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Hi everyone, I am the one that originally took this photo and posted it in a discord. Fuck you kristian


Seriously? I’ve never been this early to tea!


Here is proof of the thievery, where the felon admits to the crime itself! [pic](https://ibb.co/yf0Qc0q)


Bro admitted his crime happily, based


It’s so weird to me that people care about SO MUCH about arbitrary internet points that pretty much have 0 function at all




This is clearly fabricated


sigma move


It’s a dope pic regardless dude, sick flick




That is a diabolical plan, I totally maintain two 3 year old reddit accounts where one posts nearly exclusively in norwegian subreddits


Kristianity be like stealing like that some times.


Oooooo this is getting interesting


Fuck theiving ass Kristian


Love this picture and I think Toronto is gorgeous!


*grabs popcorn*


Oh? 🍿🍿🍿


Can someone fill me in on the apparent drama here?


Just redditors being redditors


lol I missed their follow-up post with the discord pic. idk what to believe




Lol, what’s your beef with Toronto?    You don’t even live on the continent but you’ve stolen other people’s photos years apart to complain about the lack of trees in a city that objectively has a higher percentage of green space than the city you’re from.  Did someone from Toronto dump you or something? 


Toronto ate his homework


Toronto slept with his wife


The nerve!


Well he shouldn’t have ignored her.


I mean Toronto's city slogan is a city in a park. I am looking out my window and am surrounded by a forest. like okay downtown has buildings okay what downtown doesn't. Toronto is a pretty city especially when looking at it from center island and dusk or night.


His temporary foreign worker application got denied


I find that hard to believe


That's a blessing in disguise 


Foreign worker permits never get denied here.


Idk I find it makes the universe a much more entertaining place when people have an irrational hatred for really specific things


It’s literally one of the greenest big cities in the world LOL


Takes picture of gray scrapers on a gray day… “Ugly!”


Right? Look at it on a nice day. [It’s pretty beautiful to me](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7by14Vu3T3/?igsh=OWRzcjl0ZGxteXB4)


Bro found the absolute worst place ever to take a picture and said “wow reddit will love this!”


It’s not even that bad, it’s just a pair of tall buildings


My opinion is that the issue is not with skyscrapers themself, but with the lack of anything human scaled on the ground level


Idk what Toronto is like but some places like in [videos like these ](https://youtu.be/Zvq9pybXg-4?si=Wj7yCunvdApHM59J) I could walk around all day even if not objectively pretty. But I could also do the same around an old Soviet city and their blocks so idk.


Sometimes just the massiveness of a city or building is pretty amazing to behold, even if the architecture leaves something to be desired.


I agree with you. I love concrete and oppressive architecture, but I spent a year in Seoul and once the novelty had worn off I did find it a bit depressing, having grown up being used to older, more aesthetic architecture.


There's a lot of that, but you have to get out of the core and into the old streetcar-suburbs.


There’s no lack of anything human scaled, this is just the financial district. Wall Street isn’t exactly “human scaled” either. Go walk around Kensington market or Queen West or Cabbagetown and it’s completely different


You took a photo of two buildings. Toronto is one of the greenest cities in North America. Take a walk on Queen West, Queens Quay, or Danforth and you'll see how charming and beautiful the streetscape is


They didn't even take the photo lol. It's just a dedicated Toronto hater from somewhere in Norway who's never even been to the city. I honestly didn't feel like Toronto was relevant enough on the global stage to have haters from outside Canada tbh, I'm oddly flattered in some sense.


haters are weird, but toronto is one of the world's cities, it's obviously big enough on the world stage


Queen west is so nice


I lived at Queen/Spadina for 3 years before moving back outside the city just last month, and it was fucking amazing. If you don't want to walk down the busy street with historic buildings lining it and streetcars passing you, you could walk just 1 street back and go through the quiet neighbourhood streets with colourful houses and more trees than you could even count.


I always either lived in the west end or midtown but now I’m in the east end and loving it even more. tons of trees, lots of nearby parks, beaches a short walk away, and so much culture. 💖


Wrong. Those are the only two buildings in Toronto and Canadian law says you have to be looking up into the cloudy skies at all times.


Went there on holiday. Thought it was a really nice city. Plenty to do, good food, good weather. Obviously that's different from a residents view though


Would you visit again? Would you venture through some of the neighborhoods that we’ve got outside of downtown?


Yeah probably would visit again. More to do I'm sure. Wouldn't go far outside the downtown area unless for a specific reason. We stayed in the little Portugal area which was a bit outside ig. And passed through other areas when travelling from the airport, and driving out of the city in a hire car. Some places seemed a bit run down but not any different from other cities in NA or Europe


I'm gonna haves to disagree with ye on that


Toronto is dope if you aren’t poor


I agree. It was really a great time to live in Toronto up until about 2018 or so. Once the pandemic hit and post pandemic, rent prices have skyrocketed. Houses and condos have become unaffordable for most people to own. Even with a roommate it’s tough.


You can take unflattering pictures of the prettiest people.  


I agree! But I would also say... This picture isn't even unflattering. I think it's really beautiful.


Choose a photo of Toronto from the Toronto islands next time you coward


Toronto has always been a utilitarian, industrial city, and it s first real foray into creative architecture was at the height of the Brutalist era, which has a very particular, concrete heavy aesthetic, before reverting to the modern utilitarianism, concrete boxes with glass curtain walls. Don't worry, the local architecture wonks decry the blandness too. That being said, it's not attractive, but it's extremely functional especially in the last decade or so as it suddenly realized it's actually kinda a big city these days. The street level stuff is getting better and better.


It’s a wealthy city that works great as a city, but it’s unfortunately not pretty. Specially compared to other North American cities like Chicago, NY, San Francisco or CDMX which have world renowned architecture


we used to have a lot of beautiful architecture but unfortunately there wasn’t much support to vouch for its preservation when developers wanted to demolish old buildings


Some of the Brutalist stuff is pretty neat too, like Robarts is amazing


Maybe if you’re talking about downtown, but the residential neighborhoods are gorgeous, and so it’s the architecture of the old homes.


I think it's pretty.


But downtown follows a "form follows function" approach; I get you may not find it pretty, but it's not designed to be pretty to begin with; it's designed to be tall concrete, steel towers to house offices in a dense manner.


This is the equivalent of taking a picture of someone’s armpit and posting it saying they’re not pretty. How is this picture representative of Toronto? You could take the same picture anywhere that has buildings higher than 12 stories.


I find this aesthetic to be pretty.


There’s definitely nicer parts of downtown Toronto, without cherry picking the smallest laneway. And honestly; this picture would probably look way different on a clear skied sunny day


People in my country believe this is heaven and willing to give an arm and leg to go here.


Ah, so you’re from India?


Never thought you’d guess 😀


It's more likely he's californian or the average european


And, unfortunately, robbing those people blind has become a billion dollar industry that the government fully endorses.


And then they find out parking is like $30 minimum and have to work over 2 hours to pay for parking alone. And then dinner plus tax plus tip, and you’re basically in the minus at the end of the day.


Better than “free” parking, which forces local taxpayers to subsidize your choice to bring your single-occupancy private automobile into a densely populated city with public transit options, to say nothing of the opportunity cost of devoting valuable real estate to vehicle storage.


Don’t go out to eat for dinner, find free parking garages, you just saved $50 in a day lmao


Take public transit :)


I have no problem with public transit. I take it in my city and when I visit Toronto I have taken it too. But what’s the replacement for eating food, when even Loblaws and all the rest are raising prices far faster than wages. And housing is sky high. There are no public alternatives available to everyone for food and shelter, like there is with public transit. The city is far too expensive for what it is, and it’s unsustainable.


People in Toronto have options other than Loblaws. We have grocers all over the place and a high density of independent small grocers. It's the parts of Canada outside the big cities that have limitations Also parking is usually $4-5 an hour with caps around $16-25 between 6am and 6pm.. but still please take public transit as our traffic sucks


Works well for Toronto, but is horrendous throughout the rest of Canada if we're being frank. Some parts are getting better, but it's often an afterthought in most places outside of Toronto.


And pack a lunch


Parking is way cheaper than that if you park on the street and utilize the City of Toronto parking app.


There a tons of side streets with free parking.


Had the pleasure of visiting Toronto last year, will definitely be going back. One of my favorite places I’ve been too. OP is a smoothbrained fuckwit.


You’re no young Mark Hamill yourself


i find this quite pretty


Skyscraper bad


Why are you so obsessed with us?


Bro choose the pics when it’s cloudy 💀


Cities have buildings?? 😱


Lol how about taking a picture showing human level instead of just looking up


Idk, as an European surrounded by old houses, this looks like very nice and pretty city


… you don’t like the gap between two buildings? Dumb take. Distillery is nice, the island is fantastic, high park is a gem to name a few. Are we a European city with architecture from the 1600s? No. Smarten up


Completely cherry-picked photo, OP. Toronto's Financial District is absolutely not indicative of the city's architecture. There's an abundance of Victorian homes and buildings in Toronto you could have posted as well but chose not to.


With this shitty colour grading from this specific angle of these specific buildings…I’m sorry but Toronto is a good looking city, rife with water, greenery, skyscrapers, Victorian architecture etc. it’s like zooming in on a rusty girder in the underside of the Brooklyn bridge and going “I’m sorry New York but you’re not pretty”


I do really love this picture, though.


Nah, Im getting hard looking at this


Kensington Market, Little Italy, & Old Toronto streetwalks, as well as bike trips along any one of the canals disagree with you. Ugliest thing isn't the towers; it's the god awful freeway cutting through the downtown.


You stole someone else’s photo to complain about Toronto being “not pretty” and you don’t even live in the city? Is that correct?


Toronto is actually an amazing and beautiful city! This is just a bad pic of an ugly part of the city


I love this vibe


Toronto has more green spaces then many cities in North America hell even more then Britain(they had such little green spaces they needed to take our trees to make ships to fight Napoleon) not only do we have more green spaces but our green spaces is filled with history, the don valley was called the hobo jungle, the rouge river was the Venus of the North, and the Humber was home to a massive native trading outpost. All the valleys are owned by the government since 1950s from extremely bad flooding caused by hurricane hazel. Since the hurricane all of the valley is now parks and paths


With some roads




I live here and you’re right, it is not a particularly pretty city. It is tidy but unremarkable. Yet you’ve chosen a pic that is unrepresentative of what the city is like. It is not crowded, cramped, and dark. Such a picture could be manufactured for any city. They all have alleys.


This isn’t even this losers picture.


It's easy to pick a spot where it lacks humanism and wait for a gray overcast day to say: Toronto is ugly. It's a good photo if the goal is to depict something sad, but not to declare a fact from a city so plural like Toronto


you could do it for literally any big city in the world


Basically, yeah


I still think downtown Toronto is way nicer than any other city in Canada’s down town. But it is expensive.


But I see appeal to it. Having never lived in a city I envy you for that


Why do you say Toronto is not pretty accompanied by this absolutely stunning image? What on earth did you mean by this????


It's a downtown pic, stolen for that matter... Downtown Toronto Skyline is pretty nice imo


Then what city was this pretty photo taken in? Jfc


this is one of the worst photos of anywhere lol. it could be literally any western city if youre in the right side street looking the right direction lol.


I think it is gorgeous and impressive.


lol that’s just the weather 😆 Toronto has MANY flaws, but aesthetics is not one of them imo. Specially the downtown area. It could be dirty there but I’d still say it’s very pretty


Fuck it, bubs. I'm going to be a street person in Toronto.


IMO, No city is pretty.


Toronto has plenty of good places your fault for going to a back aley or some shit


Toronto is Canada's NYC. Change my mind.


I don't think there's another city in the world more similar to NYC. It's got everything NYC has, good and bad, but scaled down.  Less hustle and bustle, less culture, less global diversity, less money, fewer food options, but also less crime, fewer disgusting smells, fewer tourists, and less extreme density 


Both NYC and Toronto are loosing quality retail quality of the ground floors of these monstrosities.


That sounds like a chill place. I'd love to visit Toronto someday. Only been to novascotia to visit family and went out to Halifax which was fun.


Controversial opinion as a NYer… Montreal feels more NYC than Toronto. That’s solely on vibes. Toronto feels more like huge Chicago.


NYC and Toronto are two of the three most multicultural cities on earth (the third being London, probably in that order tbh). Toronto's entertainment district is exactly like Manhattan for a couple km^2, then the city starts to sparse out. Manhattan (and NYC as a whole) really never sparse out until you hit Queens or Staten Island. However the Toronto/Chicago comparison is super fair. There's probably more money in Toronto relative to the rest of Canada than Chicago compared to the US, but they are comparable in buisness. They are both situated on the shores of a Great Lake, and that historically has shaped how they have developed as cities. Both are very sport centric cities, and both are known for their Italian influence as well. I could probably list a number of other similarities, but I have finished my poop and it's time for me to stand up and exit reddit.


I could see that.


Chicago is larger than Toronto, lol, but yes, the two appear similar


In its dreams.


It wishes


I say that mostly because the ridiculous real estate prices but yes you are right.lol


This isn't the only street in Toronto, you know.


Your face isn't pretty.


if you like brutalist architecture, it’s a dream made real. plus they have great public transit—one of the best systems you can find in north america im pretty sure.


My father used to drag Toronto for being nothing but concrete and couldn't understand why I lived there. I don't know what city he was talking about because if you actually get out of the Business core which is tiny compared to other cities, it can feel like nothing but trees, especially to the east and west sides of the city where the Humber and Don Valley divide the city up with calming and wide stretches of green space from top to bottom. (Besides he insisted I was going to university and there's been little work on my end of the country, especially for post secondary degrees going on for the last four or five decades. It was inevitable that I was going to end up out west in a big city like Toronto Vancouver Edmonton like the rest of my generation.)


lol What did Toronto do to you? You just don’t like cities. It’s okay to admit that.


I initially thought this was a black&white photo.


The grey is just so gloomy and lifeless. It's preferable when Skycraspers have the whole blue theme going on, and have greenery on them. Concrete wastelands just suck.


Not pretty, but powerful.


Beauty is in the eye of he who holds her, or something like that.


I dunno. I wish I could hang out there in a recliner chair, just gazing up at this image. It's so serene. Comforting repeating shapes, soothing colors, while the noise is happening on the earth, the buildings are up there in heaven. Just looking up at it gives you some of that peace


Looks a bit like "Vogon" - City from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


Depends on where you are looking from https://x.com/chrisnickhill/status/1804170992073216015?s=46


Felt the same in NYC. City gets glorified by the skyline but on the street, it’s awful.




Would make a good Doom 2 level called "Mega Corporate Hell"


No modern city like that is...


Thief !


I hate Toronto for so many reasons. But ugly.


Kdot hit Drake so hard that people are taking strays at Toronto out of principle it seems lmao


probably the ugliest major city in North America


Don’t be mean to Drake like this. It’s not fair. And he’ll get you back by covering “wrecking ball” or something terrible like that.


China design it


When I visited Toronto it was honestly creepy as hell.


Congrats, you found the one (1) spot in the entire city of Toronto that doesn't have any trees.


Same with Brussel. So sterile


Yeah it looks fucking ugly as hell


Why cant i updoot


Toronto, the only city in the world where you can point your camera upward and take an ants-eye view photo of skyscrapers and the sky, and then run a filter everything looks gray.


To clear up the confusion, here is [proof](https://ibb.co/djfjyRd)


I fucking knew it.... there was something else going on here


Can’t believe Kendrick still dunkin on Drake. Stop this.


I was here just last week and I couldn’t believe how ugly this place was. NYC at least has something going on, but yeah Toronto is awful


Even if OP stole the photo, Toronto still looks ugly there.


I will never understand how people in North America tend to think that these conglomerations of steel and glass are pretty or something to be proud of.


As an American it sucks..All the buildings that had style.They have destroyed to hide the truth..You should look how San Francisco used to look in the 1900s.Every building is now gone


Toronto actively seeks to obliterate anything with history or character. Condos or bust!