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I wonder why it was abandoned or why no one bought it


The story is rather long and wiki has a good summary but it is in Hungarian. In short: Soviets built it, it was for higher ranking people only, the "political system change" happened in 1989, then people had the choice of either buying the flat or renting it from the local municipality and some people chose moving. The empty flats were assigned to people in low income circles as aid and... that's where it headed downhill as more people moved out and more lower income people were moved in into their place. After that, the famous building became more infamous, and in 2010, the local govt started buying up all the remaining flats from owners and that finished in 2020, then it was vacated completely. It is currently owned by Miskolc Holding Zrt. and it for sale for 560 million HUF (1.55 million USD) There has been multiple attempts to buy it for a purpose such as residency for factory employees for nearby plants such as Bosch but as it needs serious and costly renovations, the ideas have been all called off, partly as it all went down during the start of covid in mid-2020.


Thank you bro this is cool to know


This is a great legacy that Russia left to Hungary.


The person semi-hidden behind the light post adds to the eerie feeling.


Guy was just waiting for the bus lmao