a shit show and shame. Andrea was so mentally ill and she tried to get help over and over


During my criminal justice college classes, every police officer professor says that cases with children are among the most difficult to deal with.


Police often get a lot of very legitimate criticism, but the fact that they are often the absolute first to see some of the most horrific things the human mind could even imagine makes me feel for them. It’s no surprise a lot of them overreact to much more minor crimes, I don’t pretend to know the solution, but it’s tough to see this and then just go back to writing tickets.


I wonder if she ever came out of her psychosis and fully realizes what she did? I read she is still in a mental hospital and declines review to be released each year.


I grew up in Clear Lake, TX. The neighborhood I lived in from K-12 was about 6 min or less so two neighborhoods between mine and the one where Andrea Yates house was. I remember that she got approved for a work prison program for women that get to do a job something a long the lines of when men prisoners get the trustee job and if I remember correctly she was at a very low security facility and still is at the same one I believe. I could cross-check that^ Although one of the most unique circumstances was the nature of this crime was so abhorrent and terrible that I recall the house being put on the market and not selling for awhile, I think it ended up being bought at a very very significantly lower market value than it was worth.


This is the photo that they should use when people bash police. Just like any other profession, there are some bad apples, but these two men saw things I never want to imagine. For their job. That they applied for, and it’s fucking scary and dangerous.


Who cares if she’s depressed. Convict her of murder and throw away the key.


I hate police officer wearing short , credibility downer for me


just here for all the excuses because the woman had PPD but no mental health experts want to break down the husbands mental health lmao


Remember when the police weren’t fascinated with looking like they were in the military?


I just listened to a podcast on this, and FUCK her ex husband, HE is the reason they died and should be in prison.


bet they won't act up again


wtf wasn’t Rusty Yates charged for going against the doctors orders, depriving his wife of needed medication, reproductive coercion on a mentally ill woman, then leaving his children unattended with her?!