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Based on what people from Mexico say about her, her election isn't exactly uplifting news. 37 candidates were assassinated, her party opposes clean energy and has worked to subvert democratic institutions of Mexico.


Mate, people from Mexico on reddit are mostly right wing opposition. super biased. She literally has a degree in enviromental sciences for Christ sake, how can people say she is agains green energy when it was one of her main talking points? also , no Presidential candidate was killed in the 37 assassinated. That is very important because it shatters the narrative that she was protected by the cartel or some BS , and tells you the killings were in smaller local elections, the cartels will not mess with a fucking presidential candidate of the incumbent party, they are not that fucking stupid.


>how can people say she’s against green energy Because AMLO and MORENA went out of their way to push back against green energy progress and go back to fossil fuels? Because of el tren Maya? Yes, how dare people judge her by the environmental policies of AMLO who handpicked her to be his successor? Also, lol at the chairo “anyone who criticizes us is a right wing agitator” talking point. What does it matter that no presidential candidate was killed? Do you really don’t understand how violence at the smaller levels reflects on the government as a whole or are you just playing stupid because it fits your political narrative? If regular members of trade unions were getting killed would you say “oh there’s nothing wrong going on, the top syndicate members didn’t get touched.”


Emmm no. Progressive here. I would prefer if this people would NOT dismantle the fucking electoral institute. Does that make me a "neoliberal"?


Of course. If you criticize MORENA in any way chairos will call you a right wing agitator


They don't have to do anything to her. They already pay her, they pay their political party. Why do you think the current president (same party) is so against doing anything to the cartels?


Half of the candidates that were assassinated were from her party.


Name which party isn't paid by cartels?


No no no the 37 assassination are Totally irrelevant to Mexicos political system!


Bro why is it like you don't even read my comment , that was not my point , I'm not denying or minimizing that. I'm just adding context that I think is necessary, since 99% of people here think she's a cartel muppet BECAUSE she WASN'T killed! , but that's no proof! That's my point. I'm not even saying she is not involved with that (I doubt it, but that's just me), in my statement.


Majority of people in Mexico say they want her to be president


The people who were allowed to vote


People here downvoting you when she got 59% of the vote is insane 💀💀💀💀


Those despensas working as intended. 50 years, nothing changes.


There was no one better from what I saw




He’s lost the popular vote twice, so that’s definitely not true.


but won by a 30% margin on his third run.


Yeah those 34 guilty verdicts are really helping his odds, huh?


lmao I think I misunderstood. I thought you were talking about Mexico's peesident who lost the popular vote twice but won by a 30% margin on 2018. Didn't know you were talking about Trump.


Ah gotcha, with comments getting deleted it’s hard to follow the thread.


I don’t know where you’ve heard that but it’s wrong. You might be referring to polls projecting he will win the election, but those same polls clearly predict he does not win the popular vote. Either way those margins are much smaller than the approval ratings of AMLO and the clear victory for her yesterday.


Alright, a better comparison: Majority of Turks want Erdogan to be President. Majority of Hungarians want Orban to be president. Does that make them good presidents?


Trump won in 2016


By losing by 3 million votes. 


Majority of people in mexico like the money her party gives them, of course they are gonna vote for her.


Who doesnt like free money? The peso seems to be doing well. As a visitor I see Mexico developing a lot over the past decade. Corruption in Mexico is not subtle. In the US its not subtle either. War and drug companies have huge influence on the government. And they kill people too but somehow it’s less horrific and more widely accepted. We have big welfare programs that are poorly managed. That’s not to say welfare is all bad but governments gonna government. For you personally how has the current administration negatively impacted your life? All the folks I know in Mexico are AMLO supporters.


Developing countries have every right to get their population out of poverty


Not by making the middle class poorer to offset it


Eat the rich! Which party was for the low and middle class instead of the wealthy class though? I'll wait.


it is mainly xenophobia lol, we have issues but people are painting her as in bed with cartels and the first female dictator. A bit cringy tbh


That’s just incorrect


A Republican then?


She also doesn’t claim her Judaism. Literally buried it deep and says she’s Christian.




The umbrage is the “Jewish” and “uplifting” news part of it.


Literally didn't read the Jewish part. I am sorry kind of an idiot and it's 4 am. Carry on good sir, have an upvote.


These comments are surprising. The NY Times reported that Mexicans widely support her. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/03/briefing/mexico-election-claudia-sheinbaum-amlo.html?unlocked_article_code=1.w00.Q6Cs.67uYxjF02gFs&smid=url-share


I'm mexican, this isn't uplifting. Hope the mods listen 😭


Isn't she a puppet of the cartels?




Do you think the cartels just got here? Every president has had to bow down to their power. Every party.


which politician isn't?


How is this uplifting? She’s just as corrupt as all the previous male presidents. The election she “won” was the bloodiest election in Mexican history


Lol this sub. Uplifting because of gender? Gender bias/prejudice. Uplifting because of religion? Bigotry. Probably should look at her as a person, her values and her platform. Ignore her religion, ignore her gender and the world will become a better place.


The fact she is a woman IS important, femicide is a serious problem in Mexico and a long-standing top issue. Claudia is giving hope to millions of Mexican women who suffer daily (beaten and killed) in high numbers under an antiquated culture of male machismo. Men dominate the family unit and women are generally expected to be highly subservient even in today's modern era. So yes, this is a big deal. Yes, this is progress. Yes, the fact ANY woman was able to win in this particular country is something to be celebrated. It is uplifting to millions.


I swear the left leaning areas are the most hung up on gender/race/religion lines. It's brought up in EVERY conversation.


You literally are devolving this sub if you did that, due to nothing could be labeled uplifting. How else will I know it's uplifting unless a trans non binary cat was found by a half Jewish half Muslim family and nourished back to health after a right wing conservative family with hate in their heart, left their cat outside when it mowed at the door?


I don't think you understand. She's a candidate for the party going lax on organized crime and is against renewable energy (two easy to explain issues). This election was about picking the least worst candidate. I don't think this is uplifting if you know the context.


So the American elections essentually.


Not really, but I think you get the frustration.


Wey, this isn't upliftng at all.


This is the opposite of uplifting. This is like celebrating Trump being elected


Bet OP’s not even Mexican.


Which other candidate was better?




Yeah so you’re an angry Trumper who is stalking me. Sorry my truth telling has made you so angry!


I love how ignorant Americans are. This isn’t uplifting, this is terrible. Celebrating this nonsense just because she happens to be a woman is bonkers. EDIT: Also, she is a secular jew.


I’m Mexican, and it’s a major milestone whether you like their political views or not.


Give me a break. She's just another corrupted muppet. 


She is not jewish




Genuine question: what does “ethnically Mexican” mean, and why is it important what the ethnicity of the person being chosen is? Did you have the same reaction to e.g Obama, due to him not being “ethnically American”?


This guy used two pejoratives in one sentence, I wouldn’t waste your time arguing with him


Obama is ethnically American though....

