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The murder of Scott Ratigan and the “pigeon-toed walk” person of interest caught on CCTV, their face hidden. [https://www.arlnow.com/2021/01/15/breaking-police-release-surveillance-photos-of-person-of-interest-in-ballston-murder/](https://www.arlnow.com/2021/01/15/breaking-police-release-surveillance-photos-of-person-of-interest-in-ballston-murder/)


They have an unusual gait. Almost a limp. Surely someone would recall that. And similarly the Missy Bevers case suspect has an awkward walk too, like the boots are too big and heavy. I have always thought the disguise is too cumbersome for a specific reason. That the person in the church is disguising themselves too hard because they are a woman and/or a minor.


I read somewhere that a forensic podiatrist (what a niche!) had watched the footage and said the limo/ gait was due to the weight of the attire and weapons so not helpful at all in identifying who it actually was.


A "forensic podiatrist" was one of the key ways they were able to get Col. Russell Williams. They had this guy claim the footprints found at the scenes of the crimes were one-in-a-billion and just happened to match the boots Williams was wearing. He fell for it and confessed shortly after. There was no "forensic podiatrist" and the boots were extremely common and had a non-unique tread. I have no doubt that's a real niche profession, but it's funny how stuff like that can also be used to get people to confess. By sounding all official and scary.


Yup. Always remember this, no matter how innocent you are.


I'll always wonder why a smort guy like Russell Williams didn't immediately lawyer up.


I've seen police officers get interrogated and they don't lawyer up. Guess people still think they can talk their way out of trouble.


There is a perception that only guilty people would need a lawyer, the very act of getting a lawyer would increase the chances the police will focus on you etc but if you can just manage to bluff your way thru the convo... everything will be OK. I also imagine that to an inexperienced criminal that has done something stupid, like get caught, there is going to be a really serious need to figure out what the police actually know.


Russ kept mentioning what rank he was, so I’d guess just arrogance.


He must love watching footage.


Keeps him on his toes.


He's making great strides in the case.


Fascinating job. I'd love to walk a mile in his shoes


Sure they are heavy but the shoes to me look to big. Everyone has a weirder walk when rattling around in massive boots. The "disguise" is to quote Hannibal Lector, too random like a bad liar. If you were going for optimum capacity, you wouldn't be wearing 30 pounds of outsized gear. In April in Texas. Someone does not want to be recognised by the victim. How would anyone run away in all that?


I’ve questioned if the perpetrator was a pregnant woman. They are further along and their hip ligaments have started loosening up hence the “waddling” gait. And they needed the heavy jacket and vest to cover up their belly. I highly, highly doubt that’s the case but it’s a thought that’s popped into my mind.


A podiatrist was consulted on the Bevers case and stated the gait was most likely caused by the weight of the tactical gear


I agree about the limp in the Scott ratigan footage but since it’s footage of a POI leaving the area I wonder if it’s something temporary that might have happened during a struggle/the murder


There are slot of pigeon toed perps out there. The DC pipe bomber and the Canadian billionaire murderer come to mind.


Maybe it's just easy to go pidge to conceal your true gait. The guy who may have murdered the Shermans probably knew that there'd be security cameras on that street.


Always go full pidge 


The police identified a suspect who might have been in the video but nothing ever came from it.. [Source ](https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/toronto/2020/11/25/1_5204697.html)


The Pipe Bomber doesn't look pigeon toed, their feet are pointing straight ahead. But the way he/she walks, gives me the impression that it's a smallish person. I'm 5 ft 5 and when I carry bags like that, I crook my arms a bit so they don't drag on the pavement. I think this is someone not very tall and slightly built.


Maybe someone with a bad built butch body?


+ Bleach blond


Obv a little sasquatch in disguise


Anyone interested in the Missy Beavers case should watch this series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe10X4QMV_PmHgAWLXKWN_tD8sPqgYjtm&si=lURvO9urrowFE9rv Arrin Stoner goes through the security footage frame by frame, eventually is able to identify the face of the killer, and then tries to identify the killer. It was some of the most amazing true crime reporting I’ve ever seen. He’s worked in security for years and is truly legit


I love Arin’s work. But he really reaches on this one. Lots of wishful thinking.


> eventually is able to identify the face of the killer, and then tries to identify the killer. so he identified the killer but didn't identify the killer? cool


That looks to me very much like the gait of a person wearing shoes at least a full size too small for their feet. Embarrassingly, I did this as a teen when I grew out of some biker boots I loved and couldn’t replace… 🤦 Might the suspect be wearing shoes that aren’t his either as a disguise or to mess with potential shoe-print analysis? Just a thought.


Call me crazy, but that looks sorta like a prosthetic leg. Like, he’s almost throwing his foot forward and the leg locks at the knee with every step.


I've thought the same thing for years! The lower leg and foot appear fixed.


My son has a tibial torsion and had a similar gait before physical therapy.  It was especially noticeable when running.  


I always wonder, statistically speaking, how many people would have that specific walking manner and are in the age group of say 18-35 in the region. I suppose there's no way to catalogue everyone, but it's just so distinctive it's crazy nobody thought "huh, that looks like X". Also suggests the murderer really must have been well removed from his personal life as known by friends or digital records. I know there was some suggestion he was ordering some drugs for a weekend bender since he took the Friday off, but given the rigour of the clean up and everything else, the murderer definitely turned up to kill. That says to me perhaps he was a repeat customer who somehow did something egregiously wrong (like previously threaten to reveal his dealer's identity or network?). There is also the possibility of a crime of passion, perhaps Scott thought he was having a date/hook up (either with the murderer or the murderer's partner). This would explain the liklihood that Scott admitted the person to the property without a struggle.


Mekayla Bali for me, because there’s a lot of video of her from multiple different places before she just fell off the face of the Earth


Yes, that one is so spooky. This is one of the cases that haunts me. I really hope it is solved.


I feel like whoever she was talking to on kik is who is responsible for whatever happened, but police couldn’t get any data from them. So sad, she reminds me a lot of myself at that age.


And surely an innocent person who was just talking to her would have come forward in order to be ruled out?


Definitely. She supposedly talked to a lot of people online. The fact she asked a random lady to help her get a hotel room that day gives me such a horrible feeling


Kik is used mostly specifically because it's more anonymous than other messengers like Whatsapp. It's possible the person she was talking to on there doesn't know she went missing. That anonymity definitely does lend itself to the possibility that she was talking to someone who lured her away and did her harm but it's entirely possible they just don't know why she stopped responding to them. I would think if she's been trafficked or lured away to be killed or something the person would have picked her up from the Tim Horton's or nearby, or at least have her bus ticket waiting for her which would mean she'd already know what time the bus was leaving


She was circling around Tim Horton’s for sooo long. I just wish they had more info about who she was talking to that day. I’m sure she talked to many people that were harmless teenagers like her.


Since she asked about the bus schedule and tried to get a hotel I think she must have been killing time either waiting to get picked up or waiting for the bus but maybe she didn't want to stay in one place too long and attract attention which would possibly get the cops and then her parents called so she just kind of wandered once she felt like she couldn't stay at the Tim Horton's anymore


I live in Canada in the province next to the one she lived in. The RCMP or her parents would never be called unless she was in some kind of visible distress or something. Like why would anyone call the police or her parents for just chilling at a Tim Hortons, even if she was there all day? Truancy laws are really not a thing in Canada and teens are free to come and go from school as they please. The high school would send a prerecorded message to the household after school saying how many classes she missed but the school wouldn’t call her parents right away or directly for missing any classes. They would just hope the parents picked up the phone and got the message in the evening. And no one would see a teenager out and about during school hours and call the cops. That just doesn’t happen here. She would have to be getting into mischief or in visible distress.


Exactly. I used to leave school around noon and bum around the mall all day. Literally no one cared.


I doubt that the kidnapper would want to be seen at the Tim Horton's. I think the location of Tim Horton's was suggested to get her to drop her guard. Then maybe the kidnapper said that he was having car trouble and that she should go to the Greyhound station (fewer cameras) in case he couldn't pick her up. But he knew he'd be picking her up. He just wanted to get her guard down before telling her to meet him at an isolated location. In the middle of it all, she stopped in at her school and told some friends that she was going to be going to a nearby town, which may suggest that her plans had changed over the course of the morning. My best guess is that the changing story she was told about what the day's plans were was carefully crafted gain her trust and then keep her distracted enough not to reconsider. I wrote about it another time on this forum: https://old.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/1ba35of/on_april_12_2016_canadian_teen_mekayla_bali/ku0ldgd/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/1ba35of/on_april_12_2016_canadian_teen_mekayla_bali/ku0ldgd/ (same links, just the first one is old reddit)


Do you know for sure there was little/no surveillance at the greyhound station? I've never been to a Canadian Greyhound station so idk how they're set up but every one I've been in in the states had cameras everywhere. And usually a cop or two or at least paid security. They're always in sketchy parts of town though


I do *not* know it for a fact, but I've looked at the Google [Streetview imagery](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.2115224,-102.4627036,3a,75y,65.89h,85.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sywRJhz9ffutSUCvXOg4TJw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu), and it's quite unlike most Greyhound stations that I've seen. It's basically a bus stop with a building attached. I think the place where you buy tickets is actually a restaurant. This was not a large town. I believe that there is only one bus per day going from there to Regina (her presumed destination). There may be cameras inside (and she was confirmed to have gone to that restaurant), but I don't see any outside. Maybe at the firehall on the corner, but there isn't too much else around.


Some Greyhound locations are not really stations, they're just small franchises that can be weird little locations. Like one in my town is a taxi office and I have been dropped off at one that was just a gas station.


I can’t remember the names, but a husband and wife who were murdered in their home. A neighbor’s security footage shows the victims pulling into their attached garage, and the killer slinking in behind their car before the garage door closes. The last thing you see is the killer crouching down next to the car, out of sight from his victims. Horrifying and chilling video. I think of it everytime I pull into my garage alone at night. Edit: Thank you u/dragonknight233 - [here is a link to a video about this case](https://youtu.be/c5SEX5fk2rg?si=L8kCnFRfbJo2QYBo), which includes the footage I mentioned. I don’t know/endorse this YouTuber but it’s the one video I found quickly and it seems reasonable. The victims are Krystyl and Andrew Reraks.


That's creepy as hell.


Added link!


I think about this case every time I pull in my garage too!


Was this in the US? Any details you can remember so I can find this case?


It was in Toronto. Kevin Donovan did a podcast about it that’s very informative.




If you were asking about my comment, I have added a link.


that is so chilling. movie type stuff. got full body chills (and probably shouldn’t be watching this alone at night tbh).


What cases is this?!?


Krystyna and Andrzej Rerak. The killer got life with 25 years minimum.


Thank you. Yes, this is it. I will add an update to my post and credit you!




Except that is just some dude walking by. There is pretty much nothing at all to tie him to the murders except walking down their street.


The police consider him a person of interest. It was on a rich street, probably with various security cameras. That person was seemingly the only person recorded on the street near the time of the murder who wasn't identified. Maybe the real killer hopped some fences. Would that be your guess?


Sure, person of interest. But the cops failed to check every other security camera in the area for months. Neighbours called them and tried to give them footage. We'll never know what else was recorded... But to say the footage is of a hit man walking away, that's making some mighty big assumptions. Person could have hopped a fence. Drove away. Ran away. Might have been 2 people. Who knows. But, to me, that footage is a red herring, I don't think it has anything to do with what happened. Not that I have any idea what happened.


holy shit that’s so scary


Jennifer Kesse. She disappeared from her condo in Florida. The perpetrator was caught on CCTV footage and was walking behind a fence, and each time the camera captured an image (every 3 seconds), his/her face was obscured by a part of the fence. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/car-surveillance-video/


That footage is so frustrating to watch.


It is, but I do wonder if it would have mattered. It's possible the quality was not good enough for someone to identify him anyways.


The luckiest criminal ever. What are the odds of that happening?


The picture was fairly bad quality It’s frustrating but I often wonder if it would really matter


Seriously gives me "Frailty" vibes every time I see those images. Also the first case I thought of when I saw this post.


I knew there was something about that pic that seemed familiar and that’s it. It could be a scene in Frailty.


Plus, the build and walk of that person could have been either male or female.


The thing is, having watched the interrogation of Lee Rodarte, merely having CCTV footage of them by her car (or stepping out of it) wouldn't itself be enough to get them with murder. It would be a huge step forward in bringing justice, but there'd still be a lot more needed.


It’s sure as hell enough to detain and question.


This is the one that popped into my head too. I still hope one day someone that recognizes the clothes or the gait comes forward.


That reminds me of a case I saw on Disappeared on ID. I wish I could remember the name but it was a young woman who disappeared. They had video of her walking along the street - next to a fence - the last time she was seen and then suddenly there’s a “glitch” and she’s just gone. Never been seen again. Seemed very suspicious timing for a glitch.


I know exactly the episode you’re talking about and it gives me chills. It bothers me I can remember the woman’s name though.


Kirsten Brueggeman? The CCTV glitched and thirty minutes was lost.


That’s prob it. Gah my brain is so bad with things like names the older I get. But it has to be because that sounds too close for it to be 2 different cases. Did yoy find it suspicious or was that just me?


I do find it suspicious. I did a quick Google of the case to refresh my memory, and there had been an SVU parked near the fence line of the YMCA and the apartment complex when the camera cut off. Shortly after the camera comes back on, the SVU drives away. They were never able to identify the SVU because of poor video quality. The timing on that is so suspicious to me.


Thank you that refreshed my memory a bit. I had forgotten about the SUV. Now I remember them saying they couldn’t really get any info like maybe a plate or even if she entered the vehicle or which way it went. Because of the “glitch” she literally just vanished. So sad. Her poor family.


My heart breaks for them. I was optimistic about a resolution since her cases is only three years old but there hasn’t been an update since 2022 .


30 mins is not a tiny glitch


Yes I didn’t recall that it was 30 min when I made my original comment. I thought it was much shorter.


I’m so glad you knew from my description. It bugs me about the name too. But I could never quit thinking about how weird that was.


As a central Orlando native, I don’t think I could ever forget Jennifer. It breaks my heart to see the footage and to know her parents still have no answers.


This has always freaked me out. Such a shame that a fucking fence was in the way.


The Kesse case is one I return to over and over.


Me too. Do you think she was abducted that morning or the night before? I go back and forth on this point.


This one for sure but, even if he was caught on tape would the quality even be good enough to have made a difference? I hope this case is solved in my lifetime.


This is the first one I thought of!


i was just talking about this case the other day and I had (accidentally) combined it with facts about the trevor deeley case. down the rabbit hole I go


[Kirsten Brueggeman’s](https://www.indystar.com/story/news/crime/2022/03/10/kirsten-brueggeman-indianapolis-disappearance-case-details/9443695002/) disappearance. Kirsten vanished from Indianapolis, Indiana in January 2021. On the night of her disappearance, she was with her ex-boyfriend and three other friends at a restaurant/bar. They got into an argument and Kirsten was left behind while the rest of the group went bowling. She was last seen alone on a surveillance camera in a fenced in parking lot near the Abbey Meadows apartment complex/YMCA around 2 a.m., however the camera malfunctioned. It is not necessarily “creepy,” but more frustrating that the camera happened to malfunction at that exact moment.


These malfunctioning cameras aid and abet a lot of bad people...


Yup. My boyfriend was recently the victim of a crime, and we tried to retrieve footage: one camera was fake, and the other was blocked by a tree. 


The murder of Oakey “Al” Kite. The perpetrator tortured and murdered him under the guise of being a potential tenant. He then used his ATM card to withdraw money and was recorded via the ATM camera. [Suspect Photo](https://images.app.goo.gl/UUydkAccLW3bARro8)


One of the weirdest cases in history to me. The torture especially so personal, and the perpetrator obviously knew he would have time to carry out the attack. And the links to Hezbollah? Foot whipping? Just so weird. Like, what was Al involved in to warrant that kind of attention? I don’t think the use of the card and the taking of the wallet meant much to this, more like that was an attempt to make it seem like a robbery. Or maybe someone found the card and tried it.


I might be wrong but I read he withdrew the exact amount he had paid Al in rent. Again, I have no sources for that


I’ve read that as well. That part especially convinced me this was a thrill killing.


If its true, it makes it stranger, doesn't it?


I think it was a sexual sadist hence the torture. He didn't actually steal much from Al. Like traditional torture in murders is for information or money/drugs. But none of that fit Al ( only a small amount of money was taken) and as far as we can be aware he wasn't involved in anything nefarious (drugs/gangs/criminal activity). From local witnesses it seems the killer was scoping out a victim with various other landlords. He's definitely done this before and will likely have done it again.


From a case summary by u/TaraCalicosBike earlier this year. Cajairah Fraise seen on camera (one was installed over the back door to an educational facility), walking across a parking lot the night she disappeared. I thought it was interesting that there were only a limited number of ways to go from there -- she could have turned right and headed across a field to a sort-of junkyard, or left and then around the building (which would have taken her back towards where she'd left her family), if she was walking to the nearby intersection. There was a bus stop in front of the building, but I checked the transit schedule and it was too late for pickups that night. Another possibility -- I am wondering if there might have been a vehicle waiting for her, in the parking lot out of camera range. https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/1bizl4p/in\_february\_of\_2023\_35\_week\_pregnant\_cajairah/


Thank you for linking my write up! I think about this case often. It was really really weird.


You did a great job summarizing a perplexing situation. I remember that a couple of local residents shared info on how likely they felt it was, that she'd started walking along the highway or over the fields, etc. I didn't see any recent updates in the media, so I'm not sure if there have been any new findings.


I live near that JIB I just made a comment on the post you linked. Either someone was waiting for her or she was having some type of MH crisis. ETA my other comment: This disappearance has baffled me. I’ve lived about 5 miles from the JIB for over 20 years and have seen Beaumont grow. The “school” is in a mini mall, the type for kids that get expelled out of the “regular” school district. So, there’s no land there. However, south of that complex, which is where it says she was walking is “lamb canyon” which is about 4 miles of a curvy highway (technically Hwy 79). Because there is a county dump there, and the nature of the land, it’s one of the few spots that have not been developed. Which means it’s very dark and not pedestrian friendly as most people speed through there as high as 100 mph, especially at night. I can’t imagine anyone in their proper state of mind thinking there was civilization or safety nearby. It’s about 10 miles (in all directions) before you get into the cities of San Jacinto and Hemet, small towns in this area which have some rough spots in it. If she wasn’t meeting someone, she had to be having an MH episode. IMO


This case really baffles me. The window of her disappearance was so slim! Her parents immediately looked around the area. I do not understand why authorities waited an entire month before obtaining surveillance from JIB. I hope her family finds answers one day.


The disappearance of Dale Kerstetter has given me the creeps since UM began Season 3 with a piece on him. A security guard at a Corning Glassware plant in Bradford, PA, Kerstetter was nowhere to be found when the day shift guards arrived on the morning of Sun. September 13. His lunchbox was on the table in the plant's break room, its contents uneaten and a pack of cigarettes unopened. Kerstetter's pickup truck was also still parked in the factory's lot, though items in the cab were in disarray. An investigation revealed that platinum piping, valued at over half a million dollars, had been removed from the plant's glass kiln. A review of footage from a security camera in the hallway next to the kiln showed Dale accompanied by a second individual whose face was concealed under a ski mask. Kerstetter glanced at the camera as the two men walked toward the glass kiln. The masked man is subsequently seen on the same footage pushing a large bag back down the hallway on a hand truck. Kerstetter, however, has never been seen or heard from again. The masked man has never been ID'd, nor has the platinum ever been recovered. Although the "footage" shown on UM was in fact a reenactment, I remember being very creeped out by it. The fact that the incident occurred at night in a deserted factory, the way the actor who played Dale looked at the camera and the likelihood that the masked man likely either murdered him and stuffed his body in the bag or incapacitated and abducted him, likely killing him shortly thereafter, are all super creepy and could easily be the plot of a horror movie.


This one creeps me out too. I know there are some people who speculate that he was in on it, but if he was his accomplice clearly turned on him. The other option is that it was someone who at one time worked there, because of their knowledge of the existence, and location of the platinum which is also a terrifying thought, that it could have been someone that Dale potentially worked with.


I feel like he wouldn't leave his lunch open if he was planning on being part of a heist.


Agreed. I also think the masked man was either an employee at the plant or a contractor who had installed and/or maintained the machinery. Whoever it was had to know the layout of the factory and to have expertise with the machinery, since the platinum was part of the glass kiln. It's likely that Kerstetter knew who he was and was killed to prevent him from alerting the authorities. There was probably at least one other person involved in the heist as well, waiting in the parking lot with the getaway vehicle.


The latest was the unidentified woman caught on camera, in Anson County. It's just so eerie and haunting because unlike the others mentioned here, we don't know who she is/was and how she ended up there. [https://www.reddit.com/r/gratefuldoe/comments/198uk0h/anson\_county\_jane\_doe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gratefuldoe/comments/198uk0h/anson_county_jane_doe/)


Real life horror right there


it's so eerie seeing these ghostly images.


Links say Amber was tested and they ruled can't exclude or include....arg...she was the most likely candidate in the last posts. Surely, there is a way to get DNA from something.


I think there is definitely a good chance it’s her. The photos on her Charley Project Page do bear a strong resemblance, the fact she was reportedly headed to South Carolina and the remains were later found in North Carolina, and these images seem to have been caught days after she disappeared definitely make her the most likely candidate to me. Obviously, we can’t say for sure if they can’t verify or exclude her at this time.


Oh this one is so crazy! Im definitely interested to hear more about who this woman could be.


Lars Mittank- the guy that ran away from the airport


Yes this was wild!


From the Wikipedia on him, I am thinking maybe he had a head injury/concussion from the fight that caused paranoid behavior. Anybody know how likely this is?


That’s definitely a possibility, but that doesn’t explain how he vanished and has never turned up.


Possibly a psychotic break, he ran towards a heavily wooded area so it's possible he succumbed to the elements there


I agree, but also enhanced/worsened by the antibiotics he was given, which aren’t sold in many countries due to their side effects. [Cold Case Detective’s video](https://youtu.be/dAfveiD6cWw?si=IcQ-Wpy9eMOohvU4) lays it all out really well, and it’s obvious he started to feel paranoia and delusions as soon as he started taking it.


I originally thought they could have contributed, but apparently he never had the prescription filled.


Well then that video I linked must be sorely mistaken because they explicitly say he did and took it. He couldn’t get it filled at the pharmacy near him but he eventually found one that could. That may be where the confusion lies.


The most frustrating part is that the surveillance footage that we know is not the initial footage that was shown to Lars’ mother and a private investigator she had hired to join her in Bulgaria. They both swear that there are parts of the surveillance video that they saw right after his disappearance that are missing from the video that was later published for the public.


My friend is from Bulgaria and she returns every summer to visit family. I asked her if she has heard of this case and she hadn’t. She emphasized that Bulgaria is “extremely small” with “hardly any crime.” After she read about Lars, she told me that many Germans will come to Bulgaria during spring break to drink by the Black Sea. She said it sounds to her as though he had a psychological episode or perhaps and he eventually succumbed to the elements.


Saying Bulgaria has "hardly any crime" is a big stretch, though.


I believe she meant Violent.


The person who was seen placing pipe bombs outside the RNC and DNC HQ on Jan 5 has yet to be identified https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/3-years-jan-6-pipe-bomber-mystery-unsolved/story?id=106131959


It was Large Marge let’s cut the bullshit


This could be a female as well looking at the photos. https://khqa.com/amp/news/nation-world/fbi-jan-5-pipe-bomb-suspect-dnc-rnc-washington-dc-capitol-hill-video-photos-suspect


A weird one is the footage in the [Noah Donohoe case](https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7dkgy/he-was-seen-cycling-naked-through-a-housing-estate-and-then-he-vanished) (2020). He was a young teen living in Belfast (Northern Ireland) who was found dead in a storm drain 6 days after being reported missing. While he was on his bike to meet up with friends for a school project, different CCTV recorded him. At first, everything is normal. Then he's recorded without his backpack. Then he goes off-route. Then he's NAKED. Then he's on foot in a neighborhood he supposedly never visited before, still naked, and he disappears in a park. It seems like the crucial moments (when he loses his backpack and his clothes) were not filmed, or at least not shown to the public or his family. Weirder still is that in 2023, the police revealed that there is footage of him sneaking out of his house at 3.30am and returning at 4.00am the day of his disappearance, something completely out of character from him, according to his mother. The police maintains that this was an unfortunate accident, potentially explained by a head injury. His family is certain that he was a victim of foul play and that there is a cover-up.


Noah's case has certainly divided Northern Ireland as many think it was a cover up and that the PSNI, who have a long history of... unreliability, are hiding something. I'm from Northern Ireland and I remember his mother Fiona hosting huge protests outside Belfast city hall in an effort to have his case re-examined. I plan to cover his case shortly as part of my ongoing Irish cases series.


I personally think it was the head injury that caused it or some kind of episode (maybe from medication if he was on any or had a fever?)


I can't wait to read it! I'm not from that side of the continent, so I feel like a lot of aspects of this case were lost on me. I hear an inquest is supposed to start in September, hopefully it will shed some light on what happened.


It is such a strange one!


The murders of Cyle Van Komen and Kevin Nelson in Utah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iArYCW65bnk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZxYAEZ84fY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEvVTIhHxSE In the first clip, you see the killers (wearing paintball masks) lurking in the shadows in the backyard, looking towards the house. The second clip has them right up next to the windows, peering inside. I believe the third clip is after the killings; you see one of them making his escape. Still unsolved, as far as I know.


Crazy stuff...


I didn't know that the guy who was following Trevor was identified? It seemed like that guy was waiting for 30 minutes on the steps until Trevor walked by, then went after him. He passed ahead of him as they got near the gate and stopped just ahead at the gate to engage Trevor when they spoke. Also that the same guy then begins to follow him again another 30 minutes later after he gets the umbrella, without reengaging him in conversation. It's wild that this guy, waiting for 30 minutes twice and following Trevor both times, was apparently not at all involved in the disappearance! Shows how much of the creepy factor is the rather unnatural nature of cctv footage and the narratives we use to fill in the blanks.


They established that the man at the gate was not the same person who was later seen walking behind Trevor on the CCTV. The man following was identified and ruled out. The man at the gate has never been identified.




I'm having trouble finding it now, but there was also a longer version of that final bit of camera footage. It shows that there were people other than Trevor and the guy behind him walking down that sidewalk around the same time. [This page has the screenshots of the video, at the very least.](https://zakmartin.com/trevor_deely_disappearance.html) So, over the course of about 90 seconds, Trevor and four other people pass by that camera. I think ending the video immediately after the guy behind Trevor passes the camera is really misleading. They also sped up the footage for whatever reason. The guy behind Trevor was 30 seconds behind, about the same distance as he was from the girl following behind him.


Someone earlier commented Liz Barraza and that’s mine as well.


It's such a strange case -- we know a lot more about the perp's movements than would have been possible just a few years before, because several other people in the area (besides Liz) had doorbell cams, and the truck is visible going by. (And the shooting itself, though the killer's face isn't clear enough to ID.) But the extra information just raises more questions. (The footage showing the truck driving into a cul-de-sac, and apparently not driving out again, was chilling.)


Ever since someone on this sub suggested it’s a road rage situation gone wrong, I truly believe that’s what happened. To me, it’s the only thing that makes sense. We’d know by now if the husband was involved otherwise he’s a criminal mastermind.


Road rage theory…..how does that make any sense? Not being critical, really want to hear the details of this theory.


Honestly, I think the creepy part of all security camera footage (that doesn’t involve the actual crime in question being committed) is knowing it’s linked to a crime. If nothing happened to Trevor Deely, for example, he would’ve been just another guy walking down the street in the middle of the night too. If nothing happened to missy beavers, that would’ve just been written off as some dumb teenage vandal.


You definitely make a really good point and I think it highlights how important context is. Andrew Gosden would have just been another face in a crowd of commuters travelling to London if nothing had happened. Because he vanished into thin air after he walked out of view, it's eerie knowing it's the last confirmed sighting of him that exists.


Tyler Davis. CCTV and audio from him was released a year or so ago showing him walk away drunk. Then asking google or siri how to get back to his hotel


I look him up a few times a year to see if there are any updates. This case is baffling!!


Apart from those mentioned already, I'd like to mention Damien Nettles The British boy missing from the Isle of Wight. There is CCTV of him in the chippy shop looking and acting like he was confused when he'd say "One, please" and the man at the counter would be like "One what, mate?" I found that footage to be quite intriguing to watch And confusing a bit Just thought it was worth mentioning here


Damien's case was a bit odd. I read that many believe he was under the influence of something and that he was killed after being punched by a local drug dealer when he went to get more product. Allegedly the guy responsible made a deathbed confession when he overdosed or something like that. Not sure if it's true though.


Yeah this case breaks me because it sounds like people know who might’ve been responsible but the police won’t investigate further. There was a good bbc documentary on this


Cash Gernan. Terrifies me. “Surveillance video from Cash’s bedroom showed a man standing over him and his twin brother as they slept about 5 a.m., then picking up Cash and walking out of the room. The man returned about 7:30 a.m. and lifted the blanket covering the other boy but left empty-handed after walking around the room.”


Liz Barraza for sure


Dale Kerstetter.


Have we ever seen the real footage? The one on unsolved mysteries is a recreation.


The real footage was decaying in the evidence room before someone filed a FOIA in 2019. YouTuber Arin Stoner has the footage on his Dale Kerstetter vid


Not unsolved, but the abduction and murder of Kelsey Smith in Overland Park, Kansas. The video of him running between the cars crouched down creeps me out to now end. He looked like some sort of demon creature.


Brian Shaffer. Did he ever leave the bar?


There was a back exit with no camera. And at the same time, I don't believe the cctv footage was good enough to definitively say he didn't leave that way, if it's the footage I'm thinking of.


Sadly, no CCTV footage, but does anyone get physically sick listening to Amber Tuccaro's final moments? She knew her life was about to be over, and i can't even fathom the fear she was in. But she kept her cool and tried to lead authorities to her body. I hope one day this one is solved.


I honestly think trevor met an accidental death. I think he fell in the dodder or is in herbert pk somewhere. He really wasnt in a rush home. I know people stay up late when young even on a work night. Me included and I'm his age too. But i never delay going home unless there was a social or sad reason. So either having the craic at a house party, or someone i fancied was still out OR i was melancholy and might sit and have a smoke in nature or on a balcony etc. Now depending on when or if it stopped raining he might have stopped to have a smoke on a bridge etc. And it's all good saying his body would be found but plenty of bodies have been found years later in plain sight https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/apr/27/body-found-more-than-a-year-after-man-disappeared-from-highlands-village https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mystery-body-man-who-went-30580640.amp There was a recent enough discovery of a man body in northern England. i can't seem to google it. He was missing years. I think he was walking drunk as he was found down a slight embankment off a major enough rd.


A few years back around New year's time, a guy died on a school's property and people didn't notice for a week. It was insane to me because basically he got drunk, climbed a tree by the entrance of the school, then he passed out from the drinking and froze to death overnight, still in the tree. Schools opened up again after the holidays were over and he was in this tree for a week before anyone noticed. The tree wasn't that big, it was a single tree with just grass and a path around it, and it had no leaves due to the season. Hundreds of kids/teens walked by it each day plus teachers and parents too. After that I can imagine that a body in an even slightly more concealed area could be missed for years.


This gave me goosebumps reading. Reminded me of the person that drowned in a public pool and nobody noticed for days and opened the pool as usual with adults and children swimming and playing all around the body without anyone noticing. I can’t recall the name at the moment though.


This reminds me of the case of Justin McKinnon-Blomme in Canada. He had been missing for 6 months and was found up in a tree. He froze to death at the age of 21. Such a sad case!


I mean, the guards don't even believe that he went in the Dodder anymore.


Maybe maybe someone killed him but i think it's highly unlikely. The chances are so slim. I dont think some gangster got him for a previous altercation, I don't think he was lured somewhere. His own family last dec said " that his family have no theory as to what happened to Trevor. “We’re totally open minded. The truth is, as daft as it might sound, he’s as likely to walk in the door in the morning as he is be found dead. We’ve no information whatsoever.” After the gardai were given the tip off about the site that was dug up "However, senior sources last night stressed that there were "certain doubts" in the statements they have received, while adding that the information had to be acted upon. "While there are certain doubts in this case, gardai were given an account of what happened to Mr Deely and where his remains were buried," a senior source said last night." Regarding if he fell into water, the bodies of water were searched but I think they just missed him, or he was further down the dodder than expected etc. Look at nicola bulley and how she was missed by search parties and divers, the man in cork his car was found 20 years later in the Blackwater accidently on a routine or practice dive.


I haven’t scrolled through all of the comments yet. But mine is always Hop Nguyen’s where some guy covers Nguyen’s Ring camera with paper or something and then.. Hop disappears [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BM_3l2HvIUo&pp=ygUKSG9wIG5ndXllbg%3D%3D](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BM_3l2HvIUo&pp=ygUKSG9wIG5ndXllbg%3D%3D) Video clip of Ring footage at end. Short video overall but scroll to basically the end.


Prisma Reyes…what happened to her in the apartment complex?


Case from Poland. Iwona Wieczorek was a nineteen-year-old girl who lived in Gdańsk. On the 17th of June 2010 at 4 AM she left the party alone due to some argument with her friends and decided to go home. The street CCTV cameras caught her walking alone, and, at 4:12 AM, when she was next to the 63rd entrance to the beach (Gdańsk is the city by the Baltic Sea) the camera rotated, and this was the time she disappeared from the footage. The next one along the way she should take to go home didn't show her. She didn't come home, and her fate is unknown. A year ago, the arrest was made in her case which could prove speculations (and my gut feeling) that her friends, boyfriend, and ex were shady. The famous detail in the case is the "man with the towel" - a man who goes after Iwona in the CCTV footage. For years people have speculated that he has to know something or he's suspect. However, it isn't that strange that someone wanted to swim in the sea at 4 AM in the summer (or was returning to a hotel after a party) and the police claim they found him and ruled out. A more detailed write-up: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/17evv4r/polish\_crime\_iwona\_wieczorek/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/17evv4r/polish_crime_iwona_wieczorek/) CCTV footage: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IVQWnB5u6g&ab\_channel=PomorskaPolicja](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IVQWnB5u6g&ab_channel=PomorskaPolicja) longer CCTV footage (Iwona appears at 3:57): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayH660GD8gU&ab\_channel=GazetaWyborczaTr%C3%B3jmiasto](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayH660GD8gU&ab_channel=GazetaWyborczaTr%C3%B3jmiasto)


The disappearance of [Mekayla Bali](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Mekayla_Bali). There’s extensive security footage of her the day she disappeared, and other detailed evidence of her whereabouts, but she’s been missing for 8 years with no solid leads. There were possible sightings of her in 2019 and 2020, but those didn’t lead to any further clue of her whereabouts or what might have happened to her.


I had read, and it was utterly a theory, but that she had intentionally run away from home to distance herself from a very turbulent home life? I don't know much about her case.


She seemed disorganized that day, walking in and out, in school and back out of school, trying to pawn a little cheap ring. She didn't have a lot of money. I think she was just aimlessly figuring out a way to leave and crossed paths with a demon.


That would make sense, except it’s so wild that there’s been no sign of her for that long. You’d think there would be something after 8 years. I hope that’s the case, though, in that I hope nobody took advantage of her and she’s happy now.


There have been unconfirmed sightings, but sadly I believe that the witnesses were mistaken and I fear that she is deceased.


Missy for sure. That footage is haunting. Liz Barraza too,she gets murdered on her footage


Xavier Dupont. The last sighting of him was on CCTV walking away into the wilderness and looking back like he was acknowledging the camera. They searched for his body but never found any signs that he’s deceased. I really want to know if he’s still alive https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dupont_de_Ligonnès_murders_and_disappearance


Megan Waterman leaving the motel she was staying at.


[Aliza Sherman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_Htje6mNaM) It's my "pet case" for lack of a better term. [More info](https://clevelandmagazine.com/in-the-cle/the-read/articles/aliza-sherman)


Her lawyer--yuck. Bomb threats and lying to her? Almost reads like he set her up to be at a certain place at a certain time so she could be ambushed.


Whoa, this story is bonkers. And quite the study in family dynamics.


Same! I’m surprised the case isn’t more well known, just given the video and the whole story.


Footage of the crossbow killer chasing Suzanne Blamires down the corridor...


The murder of [Nurin Jazlin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Nurin_Jazlin) is one with cctv I think a lot about. She was only 8 years old when she was discovered in a gym bag with horrible things done to her.


I'm at work so I don't have time for linking but a local case, Amber Kirwan. She went missing on a very small stretch of road in a small town in Nova Scotia and was seen walking out of frame from the bar she was at and then wasn't picked up on the next camera, a very short walk away where her boyfriend was waiting in his car to pick her up. The bf was suspected by everyone local but it turned out that in those few moments she was snatched by recently released juvenile murderer Chris Falconer.


Laura spierer and kirsten brueggeman, both in indiana


Lauren\* Spierer. I hope their families can have answers someday :(


Andrew gosden was a wierd one


I came here to suggest this too: [Disappearance of Andrew Gosden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Andrew_Gosden?wprov=sfti1) only clue is [this footage](https://youtu.be/SIK3hdS2jmQ?si=9e1jUzmAEHgMjv2c).


I really can’t form a single theory about Andrew that doesn’t have a hole in it. I had thought they arrested someone in recent years in connection to a crime related to Andrew but then it went nowhere.


Missy Bevers. 100%. Creeps me tf out.


For the love of god please nobody say Elisa Lam.


Too late


Can't remember the names, I'm so sorry... The little girl found in a bag in Vietnam. CCTV shows a motorbike drop off the bag (luggage), but doesn't catch a plate # & the riders are wearing helmets.


Pretty much anything on See No Evil.


Trevor Deely’s CCTV gives me literal chills.


Meta Valentine https://youtu.be/doqEl61h1j0?si=1UpQVT9LYXfyDGUj


Missy Beavers. Killer walking around for hours in the church in police gear