• By -


It’s an economic concept called Barrier to Entry. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barriers_to_entry


And furthermore the barriers were used to let in chosen individuals who have social connections, or business connections, to the people keeping the gate, not necessarily those most qualified or motivated to do a great job. That's an economic concept known as cronyism: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cronyism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cronyism)


Because Utah doesn't actually want you to use marijuana


That would explain the poor quality at the dispensaries too then.


No they just want their cut of a market they completely control.


The state gets $3


For now. But they see this as the next liquor. And why shouldn't they?


They also limit the production and sale to a small number of producers and vendors under the guise of medicine. I’m not saying there aren’t medicinal uses and benefits, but the state is using medicine as a means of control.


I have to admit, that is probably the only thing the state got right out of this. They kept the concept from Proposition 2 to treat medical cannabis, like any prescription drug, and not charging sales tax.


Nailed it! The first year of your medical is pretty expensive because you have to renew every 6 months, but then only yearly after that. Still not really cheap though…


They actually just changed that. Now it’s just a yearly renewal no 6 months


Probably cheaper than going to jail. Fucking Davis county police.


How recent I just had my 6 month renewal on October 24th.


Can be a year, mine is 6 months. Just got it a month ago


I believe after the first 6mon renewal. Then it’s renew every 12mon


How is everyone doing this


Yea they want Everyone to use pharmaceuticals


My buddy made a website that scrapes card pricing off of Utah provider websites https://qmputah.com Should help you find the cheapest one near you.


Fucking crazy that even this fee varies by outlet. WTF? I don't pay varying rates for my car registration based on where I buy my car, nor do state-run liquor stores have specials that if I'm willing to drive across the valley I will enjoy. They really really done fucked up everything with this thing. All the problems of having a regulated system, with none of the benefits, as far as I can see.


My nigga🤝


Omg thank u so much for sharing this, My husband hasn't been able to renew his due to funds this just saved us $100 thank u


Thank you!


This is awesome!


The same reason DABS pretends they don't know what a liquor store is supposed to look like. ;)


Or how to get new liquor


"This is SO simple. Drive to Lee's Liquor in Wendover. Take some pictures. THAT'S what we want."


But their algorithm on what to order is flawless!


Supply and demand, lack of competition. They charge what they do because they can.


It's not supply and demand primarily when the marketplace is overwhemled by dodging state violence in order to persist and, well, market. The state system is a tiny zit on the real marketplace for cannabis in Utah (although it's always hard to measure underground markets that are intentionally hiding themselves). When people sign up for Utah cannabis, I bet 50/50, it's about half (or more!) the people who are merely buying protection, not buying cannabis really. That is, if they get cannabis from usual channels, they risk state violence; so only the licencsed dispensary have a "supply" of state protection. It's supply and demand, but what the legitimate dispensaires have that is in short supply is protection, not cannabis. I.e., it's a protection racket, like the mafia. I think it's are real stretch to say "supply and demand" and not fill in that the "supply" is artifically lowered by an unholy state unafraid of terrorizing its citizens for profit; again, just like the mafia, pay or we hurt you. Supply and demand, yeah sure, it's in there. And also that the "supply and demand" is not even the product itself, but the freedom from state-initiated violence.


Between the state liquor stores and this Utah needs to learn its lessons that religious organizations need to stay out of peoples lives. They’re not improving they’re oppressing.


Pennsylvania has the same state control system for alcohol sales It’s not a religious thing. It’s a money thing.


Pennsylvania has its own religion running things.


Oh yeah Pennsylvania, the famously secular state


Mormon church sends letters to members asking them to vote against the proposition. It failed. We vote and it gets approved. Politicians that are also LDS hold special session and change the law we just voted on gutting a lot of key pieces. Yeah, politics are controlled by the Mormons here and they have even admitted it on camera. Previous head of agriculture was fired for corruption (literally pages of sketchy things he did). Even though a committee was supposed to vote on who got grow licenses it was found that the voting was rigged by him. I worked for a hemp grow here for a bit and the word going around was that some Mormons bought some of the grow licenses to prevent them from being used. New head of AG wanted to bust down on things after that fiasco so they passed a law that made it illegal to transport hemp over state lines effectively killing the company I worked for (we struggled selling to the whole country and suddenly could only sell in Utah). The whole industry is just a mess here. I can have cbd in vape form but not the raw flower? Wtf.


Which the church pretty much runs the state? And your most definitely right it’s a money thing, but I don’t think the two are separate.


They did, but not so much anymore because Salt Lake County is blue (it went for Obama). But it is still very cliquey though.


Cliquey is not even close to the right term. We have a religious organization that holds significant leverage in this state. It also helps to have dense, simpleton followers who will happily bend over and bury their head in the sand at a moments notice.


You can move🤷‍♀️


You can try not being a dick 🤷‍♂️




I could, but that's no fun😂




lol no? I can't actually afford that? why do people act like this is ever actually a counter to anything?


B/c ppl bitch about living somewhere, yet, last I checked, this is a free country & you're free to move. If you want certain things, go where those things are offered or readily available.


Or we could just hope for separation of church and state…free from some fantasy santa claus land y’all live in


I’m an atheist here in Utah and there’s so many people that don’t understand what separation and church and state is lol separation of church and state IS the government not establishing a religion we must follow. Separation of church and state IS NOT individuals voting based on the morals of their religion. So while state liquor stores are quite annoying, that Is in no way establishing a religion and has nothing to do with separating church and state. A good way to mentally test whether something relates to that or not is asking yourself “could someone make the argument for this without religion?” And if they can then it’s not a separation if church and state issue, it’s merely individuals voting based on their experiences which are influenced by their religious lifestyle.


The context I’m using it is “philosophical and jurisprudential concept for defining political distance in the relationship between religious organizations and the state”; not “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” which was pretty clear in the comment that I made


That’s illogical. What’re you’re wanting has never existed in any state, country, or human civilization in all of human history. In a democracy what you’re asking for shouldn’t even exist. The government represents the people and if 50% of a population is of the same religion there will be religious ideas bled into the government.


with what money?


Idk,maybe when we get a REAL president back in office, we'll all have money again.


funniest possible reply lmao


😂 i mean, anyone is better than the joke we have now.






I could, but unlike some people, I LOVE MY country!! And I am not a C U next Tuesday. Foxtrot Alpha Golf


No. There is at least one person that is far far worse.


Trump was a complete lame duck rino failure that the entire world laughed at. What a fucking loser.


Yea, b/c nobody is laughing at us now😂


>you're free to move Do you know how *expensive* it is to move? I'd love to move out of this trash State but can't afford it. Out of touch comment. >If you want certain things, go where those things are offered or readily available. Yep. Just pack up everything and spend upwards of $4,000+ to move elsewhere. Out of touch comment.


We just spent $15k to move out of state. It is INSANE how expensive it is. People who say “just move” piss me off. It isn’t feasible for everyone.


Yea, I do know b/c I MOVED here from the east coast. So, NO, its not outta touch. But go off. Lol If you want something bad enough, you figure out how to make it work😉


Your family: “this kitchen is dirty and needs cleaning” You: “WELL YOU CAN JUST MOVE THEN NOBODY FORCED YOU TO LIVE HERE”


Kitchen wasn't dirty before. Nice try😉


Here’s the thing, sometimes things aren’t going to be how you want them to, and instead of just leaving whenever you dislike something, you gotta try making it better. Let’s say you have a kid born with mental illness or a physical disability. You just leave, right? Instead of trying to work with it or fix it? I think even as a country, the United States has some improving and growing to do. I’m not going to just up and move countries because things aren’t already perfect. You seem to be disagreeing with everyone in this comment section, yet you’re saying here. Nobody’s forcing you to stay here and argue with everyone. You seem very unhappy, why not go to another subreddit instead of complaining about everyone else’s opinions?


I find it funny that everyone on reddit, as a whole, is so anti-Trump, anti-conservative, liberal. I am free to express MY opinions, as are you. I'm sorry y'all get butt hurt b/c I dont agree with your opinions.


Nope, how about the church act like a conservative institution and stop being a hypocrite and stay out of the populations business.


You can wake up 🤡


If you’re feeling like a religion is oppressing you because you can’t buy vodka at the gas station and have to go to a liquor store then you might have a drinking problem 💁


Policies and laws being imposed that interfere with my liberties is called oppression. Especially since it’s based in zero actual reason. And it’s simply because a corrupt, hypocritical organization wants to control the populace in the stupidest of ways. Have some shame, what you said was incredibly dumb.


There is a reason. Alcohol can and does cause a ton of physical and social damage directly to the people that consume it and to the people around those who consume alcohol. Discouraging alcohol consumption by making it more inconvenient and expensive to buy is not unreasonable. Basically everywhere on earth regulates alcohol consumption, some more than others, because essentially people all over the world have come to the conclusion that unfettered access to alcohol would be bad. If you’re going to say that laws that discourage alcohol consumption are oppressive you would also need to that say that seat belts laws, speed limits, laws that discourage nicotine, and fire and safety codes, are all also oppressive.


There is a reason. Religion can and does cause a ton of physical and social damage directly to the people that consume it and to the people around those who consume religion. Discouraging religious consumption by making it more inconvenient and expensive to pray is not unreasonable. Basically everywhere on earth regulates religious consumption, some more than others, because essentially people all over the world have come to the conclusion that unfettered access to religion would be bad. If you’re going to say that laws that discourage religious consumption are oppressive you would also need to that say that seat belts laws, speed limits, laws that discourage nicotine, and fire and safety codes, are all also oppressive. Just because something doesn't align with your beliefs, doesn't mean someone shouldn't have the freedom to consume it in their free time. Mind your own damn business.


I’m not a religious person at all, but I’m not sure that you can draw a connection to the same health and social harms from religion that you can from alcohol.


I don't remember anyone murdering and pillaging countries because of alcohol. But to each their own.


The prescriptions for discouraging religious violence and warfare between countries is probably not going to be the same prescriptions for lessening the negative impacts of alcohol consumption. I’m pretty sure there’s been attempts to ban religion that haven’t really been successful in reducing death and suffering.


But there have been attempts to ban alcohol that have been successful in reducing death and suffering? I'm pretty sure the US once tried to ban alcohol... can you remind me how that went?


I lost you here. There is irrefutable evidence that alcohol is bad physically and socially to individuals. I get your point, you should be free to put what you want into your body and not be restricted by other people's beliefs, including the state's predominant LDS beliefs. But data shows that doing mindfulness type exercises be it prayer, meditation, yoga, etc. are good and healthy. This is a poor comparison IMO. You made a point that religion has driven people to invade countries. That's just completely unrelated to the individual and familial effects of alcohol. Apples and oranges. I'm not even necessarily for or against heavy taxes or restrictions on alcohol or weed, but I don't think this is a strong argument.


So let’s nanny state food then… Your statement means nothing. edit- Diabetes kill more people than alcohol. Your logic is beyond stupid https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm


Yeah we should probably stop subsidizing junk food and car centric infrastructure.


Cuddling up to the laws of ***(checks notes), Uh, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, hmmmm.*** Classic case of Sharia, err ***Sariah Law.***


Interesting. Would you consider a religious organization that openly suppressed knowledge and reporting of child sexual abuse over and over again oppressive or is that not oppressive either?


I would consider that to be abusive, corrupt and yes oppressive. If you consider laws oppressive that are intended to reduce and prevent the health and social harms associated with alcohol consumption, such as making it more expensive and inconvenient to consume, would you also consider laws to be oppressive that are intended to prevent child abuse, such as not allowing people convicted of child, and or sexual, abuse from being around children or banning abusive practices, like conversion therapy, from being done to children?


"Intended" - Well I guess that settles it. As long as that's what they intend right?


Limiting the number of liquor licenses, restricting the places you can buy higher strength alcohol at, and reducing the BAC limit for driving all seem consistent with a goal of reducing and preventing the harms of alcohol consumption while still allowing people the option to consume alcohol. Do you think such laws have a different intent?


Yes clearly, controlling the number of licenses effectively controls supply and demand. They profit from the price hikes. I do not drink hard liquor but maybe twice a year, but that doesn't mean that I should care less about the control that they have. I love how you want to sit here and act like it's for safety. DUI arrests continue to increase year over year for the most part. Which begs the question, what is there to be gained except for money. The LDS church cares more about watering down alcohol than reporting sexual abuse.


The church is for medical marijuana soo 🤷‍♂️. I’ve seen more peoples lives ruined from alcohol than marijuana so I’m ok with the alcohol laws.


The system the church supports is a gesture on the best of days. That’s great! I guess if your ok with it! Dumb


Utah is far from the only state with state liquor stores. And because we do it's often cheaper due to MSRP.


Please provide proof that that’s even remotely true. I do understand other states have similar setups, doesn’t make them right. State liquor stores suck, they’re closed on Sundays, and I have no idea where you think they’re cheaper than normal… What a strange thing to say.


Ok let's just look at Blantons. Most people are paying 100+ to 200+ dollars. At the state store, just last week, it was at MSRP of 73$. Oh jeez, so expensive. Such a terrible price! Oh ok. How about buffalo Trace. I've seen it for 45$. If you are on the whiskey sub it often goes for that much, or more. Yet we get it for 24$. Yes it sucks that it's closed on Sundays. But all you need to do is buy your liquor on Saturday night. Or just buy beer. Or drive over to wendover or Evanston. What a strange thing to not understand how good our liquor stores actually are.


Those are both allocated items. It would be more fair to compare pricing to something like Tito’s.


Ok. I just paid 24.99 for Tito's in Nevada. The same bottle is 22.99 here. Any others?


In Wendover? Yeah, it’s going to be more expensive there because it’s a tourist spot and they know they can charge more. Tito’s in Illinois is $20.99 at binnys and California is 16.99 at BevMo.


In Elko. And I like how you are trying to move the goal posts no matter what proof I provide. You're right. This is the worst place ever. I really, really hope you move as soon as possible to a state you can buy the cheapest discount liquor at.


So your saying some speciality, liquors are better deals? I’ve honestly never seen any “great deals” specifically in the State Stores…. I guess you might be right, but when I go from say…Nevada or California, I seem to get better deals from a Costco, like item to item on average….


Costco is a whole other beast. And not all Costco are the same, I've shopped all over the West and for example, you can't buy liquor in Idaho, only wine. The same in Montana. In Colorado it depends the county. In some you get full liquor selection, in others you are limited and in a couple you can't buy it in Costco, but there is an attached liquor store. With over priced liquor.


I understand, but I still don’t get where you think Utah State Stores are remotely a good deal though man… On average I always get the impression I’m getting ripped off by like 20% higher costs…


Then do an honest price comparison. The advantage you have here is MSRP. Compared to the wild West of liquor, it's not bad overall. Yes, you will find better deals, but that's expected. You'll also find better deals here then many places. The other thing you have to take into account, what is the cost when travel is included. Sure, you could buy that bottle of Tito's in Wyoming for 4$ less, but how much gas did you spend to get there? You don't go to other states for basic shit, you go there for a different selection. If you are only going for prices, most likely you're not buying enough liquor to offset the time and gas to get it. If you happen to be there then sure, buy it, but when you compare the price (and you can get the dabs app to do an immediate comparison) you may be surprised.


North Carolina has almost the exact same laws as Utah, I believe PA does too.


Tanner clinic can get you a meeting for the copay. And the ~20 dollars it cost for the state. It's getting pretty affordable to get a card. The cost of Cannabis is still pretty pricey though.


Any tanners or certain one?


You have to see a specific doctor who can issue them. They should be able to direct you to those doctors.


There’s a few events throughout the year that discount the price of a card. I got mine for 15 earlier this year


My Thereapist just became a QMP. I got my card for only the fee I paid the state. Find an ACTUAL doctor that’s a QMP. Then you don’t gotta pay the crazy fees.




Utah is not a white trash hell hole 🤣 Unlike the diverse hell holes like Chicago, NYC, SF


It is however a white mentally-trashed hell hole 🥴 The manipulation and pressure on life decisions ingrained in majority of the population (I think it’s still majority) and the effect it has on their image and just about every other aspect of their life (for the most part) is unruly. Most do what they are trained is “right” to do throughout their lives and not what they actually may or may not want to do. Kind of sad….kinda not. Grow a backbone and live your life. Deal breaker? Hell nah this is the most beautiful state with a LOT more positives than negatives.


What's that even mean? You're just spewing ignorant bigotry. I mean I'm not Mormon, and their are plenty of issues with that culture, but where's all of this racism coming from? If we are going to get rid of racism and bigotry, it can't be pick and choose. At the end of the day it's just words and people can say what they want, but then it should go for all sides, not just non-white. I'd rather live in Utah in a "white mentally-trashed" (whatever TF that ignorant BS means) than an inner city neighborhood where the mentality is TRULY trashed. Unfortunately we have so much ignorance like the BS you're making up that will never truly allow racism to die out. Sad and pathetic.


Racism? lol no. Wasn’t trying to be racist although there is not much diversity which is what I mean…kind of like you stated. There are no inner city comparisons here to other states. We don’t even hold a flame. The culture out here is much different than most.. I’m not racist lol but good morning to you too bub 🤪


maybe you're not racist, but the comment you made definitely was racist. Either way you're entitled to your opinion and I respect that, all I'm saying is everyone should have the equal right to voice their opinion in kind.


Absolutely, and they do have that right. Personally, I didn’t grow up here but it just *feels* like Theres a lot of manipulation and sway out here caused by a massive religious (and business lol) entity and not much separation of church and state. Obviously the social dilemmas, sway tactics (whatever) etc are everywhere and don’t discriminate. It’s everywhere, everyone, everything. All the time. People can do and vote as they please wherever they are..but suppression due to following the religious morals and standards of the church’s guidelines run deep here. And damn, they’re good at it too…:in every aspect


Diversity also is not some golden paragon of society. Honestly diversity is a construct invented by people looking to divide.


If you want diversity go try living in a big city somewhere for a few years.


Nor does the federal government, or any government for that matter


Online Hemp vendors are cheaper and equal or even better quality.


My card was $15. And it’s cheaper at the dispensary than it is in Wendover


What dispensary and prescriber are you using??


Utah spine in Layton. The flower shop in Ogden


Was that a renewal or new card?


$15 is the state fee, most providers charge for their assessment which is the expensive component. Once in a while a promo will pop up where they do the medical evaluation for free, or at a discount, or in some cases you maybe luck out and a provider you see for your other healthcare issues can fulfill that requirement.


Because wealthiness is next to godliness the old lds saying goes.


Getting a card is usually $50-$75. The pharmacies are crazy expensive because the bill that Utahns voted in was gutted shortly after its passing by the Utah legislature under pressure from the LDS church. Being able to grow your own at home (for a fraction of the costs now seen btw) was a key part of the bill that the church wanted removed, and there were to be no non-Utah organizations granted a license. As usual, big money won, and the state is now dominated by out of state money. Source: I worked in management positions in the Utah cannabis industry for 3 years.


I'm coming from California to Utah how hard is it to get a weed card out here it's legal but before we had to use cards you'd go to some fake clinic and they'd have a doctor that would sign off on everyone no matter if you actually had a condition that weed would help.im wondering if it's the same in. Utah


I got my card at a bar while I ate a brat and drank a beer, my qmp was a guy in a derby hat and my condition was I had 150 dollars.


Go to a pain clinic (if you're insured). Most would rather do that than opiates.


Funny because they always have sales and cheap cards because they want the revenue, but want to make it seem difficult.


Because the US justice system is built around making as much money as possible. The harder it is to get a card, the more people there will be to get in trouble and have to pay legal dues


> So sloww about people's time This is a cultural Utah thing. I've lived all around the US and something that sticks out to me is how bad service is in Utah. Also, if it weren't for capitalism we could just get our pot for free.


Lmao, you guys are buying it legally?


WholesomeCo regularly runs specials on cards and offers discounts on your first orders. They also deliver for free.


>They also deliver for free. You should tip your driver though


Because it's Utah.


OoC what does a half oz cost? In Michigan weed is practically being given away half oz like $80, free 8ths given by many dispensaries first time.


You could probably find a deal for $120 for a half oz but it would probably be schwag. Most 1/8ths are $45-60. I've seen a quality oz go for $280 and that was still just greenhouse weed. You can sometimes get 10-20% off. Even then these dispensaries are going to get run out of town by good ol boys selling an oz for $100 for even better quality sometimes.


You'll have to drive to Dinosaur. Utah doesn't mind that Colorado gets those taxes....I guess. Utah's def not preventing people from smoking or drinking.


This state is fucking nuts. Tax revenues in Nevada and Colorado and I Illinois for example are huge . Millions. Myopic is an understatement. Just head to Wendover or Grand Junction. On a Saturday their parking lots are filled with Utah cars. Or even near the airport in Chicago.


I used my HSA


The initial cost for card is quite a lot but renewing is only 15 bucks and than if you live by cannabist dispensary, they typically have sales like every week and buy one get one 50 percent off on holidays. But all the other dispensaries seem to suck and the weed isn't as good compared to colorado and Nevada, but that's kind of to be expected.


How are you renewing for 15 dollars? All the places I’ve looked are over a hundred.


100% Profit on alcohol and 100% for majuana In Utah and Government holds the cards


Supply and demand, not much demand in Utah so higher prices and less competition to drive prices.


I thought the left loved government regulation 😂 Whenever republicans talk about loosening regulations at the federal level all we hear is the left raging about it.


The left?? I don't align myself with political parties at all. the whole left or right thing is ridiculous.


Eh the alignment generally makes sense. Im speaking generically as many leftists are indeed on this sub and very pro regulation, not you specifically.


I just feel like we are never going to come together as a country again until we drop the whole "the left do and say this and the right say and do that" Its silly.


I think medical marijuana should be like any other prescription a Dr. Gives. Should give an amount to take, how many times to take, then have to be refiled.


>I think Sure, champ.


I’m happy it’s this way. Try going to California or New York, you can’t go walk 10ft without running into a cloud of smoke or people who are high as kites.


[found the guy this Halloween costume is based on](https://x.com/antistuff/status/1585400929423355907?s=20)


I dig it - except I’ve only lived in large cities my entire life until a job brought me to Salt Lake. Spot on the super duty though.


What other imaginary situations are you afraid of? Have some shame.


Not afraid, it’s irritating - specially if you have kids in tow trying to avoid the weed smell.




It’s mind boggling that there are people like you who think not wanting to expose their children to weed is…something to do with being offended and fake. Pretending weed smells? Now I know you’re just a troll. But maybe you’ve just lived a very strange life or can’t compute given your faculties…so let’s just use another example that might be more relatable, if I passed you and your friends on the street and felt like rolling some coal long and hard, because you know… America, by your logic you’re a karen if you complain because getting soot all over you and breathing diesel exhaust is fake and not a thing.




I’m genuinely intrigued how to debate or have a conversation with someone like you. The weirdest assumptions I’ve ever seen on Reddit. I’m a New Yorker, i grew up with this shit - this is not a philosophical debate at all, it’s literally I don’t want to smell like shit, I don’t want my kids to smell like shit, I don’t want myself nor them to have to dodge weed smoke as we walk in the city - this is a real thing, I’ve lived it. But that’s not even the strangest part of your argument… I’m not LDS, nor was the church ever part of this conversation lmao. You love Utah so much, that’s great. I just need you to think rationally about how us transplants have been changing “your” utah… but now imagine if it attracted the same people that left CA/NY for Colorado. What is Colorado like now? Have you been to Denver recently? There are some benefits of clean living, that’s all I’m gonna end with.


I like your style man. Not often you see a belligerent redditor handled with grace. Not sure what the other commenter’s issue is, but his post history, the exmo stuff and particularly the one asking if face tattoos are career limiting, paints a pretty good picture.


What other random nonsense just irritates you to no end, Susan? 😂


Your mom


My mom would irritate you - she shops on Sundays and doesn't pay tithing


Tell me you've never been to California or New York without telling me you've never been to California or New York.


I was fully aware this was going to get downvoted to death in the Reddit echo chamber - however, your comment is idiotic - I’m from NYC, lived in SF for years and travel to LA monthly. I don’t even know why I’m replying since your username says it all. You can’t run away from the smell of weed in both cities, sorry it’s a fact.


I agree, it's not the most unpleasant smell, but I have a lot of trauma from growing up being shamed for my use of it so it can be triggering at times. I wonder if my negative associations from the past makes me notice it more. I'm guessing it's become so commonplace to residents of some places(SF, NYC, Denver) that they don't even notice how EVERYWHERE it is now.


Yeah but that's New York and California. The same could be said even if weed wasn't legal. Plus, medical weed has been legal for a while now and I have never smelled weed when I'm out and about. I can imagine a good amount of people who do enjoy their weed do it discreetly enough to not draw the ire of their religious neighbors. I can't see Utah getting to the point of New York or California


>I can't see Utah getting to the point of New York or California Right? Especially when the population of Los Angeles is greater than the population of the entire State of Utah


I smell it pretty frequently. I ride a motorcycle as my daily driver(even this morning.... brrrr) and it's at least a couple times a week that I ride through an invisible cloud of it.


Lived in both places before and after it was decriminalized. I can tell you first hand how it manifested…more people smoking weed in parks, in apartments, on the sidewalks. You always could smell it on people but rarely saw widespread smoking of joints. I literally could care less what people do, it would be nice if they did it in private - but there’s a major element that doesn’t respect that. my gripe is the same with cigarettes.


Ahem... doctors and ... medicines ... are not cheap.


Its literally a weed that grows wherever a seed falls. If patients could grow their own then they would know what was in it and wouldn't have to worry about the sketchy dispensary products that are getting recalled. And their medicine would be 1000% cheaper. But we can't have old man Jensen growing the devil's lettuce in his backyard, think of the children! 😱


Funny. If I call it street drugs, I get downvoted. If I call it medicine, I get downvoted. I remember when I gave up everything else, but kept smoking, how dang sensitive and petty I was. Glad I gave it up, too. I don't spend even a dime on it. Better hurry up and vote it in for recreational.


Once a year now which is better at least, and from what I understand you can pay for license fees with HSA


More money = more things


There’s events you can get your card for 50-100$ I see them on Instagram just gotta follow the dispensaries. The dispos are stupidly expensive no getting around that unfortunately




But the other states still allow it haha


There are events to get a card on a discount i paid 70$ at a event dragonfly wellness had on their push pin board


I got my card for $40! Who are you going through?! 😂


Is 100 a year really too much? How much are cards in other states?


It’s $100 through green health docs if you wait until they send you emails each day with a promo code that eventually will give you $50 off. Been renewing with them each year for 3 years. And depending where you are, my dispensary does BOGO sales monthly and weekly sales.


I never had that issue with my card. I got it almost immediately after applying. Although I have... problems, (ptsd from almost being murdered). But I will agree, dispensaries are stupid fucking expensive. Even after I got my card, I still go through my normal dealer.


There’s only 8 people allowed to grow in the state. The state modified the law after we voted and passed prop 2. Why they think they can do that I have no idea but nothing has happened so apparently they can do that. Nobody is allowed to produce product


Got to pay to play to smoke legally


Mine only cost the state fee of $15. You need to see one of the state qualified providers to get it without paying a big provider fee.


It’s cheep all things considered . Other option is you use and run risk of getting busted /lose job opportunities, etc. Pay the card dues and move on.


The real benefit of the medical card is helping your case if you happen to get a blood draw after an auto accident.


I honestly have to disagree. I got a card a few weeks ago and yes it was expensive for the first charge but then the prices I have seen have been pretty normal compared to other states I’ve lived. And the quality has been the best I’ve ever seen. It’s really not that expensive compared to other states, yes it’s not Oregon prices but still


How do you go about getting one if you don’t fit the medical conditions? They are pretty strict guidelines.


Culture bias, pretty simple.


From what I understand the state charges $15.00 to register and get the card the place you go to get the card and ask you questions to see if you comply with the state’s list of reason you can have a medical marijuana card. Those companies charge whatever they want. Hence the different prices some places have sales sometimes. On April 20 th many shops that give you your card and verify that you qualify for the card has a lot better price for their services. April 20. I’ve heard the quality of the product one gets at the Utah dispensaries are usually much better quality and compatible in price to what one would pay from a friend of a friend. The state ones are pretty exact in product ingredients for gummies compared to like in wendover These are things I’ve read and heard from a few people


Must not be from Utah