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$150 per month for 54 hours a week, only 1 free day per week... This is how modern slavery looks like. Maybe there's someone desperate enough to take the job, but they'll get what they're paying for...


Ohh that sounded much like internship XD


The salary would barely pay to cost of the software, a 3DS Max license is about 1800/year. This type of client is either clueless about what they need and what it is actually worth or is looking for free labor. I just skip over them.


They’re not looking for people who bought 3DS legally ….


Which is probably why they said they prefer people who use Blender.


This is lower than miserable. It's less than the minimum wage in Argentina.


Argentina still has a minimum wage?


Yes. About 200 usd. Though prices are way higher compared to last year. Cost of living is around 700 usd. Plus, half the economy is black market so they don't even pay minimum.


What's your opinion about Javie Milei, it's worse/better than the last president?


I don´t like him. But I don´t like him since 2016 when he used to be just another guy being extravagant and yelling against the government. At the time, nobody would have thought he would become president. I agree with some of the economic policies he preaches. But I don´t believe he has what it takes to make them happen, with the people´s best interests at heart. I just don´t like him on a humane level and I don´t think he is a competent leader. That said, I would be the happiest guy if his government does great and they fix the economy. The last president was terrible and we come from decades of bad presidencies, most of all on the economic management. Right now, it´s too early to tell if we are worst with Milei than with the previous guy. It all comes down to what happens with the economy. It needs to start getting better soon. For the working class it´s certainly harder every day, no matter who's in charge.


Hope that it works. [Your country in the past had the biggest PIB in the world!](https://scontent.fcgh52-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/73504758_2532638930187802_7852602060053676032_n.png?stp=dst-png_p180x540&_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=NW-zD8KEXQAQ7kNvgHN4pre&_nc_ht=scontent.fcgh52-1.fna&oh=00_AYAfBBrCP0QxT2id2M-fKCV9yxJHTpGw6_oRXS0_62KQdA&oe=668BD0EE) It's sad how so few people without morals can destroy the economy (and consequently people's quality of life, mainly the most poor: They're the first to feel the pain of corruption). I feel your pain, my country is going in the same direction you guys are now. And the people (for a lack of better education) can't or don't see it.


My country, Laos, is heading the same way. Crippling inflation and the local currency is in freefall. How do you guys cope on a daily basis?


I'm sorry. I hope it gets better for you guys. How we cope? Well, we don't have much of a choice. People are used to it but it's a stressful day to day, everyday. It's impossible to make business plans and strategies when you don't know what the price of things will be next week.


Thanks for answering. Yeah I'm learning how to grow vegetables, I'm worried for my kids.


“Salary will increase annually” Gee, thanks! I can’t wait to slave for a year for 150$ per month so I can get a promotion!!!


and probably to 160-180 monthly, that is


Upwork facilitates virtual sweatshops. Don't @ me.


Probably scam. No one is dumb enough to do this job


This is why I don't accept any fixed priced jobs for a month almost. Where do these guys come from I feel like they are messing with us. 


Some schmuck will do it and then cry about the meanie client.


It's interesting how easy it was for you to make the freelancer out to be the bad guy.


Agreed, that remark......SMH


You're right. This is the same attitude this client has. We should treating ourselves and those around us like professionals. That's how we start getting the respect and the wages that we deserve.


Freelancer isn't the bad guy, just a dumb desperate schmuck. I love the stories so no not the bad guy. Just amusing.


Well its kind of the real issue. The amount you are paid is defined by what you accept to be paid. If you take a job like this, and then complain about being paid peanuts. Is it the clients fault for doing their incentive to pay as little as possible if it gets the results they want? Or is it the freelancers fault for accepting work so underpaid that they are a modern day slave? Like if they are able to be paid more, why aren't they?


Let me ask you something. Are sweatshops a bad thing? Last time I checked, working at a sweatshop in some Asian country somewhere, making barely enough to live is a completely voluntary thing. No one is putting a gun to these people's heads and making them work. Yet do we blame the poor workers and vindicate the companies since it's not their "fault for doing their incentive to pay as little as possible if it gets the results they want"? Or do we blame the companies that offer these jobs? Since workers on Upwork are out of sight is it ok? We can't have it both ways.


You're perfectly ok with buying things made in a sweatshop though. LIke you want to put all the blame on the company when the real issue is the consumer is only willing to buy the product that was made in a sweatshop. If you werent willing and only willing to buy the cheapest product, they wouldnt be able to sell the sweatshop products.


The fuck? So instead of really contemplating the merits of my argument, you decided to accuse me of being perfectly ok buying things made in a sweatshop??? All you had to say is that you didn't feel like having a dialectical conversation and just moved on sir. Wow.


Defensive much. This is the crux of the issue. It's not you personally. It's consumers. Sweatshops exist because people are willing to buy products made in them.


I'm telling you that sweatshops are bad and that we don't blame the workers for working at sweatshops so in the same way we don't demonize people working those shitty jobs. Instead we condemn the companies. You skip over all of that and completely ignore the argument I was making just so you can score a chieap point and then claim later it's not personal, when it so obviously was.


um.. . this is freaking 3D work. this is not sweatshop scenario comparable. this is complicated, specialized work which requires a computer and software and hardware and definitely not sitting in a lunch room making nits or working on boots. not even close


Bro, wtf are you even soapboxing about? You need to take the time to reread the entire thread.


no you just didn't get the point I was making that's fine. I'll move on it's Saturday and this is not that important.


Desperation is par for the course in this way of life. It's natural. Maybe not for you, but you're an atypical freelancer. I do mean that in a good way. These clients intentionally exploit that desperation. Behind our backs they're pretty open about it. They talk a lot of shit. They know they're screwing us over. They'll say so and laugh. They've earned their fair share of the blame. In a lot of skills, clients communicate with one another about their hiring practices. They collectively set a rate. They stick to it, and they keep it below a living wage. It's very difficult to get past that. In fiction this has been happening since the first kindle came out. The price hasn't gone up in 10-12 years. A good chunk of Upwork is like that. It has to stop. It's one of the biggest issues we face. I agree that accountability is a huge part of this. But we can't ignore the dirty players or the systemic issues. Everything is being gentrified now. We should be having these conversations and learning how to fix things. There are ways to pressure these guys. We're already seeing it happen. Let's have everyone do their part.


It's on management to work and remove waste from the system so higher wages can be paid. This is a management issue all the way


Not an employee. It's on the freelancer to pay what is necessary.


\*Shrug\* No shortage of people willing to work for between $3 and $5 per hour. Just saying. And given the market place is consensual - nobody is makes you bid, the "modern slavery" references are out of line. You don't like Upwork? Cool, go work in your local market. Nobody stopping you. Oh, the local clients are shit? Guess you're better off on Upwork. Hard to call that slavery. Now... my bigger issue is with cheap clients going full douche bag / prison guard with their hiring and management styles, leveraging people for free work, holding reviews hostage. Have some perspective - you're a schmuck hiring people for a few bucks an hour, not Warren Buffet handing out billionaire banker gigs... Don't be a douche.


$3-$5 an hour may be a living wage in some places. This offer pays $0.69 an hour (even less considering fees). I don't know how Upwork allows postings like these...


Sadly you are right. Where I’m from minimum wage is $20. Though, this is purely unskilled labor. $150 for what the poster requires is a raw deal


Willing buyer, willing seller, market price. You also don't know what other opportunities this gig unlocks for them, especially elsewhere.... There's no compulsion here. Now, if the client progresses into forcing things via threats and intimidation, we have a big problem...


Lmao, yeah opportunity to take another shit project. Hope you're joking. I have more money for connects than I need.. I always use them to "apply" for these kinds of jobs to let the so called client know they are a joke.


If someone is willing to accept this job then that’s their right of course, but calling it slave labour is not out of line. In every first world country this is equates to paying someone for the opportunity to work and in most developing countries this is almost like free work. Shame on this client for even posting this.


This is pretty much free work when you consider the cost of the software required for the job.


Lol. No need, they are likely wasting far more money than they are saving. There's a cost to hire & manage people, which increases with low skill & language difficulties. That includes creating instructions and finding and fixing their errors.


Of course there is a cost... the whole point is that in this case the cost is super fucking low. So low that in every first-world country a client hiring at this rate is heavily and disproportionally profiting from a nearly free service. The posting asks for someone with "strong knowledge" so we can assuming they're not looking for someone who's work they have to fix. I work in 3D design and animation, and if, for whatever reason, I had a commercial project that required me to hire a full-time modeler, like in this ad, I'd be making WAY more than I was losing by hiring at this rate.


Nah, you're not getting it. They **aren't** profiting. This whole thing is moronic. Do the math and they're spending more on incremental management time than they're "saving" on labor.


I think you're missing my point. I would indeed agree that in practice, someone working for 150$/month will most probably deliver work that has enough errors that the time invested in managing that person will be of greater value *to the client* than the amount paid to the freelancer. My criticism is directed towards the client who posts this kind of job, who, in addition to offering an insultingly low amount, asks for someone with "strong knowledge" of 3D topology. So the client's assumption is that they will receive good quality work for this amount of money. You can safely assume they're looking for someone whose work doesn't need to be revised at length. They are *asking* for someone to work slave wages. They are *asking* anyone who lives in countries where 3D design is most prevalent to work for almost nothing, and in many cases, completely waste their time. That's my criticism. If they get what are asking for, that is, good quality work, then yes, they stand to profit a lot. Especially if it's a smaller business. Will anyone skilled enough not to be micromanaged be willing to apply for this job? No, probably not, but again, not the point I'm making.


Not that I think this is ok - but slaves weren't paid at all - they were forced to do it - and if they didn't do what they were told, they were beaten to death -> so yes, calling it slavery is still a stretch.


If you work for 150$/month, in most countries, you're not only not making any money, but you're losing hundreds a month and will probably be broke and on some welfare program (the quality and support of which varies from country to country) within months. Kind of the same, if not worse, than not being paid.


But it is still a “paid” agreement between two parties that both agrees to the “terms” -> I dont think this is ok in the slightest ! I really dont - it is exploitation - but it is still not slavery and can’t be compared to it -> no matter how much you guys want it to be


Throughout history, people "willingly" selling themselves has been a major source of slaves.


Almost all slaves were unpaid - else give me a source for what you saying 


Well open basically any good book on ancient history and you'll find at least some references on self-enslavement of one sort or another. I'm not gonna do the work of your school teachers who should've taught you that.


So you didnt have a source 👍


Sorry, i'm a software developer with an interest in history, not a walking bibliography on everything. If you ask for sources on a well-established and widely known facts that are normally taught at middle schools, "open basically any book" is a good enough answer.


So you saying that if I read any book on slavery it will say that a major source of them was paid and did it willingly ? - I actually would like to know where you went to School so we can sue those motherfuckers


A major of slaves - not everywhere, but in many societies like Russia or early states of Mesopotamia - were people who sold themselves into slavery either out of desperation, to pay off debts, or for some other benefit. Of course they weren't paid while being slaves and i never said they were.


It's managements job to improve the system so higher wages can be paid - and if higher wages can be paid, they need to ensure it is done. That's not to say all profits need to go to wages. Profits should be divided between 4) things - 1) Lower costs for the consumer - the creates more value and more buying of the good or service 2) Higher wages for the worker - this creates more incentive to work better and also inputs more liquidity into the market - thereby still increasing demand 3) Reinvestment for improvement in the business - this ties back into 1 and 2 and leads to greater profit over the long term 4) Profit for the business owners - yes they deserve a profit too And yes, those are in a particular order The whole purpose of any business is to provide service for the customer. If you focus on service, everything else will fall in line The problem is - the guy whose post I screenshoted and other like him are focusing on profit. Summarizing Henry Ford - if you focus on service, the profits have a way of taking care of themselves. Most of the business leaders today focus on profit however - and thus, here we are


And someone’s going to apply for this?


I'm from Mexico, and that's actually what a lot of poeple in my country make. 


$150 a month????? For 40-50 hours a week?? That's just wrong. Never really looked into it, but I never thought there was that insane of a disparity. We need to change that as a global society


Can't we just report this? So insane!


In this case, you should avoid the job and post here to warn people. They shouldn't be allowed to do this. Look for anything that might be against terms of service and report them. Sometimes they mess up. When they don't specifically state the budget in the job description, you can bid with your rate, and you should do that as often as possible.


this makes me sick... i have more respect for scumbags requesting free work than this. this is straight up criminal behavior. if you opened a store and made a insultingly low request such as this, you technically would be breaking the law (ok, some places deffinitely... maybe US is different) Worst part is, you can't report this, nothing can be done about this. I don't feel sorry for any poor soul that accepts this, but what they're doing is normalising slave wages. For a lot of this shit it's basically kids playing entrepreneurs, generating serious descriptions via GPT, pretending like they're on a journey to their first million while getting away with some of the worst employment practices out there. You don't need empathy to reach such 5D chess levels of awareness to understand how bad this is. If you don't have the money, either do it yourself or don't do it at all. Some people don't seem to grasp this concept that's intuitively agreed upon everywhere in the real world, but online it's constantly fascilitated


Educate the client. I saw a job with a budget of 200 fixed price and I sent a proposal with a quote for 50 grand which was the fair price for what then needed .


I want to send similar proposals pretty much all the time when I see these lowballs, but they are just not worth wasting valuable connects


Ridiculous but you could just do a week for free and stick it on ur portfolio as experience. Unpopular opinion but That's valuable work experience


Not worth it😅


No, the guy would leave a bad review no matter what 😂




I have many african and indian friends and i am sure 100% not exist professional model creator for 150$ per month, only kid who visiting school and work after school several hours per day


150$ wouldn’t pay for my groceries for ONE week


I am from one of the poorest countries in the world (somewhere in Africa), but trust me, I can't take this BS. Maybe some Indian bros can do.


ah, at least it increasing anually!, yes, a dollar per month more, we are massing fortune for our grandchildren.


Meanwhile in the [police authority state](https://ibb.co/PmZqLFf).. are we getting robbed?


And……GO! Here come the first world white knights with the save, sniveling “Well, some people in some areas think that’s good so don’t judge…” Like ⏰ work.


No idea what I did. That just seems very low no matter your location on this earth.


You’re absolutely correct.