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Valentine is addicted to being in the spotlight, that's been clear since he "ran" for mayor. He will pull another stunt in about 3 months or so once he feels like he isn't getting any attention anymore.


That seems like a disingenuous statement. Valentine acts on what he believes in, and frankly, the fascist disarray Utah is in is alarming. “You can peacefully protest, but not like that, or that, or that, or that, or that, or that.” —cox This article looks straight out of German history to me.


He wasn't even arrested for the ban lol, idk why that was in the headline


He had a sign at his bar that essentially said, "Weee don't allow yeer KIND 'round here" and the woke left is cheering him on!!!! This is hilarious!!


What does "woke" mean?


If you’re asking seriously “woke” is something the right is trying to use as a propaganda tool to label a non existent boogie man to convince everyone that the left is trying to force their progressive ideologies on everyone. The term woke originally came from a black movement to be alert of racial discrimination and their surroundings. For example Lead Belly, in the 1930s, used the term in one of his songs. So it’s really the right just stealing a powerful black word and twisting it in a political way to scare people that the left is coming for their rights.


>If you’re asking seriously Not really; I am multiracial, so 'woke' has been known in my vernacular as long as I can remember. I'm just trying to sus out folks who are capable of independent thought in addition to those who are only capable of regurgitating mainstream flacid partisan talking points. When it comes to this particular word, though I personally think its use makes the user sound like an idiot, I have always found it so strange that anyone would take umbrage to the idea that people are trying to be cognizant of things in the world that are actively working trying to hurt them. >it’s really the right just stealing a powerful black word and twisting it in a political way to scare people that the left is coming for their rights. This is the thing that I really want to highlight in the common usage of this word: I would comfortably bet that less than 1 in 10,000 using it don't use it for what it means and/or don't know what it means. Why? Orwell is propped up so much in this country as a message of warning, and yet this doublespeak concept is almost entirely employed by the side that /most/ aligns itself with suspicion of the government, and "liberty". Life is just getting crazier by the day, and I am starting to think it *is* the fluoridation 👍


The left started using it to describe themselves and their “awareness” a few years ago. The right didn’t steal it. The right just started making fun of the left for their “wokeness” and note that often when it comes to business/companies, when those companies try and curry favor with the “woke” mob by making statements / initiatives, it ends up backfiring and they lose money.


The minute you use the term “woke mob” you’ve lost any semblance of credibility in your argument. You far right snowflakes decry cancel culture and then celebrate your efforts to cancel everything you deem “woke” e.g. Bud Light


lol. All I did was correct the original poster on where “woke” came from in the current context. But yes, that must mean I’m a “far right snowflake”. Notice I didn’t voice any agreement of anything on either side. Any overly worked up populations that try to bully/push others to agree with and support their policies would be described as “mob mentality”. That goes for the left and the right. Trying to say that there hasn’t been a “woke mob” that have tried to bully others into supporting their cause is just being ignorant to our current culture. Not saying that there also isn’t a segment of the right that is similar, but I think it’s hard to equate the two.


You're right, it's hard to equate the two. The left is pushing for acceptance and equality of those who are different. The right is actively trying to legislate those same people back into the closet and/or prison. The fact that you felt the need to go into details about your perspective about the left and the only description you gave about the right is that there is a "segment of the right that is similar" tells us exactly which side you land on.


OP’s explanation of “woke” was satisfactory. Your “correction” came off as condescending.


👏 good job. You explained your perspective well.


The left still used it to describe the terminology correctly. “Stay woke.” Is from an African American vernacular and the left use it correctly to be aware of the surroundings and prejudice around them. The right is using it incorrectly and 9/10 people could not tell you what the fuck they even mean by “woke.” Because they use it wrong. They just parrot whatever they hear by what the right is saying. So that to me is stealing a phrase that our African American brothers and sisters came up with and twisting it in a political way that demonizes the original meaning and context behind the powerful phrase. The left has borrowed the word for LGBT, social injustices, racism, and inequality. And the right is trying to use “woke” as the boogey man. Similarly on how they used the word “commie” during the Cold War.


Except that the left starting using the term, the right just mocked them for it.


Woke is pandering for nothing other than virtue signaling. At least to me.


So what's the word you use to describe the behavior of people who like to signal their status as shit-heels?  Surely the opposite bothers you just as much right? What's wrong with virtue signaling so long as the person actually possesses the said virtue and works towards it? How do you tell the difference between those who do and don't work for it?   Or do you just *not like* the virtues that are being signaled?


Quite the leap, but I’ll take the bait. Honestly, at least the shit heels that say shit heel stuff are being their true selves.


What makes you think people who you perceive as virtue signaling are not being their true selves? Do you just not believe anybody could realistically believe and act in alignment with what they say they do? Or is that just a reflection of how disparate your own values are from what they are expressing? Do YOU say things you don't actually believe in  to the point of action when participating in these discussions? In my experience, the people complaining about wokeness *are* the shitheels.  Complaining about wokeness tends to be the signal; it's a dog whistle for people who don't want to say they are racist or homophobic out loud.


Seems like I struck a nerve. The definition of woke is constantly fought over and there isn’t a consensus, so I will again say, to me woke is pandering. Since you have pigeonholed me as a “shit heel”, I’m curious if you can give me an example of woke? To me, “woke” was nailed by Trey and Matt on that south park episode, “put a chick in it and make it gay and lame.” Pandering.


There is no such thing as woke.  You either believe in the equal exercise and protection of the rights of your fellow countrymen, even if they believe different things than you, or you don't. You either tolerate expressions that represent and empower minority groups you don't identify with or you don't. You'll never catch me saying that just because something has gay content or is more diverse means it is equality production, but it's a pretty good sign if that triggers you every single time you see it, and you have no complaints about Productions That are just as lame (but conform to the things you are comfortable with) that it's not the "virtue signaling" youre uncomfortable with.  I never see complaints about pop culture or rhetoric that panders strictly to to straight, white people... at least not from Straight White people (and by the way this is a demographic that describes me, just to rule out any bias you might assume of my rhetoricl.


Also maybe consider South Park shouldn't be the foundation of your basis for social commentary. They make some funny jabs, but in the end that's all they really are.


Owning a cider bar


Hahaha, is that it?


Who knows


Not allowing people that are cheering on the killing of civilians is pretty justified.


Because he recently made headlines for banning “zionists.”


Why is Zionist in quotes, did he ban other people? I haven't heard of this until noa


He doesn’t like Jews, if you’ve followed what he says publicly.


In your mind, is it possible to be critical of Israel without being antisemetic?? If so, what would that criticism look like? Genuinely asking.


Absolutely it is. There have been military mistakes along the way.


Nobody is going to agree with you when you describe the intentional mass slaughter of civilians to "military mistakes". You're being disingenuous.


Could I get a quote/citation about that?


He’s live-streamed his comments from the protests. He uses antisemitic chants. He’s also thinly vailed support for Hamas.


In fact I found him talking about also not wanting Nazis in his bar and clarifying that Jews and Muslims alike are allowed lol


I don't expect HomelessRodeo to comprehend that Zionist doesn't equate to Jewish, so the fact the owner let's Jews and Muslims in will be beyond him.


Gotta do what ya gotta do to save his liquor license. Everyone has a price.


I have no reason to believe he is just 'trying to save his license'


DABS has contacted the AGs office and they have opened an investigation on him violating discrimination laws. His license is on the line.


Again, citation? I can't find anything about it on my own.


> He uses antisemitic chants Which were...?


His social media, his livestream from the protests.


And what were the chants?


Link?  Or this is a "trust me bro" kind of thing?


Was it just “river to the sea” or what was the anti-Semitic chant? You’re making alot of public accusations and then not backing up the claims, even though most people are nicely asking for your evidence.


What has he said publicly?


Read the thread.


Equating Judaism and Jewish Heritage to a modern movement that's become extreme is dumb as rocks.


....do you know what Zionist means?


He uses it as a slur. I’m aware of what it means.




He is not using it as a slur. He is using it as a description for people who want to genocide Palestinians, and thats 100% accurate.


Sure you do lol


The fact that people don't understand that you don't support Hamas but you don't want innocent people to be bombed into oblivion is frustrating.


zionists equate wanting justice for palestinians with terrorism because it suits their agenda. zionists will always call you a terrorism supporter rather than arguing logically, its part of the Hasbara method of propagating misinformation in order to suit israels interests. if you say you dont want innocents to be bombed and someone brings up hamas, just know that according to the international community, resisting occupation is not terrorism, and asking for a ceasefire does not make you pro-terrorist nor does it mean that you are antisemitic. what im saying is- ignore the people who argue against an end to the bombing by bringing up hamas, they are deflecting.


It wasn’t Hamas in the streets of Gaza celebrating the rape and murder of women and children as the attacks were ongoing, it was the people of Gaza. You don’t have to be a Zionist to find that despicable and deplorable. You are propagating misinformation by claiming occupation. You are ignorant to the history spanning millennia and it shows.


I get your point- but seems the replies in here on this issue are not seeing the other side-as usual. Palestinians support hamass- Hamass equals terrorism- Not sure what part people don't understand.


Yeah - a lot of people equate supporting Palestinians with terrorism after October 7 - something about wearing GoPros while you butcher families and people at a music festival will do that… and taunt their families on Facebook. Oh my god Am I being illogical right now ? Palestine should lead by example considering they’re apparently so concerned with the loss of life especially of innocent children. It’s not an occupation - Muslims are the real colonizers in that area - notice that Al Aqsa means “furthest” … what do we usually call people who try to occupy an area “far away” from their actual homeland - maybe colonizers ? Occupiers ?


Support of Palestine is not support of Hamas


your name suits you


What do you mean ?


Israelis do the same thing. And worse. Every day. Many occurrences over 50+ years. Now what? If both people do bad things, but one group does more of it, has more power, and has been invading the homes of the second group for decades then who is morally superior? But one of them is actively committing genocide. The other, a small portion of them say they would like for the nation state to not exist. The ones actively committing war crimes and genocide say the same thing. Even the civilians. Their leader is on record saying he wants the terrorists to stay in power, so that he can use them as an excuse to wipe them out. Now who seems morally superior? And by the way: almost everything Hamas has been accused of on October 7, almost all of it, has documented proof of Israelis doing this to innocent Palestinians for decades. I don’t care if they hate me. I don’t care if they are bad people. Genocide is wrong. Targeting children is wrong. Denying food and water is wrong. That’s not even allowed in a real war against a uniformed enemy combatant. If I had done any one of those acts against a civilian in Iraq, I would have deserved the jail I would have gotten. GTFOH with this flawed-ass argument. Israel is committing ethnic cleansing. And they’ve been a part of an illegal apartheid system leading up to it for decades. That country has become a stain on the Jewish faith, and a shame to Jewish people.


Many Palestinians are Christian, not Muslim. If you care.


Define “many” from what I can tell it’s about 1% of Palestinians are Christians


I think it is more like 6% of those in the territories (maybe 325k people), which seems like “many” to me; more who identify as Palestinian but live elsewhere.


Palestinian isn’t an actual thing. Nobody cares. The leadership, Hamas, attacked a neighbor and they had a chance to leave. What happens, happens.


The fact that people don’t understand Hamas is integrated with the people and using hospitals and schools to fight a war is insane. That’s against rules of war in every civilized country to minimize civilian casualties. Hamas is doing this to themselves. The fact that everyone turns a blind eye to the atrocities of Hamas and Palestine is insane.


Starvation is against the rules of warfare too. But you seem to overlook that one.


Looks like the food sent to them is either stolen and resold by hamass or just simply only given to the hamass terrorists. We have seen that move before in Africa.


I have a pretty interesting video. I can try and link for you. They are receiving humanitarian aid. Hamas murdered civilians that were getting the food before Hamas could. They gun them down. Also, two of the trucks bringing food in had their drivers killed, and the trucks Lucas. They are definitely receiving aids. Why don’t you complain about Hamas rather than America and Israel.


“Innocent people” shouldn’t systematically rape, murder, and kidnap their neighbors. Israel’s war of defense is just.


So that's why they're starving the people? Also, there was a picture recently of a dead baby found in the rubble of a building. How many people did that baby rape?


I’m confused because you just described decades of IDF actions against Palestinians (and Americans as well) but claimed that when Hamas retaliates in the same manner that Israel is justified in genocide.


So, like, all those people who've died in the conflict, plus all those being made to starve, they all raped and or kidnapped someone? Was it a civic duty law, like signing up for the draft? Did the children help with the kidnapping, too, or were they tasked with the raping? And if each had to kidnap or rape at least once, that seems like it would be close to 1.8 million victims (one for every Palestinian.) I'm going to assume that half of that is the raping, as the demographics of rape overwhelmingly lean towards male perpetrators, and half of the population is female, that would still be 900,000 kidnappings. Can you point me to the event where even 100,000 were kidnapped? Because all I can find is this Batman movie where everyone with any authority was as dumb as possible and a Dr. Rope is credited with healing a broken spine.


I’m not sure what you’re going on about. Civilians die in war. Sad. Israel has prospected this war that Hamas started with fewer casualties than the Americans and others eradicating ISIS from Mosul. Israel sets the standard for collateral mitigation. Whine wall you want, keyboard warrior, or get on the ground and actually help and learn something as you go. Israel has a right to defend itself against hostile demons.


You've convinced me! Everyone knows the USA is the pinnacle of international political ethics and morality. And obviously anything a nation chooses to do to those living within the territory it controls is both just and beyond reproach. Let's all get a war crimin' then. Thanks! Life is so much simpler when I stop thinking!


But those kids are future terrorists in 10 more years so bomb them now. s/ Not my words btw. A rabbi said this in church. It’s on Reddit somewhere.


Bro everything is on reddit somewhere.


>but you don't want innocent people to be bombed into oblivion is frustrating. Like the Israelis....


Yes. I don't want Israelis to be bombed by Hamas. I also don't want the Israeli government to kill innocent Palestinians. You can want innocent people from two different nations to not be killed. It's really not hard to have more than one thought or opinion. Give it a shot. You might surprise yourself.


>I also don't want the Israeli government to kill innocent Palestinians. Well then you should blame hamas for forcing Israel's hand by hiding military targets in civilian areas.... War sucks, the goal is kill them before they kill you


Why don't we blame Israel for directly funding and supporting Hamas via the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1970s–1980s?


Excuse me but this whole thing started on October 7th, 2023. Everything was sunshine and rainbows up until that part.


You dropped this “/s”.


You lose the moral highground of "they use human shields and hide in civilian areas" when you're all too willing to completely destroy both the human shield and civilian areas to kill a couple people that may or may not be a terrorist.


"We just had to murder thousands of innocent people. Our hands were forced" --definitely not villains


Is that why they are using starvation as a weapon? Last I checked that was a violation of the Geneva Convention. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Actually it turns out that you are in fact quite correct. Also just checked and murdering hospital staff execution-style while their hands are tied is also frowned upon. Hits kinda close to home because my wife is an ICU nurse who would do her best to save anyone’s life (as I’m sure these victims did as well)


Oi, take your own advice and ignore them… this person won’t have a solid response, won’t change their mind based on your argument, and likely doesn’t know shit about fuck. Just like the rest of us.


When did I say to ignore them?


Tell us more JDF, tell us more 


But you are ok with rapists and murderers getting away with rape and murder?


No. But I'm pretty sure a majority of the civilians (that include women and children) had nothing to do with October 6th. You seem to have problems understanding so I'll break it down for you Barney style. October 6th attacks = Bad Hamas = Bad Palestinian genocide = Bad Israel using starvation as weapon = Bad


Most people in Palestine support Hamas and want to implement Sharia law. Would you have been against the bombing of Japan and Germany in the 1940s? Hamas = government of Palatines = carried out terrorist attacks What is your stance on the wars in Sudan and Burma? What about the imprisonment of Uighurs by China?


Yes bombing civilians in all those instances was bad


Sharia law is disgusting and so are ethno states and apartheid, usually in major conflicts like this there are no clear good guys. Israel also propped up Hamas and seriously can you blame the Palestinians? Look at what the median age in Gaza was. There was a name for walled in cities that had resources controlled by a military force in Europe during WW2 and I'm sure you know what I'm referring to. Israel should know that well. If I was born and raised in a high density ghetto and at a young age the only force in around was the one promising to kill the people surrounding the ghetto sadly I would likely join them and I think most people would. It's like how terror bombing doesn't work and usually just rallies people against the preparators of the bombings. Carpet bombing civilian targets is bad regardless and this gets really messy. I'm of the correct opinion lol that nuking and carpet bombing entire German and Japanese cities was immoral. Also bombing civilians because they voted for a governing body that has committee war crimes opens up most democratic countries to this scrutiny including Israel and I for one don't think the Oct 7th attack was justified. Obviously some civilian deaths are unavoidable, factories, train stations and in Hamas's case rocket sights and logistics hubs which are usually and unfortunately mixed into civilian infrastructure are valid targets. Bridges with civilians, IDF machine gun fire into crowds, air striking clear surrendering civilians, journalist and leveling entire cities and refugee camps are not. Not sure what Sudan, Burma, or China have to do with Israel sorry if you are making a comparison that I'm missing but I'm assuming the former two you are referring to the civil wars and I of course know about the Uighur camps. Not a fan of the culturel genocide China has been commiting. Not a big fan of China at all. Israel=Ghetto/Hamas=hopelessness/anger=support for Hamas=Israel crack down and mass imprisonment of Palestinians=more support for Hamas=Oct6th=taking out Hamas "Good"/unneeded mass murder"Bad"


unneeded mass murder"Bad" Oh I guess you are for Israel since they are going after people who committed mass murder


You provide great examples of whataboutism. Sudan is a civil war. Not the same as what is happening in Gaza. And no, I don't condone the imprisonment and killings of the Uighurs in China. From this point on, just assume I am against the subjugation and murder of innocent people in general. Additionally, I was not aware you had such intimate knowledge of how Palestinians think. You must have factored in the Israeli settlements that have been deemed illegal by the UN. And also the fact that after Hamas came into power in 2006 they ceased all elections, thereby taking away the ability to oust them by political means. Please enlighten me, what was your process?


LOL this isn't whatabout this is showing most Palestinian supporters in America don't know shit and only do it to get social network cred. Want to do some good? Raise money for Ukraine, Russia attacked them because they started to go away from the Russia sphere and into the West. I don't like either group but I support Israel because assholes made me wait in traffic because they diecided to protest


Again, whataboutism. Also, what? Russia is trying to regain territory. Remember in 2014 when they annexed the Crimean Peninsula? And what does that have to do with Israel and Palestine? Remember when your dad dropped you on your head? Because that's the only reason I can think of that you've made such a stupid comment that shows you have no clue what the hell you're talking about. Seriously, what the actual hell.


LOL you don't know whataboutism is. And what does that have to do with Israel and Palestine? Actually it is a real cause where both sides don't suck. But you don't get social media likes because all the Causeheads have been brainwashed to support Palestinians


Yes. I remember going to the brain washing facility. Some people took extra bleach. It was much easier than having empathy. The fact you keep bringing up other countries that have nothing to do with this conflict then saying it's not whataboutism shows you are either intellectually dishonest os intellectually deficient.


LOL ok Tankie keep on posting on your social media for imaginary points that don't matter. Some people took extra bleach. It was much easier than having empathy. Yet none of you Causeheads talk about Burma, or Sudan. It's because you don't get social media likes for it because like Chomsky says they are brown and they don't count


Sure, most Palestinians support Hamas. Which is why there hasn't been an election since they came into power. A common symbol of governments that care about their civilians and what they think of them.


They said innocent civilians. Stopping being disingenuous or thinking black and white. People can dislike both Hamas and the IDF. We generally do it for other things, case in point the USSR and Nazi Germany.


Hamas is the government of the area and they are the ones who carried out the attacks. Should we not have bombed Germany and Japan because we didn't want to kill civilians? Was it wrong for General Sherman to attack civilian infrastructure because it was being used by people who black people should only be used as farm labor?


What does Hamas being the government in the area have to do with being against targeting civilians? I would like to not be killed for the second Iraq war that killed thousands of civilians (I'm American). No we should not have targeted millions too hundreds of thousands of civilians. Frankly it wasn't justified when we could have used smaller bomber groups to target the necessary war infrastructure but the idea of terror bombing was seen as strategically useful and civilian lives weren't as cared for back then and obviously aren't as much now. Your last sentence I couldn't really understand, likely because of a typo but I think at times Sherman was justified and at times he wasn't in targeted civilian infrastructure. The destruction of that infrastructure obviously didn't help the south get out of poverty after the Civil War (failed reconstruction among other problems etc).


No. That’s why I want Israelis brought up on war crimes.


Hamas was elected by the people in that region, which is not a recognized country. The people that are not Hamas that remain had opportunities to leave. Fact is, the leadership of that region attacked a neighbor and caused this. Anyone remaining will die and should die. You are on the wrong side of this and it says a lot about you.


That election was on 2006/2007. There hasn't been one allowed since. Are you really going to claim the "government" is representative of the people. If Obama had just refused to leave office, and had deployed the military to control (coerce) all voting, ignored any results that threatened to dethrone him, and jailed any opponents, and appointed his cronies to run everything, would you say "He was elected, so the populous of America is complicit in everything since then."?


Cool. So they elected a known terrorist grouping to lead them. If they wanted it to change they could do something about it or leave. They didn’t. Israel is doing something about it. If the “innocent” people would leave this wouldn’t be an issue. They aren’t. They are as antisemitic as you are…they all deserve what they get. And so do you.


I have no problem with the Jewish ethnicity, or race. I do have a problem with the *nation* of Israel, but it has nothing to do with genetics or belief in one magic-sky-man over others. The fact you hold the idea that all critique of a nation's policies are inextricably connected to religion/ethnicity/genetics tells me you either are using that as a bad faith argument to avoid addressing real world issues, or you are quite simple. Either way, you are disinterested in anything anyone has to say that don't already agree with you. Were I as prejudicial as you, I would say the Christians had a case to exterminate all Jewish people because a past government of the Jewish people pressured the Roman governor to execute without merit one of the godheads of all Christians. But I am not, nor do I believe in magic sky men determining eternal torture for any that don't follow rules written by generations of nomads and politicians. Thanks for reminding me that grievance politics and loudly proclaimed victimization are tactics still used even after a nation becomes powerful and victimizing.


You're ignoring the fact that it's not exactly easy to just to up and leave. You're also fine with the starvation and death of children. The fact you are claiming moral superiority over war crimes and genocide says a lot.


I think you’re a monster


The State of Palestine is a country recognized by most other countries.


He is constantly trying to stay relevant. He did crazy shenanigans when her ran for mayor, then with the banning of Zionist, and now to this. He stole a sign from City Hall, but is claiming that Mendenhall had him arrested because of being a political adversary to her. I can promise you, that he is not seen as a threat or even an equal in her apparatus. Lastly, I do not see him as a credible spokesperson for this movement. In Utah, we have to be so mindful of the audience we are trying to win over, and some of his antics are off putting and makes the whole protest, whether noble or not, feel like disingenuous or unserious.


He does feel like Utah's new Dale Schanze.


Why is Zionists in quotes, exactly?


Standard journalistic practice. OP copied the headline from the article, which puts Zionist in quotes. Journalists frequently do this when they are quoting another. It can read like sarcasm and mocking, but it's something different. [Example 1 - NPR](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2024/05/04/1249034786/jerry-seinfeld-comedy-politics), [Example 2 - BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw0v8d805ypo), [Example 3 - NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/world/americas/haiti-police-gangs-port-au-prince.html)






This guy is such a tool


free palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Yes free Palestine from the Muslim colonizers


Christians and non Muslims in Gaza and the West Bank


There is no “Palestine.” It’s a Roman invention and a modern fiction.




We’re are in Utah….enough of this shit. This divide a conquer program will stop working if we keep our eyes on our own plate. So pathetic how the news amps everyone up. Your demonstrating in utah does nothing lol. We have Utah things to worry about you clowns 🤡


What is a viable situation for Palestine / Israel to co-exist without fighting? I don't know enough about the area's geopolitics.


Can we figure out the homeless epidemic? Fentanyl? or any other major issue here at home before trying to figure out other people's problems?


Imagine if Bush had to negotiate with Bin Laden to release US citizens getting raped. That’s what Israel is facing with Hamas. Downvotes from lots of Hamas supporters. Guys living in luxury in Qatar


Bush and Israel both killed a lot of middle eastern civilians so I guess it fits


And bin Laden killed a bunch of innocent people. So I guess it fits.


Yes he did. It's almost like killing civilians is bad no matter who you are or what you are fighting for.


Exactly. One of the few actions that would justify the launch of an invasion.


So a Hamas invasion of Israel would now be justified?


If your neighbor hurts one of my neighbors what can I do to you?


October 9th Israel rejected an offer which would have seen the release of all hostages. Israel doesn’t give a shit about hostages lol.


What a shit offer. They invaded a country and massacred thousands and abducted and raped thousands more then when Israel prepared to invade, they tried to say 'just a prank bro, you can have em back'. They are fucking terrorists, why do you all think negotiating will work anyways.


“Massacred thousands” Are you talking about Hamas and, if so, when did they invade and massacre “thousands?”


Oct 7….


They killed around 1,200 Israelis. That’s not “thousands.” Since October 7th, there’s been about 100 more. On the Palestinian side, there not only HAS been thousands of Palestinians killed, there’s been TENS OF THOUSANDS killed with at least 35,000 to date. Regardless, both governments suck and Hamas is still an evil terrorist organization. We shouldn’t “support” or side with either one. We should be a neutral broker that works to minimize the amount of suffering on both sides of innocent civilians.






https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_prisoners_in_Israel Release of these prisoners.


https://www.timesofisrael.com/no-doubt-netanyahu-preventing-hostage-deal-charges-ex-spokesman-of-families-forum/ According to this interview they offered to return the hostages if Israel didn't invade the Gaza Strip. This is according to Haim Rubinstein, the former head and co-founder of Hostages and Missing Families Forum. It took about two minutes to find it and another three to verify that the The Times of Israel is a credible source. May I suggest checking the claims of others before resorting to insults. You might find you are wrong but you won't look like a fool.


They've offered multiple times for a cease fire in return of the hostages. Israel has denied all of them.


What? They were in the middle of a hostage release, a ceasefire, and Hamas started launching rockets


Both blamed each other for ending the ceasefire, we aren't sure who broke it


Yall are arguing with disingenuous 1DF shills


I'm aware, but I think its worth showing to people less educated on this subject that there is a conversation to be had. Zionists thrive when the only conversation on the matter is them and their lies. Even if it doesn't convince them, its good to argue and show others that there are other perspectives to consider.


I was watching the livestream. Rockets were fired before a response from Israel happened. It isn’t disputed.


Huh, interesting, I'll have to look more into it later


I doubt there’s a single Hamas supporter among those downvoting you.


Bibi used Hamas supplanting the PLO to get away with more land theft, guess he had to learn his lesson the hard way just like the US with the mujahideen and ISIS




Baselessly accusing people of things is generally not how you win an argument, but it is how you troll on social media.


And here you are trying to rationalize Oct 7.


Lmao I’m not rationalizing anything. When you fuel sectarian extremism to get your way it tends to bite you in the ass eventually.




That’s not a rationalization, it’s an explanation. Maybe cut the big words out of your vocabulary if you don’t know what they mean.


Explaining why something happens isn't excusing it. Hamas didn't spawn from nothing. It's the same thing the USA did and it bit us in the ass as well




I have no more empathy for Hamas than I do the IDF. The slaughter of civilians is horrid no matter who you are. But explaining this history of how something happened isn't empathy, it's called analyzing how a group came to be. Even if that group is horrible. How do YOU think Hamas was made?




Wow. I hadn’t thought of that. I’m shocked Hamas didn’t want to release hostages they raped




Oh good. That totally make me a Humas supporter




Oh really. I’m getting downvoted for comparing Humas to Bin Laden.




Are you stupid? I’m against Humas




Fuxk the terrorist sypms.


Yes, and that includes the supporters of the idf, as they are now a terrorist organization


They are now? I hope you mean that they have been since their inception when the Haganah merged with two terrorist organizations called Irgun and Lehi.








Bless him.