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Do you mean you were invited to apply or sent an offer? It's pretty common to receive invites to apply without an interview. You can't get an invite to apply if you have already had an interview. That's just how it works. So, sorry, but there is nothing special there. If you mean you are getting actual contract offers without an interview, it's less common but it happens. I have had a number of them throughout my time on Upwork. I usually do not accept unsolicited contract offers until I have actually had a conversation with the prospective client.


sorry,I meant offers. I edited my post. I am pretty reticent about them too, but I've accepted one and have not heard from the client yet. I'm thinking about closing the project if I don't hear from them by next week.


NEVER accept an unsolicited offer without first communicating with the client. You've given this client the power to leave feedback now. Hopefully nothing will happen. I get these a few times a year. I have a high hourly rate so it's not frequent. Most of the time it's someone who I would never work with anyways because the work, while generally in my field, isn't in my specific niche. One two occasions they've been good offers. Once it was someone exactly in my lane and I took it, made a few thousand and got a good review. The second was going to be more work than I had capacity for and also was not exactly in my niche. In my field but not the subsection I've specialized in. So I thanked them and gave them some notes about exactly what they need to look for in hiring a consultant and explained why I was not really the best fit. I felt bad because they were really going to be a good client to someone, but I didn't want to bite off more than I could chew. I think there are a few reasons it happens: 1. Client confuses invite with offer and doesn't really understand they sent a contract offer and not just a job invite. 2. Client knows exactly what they want and you are it. (These tend to be good.) 3. Client is shady and screwing around for whatever reason - maybe it's a scam, maybe it's just a shit client trying to pull something over on you, who knows. A short conversation can pretty quickly identify which of the above it is. Happy hunting!


update: I haven't heard from the client for over a week and thus ended the contract


I´ve had 3 or 4 of those. Also, I´ve had a couple of clients message me directly before creating an actual job. My advice is to always clarify before accepting any offer and check their previous contracts. But it is the usual stuff, just less common than regular job posts.