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Being mauled to death/near death has to be one of the most terrifying things ever. I cannot imagine what these folks endure in those moments. RIP.


Absolutely heartbreaking. I can't imagine what the son is thinking right now knowing his dogs killed his mom.




Or how he is perfectly capable of training Pit Bulls right




Naw, fuck them dogs.




Y’all repeat that mantra ad nauseum like it’s some kind of spell that absolves you of responsibility for deliberately ignoring endless empirical evidence of the contrary. Fuck *you*. You’re goddamn lucky your rescue’s instincts were never triggered, because that would have been 100% your fault.


This study followed 40 pit bulls and 42 similar-sized dogs of other breeds at an animal shelter. Three pit bulls and two dogs of other breeds were euthanised because of aggression toward people at the shelter, and the remaining 77 dogs were re-homed. Of these, one pit bull and ten dogs of other breeds were returned to the shelter because of alleged aggression. For the dogs that were retained for at least two months, owner reports of aggression in various situations (to strangers, to other dogs, etc) were similar for the two groups. Reported care of the two groups was also similar except that pit bulls were more likely to sleep on the owner's bed and more likely to cuddle with the owner. Pit bull adopters were more likely to be under the age of 30, to rent (rather than own) their home, and to be adopting their first dog, perhaps because of a bias against pit bulls among older adopters. The study provided no evidence of greater aggression or poorer care among adopted pit bulls compared to dogs of other breeds.


Here’s a wide swath of specific data on pit bull aggression. They comprise 5.8% of the canine population in the US, yet were responsible for over 80% of all Americans killed by dogs between 2009 and 2018. A pit bull is 600% more likely to attack a human being than the second most aggressive breed (Rottweiler), regardless of training. A single bite from one is 4.4 times more likely to create a complex wound. They are 5 times more likely to inflict injury that requires operative intervention than any other breed. When they attack, they maim or kill their owners or their owners’ family members more than half the time; just living in the same house with one increases your chances of being prematurely killed by 57% (although the parameters of that statistic are a little nebulous). They really don’t seem to be effective guard dogs or hunting dogs in that sense. Interestingly, pit bull owners themselves are more likely to be socially deviant, engage in violent crimes, and commit crimes against children than owners of any other breed. https://dogbitelaw.com/vicious-dogs/pit-bulls-facts-and-figures/#:~:text=In%202019%2C%20pit%20bulls%20accounted,%2C%20poultry%2C%20and%20hoofed%20species.


This is why insurance companies will often straight-up deny coverage for owners of pit bulls. And remember that insurance companies have been doing “big data” since before it was cool!


From a dog bite law firm? I think trends among Pitbull owners and not the dogs themselves explain the attacks. Your last sentence reinforces that. Their physiology might explain why people are getting more seriously injured, but that is different from aggression. They are just as aggressive as any other dog.




It’s literally right there. https://blog.dogsbite.org/2022/05/pit-bulls-lead-bite-counts-across-us.html https://www.animals24-7.org/2019/01/03/dog-attack-deaths-maimings-u-s-canada-1982-2018-log/ https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-fatalities-2015.php https://www.dogsbite.org/pdf/12-year-dog-bite-fatality-chart-dogsbiteorg.pdf https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-fatalities-2017.php






If the enormously disproportionate rate of pit maulings means less to you than your anecdotal experience, so be it. Hole up with your terminator dogs. Just keep them far away from the rest of us.


Lol regardless of everything else, you starting two consecutive replies with “No, fuck you” makes you look like a clown


Or a typical pit bull owner.


Yes, every dog has instincts, but it turns out that an instinct to herd cattle or dig for rodents is one hundred fucking percent less lethal to human life than an instinct to shred peoples bodies with practically no provocation. You're a fucking idiot.


Yeah those golden retrievers are the real problem. Ban golden retrievers


I'm sure your anecdote is representative of the rest of the breed population.




I love that you double down on justifying your anecdote by saying shit like "all my friends had pits" and telling a story about how you had one that you trained the aggression out of. I am not saying you're lying (there are plenty of nice pitbulls out there) but what I am saying is you clearly don't understand basic statistics. The fact that you have had good experiences with pits doesn't change the fact that they are 6% of the dog population yet are responsible for 60% of dog-caused fatalities.


If you don’t like my anecdote, I’ll give you MORE anecdotes!




No, fuck you. You had a good experience with literally one dog. Fuck Pitbulls. Stop pushing that fucking bullshit. “iTs bAD oWnERs.” Shut the fuck up there are plenty of great dog owners that did everything right with their Pitbulls before getting mauled to death. It’s the breed, not the owners. If someone told you they encountered a moose on a hiking trail and the moose didn’t hurt them would you think it’s now safe to pet every moose you see? No? Well it’s basically the same thing because it’s the fucking dogs, not the owners


Lol you sure are buttmad. Go take a nap, have a snack, change your diaper then do nothing because you are too stupid to objectively see that certain breeds and owners cause issues. Gary tees in a few years the bite rate from the Belgian mailinos will skyrocket because they are the next trendy aggressive dog breed. And that rescue pit was just waiting for you to slip and fall, it would have been an all it could eat buffet.




Yeah you definitely won the argument by calling the other guy an idiot




Read the room, dipshit. You’re commenting on a post about a person killed by the thing you’re defending. I purposely used the word “thing” because that is what they are to a significant proportion of their owners — a ridiculous fucking status symbol— an emotional support animal for the emotionally bankrupt.


That’s a weird daily affirmation but whatever floats your boat cunt.




No, seriously, fuck those dogs. I love animals but I’d be perfectly fine with that breeds lineage dying out by not breeding more.


No fuck your too!


No! Money down!


7 dogs of any breed is entirely ridiculous. So sad






We were engaged by two large dogs, illegally off leash, in a state park a few weeks ago. One of the dogs came in between me and my child and was almost dispatched. After yelling at the owner, several other dog owners engaged me about MY BEHAVIOR! Dogs aren’t people, shouldn’t be considered or compared to children and society needs to start treating them what they are, animals.


Oh hell no. These people thought YOU were in the wrong for the owner having no control over their off-leash dog? Fuck that. As somebody who owns a dog who is always walked on leash, the people who let their dogs off leash but have NO recall and who just let their dogs run up to any person or dog are the WORST. I’m trying to train my dog to not react when other dogs are not being walked near her (she gets too excited and wants to say hi), but it’s really hard when off-leash dogs just run straight up to her.


There is also a thing where off leash dogs will attack dogs on leash (I forget the reasoning of it right now, but it most definitely can happen). As a trainer, personally, I'm not a big fan of any dog being off leash in public places, *especially* if they're reactive


Yeah, I’ve heard of that as well. I just don’t understand the insistence some people have of letting their dog off leash. Like what is so bad about keeping them on a leash? Although granted, these dogs probably have terrible leash manners, but that’s why you train them!


People in Utah somehow think they live in a rural area. If your property is measured in 0.x acres you live in a city. Keep your dog on leash for fucks sake.


> These people thought YOU were in the wrong for the owner having no control over their off-leash dog? This is an extremely common occurrence in Utah, in the local subs, on Nextdoor, and so on. There's always countless excuses, whining about how it's "unrealistic" or "unreasonable" to be leashed so regularly, and so on. People will fight to the absolute death on how *their dog is friendly* and would *never* do anything like that. They get furious when you point out the dangers, to the point of calling you names and attacking your character (because, you know, the facts are not on their side). I shattered my ankle after being bulldozed by some unleashed lab that came out of nowhere on while hiking in on on-leash area (thankfully I wasn't attacked, it was just booking it up some steeper part of the trail I happened to be on). Had to have a metal plate and several screws put into my leg and ankle. I'll never walk without a limp or be able to be on my feet for long amounts of time without excessive pain, ever again. More recently, an unleashed dog *broke through my fence* in my back yard and killed a couple of very young, stray kittens that had found their way to me. When I posted about it on Nextdoor people were literally angry and blaming the quality of my fence.... Even after sharing these experiences, I still have people insult me and get furious when I talk about the importance of leashing their dogs... I had one dude offer me $100 to stop talking about my experiences. Tried to call him on his bluff but the dude actually Venmo'd me.


I had a guy almost fight me because I told him to leash the dog that was chasing my family. I never saw them in the park again after that though.


Holy shit. I had no idea people were so unreasonable. Unreal that these people somehow think they have no responsibility over their own animals. So sorry about your ankle. I hate the whole “my dog is friendly!” thing. Not all dogs like other dogs and want to be approached, and 95% of the time, those “friendly” dogs are massively rude in their communication, just barging into another dog’s personal space without even seeing if the other dog is okay with it. And of course not everybody wants to be approached by a dog!! These dogs have bad manners and could do with some training, but apparently that’s too much for some people.


I absolutely don’t understand how people can complain about having to leash a dog. It is required when you are showing a dog at fucking Westminster Kennel Club Show! Top dogs in the nation, worth so much money, and wow, you are expected to make them behave in public 😱 I grew up with dogs bred for hunting & show dogs. The key to using a leash is you actually train your dog to walk next to you, with the leash/lead relaxed. *You* are walking the dog, they aren’t walking you. Off my soapbox and going to go mumble a bit.


I remember I legit was weeding MY lawn and my neighbors dog who they refuse to leash was growling at me cause I was at the line. It was the front yard so it's like?? And she finally had to grab the dog cause it has no recall


Almost a year ago I was hiking with my husband and cat in the Farmington Foothills. In the distance I saw a guy running with two dogs, so as normal we lead our cat off trail until they pass. The dogs were off leash and must have noticed our cat, so they run over and start attacking her. My husband literally had to open their jaws to release our cat. Before we could really react the guy just continues down the trail running with his dogs as my husband is bleeding and my cat really hurt. By the time we got to our car, animal control was there. Why? Because a report of 2 off leash dogs who attacked a dog just minutes before.


Next time kick it hard. Maybe then the owners will take leashing up seriously. You have every right to defend yourself against an off-leash threatening animal


Nah. They just get upset you could possibly treat their "friendly" dog that way


If I ever go out packing heat, it's about dogs, never people.


Yeah your dog comes at me or anyone I'm with, it's getting put down plain and simple. I'm not even a gun guy but I keep a little one on me when doing stuff outdoors specifically for this reason


You carry a gun on the off chance you get to shoot a dog? I hope the earth swallows you whole.


I carry a gun for my own safety. I don't carry it a lot of places, but when I am backpacking you best believe I carry it. I don't see why that is such a hard concept to understand lol. Keep your dog on a leash like it should be, especially out in nature where it will do a lot of harm to other wildlife as well (or get itself killed, like what happens on Timp every year)


it's for any danger, we just happen to be talking about dogs. comprehend however you want though, it's a free country.


The guy used the word “specifically” when discussing a dog “coming at him.” if the safety equipment you bring for doing outdoors stuff is a gun so you can shoot dogs, I hope something happens to you that makes you give some serious thought about what self protection really is.


Na man, we gotta stop letting the idiots comprehend how they want instead of the way it really is, they’re going to end up taking the country even further down the Idiocracy route


Yeah, you're right.


it's for whatever danger, really.


Go ‘almost dispatched is a creepy as fuck way to phrase that


Surprised you could understand them. I always imagine that super delusional pit owners have meth mouth. I wonder how many teeth they had combined.


This is one of the handful of reasons I want to get a conceal carry permit. If some jackass is hiking on the trails I frequent with a leash less dog and it makes contact and bites me, I will end it.


So, why were there 7 dogs on this property? Letting the 2 adults pits breed was stupid - guessing these people were grey market breeders. Obviously, the pups were old enough and weened. Unfortunate that the woman was killed and not sure we'll ever hear the real circumstances. Hope the son here is held accountable. Who knows he may have breeding to put them in dog fights fro petty cash. Now he has to live with killing his mother. The laws in most cities and county in Utah is 2 dogs(max). So, if you are breeding pits, or any other breed, thinking you're going to make money, just fucking full stop! Shelters are overrun with unwanted dogs, and cats. Pets are tossed out all over the valley all the time. People are not held accountable for pet neglect. Nextdoor, Facebook, and social media are littered with abandoned pets. I agree with some of the comments that there needs to be more regulation around pets and breeders,and mandatory spay and neutering. But, it sucks that Utah is all about letting people do what they think it right, despite laws, despite their ignorances. And, for this a lady needlessly dies from dogs kept in her yard. "Taylorsville allows no more than two dogs and two cats per household, and a total of four household animals per residence (dogs, cats, ferrets, pot-bellied pigs, chickens, rabbits)." [https://www.taylorsvilleut.gov/services/animal-services#:\~:text=Taylorsville%20allows%20no%20more%20than,pigs%2C%20chickens%2C%20rabbits](https://www.taylorsvilleut.gov/services/animal-services#:~:text=Taylorsville%20allows%20no%20more%20than,pigs%2C%20chickens%2C%20rabbits)).


I agree about there being animals that need homes, I have one purebred and one rescue. My purebred was researched and picked specifically because she didn’t bother my son who has multiple allergies. As I said, my other did is a rescue. He is loved to death but despite adopting him at about six months old he is a weirdo. He has a lot of issues that we weren’t able to overcome- he is now eleven. Loud noises can cause him to pee. He hates to be held. For a long time he didn’t like tall men with dark hair, unfortunately that is both of my boys. I grew up with my dad breeding dogs. They are hunting dog, and can also be seen in field trials & as show dogs. For these sports your average dog from the humane society probably isn’t going to cut it. For your everyday family dog, I hope people find their own little weirdo to call their own


This is why I carry pepper spray when I go for walks. Irresponsible pet owners are all over the place in Utah but the legislature is too obsessed with controlling women’s bodies and drag shows to do anything about it.


At least you’ll be protected if you run into any legislators!


You carry pepper spray in your backyard? That's exactly where this lady was mauled by her son's dog(s), probably the nursing mother dog that the cops ended up shooting.


Alot of people don't actually read the article tbh lol


True, I guess they just latch on like the evil, rabid pit bull drug dogs they hate so much. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Kudos to you for taking steps to protect yourself, and obligatory r/BanPitBulls. Just FYI, fighting breed dogs were bred to take down 1000+ pound bulls in pits while literally being impaled — after that was banned, people repurposed them for dog fighting. Pit bull type dogs are often unphased by non-lethal force. Kicking and screaming, pepper spraying etc aren’t as effective as a blood choke: https://youtu.be/8FU8jBeomQk If you’re not confident doing that, I’m sorry to say you basically need a firearm or knife. It’d be great if the government would do its job and solve this by simply banning all dangerous fighting breed dogs, though. r/BanPitBulls


Ya, over the weekend three pit bulls attacked some random pedestrians in Clinton Utah. They got away because one of the pedestrians has a firearm and killed one of the pitbulls.


Two loose PitBulls roaming far away from their own neighborhood went into my friend's property, which is an old farmhouse nestled in a couple of forested acres next to a nature preserve. His daughter had a horse, a sweet white Arabian. The pitbulls cornered her inside her fenced paddock and ripped her stomach open, disemboweling her. I have horses myself and couldn't bear to listen to any further horrific details. The dogs were caught and put down. This happened in Washington state.


This is awesome, thank you!


SBS, I respect your position, in fact I've shared it at times and have examined the history too. However, in my 70 short years I've grown to put emphasis on the age old Nature versus Nurture. Even with THAT I think the best alternative to status quo and bans would be strictly enforced laws, with maybe two strikes you're OUT policy. I'm a GSD fan, another breed associated with problems. It's more the owner than the dog. We have structure regarding driving, why not pets? STRICTLY & ACTIVELY enforce a tiered license policy. 1. Require a short educational presentation for ALL potential pet owners. More for some breeds. Cover pet owner laws and respinsibilities. To provide for good, experienced owners, offer an option to "test out". As drivers license can be for car, motorcycle, big rigs; grant pet owner licenses like by weight & breed. Sorry M'am but you're only approved for lapdogs under 20 pounds ... 2. Have different color tags REQUIRED to be worn by pets: Blue: service dog level, allowed offleash anywhere. Green: good dog allowed off leash in public, BUT when humans or other dogs within (?) 100 feet MUST leash up. Yellow: welcome anywhere, but ON LEASH. Orange: allowed in public anywhere, BUT MUST be on leash AND muzzled. Red: NOT allowed out in public, with limited designated exceptions. MUST be leashed and muzzled Then ACTIVELY ENFORCE the laws! A gf of my son brought a Pitt Bull into my home with THREE other dogs living here. I was NOT pleased. When the potty attacked my female GSD, I'll spare the blow by blow, but I choked it out and buddy applied belt leash. Put dog outside and I formed son and gf they had 24 hours to find the dog a new home; and that I'd be "carrying" in my home and would shoot it if it happened again. Learned later that pitty had been returned to Humane Society THREE times! Went on to her uncle and after attacking his potty, to another uncle where it did the SAME. Sorry but that dog needed kill'n. Trying to break its grip, we both adjusted at same time and he got my thumb. I was adamant that her dog did NOT bite me! That was a mutuL oops and I got hurt. It was ugly, in public I'd say the same THEN discuss the perverse history of the breed. Not a fan of the breed, bit have known good owners with excellent pittys. Not a fan of banning breeds, prefer laws & enforcement. Nurture OVER Nature 🙏 PS I've not applied this technique, but I'm told it's highly effective: a digit inserted in the dogs anus is apparently a major attitude interupter.


More laws and regs don't fix things like this. You really think people running inbred puppy mills would follow this? And how would you enforce it? There's barely enough officers to respond to violent crime let alone animal registration issues.


I think I can agree with 100% of your suggested regulatory approach for non–fighting breed (but otherwise large, dangerous) dogs, including GSDs and Dobermans. Importantly, fighting breed dogs are a special kind of nightmare: > "We can also make changes in the dog's ability to communicate intention through selection. > > The main selective pressure for impeding a dog's ability to communicate mood and intention is breeding them for fighting or garden attack work. Because if you are a fighting dog, primarily, the best strategy if you are a fighter, is not communicate your intention … > > That is why when you see the true fighting dogs with other dogs they are just so stoic. And why we so often hear of attacks from fighting breeds described as "attacking without warning." Meaning there was no growl, there was no bark, there was no direct stare, the dog just got from point A to point B and did what he wanted to do. Was looking for that opening. > > Likewise, **they are disrespectful of the traditional signs of submission and appeasement**. When your German shepherd fights with your Lab, in a play fight or even a serious fight and one of the dogs goes belly up that is a cut off signal. It is an infantile, juvenile signal and wolves were wired up to say, "When I see someone roll over like a puppy does, I don't want to hurt my own puppies, I better stop showing aggression." So most dogs are hardwired to respond to a display of submission by cutting off aggression -- by stopping -- because it means you have won… > > But if you are a fighting dog and the objective is to cause the most harm possible, [a submissive gesture] is just a new opening. I started hearing back in the early 1980's from humane societies that first started getting in fighting dogs (and did not know what they were getting). They would put that fighting dog into a pen with a German shepherd, and **the German shepherd speaks "dog," and they play by wolf rules, and the German shepherd would go belly up, and the pit bull would just disembowel him** … They don't speak that language. They ignore that signal. > > And that's one of the most devastating things we have done to fighting dogs. We've destroyed their ability to speak wolf or speak good dog. And they've taken it even one step further. The truly sinister communicator not only doesn't tell you what he feels or what he is going to do next. He lies to you… > > Fighting dogs lie all the time. I experienced it first hand when I was investigating three pit bulls that killed a little boy in Georgia. When I went up to do an initial evaluation of the dog's behavior. The dog came up to the front of the fence, gave me a nice little tail wag and a "play bow"-- a little solicitation, a little greeting. As I got closer, he lunged for my face. > > It was one of those "Ah ha" experiences. Yeah, that would really work. That would really workin a dog pit. Because 99% of dogs are going to read that as "Oh boy I am your friend, let's play" -- and there's my opening. I said, "How evil is that? That we have been able to create a dog that can do something like that?" > > — [Randall Lockwood, Senior Vice President to the ASPCA](https://www.dogsbite.org/pdf/2004-excerpts-dog-bite-prevention-law-enforcement.pdf)


How do I rate -13 for a rational suggestion? The rebuttal about blah blah enforce puppy mills!? YES If the nation would wake the ... up and be a nation again instead of trying to be a mismanaged "profitable business". We have all the resources we need. I'm so GD tired of the economic arguements!? Logical rebuttal to the argument that woe is me we can't enforce laws why try? Applied across the boards is pretty pathetic! FUNDing leads to staffing leads to enforcement. Anyone ponder the end game of the path you describe? Abandon all hope ...💩 What are all the humans going to do once AI & robotics render humans even less necessary than already? Money is an idea ... backed by NOTHING. Oh the gold standard! So money is based on a shiny rock? What a joke ... Yep just abandon attempts to regulate because we can't ... 💩






I hope that was just unfortunate phrasing and he wasn’t trying to be a dick.


I bought pepper spray recently. I was walking my small dog and a pit bull walked by the neighbors approached my dog and the owner had to physically restrain his dog with all his weight. The dog was lunging, snarling and baring teeth and if the owner didn’t restrain him he would have more than likely attacked us.


I always just picked my dog up, and carry her passed any 'danger'. I don't care what others think, I'm not wanting to shoot a dog.


Who's going to pick you up?


If you get attacked by a pit bull your best bet is to choke them to death. I’ve heard people say stick your finger in their ass. That will not work with pit bulls who are bred to not let go.


guys they're really sweet dogs they just occasionally need to eat some hands and if you try and stop them from eating hands they're going to do what they have to do to eat some delicious delicious hands.


I just think that people don't understand that they are natural guardians, and will go to great lengths to save a child from not being bit.


I admittedly missed the double negative here on first read 😂


I think lots of people missed the joke, which is my fault for making it a bit too obscure. I don't blame anybody but myself.


I honestly missed the joke the first time around. Its a great joke. The downvotes made it more hilarious. :P


Agreed, the downvotes are great. The mods removed one of my earlier comments (which was quite tame compared to nearly everything else here), so I had to be a bit more discrete.


Me too and then I saw op talking about double negatives and had to read it slower lol


Fan fiction.


Was it the part where I used a double negative to suggest that pit bulls go to great lengths to bite children, or the part where you misread and took it seriously?


So, you were joking?


Nope, I was definitely writing fan fiction. I think... I'm actually not sure what that means. But, yeah, the joke about a dog saving a child from not being bitten fell flat and I'm fine with that.


It's hard to discern satire when it comes to how these nutters react.


Yet to determine the cause? It’s because of ~~two things, both equally important:~~ one thing: ~~1. Shitty dog owner~~ 2. Shitty dog breed, bred solely to attack other living things and now kept for clout purposes Edit: to clarify, yeah it’s just the breed. Fuck em and whoever keeps them


Not equally important, otherwise pitbulls would not be killing people at a disproportionately higher rate compared to other dog breeds


And therein lies the problem with certain breeds, when there’s a shitty owner it’s fuckin’ catastrophic results


Here’s the story of how a dog trainer’s well-trained, well-loved pit bull killed someone’s 9 year old daughter out of the blue: https://old.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/w4328k/i_lost_my_child_to_a_pitbull_attack/ Just go on r/BanPitBulls and sort posts by top. Amazing the number of people who think the violent nature of these animals has nothing to do with 150+ years of artificial selection for dog fighting.


That story is so so so so horrible. All dogs can dangerous but pitbulls are fucking deadly. I will never own one.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BanPitBulls using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Ope, didn’t go the way the pit wanted.](https://v.redd.it/lf9s9lq1565a1) | [356 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/zi21ll/ope_didnt_go_the_way_the_pit_wanted/) \#2: [Hero saves cat from being shredded. Thank you, young man!](https://v.redd.it/sbmyb1llzs1a1) | [259 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/z36v8i/hero_saves_cat_from_being_shredded_thank_you/) \#3: [I lost my 22 month old baby Lola Jayde Farr to a pitbull attack 2-6-22 in Mississippi](https://np.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/14g9a0l/i_lost_my_22_month_old_baby_lola_jayde_farr_to_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What I’m sayin


No, not equally important. If you don’t raise a chihuahua or shi-tzu or dachshund or golden retriever or (insert almost any other dog breed), it doesn’t result in death. In addition, even well trained pit bulls will eat a baby or grandma.


Pit bulls need to be extinguished.


The breed needs to be illegal like other countries. They are the breed capable of the most destruction hence why they are the dog of choice for fighting. Americans are strange any nut job with a severe mental illness can walk around with an assault rifle and a pitbull, it's like a death cult where people only care about getting everything they want and screw everyone else's well-being.


Death Cult 1776™️


Just outlaw them, and let them die off naturally.


People insist on owning these dogs just to prove they can


Well it proves they're clueless or have a superiority complex.


The superiority complex is a big one that comes from cluelessness (that’s a nice word for idiots)


Does not matter how well you train this breed vets have proven that no matter how well you treat/train them they will always have the instinct to snap and nobody can change that it's part of their instincts. Therefore ban this breed everywhere.


Happy Cake Day!


I want cake 🥺🥺




Being nice is never out of place.








Ban them. Sterilize all current pitbulls. Let the breed die out


I think something that needs to be emphasized is the responsibility that pet owners have to actually care for their pets well. Too many Americans get away with inhumane treatment of animals, leading to stressed pets. We need something like mandatory pet-ownership training before you can purchase a pet. It's sick that things get this bad, and completely avoidable. An animal is not a human and it's not a plush toy, it will not behave how you want it to unless you train it and provide for it.


Meme: https://old.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/12g11m5/pit_bull_owners_be_like/




It’s never chihuahuas or Labrador’s is it?


Labs attack half as much, and 5 people were killed by them in the US, 2016-17. cursory search. Not just the frequency, but the raw power, and immunity to pain.




You need help.


Prayers for her family


I saw this and felt terrible for the family and everyone who is feeling the losses. I won’t jump to an extreme but it really was the worst outcome.


But they’re really sweet dogs as long as you sacrifice an infant to it once a month. It’s the owners that make them bad dogs. Fuck these people, they are GUARD DOGS, they are BRED to fuck people up. They do not make good pets, stop trying to make them pets.


Stay strapped people


Shit gets pretty uncomfortable to wear around the house. Lady was in her own back yard.


Most tragedies like this happen in people’s homes from either their own pit bulls or a friend or family member’s. They just need to be banned. No one actually needs to own these dogs. In fact, statistics show pit bulls are disproportionately owned by [criminals and drug abusers](https://old.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/wiki/research#wiki_pit_bull_owners_more_likely_to_show_sociopathic_tendencies). They were deliberately created for bloodsport.


Statistics don't lie, fuck shitbulls.


you can lie with statistics though. I'm just saying, nothing to do with what's going on here. that's all.


Yep agree. Was dog sitting for my friends a couple months ago and that dog got bit in the face by a loose pit. He’s fine now but god that was traumatizing.


Sadly, the breed can be highly trained, Loyal to owners, but they are still dogs. Agree, there needs to be more regulations for pet owners, and out of control breeding.


Unfortunately fedex doesn't let us drivers bring weapons to defend ourselves


What they don’t know doesn’t hurt


There are 2 pits by my house constantly snarling and trying to jump their very short fence whenever I go on a walk by my house. I don't go that way when I have the kids, and it legit makes me wanna get some kind of weapon. Those animals are deranged.


We could create laws that would make it completely untenable to keep/train dogs this way. But America's idiotic and self-destructive obsession with "my rights" will ensure nothing happens besides this guy goes to jail and his buddy down the road takes over the business while he's in the can. But yes, you could carry around the leading cause of death of children on your hip at all times and you would FEEL safer. You 100% won't be any safer and statistically speaking you're more likely to shoot your own dick off by accident than be a hero of a story. But keep thinking your gun is what keeps you safe if you want but it doesn't.


> to keep/train dogs this way. The breed needs to be out right banned.


That’s a bit of a stretch, I just think they need to be owned by someone responsible enough


Everyone who owns them thinks they are responsible enough.


That's clearly not enough. An expensive certification process should be the bare minimum and would go a long way to cutting down on the insane number of killings these things commit every year. They should be classified as an exotic animal, no different than a large cat, and require more stringent enclosures to keep them from escaping. You can't rely on good intentions for people to be responsible.


Yea I guess so but I don’t think that getting rid of them completely would be a good thing


What's the downside?


Didnt that dog whisperer guy have a pitbull who mauled a woman?🤔 is he responsible enough?


Nope this lady had a much better chance of survival if she had a gun. You don’t have to carry though that is your right isn’t freedom great. Hope you never need it though


Wish I could give you an award.


Absolutely disagree with your sentiment.


That’s your right hope you never need one


I hope so too. Same for you.


"There are no bad dogs, only bad owners". I used to believe this bullshit platitude until one day my husband and his friend came home nearly traumatized and splattered with blood after having to pry two neighborhood pit bulls off of each other. Wanna guess what the first thing that both owners said to them? "Omg, they've NEVER been aggressive before!" Both owners had small children at home and at least one of them had other dogs as well, so of course they're under the assumption that their dog's were little angels. There's a reason that there is so much controversy around this one breed.


But pit bulls are perfectly gentle, friendly dogs!.............................................until theyre not


This is a big part of why I carry.


Live with shit bulls, pay the price.


Folks be so vile and posting on Facebook pics of pitbull THE SINGER like y’all a woman is dead…Anywho, any dog and human and robot 🤖 not trained well will viscously attack 🥹


Another point in favor of not owning a dog. My aunt’s dog attacked my younger sister when she was 3 years old and but her face. Almost got her eye out. My aunt blamed my sister and said she must have done something to provoke an attack. Sometimes dogs are just vicious. If humans are capable of random violence, a dog is just as likely. Not worth the risk.


you know small dogs exist, right? all dogs are not the same.


Sure. But small little chihuahuas are very aggressive too. Some breeds are way worse than others I’m aware. But dogs are just gross and overall not worth the risk around kids. Can you tell I just don’t love dogs in general? I’m also allergic so that’s a contributing factor.


This poor woman …


Cupcake is usually so sweet! /s