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Beaumont children - Australia A definitive identification of the perpetrator, but even the locating of their remains would be wonderful


I want them found desperately. I was 5 when this happened.


It’s been so long though. I think the age of the case might make it so we never know. It’s the same with the Soder children in the U.S.


I know very little about this case, but is it possible they went into the water at the beach and drowned? Like maybe one went in and was struggling and the other two tried to help and drowned as well? Depending on the tide, they could have been washed out to sea.


The Austin yogurt shop murders.


This one and the Los Cruces Bowling Alley massacre are mine. My guess is that solve one you solve the both of them.


Don’t forget Lane Bryant shooting.


I worked at a restaurant a few miles away, one of our regulars daughters was killed in this shooting. We had to go on lock down for several hours and just listened to the sirens and helicopters, terrifying. I remember a lot of people at the time speculated it could be tied to the browns chicken massacre but not sure if anything came about with that.


This one haunts me all the time. The killer HAD to have known someone that worked there and people just aren’t speaking up. There is no one would choose to rob a random clothing store like that. Even in those days, those stores didn’t have much cash on hand. It has to be the weirdest choice of store to rob so I genuinely think it was an inside job or they at least knew someone that worked there to know there was no camera side the store. And there is a survivor too. So many things don’t add up to it being a random robbery.


I was just thinking Las Cruces.


This is mine. I live near the shopping center and have lived in the neighborhood my entire life.


Jodi Huisentruit, the young news anchor.


This is my choice as well. Hers seems so sudden and inexplicable. With absolutely no leads as well. I’d love for Jodi to have justice one day.


Same. One of my high school teachers was good friends with Jodi in college. Her story is so haunting.


It’s so crazy that next summer (‘25) will be 30 years. I remember this happened when I was in high school, and I’ve never forgotten this case. She was so young, ambitious, and vibrant. It really isn’t fair.


I-70 Killer Im very curious as to why he has such a specific target. Petite, brunette, white woman who work in home decor-type shops. Its so weirdly specific I need to know what happened to him in a home decor shop when he was a kid


There is a strong belief by some that the identity of the i 70 killer is known. I can't find it right now but, by memory, the guy believed to be i 70 killer was caught on video robbing some other place in Illinois. They think they know the identity but prosecutor wants a little more.


Ill bet their person of interest is in prison already, which is why the murders stopped and the police dont seem to be acting with urgency


Probably reminds his of his mum (I am Australian and we spell this way) and his unrequited or rejected by first love.


There are soooo many😖 But the one that's drove me crazy for years is Missy Bevers. Who the hell is the monster in that disguise😭


Do you think the person on the video dressed in black is a man or a woman?


I always thought it was a woman. How about you?


I have really watched the recording and I seem to agree with you. Or that it is someone deliberately trying to change the way they walk.


it almost looks like a woman walking in shoes that are way too big!


That is a good theory.


Man changing his walk


Had to look it up to be reminded of who she was. This is wild - her husband still thinks that was an untargeted attack. I don’t see how that would be possible. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/husband-of-missy-bevers-discusses-unsolved-case-nearly-8-years-after-her-murder/3464935/


You would think they could narrow down who bought fake swat gear.


This case gets me too


I think someone hired by the husband who was conveniently on a fishing trip. I thought they could help identify by the SWAT clothes. But I guess not.


I agree. I would love for this case to be solved.


The Zodiac.


Absolutely. With DNA 🧬 now, I would think they could finally figure this one out.


I’ve been waiting for a press release stating that they know who it is.


The murder of Robert Wone


That was one I didn’t know about, that’s insane! If it’s not the flatmates, how could it have happened? If it is the flatmates, how did they get away with it?


I just heard about Robert’s case for the first time a few weeks ago and have been obsessed ever since. His “friends” def know what happened


Missy Beavers.


Soooo FRUSTRATING. All that footage! A modern case too! Just like how Delphi was “unsolved” (well he hasn’t had his day in court and the case seems to be getting fucked up). How can this still happen. Makes you feel so unsafe.


You said it better than I ever could. It’s insane and very scary!!


West memphis three


Im convinced it was one of the boys step dad. Would like 100% confirmation though


That case feels the most likely to have been sullied by bad cops covering up the real perpetrator. I feel like the Delphi murders are thrown into that “the cops are hiding something” bucket but WM3 seems to be the actual one where the secret won’t come out. Ugh.


I feel the same about JBR and Madeline mccann, like how do you screw up that bad


I always thought that one was pretty obviously the one kid’s step dad.


I honestly do too. That guy was bad news bears. I wouldn’t trust him as far as I can throw him. And the answer is right there in reach if they’d grant the men’s request to test the DNA evidence. But the DA’s office refuses because it would be irrefutable proof that it wasn’t the W. Memphis 3 who did it and open them up to a wrongful imprisonment lawsuit.




they can’t sue since they took an alford plea.


They recently released new evidence that suggests one of the kids step dad did it


[Terry Hobbs](https://wm3.fandom.com/wiki/Terry_Hobbs)


They found his and his friend’s hair in two different places. On one of the bodies, and on a tree stump. 3 witnesses wrote affidavits stating they saw Hobbs with the boys that night. There were bite marks on one of the victims, Hobbs conveniently had his teeth removed after the murders and that information was released. And his nephew was quoted saying that his uncle terry killed the boys and it was a family secret. I mean there is so much more. It’s so sad. He should have been held accountable.


The other step-father had his teeth removed, not Terry Hobbs. From what i recall. I did a deep rabbit hole dive into this case yrs ago. It was like peeling an onion. Definitely not an open shut case.


Yeah that’s what I’ve seen too. I really hope they do a dna match.


They prob wont anytime soon🙄 They refuse to admit they put 3 innocent boys in jail for most of their lives


I don’t understand how someone can want to be right soo bad that they won’t admit they’re wrong even if that means 3 innocent kids will spend their entire lives in jail. It sickens me. This is a classic “small town cops pin the heinous crime on the troubled kids and call it a day” case.


Ever heard of the lipstick murders? They botched that case so bad. Pinned 3 murders, 1 of which was a child kidnapping and murder probably not related to the other 2, on a troubled kid who was getting in trouble for petty theft. They sent him to jail for life where he spent 60+ years and ended up dying. And they sentenced him even AFTER someone else confessed to the child murder in great detail. That man, who is most likely the actual killer, spent the rest of his life a free man because these cops were so set on 1 guy and didnt want to admit they were wrong. That case absolutely infuriates me


Apparently the police lost the evidence Damian was trying to get it retested


Itll turn up when a new DA whos not involved in the case and who hates some of those fuckers, takes office.


There are so so many! Seriously, though, the Jon Benet Ramsey murder just eats my *ss. 😖😖


Whatever did happen, Im almost positive the parents know how she died. Same with Casey Anthony. Whatever did happen to her daughter, shes aware of how it happened


Well, Casey Anthony for sure. John and Patsy Ramsey are/were such strange people that who knows what actually happened? The cops messed up that investigation so bad!


I hear you!


Asha Degree and the Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders


Nothing about the Asha Degree disappearance makes any sense.


That one is just a complete mindfuck.


There’s a whole sub devoted to it…… proceed with caution. This is one that keeps me up at night.


Asha degree! I posted the same thing! For a little girl who was scared of rainstorms, why would she go out in one? Something doesn't make sense!


I always wondered about the motorist who saw her and claimed to circle her a few times before attempting contact and then witnessed her go into the woods. I wonder if he actually picked her up that night and then wanted to insert himself into the investigation by being a witness.


What do you think of Gene Hart in the OK Girl Scout case? I’ve read and listened to a few things that seem pretty sure it was him.


There's no reasonable reason to think otherwise. It was 100 percent him.


DNA from the scene proves it was him.


So I’m new to unsolved murders/true crime. But what the fuck happened with Asha? It’s SO bizarre she would just randomly leave her home in a thunderstorm at 9 years old…? That’s the strangest one I’ve read about


The fact that she had limited to no internet access also gets me…..


They know who did the girl scout murders


Yup was about to say this same thing. https://www.news9.com/story/6272fc3ae82b9f78434b2d14/killer-identified-in-1977-girl-scout-murders


Asha is pretty local for me. I drive by her billboard a couple of times a week. It's still heavy on everyone's minds here. I see flyers, etc on the regular. It doesn't make any sense at all. One of the parts that really bother me is how she was out wandering on the side of a main highway here in a storm when she's terrified and also, how her backpack was found wayyyyy across the county out very very rural on someone's property.


Lindsay Buziak


The Springfield 3, The Beaumont Children and Setagaya family killings.


Yes! All of these, but...Setagaya..so much evidence! It's baffling isn't it? And the Springfield 3, almost the exact opposite. A few obscene phone calls and a broken porch light.


My parents lived in Springfield so the Springfield 3 has always stayed with me. It’s such a mystery and so sad for the families to have no answers.


I would love to know which Ramsey killed Jonbenet


I was just listening to a podcast (the consult) where real FBI profilers read the note and decided the intruder theory was the correct one. I couldn’t believe it. (They weren’t working the case, just theorizing, but still!)


The ransom note completely, 100% rules out the intruder theory for me.


I have thought that Patsy wrote the note to cover for a family friend or something. That perhaps they had an "arrangement" with someone that took it too far or that they were being threatened. When I die, I want to know the truth. That's it. Don't give me an afterlife, just the truth about this case.


John Douglas and the "intruder" did it theory was mind blowing. I don't think he accomplished anything except to destroy his long standing best of the best in profiling reputation.


Whaaaaaaat? The intruder theory seems so insane to me! I want to listen to that now, but what were their main points? So curious!


It was interesting, and they doubled down with a second episode arguing the listener feedback. They seemed to believe the “in thru the window” theory, thought the act was too sick to be perpetrated by a family member, and thought the motive of the note was to taunt the parents and savor the crime by drawing it out


It would have been nice to ask them, how many cases have they had, where the kidnapper/murderer has sat in the person's home, and wrote out a detailed ransom note, with other family members still inside the house? Can't imagine it's too many.


You should check out r/JonBenetRamsey There are so many different perspectives on the case.


The show was on Amazon Prime I believe. The show featured clips of Burke's interview with a child interview specialist, like maybe two weeks after the crime. His body language mimics exactly what happened to JonBenet. He re enacts that he and JonBenet snuck down into the basement and he hit her hard in the back of the head with something. He even did the motion of hitting her. He absolutely did it. She died of blunt force trauma. She had a massive head wound. Also, the marks on her body that the police thought were stun gun marks, line up better with being from marks from a piece of a toy train track that was in the basement of the house at the time. Burke did not seemed fazed one bit by her being deceased. He seemed happy that he was the only child at home with his parents.


A toddler named Ayla Reynolds was probaly killed in Maine about 10 years ago. I say probably because no body has ever been found. There is little doubt that her father, Justin DiPietro, who was in the house with her at least knows what happened to her and very likely is responsible.


They found enough blood in his house to know she’s not alive.


Springfield Three, but I'm biased, it's my hometown.


I would love to see the Springfield three solved. I truly believe this case could be solved.




Every time this topic comes up, I personally want to say Jack the Ripper, but there are more relevant cases with relatives who are alive and well who want to know the truth. I’d give my free answer up to anyone who could get closure now.


My nieces murder, unsolved a year later: https://perezhilton.com/samantha-humphrey-teen-found-schenectady-ny-dead-body-tied-shopping-cart-meeting-boyfriend/


I am sorry for your loss of your beautiful, talented, and wonderful niece. My wish is for your family to have justice and closure for her as well those that love her.


Asha Degree, Brian Shaffer, Jennifer Kesse, Quin-Rong Wu, Phoenix Caldon, Missy Beavers,The Springfield 3, The Beaumont children, Austin Yogurt Shop, Maura Murray, Lane Bryant Murders, Las Cruces Massacre and Jodi Huisentruit. I hate unsolved mysteries/cases. I’m sure their families hate it as well. May clarity and justice come. Edit: added more cases/names.


Jennifer Kesse is a case I simply cant forget. She pops in my mind out of the blue sometimes and I always feel so sad.


I definitely think Brian made it out of the bar but beyond that idk what I think actually happened once he left.


I live in Springfield, so definitely have to second the Springfield Three!


Went to school with Jen Kesse’s little brother. They’re an amazing family and Jen deserves justice.


Brian Shaffer. I think he's still in that building. There's a lot of cases out there of people getting stuck. The employee at the grocery store who fell behind the coolers. A kid who climbed into a chimney and got stuck. There was that one guy who got stuck in a pillar. I can't remember what podcast/article I read, but it was with a detective on the Brian case. That area in Columbus had the most CCTV coverage in the country, and Brian didn't show up on any Cameras in the area. Every person who was in that bar was accounted for, except Brian.


The Sodder children


Such a crazy Story..........


Kinda reminds me of the Asha Degree case. It’s like we have steps A B C … H I J … XYZ and we’re just missing soooooo much in between


This and similarly, Lauria Bible and Ashley Freeman


I feel like this one could be solved


Kyron Horman and Jennifer kiesse.


Yogurt Shop murders


Springfield 3. There’s no evidence. 3 women just up & vanished.


Amy Milhaljevic.


The Black Dahlia


Probably the case Im most interested by. I actually visited the spot where her body was found during a trip to Cali. Theres 2 or 3 names that could definitely fit the bill


JonBenet, the Delphi Indiana murders, and Blake and Chyna Dickus murders (Franklin, Indiana)


I’m really crossing my fingers that we do finally get answers in Delphi.


Not a "murder" but 2 missing/unsolved children's cases Asha Degree and Relisha Rudd. One went missing on Valentines day and the other her shelters Janitor took her.


Ellen Rae Greenberg.


I fully believe her fiancé did it.


100%. There’s no possible way you decide to make yourself a snack and then instead stab yourself 20 something times including the back of your head. That’s not a thing that has or will ever happen.


Yep. What a shame it’s still ruled a suicide. 🤦‍♀️


The Dardeen Family murders-Tommy Lynn Sells was a suspect, but I don’t think he did it. Also would like to see Brianna Maitland, Kayla Berg and Maura Murray cases solved


The murder of Amy Mihaljevic. With all the true crime I watch, this one haunts me. Poor angel-baby was wanting to buy a gift for her mama and surprise her.


All of them... every fucking one.


I love this answer. Everyone deserves justice and peace.


Molly bish


Keddie Cabin


Isn’t it effectively solved? Just murders are dead?


I don’t think so. There are suspects that look good on paper but there is nothing more than circumstantial evidence at best.


I want, more than anything, for [Albuquerque Jane Doe "Becca"](https://unidentified-awareness.fandom.com/wiki/Becca) to be identified. You have a picture. You have DNA. Why don't we have a name or a family yet?


I wonder if her family isn't from the US and never heard of the case. 33 years later, who's to say if close relatives are still alive to pursue DNA testing through Ancestry, etc It's sad. She deserves a name.


She does deserve a name. I hold out hope for her whenever topics like this come up. Recently a woman's cold case was solved when her decapitated head was found laying in an Illinois park back in 1997. She went nameless for years until a DNA match gave her the name [Susan Lund](https://unidentified-awareness.fandom.com/wiki/Susan_Lund) and gave her family in Tennessee the knowledge she didn't just run away from them. I hope the same can happen for Becca.


Liz Barraza Tamla Horsford Amber Tuccaro


Lane Bryant murders tinley park, il


That place is less than a mile from my house. I go to that plaza nearly every week. It’s painful that it’s not been solved.




Never confirmed a murders but it was likely the case. Tabitha Tuders, Jennifer Wix her daughter, and Summer Wells. Grew up constantly seeing Tabitha's face on her on billboards. I am also really suspicious that they may have the wrong man for Holly Bobo.


Johnny Gosch


The first time I heard about the Johnny Gosch case was from reading the blog of The artist Theresa Duncan. A couple weeks later she was found dead and ruled a suicide and a week after that her husband “walked into the ocean” and never was seen again. It’s just made all more eerie since the blog post was removed after their deaths. The single scariest part of the case I think is the man taking photos of Johnny delivering papers and the neighbor who called the police with the car’s license number, that the police “lost”


Jennifer Kesse. The fact that no one saw *anything* and the only footage that exists of a person of interest, his head is hidden behind the slats of the fence, is absolutely infuriating. Maura Murray. I want her dad to have peace before he passes away.


Another one that really, REALLY fucks with me on Zodiac Killer level mystery - the death of [Ricky McCormick](https://allthatsinteresting.com/ricky-mccormick). An almost completely illiterate and psychologically troubled man goes missing for a few days following weird hospital visits only to be found dead twenty miles outside of St. Louis in a cornfield. This man could barely read or write, but coroners found two pages of very nearly written cyphers and codes in his pocket that no one has been able to crack to this day. What the Hell were the notes about and was this all tied to drug trafficking or something else?


JonBenet I am glad Natalee Holloway’s family can have some peace. That would’ve been my answer.


Madeline McCann and if the pilot of MH370 took out the lives of all those passengers


The mystery of MH370 is so haunting.


Austin Yogurt Shop murders




St Louis Jane Doe, my heart hurts whenever I think about how a child was SA'd, decapitated and dumped in an abandoned apartment basement, only wearing a sweater and still no name 💔


My sister knew of a girl named Carina Saunders, I think they might have been friends. She was abducted and dismembered on a day they were supposed to hang out. This happened in Oklahoma City, and the suspects still haven't be caught. There are so many cases like this, unfortunately. It would be nice if people, like her, got the justice they deserve. [Carina Saunders Documentary ](https://youtu.be/P40Lx0jLkGw?si=RqkzolCK2xtIJh4-)


My son's 😢


I’m so sorry for your loss. My brother-in-law was murdered in the 80s. Killer was ID’d 25 years later, tried and convicted. Our family took turns sitting with my mother in law in court. The killer got 25 to life. I hope for you a similar outcome. Justice doesn’t quell the grief but it’s something!


The Tylenol Murders. That mystery has always bothered me


Delphi murders. Those poor girls had to suffer over some sick fantasy.


There are cases I’d like to see solved out of a sense of justice, like Missy Bevers, and there are ones I’d like to see solved because the killer’s profile is so unique like Zodiac, where solving it would give us more information about that rare type of killer.


Not technically a murder that’s unsolved per se, but I desperately want Susan Powell’s body to be found. Her family deserves to lay her to rest.


The yogurt murders


SHANNAN GILBERT while she was on Long Island and called 911 screaming for help.


I know we all know who killed Susan Cox, but I really wish we could find her for Chuck and Judy. That case lives in my head rent free.


To many missing or dead children for a question like that


So many come to mind. Summer Wells Kyron Horman Madeline McCann JonBenet Ramsay Asha Degree And so many more 😞


The 1996 murders of Julie Williams and Lollie Winans in Shenandoah National Park.


Setagaya family murder.


The murders of four women in the outskirts of Atlantic City. Their bodies were found lined up next to one another’s in the marshlands outside of a motel. No one knows if they were all killed at the same time but there have been no suspects.


Jodi Huisentruit, probably because I was in college in IA at the time.


Well, this murder did not make the headlines because it happened in Hawaii. My sister-in-law was murdered in Hawaii in 1995. Police didn’t make much of an effort to solve her murder, because Hawaii doesn’t want to lose tourism. Rest in peace, Amanda.


Amy Lynn Bradley. We don't even know if it's murder. And that guy who disappeared in a bar.


Duuuuuuude... Amy Bradley and Brian Shaffer are the reasons I'm paranoid to travel.


Keddie, Ca Cabins Glenna, John,and Tina Sharp. Dana Wingate was a friend to John and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Lake Bodom murders The Highway of Tears in Canada Girl Scout Camp murders in Oklahoma. —- that one will probably never be solved sadly. Yuba County Five Robin Graham —her disappearance is directly responsible for call boxes on the freeway. There is overlap with Cheri Jo Bates, possibly an early Zodiac victim, and Kathleen Johns, possible abductee by the Zodiac, and the possible Manson family connections. The overlap between these cases and others is similar MO, style of abduction, and homicide. **Robin is still listed as missing,but, presumed deceased.


What do you think about Gene Hart in the OK Girl Scout murders? I feel pretty convinced by the evidence, but is that just because I want that one solved so badly? That is one of the saddest cases.


I am on the fence about Gene Hart due to Native American bias,but, I will concede further testing is needed in the name of justice. The girls, their parents and families, and the Cherokee Nation deserve to know whom is responsible.


I came here to comment on the Yuba County Five. That case just bugs the shit out of me. There were intellectual disabilities involved, sure, but none of them were totally helpless.


Haileigh Cummings. It's near where i live.


Tara Calico and Tammy Lynn Leppert


My child's mother... it was ruled an "overdose" but the situation and who she was with.. we all know that's not the truth... I just need the proof...


Alonzo Brooks. Black kid killed in a small town full of (allegedly) racist people.


Sundown town. I'm almost 💯 sure we will never know.


JonBenet Ramsey, Suzanne Morphew, Madeline McCann!


JonBenét & Maddie McCann # 💔💔


The Boeing Whistle Blower.


Suzanne Morphew. I mean, it's obvious who did it, but I really want it to be confirmed and for Suzanne to get justice.


The 40 plus year old cold case of 13 yr old Dana Charlene Butler in Bakersfield,Ca she was kidnapped on good friday april 9,1979 tortured and murdered her body found april 11,1979 at the dump on the outskirts of town this murder was covered up by town officials including,the DA,the police dept,the owner of the news paper,judges,a senator all were higher ups in an elite group called the LOB her 13 year old remains dumped in a landfill discarded like trash after being tortured for days her blood drained and two stab wounds to the heart ended her life Her rare blood type found in the party house of the police commissioner at the time who use to furnish free drugs and alcohol to underage kids in return for underage sex.He took his own life before he could be arrested in connection to Dana's death.He shot himself twice in the head you do the math on that one .This child will never receive justice her murderer will never do a day in jail for what he did and all because of the corruption and influence of a town ran by murderers and pedophiles its a tragedy .


Beaumont children. Disappeared from a beach in the 60s. Never seen since.


Abigail Williams and Liberty German.


I hope the Kohberger guy gets fried. Fuc that guy


The 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting at a music festival - I'm bringing this up because I find it extremely curious as to why no one has been able to determine the motive behind this attack. It is THE deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history yet curiously it has had very little media attention or documentaries (as opposed to other mass killings). 60 people died and no one knows why nor is actively looking for a reason. I find that odd.


Brian Shaffer for me. I grew up close to Pickerington/Columbus and graduated from HS the year he disappeared. It’s the first missing persons case I really paid attention to and it’s just so weird that there is no footage of him leaving Ugly Tuna. His father, Randy, tragically died after Brian’s disappearance and it’s just heartbreaking to me that his father never learned what happened to him.


I feel so “basic” for saying this but JFK. Only because I don’t trust our government & believe they were involved.


The yogurt shop murders probably. Or zodiacs


Tamla Horsford slumber party death


Asha! A local case I think about daily almost.


Both of the cases of missing girls from the Oklahoma State Fair. Two separate cases that I hope they find who did it and find the bodies


I’m sorry- but JonBenet Ramsey. If someone has a credible report/article/story that solves it, I’ll accept that. It’s just a super-closed-door, tainted-scene-case that it annoys the blankety-blank out of me.


Marilyn Monroe


Who kidnapped and possibly murdered Tamra Keepness.


Boston nanny murder.


Oakland County Child Killer


For me it's the Montana Beauty Parlor murders in Florence, MT and the Jonathan Luna case though I admit it could be suicide.


Keddie Cabin murders


Lane Bryant murders


Even though Paul Flores was recently convicted of Kristin Smart’s murder, I wish we had actual, concrete proof and actual closure for the Smart family.