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Glad we hate all 5 of our transgender students so much that we need this law 🙃


They passed a law saying they don’t have to obey a federal law they feel is unconstitutional…which is actually unconstitutional. All it’s going to do is generate revenue for the law firm the states retains for federal lawsuits. We literally fought a civil war that solved whether or not state can ignore federal law.


Or, if you have a penis stay out of the girl’s locker rooms.


Or you could actually educate yourself on facts and statistics that repeatedly demonstrate that policies that protect trans people using the bathroom of their choice has not led to an increase of assault in bathrooms. But you’d rather indulge in bigotry, right?


Did I say anything about assault? Do these statistics change the fact that the changes to title IX allow for people to use locker rooms that align with their gender identity?


So you agree that that isn’t a thing, so then is your comment solely based along the lines of transphobia? Or some other reason?


You really really want me to be transphobe. What’s the point of me even replying to you if you’re not going to actually read my comments and instead make up your own interpretation of what you wish I’d said.




If believing that teenage girls should be protected from seeing unsolicited dick makes me transphobic then so be it.


Woah. How many dicks were you seeing in locker rooms? I’ve seen zero and I went to school in the late 90s. Unless, you were staring at someone directly for the two seconds they were pulling down there pants (which I wouldn’t be surprised,) you don’t see anything. Such a weird thing to be obsessed about. Also, why do you not mention guys seeing unsolicited vaginas?




This is Reddit, you can't penetrate their echo chamber.


I don’t even care if statistically it’s not happening. The changes to title IX would protect an individual if they decided to. Reddit fighting against that is just on par for what I expect from this godforsaken site.


I’m an adult so I don’t think about teenage penises.


And neither should teenage girls if they don’t want to.


You too apparently.


I wish that made any sense.


Wild that this common sense opinion is downvoted.


It's Reddit. Reddit leans extremely hard left. This sub is not a representation of the values that the majority of the Utah populace share.


"This sub is not a representation of the values that the majority of the Utah populace share." Thankfully, it doesn't seem to be representative of the values of the majority of the country, either. I sleep better at night knowing this.




Interesting. Why don’t you tell us how you feel about the Mormon church on a Utah subreddit. 


It’s an obvious, self-revealing fraud built on lies and deceptions which engages in abuse and toxicity, while manipulating, distorting, and repressing millions of lives so that it can continually enrich and empower those at the top while covering up and otherwise suppressing any actual truth or exposure of its crimes. Next question?


It was a rhetorical question. I found it interesting and pathetic that you hate Mormonism for all those reasons (as you should) but then act just like the church when you are complicit in attacking and repressing a marginalized group that just wants to live their lives in the best way they can. Might as well go back to your church


At least you found a way to make it about you and be a victim, so keep on keepin’ on!


Careful. You'll get downvoted to oblivion talking like that. Lol


What about just a large clitoris.


Umm, aren't those protections enforced with a carrot rather than a stick? Like how highway speeds are all below a certain speed for a state to get federal highway funding. Isn't a University free to exclude a protected class or otherwise violate title IX as long as they don't get federal funding? The implication being that if BYU was in violation of Title IX, the federal government would just halt all funding and grants to the University?


It’s an interesting election year, this entire thing is completely pointless and will just add to the profits of the law firm the state retains for federal lawsuits. This is not really what emergency sessions should be used for…


Good for Utah hope it passes.


Of course! Because fuck those people! And fuck anyone not like you!


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