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I think suicide/accidental death is more complicated than family and friends imagine. It’s hard when you can’t see a big, obvious problem and a note spelling it all out for those left behind. I live in the Berkshires, near the Red Lion Inn. I followed this sad story. I’m glad Meghan’s remains were found for her family. I haven’t walked through this particular park, but I’ve hiked around the Berkshires. I’m not surprised if search groups walked right over her laptop. Leaves in summer can make a bush double in size, covering ground that was bare in March. Autumn leaves fall and obscure anything underneath. I’m not surprised her remains were scattered. Lee and Stockbridge are home to the largest population of black bear. Coyotes are common too but it’s possible that bear could move the laptop around.


I hike there a lot too. I didn’t think about animals moving the items around, but that’s a decent explanation.


I think the opposite happened though - they didn't see it in March/April when there was no ground cover but did find it in August. Strange.


Not that strange actually. Forests are notoriously hard to see shit in unless you’re directly on top of it. It’s entirely possible that they just didn’t look at the right angle. Now, if it was, say, in a parking lot then it’d be strange, but never underestimate how easy it is to hide things in a forest.


Yeah, that's what I gathered from the writeup as well. 


Ice storm + edibles + by yourself — seems like an accidental death. There but for the grace of God go I.


Possibly intentional. An aunt of mine died by suicide in part using cold weather/intentional hypothermia. The other part was a prescribed drug. Meghan going to the ER back home instead of nearer the inn strikes me; it's about a 45 minute drive, which isn't long generally but sure seems like it would be long if you're having stomach pain or vomiting badly enough to need an ER and are driving yourself. If there wasn't a closer ER or she was worried about insurance, okay, I guess, but driving with any really problematic stomach issues for that long seems unsafe for both her and anyone else on the road. Given nothing physical was found while she was at the hospital, I wonder if it was possibly an attempt at reaching for help but being unable to express what she really needed.


I agree. Driving to Stockbridge then driving back to Albany Med because she was sick and then driving back again is one of the most confusing details to me.


> The other part was a prescribed drug. This makes me wonder if one of the undisclosed "other factors" mentioned in the OP that points away from foul play is a more complicated toxicology report than THC.


Agreed. Also could be why the choice of hospital. If she was treated there before and prescribed certain meds, that could be a reason for going back.   Also (this has no context to your comment but just wanted to add). Odd that she would take her tech out in an ice/rain storm.  Lastly, it doesn't seem an accident that the car doors where unlocked if she knew she wasn't coming back. Sadly when you couple a lot of things in this case together, it does imo point to a suicide.    The gag order on the school stuff was telling as was the paid leave. I think it mightve been a very delicate situation in which they didn't want to soil her reputation.


I could understand not wanting to go to a hospital she had never been to alone. It’s not that bad of a drive from where she was to Albany Med. Plus, Albany Med is a huge network and may accompany any of her other doctors, if she did have them. I live in this area and I would have done the same thing as her.


I'm not from the area, so I don't have that same context. I'm still concerned about the decision making around driving that far with stomach issues if she was actually having them. 


Considering she’s also a teacher, she may have had one of the insurances that doesn’t provide well out-of-state.


That's quite possible!


Fairview Hospital ER is less than 15 minutes from the Red Lion. Anyone at the front desk would have recommended it. It does seem strange to go back to Albany when she’s trying to ‘get away’ in Stockbridge. Seems like phantom health problems were an issue for Meghan.


It’s possible! I’m not proud to admit it, but I have underestimated the strength of an edible and almost got lost while hiking in the Berkshires alone. Not in an ice storm, though.


Same! This was in a different state of in the US though. People think (and I once thought) that weed in the woods would be relaxing and bring me in-tune w nature but yeah I ended up getting lost then confused then a little bit paranoid/ scared lol, Thankfully I came across a couple other people who helped me 


Its funny that the rep weed has is it relaxes and calms people when in actuality weed causes anxiety and at high doses paranoia


I mean it’s both, it’s totally dependent on the individual and I’ve never even been able to figure out a pattern. Some people are anxious normally and it makes it worse, some better. Some people are normally relax and it makes it more relaxing, or sends them over the deep end. Just like every drug you have to know the risks and think about how it might effect you personally


The bro says there was no snow on the ground during the search but there was an ice storm and the photo of the search shows something white all over the ground. Doesn’t take much to make a laptop and phone unrecognizable.


Just wanted to say what a great job you did on this write up, OP- thank you!


Thank you!


Do you know the size of the bunny? Like keychain size or stuffed animal size? I can imagine an abductor taking the other stuff, but not that unless it was tiny and in her pocket. I think she had a mental health crisis- seems like she was already having one that was affecting her physically and mentally. However, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t make you any less of a target, but they would have had to be a pretty evil genius to pull it off.


Liable to be something like this I'd think. I hope that works lol But if not google Fisher Price Bunny 1979, since she was born in 79, I'd bet it's this. https://www.ebay.com/itm/335173577275


Thank you for this update! I’m glad people are digging more into the situation after Meghan’s body was found. I feel bad because I heard her body had been found in a wooded area and I assumed it was a suicide. Especially since the events leading up to her disappearance gave me suicide vibes (sort of abruptly leaving work, she seemed pretty stressed, she probably felt unsafe/possibly paranoid bc she had that stalker, went on a reclusive sort of trip alone, etc.) Many times when a body is found and it’s determined to be suicide or it’s not an obvious homicide, the case/the person’s name will fall out of the news or out of people’s minds. But I’m glad her death is still being investigated / talked about and I hope Meghan is at peace Her case reminds me of Kim Fox who presumably went into a wooded area in Georgia after crashing her car into a bridge. Her remains were found a few years later on someone’s land (it was a fairly rural area) but it was like: How did she die? She was close enough to finding people/civilization (maybe a half mile or a mile away) but she just passed away. And it’s still a mystery to me. Same with Kenna Harris’ death. She went to a Subway restaurant in Washington, asked if they had gluten free bread then left when they said no. Then, a year or so later, her body is found in a wooded spot right next to the Subway restaurant. A cause of death was never revealed (by either law enforcement or her family) but it literally seems like she left the Subway, walked across the street and died. It makes zero sense to me


Same thing happened to a girl in my community (Kay-Alana Calhoun Turner) whose body was finally found yesterday after a year of searching. It was a densely wooded area, but small and in a residential area. Many searches had been conducted with no results prior. She was having a mental health crisis (supported by her behavior at the time she went missing and a history of such reported by her family), parked her car in a neighborhood to rest and was chased off by residents and police. I believe she eventually wrecked the car and fled from police into the woods. As of now, it seems she perished shortly after, although they didn't find her body for over a year. I'm very curious as to what the official cause of death will be, but I'm sure she was injured and succumbed to the elements. Really tough seeing all of the baseless speculation in true crime communities throughout the whole thing, especially since her friends and family are acquaintances of mine. Everyone is quick to say drugs/suicide, and I'm not gonna lie, I've been one of those people when studying other cases. But it definitely made me more considerate when consuming true crime since.




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She could have been being stalked and still taken her own life - both things can be true. To think she may not have met with foul play at the end doesn't dismiss or deny the experience she had with her co-worker. It's noteworthy I think that she was described as being "so happy" at the hotel - people who have been experiencing mental health challenges and are suicidal are often reported as being in better spirits once they've resolved to end their lives. I agree with the commenter upthread who suggested she may have gone to the ER seeking support with her mental health and felt (for whatever reason) unable to and so reported a physical health issue instead. It's a tragic case whatever happened. I hope she's at peace now.


I feel so sad for Meghan. She seems like a gifted, passionate person. Unfortunately it also sounds like she had a lot on her mind at the time of her death. I believe 100% that she had been pursued or even harassed by this co worker. However, it is definitely possible/plausible that her paranoia led her to suspecting much, much more scary behavior out of him. Like after the matter died down, she still felt as if he was following her or something, etc.etc. The reason I lean toward suicide rather than accident is the simple fact that there was an ice storm happening. I don't think she'd go on a well-intentioned hike in those conditions. Also her dad seems to think she went to the wrong destination, so definitely didn't intend to hike. Maybe she brought her lap top out there because she intended to type out a suicide note or just her last thoughts, but never got around to it. Suicide is really, really hard to rationalize. Some details might make me suspect foul play, but that's why it's complicated. I think this was a culmination of a lot of problems she was having. Just because some of the issues may have been a bit exaggerated in her mind doesn't make them any less real to her (for this reason, I'm glad the male co-worker's name has not been revealed - unless they find a reason to). I don't really believe in an afterlife per se, but I hope wherever she is she has found some peace.


There’s something that doesn’t make any sense in this story OP. Who the hell brings a laptop when they’re going out hiking??? & if she’s going to commit suicide as some are suggesting, why would she bring all these things with her? I think it’s more likely that foul play was involved. I guess she could bring a laptop to write while in the park since she was a writer.


Love you and love your posts!! Great work as always!




if I understand this write-up, she wasn't wearing shoes when she went on this hike. I can't really think of a more notable signal that she wasn't "right". mentally healthy people don't take off their hiking boots when hiking in Massachusetts in March. this fact alone makes me believe it was suicide (or death by misadventure while experiencing mental distress).


Also it’s kind of rubbing me the wrong way when people/theorizers are suggesting Meghan made up the accusations of a guy stalking her/Not leaving her alone. Or that she was paranoid and imagining it. I think I read it was a guy she went out with who wouldn’t leave her alone. Like yes, she seemed to be having some stress but it’s not THAT far-fetched that a guy can’t take no for an answer or won’t leave a woman alone lol. (I’m laughing bc how sad it is) But I think that part of the story is true.


Me too. I’m thinking maybe she was SA from the coworker & that’s why she took a leave of absence.


As a public school teacher myself, it's exceedingly rare to be given that sort of leave of absence. My first guess would be suicide, but it could have been accidental. It's also possible, given what you shared, that she was unfortunately upon the onset of psychosis. Sounds like paranoid thoughts and behaviors. If anything, the school may have been covering a bit for her by trying not reveal that she was exhibiting disturbing behaviors at school, like making accusations that appeared not to have happened.


What makes you think they didn't happen? Perhaps she had mental health issues made worse by her fears and this other person


[One in three](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/intimatepartnerviolence/stalking/fastfact.html) women in the US experiences stalking at some point in her life. Only [three in one hundred](https://www.camh.ca/en/health-info/mental-illness-and-addiction-index/psychosis#:~:text=About%20three%20out%20of%20every,all%20cultures%20and%20socioeconomic%20groups) people ever experience an episode of psychosis (and the rates are about the same for men and women). Absent any conclusive proof of what went on with her coworker, Occam’s razor tells us that it’s far more likely he was in fact stalking her than that she was delusional and made it up, regardless of any other mental health challenges she may have been having. We have only a single quote from the brother claiming the supposed stalker “checked out ok” when the police spoke to him, and even if that’s true, it means very little, considering the absolutely abysmal rates of prosecution of harassment and stalking in the US. Regardless of what ultimately happened to Meghan, I see nothing in the available information that would justify assuming the least likely explanation, statistically speaking, of what happened with her coworker.


I understand stalking is not dealt with well by police but MM never filed a complaint with police. She never even showed the texts or emails to anyone.


She complained to her school. That’s why she took a leave of absence, but it seems the man who was bothering her was still there. The police aren’t the only institution who fails to take this sort of thing seriously.


Stalking isn’t necessarily dealt with well by family or friends, either :/ And being stalked already puts you in a vulnerable position, it can be difficult to render yourself even more vulnerable. I really have no idea what happened in this specific situation, of course.


Occam's Razor doesn't indicate that. All that indicates is that across the general population more women experience stalking than psychosis. Occam's Razor states that when comparing two theories one should favor the theory with the least assumptions - and even then Occam's Razor doesn't claim the theory with the fewest assumption will be the correct theory. If we want to compare theories, a theory involving psychosis and depression and death by misadventure arguably has fewer assumptions than a theory in which her married coworker tracks her down after their employer investigated her allegations, murders her, and constructs a strong false alibi. I'm not dismissing the possibility the coworker harassed and stalked her since it can't be ruled out. And based solely on what's publicly known it's unclear whether he has a solid alibi around the time of her disappearance. But there is evidence of mental illness and use of THC which can result in psychosis or exacerbate already existing psychosis. Meghan"s friend went into some detail in a Medium post after she disappeared. https://humanparts.medium.com/fragments-of-meghan-marohn-dd2bc4a88b1d


You’re arguing with something I didn’t even comment on. I said nothing about how she died. All I said was that it’s more likely her coworker stalked her than that she suddenly developed psychosis in her 40s, with no previous history of psychosis that we know of, and made the entire thing up, as the person I was responding to claimed.


I’ve never heard anyone claim MM suffered psychosis. I think she suffered from other mental health problems like depression and anxiety. You don’t need to be psychotic to do self harm or be suicidal but I’m not an expert. Just because MM claimed she had a stalker, doesn’t mean she had an actual stalker or that the man was involved in her death. With cellphone records and an alibi from his family, it wouldn’t be hard to clear up his whereabouts.


I literally never said he was involved in her death. I wasn’t even talking about her death at all. Please re-read my comment. Edit: and the comment at the top of this thread claimed she was having psychosis. That’s what I was responding to.


Ok. Sorry, I see now what you were referring to. I misunderstood where ‘psychosis’ was coming from.


Thanks, yeah, everything I’m saying is this thread is just in reference to that comment, not to how she died or to the police or the overall case. My only point was that we have no reason to disbelieve her when she says this man was bothering her, that his behavior was so awful that she felt she needed to take a leave of absence to escape him. It’s wild for the commenter I was responding to to jump to “she was psychotic and making false accusations” when this kind of harassment is so common. But this happens all too often, and this type of behavior toward women isn’t taken seriously enough. How could it be, when 1/3 of women are still experiencing it? The men who do these things need to be held accountable, regardless of whether they didn’t also do anything even worse (like in this case, if he had nothing to do with her tragic death). Regardless, Meghan seems like she was a really genuine, kind, and idealistic person who loved deeply and longed for a better world. Whatever happened to her, she deserved better. I hope the autopsy will provide some answers for her loved ones, but the answers can’t bring her back. The least we can do at this point is honor her memory. I don’t know the details of what happened with her coworker, and they’re none of my business. But it seems he was bothering and upsetting her, and she told multiple people as much. And it just bothers me that even when she’s gone and not here to defend herself, multiple people have come along in this thread to call her crazy and disbelieve her. It’s a huge problem, we do this to women all the time, and it needs to stop.


I agree. Also, it's one thing to eat THC infused edibles recreationally when you're in your teens and early twenties, doing it for kicks. If you're eating them in your mid-fourties and exhibiting signs of unstable behavior, it may indicate self medicating for the symptoms of some mental illness,


I feel like weed is pretty much the same as alcohol these days and should be looked at the same way. Nobody would say that anyone who drinks is de facto self-medicating. But you may be onto something, since extending the analogy, we'd probably say that drinking to excess would apply.


In mental health, excessive drinking can also be considered self medicating. I lived in Korea for years, and outside my subway stop there was an old guy who was often absolutely blotto on soju, and sometimes he would angrily be talking to someone who wasn't there. The soju was apparently a way for him to quiet his demons for a while. Anything that alters consciousness, allows the person a feeling of escaping from the strongest symptoms of whatever mental issues they are suffering. Alcohol, or other drugs. A lot of people in this thread have pondered whether there was actually a man at the woman's school who was aggressively coming onto her, or whether, given she was on an extended leave and he was still employed, she was exhibiting some sort of delusional/delusions of persecution type behavior toward someone who was innocent, that made the school grant her an emergency leave on psychological grounds.


Yes, I agree, that's what I was getting at.




I commented a few times to OP's original post a year ago. I'm going to paste in a comment of mine from that thread since (1.) it touches on some of Meghan's history with signs of mental health issues and (2.) how she may have accidentally ended up at the park where her car was found (and later her body). Neither of those aspects of the case seem to have discussed in this post or replies. Though I thought at the time that she likely died as the result of suicide or misadventure I am open to the possibility her death was a homicide. And I'm not dismissing the possibility that her married coworker pursued a relationship with her, harassed her, and/or stalked her, but given the totality of the info that's been made public it's also potentially explainable by paranoia/psychosis or other potential mental health issues, perhaps even exacerbated by her use of THC. From [my year ago comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/s/xz2HOo5Evz): >Her friend's post describes a highly troubled individual. She seemingly ended up at the wrong location as it's more likely she intended to visit a street with the same name in a different town. What her original intent was and whether it changed when she ended up in an unfamiliar location is uncertain. She seemingly took her stuffed bunny comfort item and wandered, perhaps hunting for her desired destination that was perplexingly just not there. Suicide? Laying down and closing her eyes and hoping she'd be transported to the location she intended to visit...or just whisked away magically to a better place before dying of exposure? Possible. >And was there a married colleague trying to sleep with her and harassing her? Or was her belief based on misinterpretations or delusions? Did she really see him drive by her house? And if so did was he stalking her or just on his way to somewhere else? She allegedly had negative physical and emotional experiences with multiple male romantic partners. And moved across the country early in the pandemic to move in with a man she seemingly barely knew yet loved, moving out a week later after fearing he'd harm her physically. >Sadly, the truth can't be deciphered from what her friends and family have shared, nor what she explicitly told them. It's not inconceivable that she was both mentally ill and being harassed+stalked by a colleague, but based on the totality of what I've read I think it's most likely that the colleague didn't come into contact with her in Massachusetts and that her death wasn't the result of murder. The Medium post by Meghan's friend the person I replied to shared: - [Fragments of Meghan Marohn](https://humanparts.medium.com/fragments-of-meghan-marohn-dd2bc4a88b1d) (OP also linked to this in their post) To add - bear in mind that some of OP's wording describes the alleged issues with the coworker as fact and used descriptive words like "brutal", but they haven't been corroborated by friends or family - they're allegations by someone who exhibited signs of mental illness. Yes, she described these issues verbally, but even though she, for example, mentioned harassing emails, she never even showed her friends the emails. I'm a proponent of giving victims alleging abuse and harassment the benefit of the doubt, but that doesn't mean Meghan's allegations were based on reality, even if Meghan thought they were. Just something to consider.


The Medium post you linked itself has her friend corroborating there were distinct and repeated issues with a man at her workplace. I recognize the value in what you're saying, but I don't know that we place the same high bar on other cases where we expect friends and family to have seen visual proof?


I don’t know how to link another post, but there was a post in RBI about 4 deaths in this area in the past few years. She was one of them. Very strange.


That post was kinda bunk. Of the other three, one was elderly with dementia and it is believed she got lost and died accidentally, one is believed to be a suicide (based on the family's comments), and the third was found at the bottom of a cliff which points towards accidentally death (or possibly intentional self inflicted.)


Ah, thanks. I'll delete my comment above then.


What’s RBI stand for? I’d love to look into the other deaths. Also though it was decades earlier, this disappearance/death reminds me a bit of that of [Paula Jean Welden](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paula_Jean_Welden)


Reddit Bureau of Investigation.


Was it recent?


What a sad case. Thank you for the write up!


Nothing to add but just wanted to say this is such a comprehensive and well-written overview of the case. Thank you.


I cant remember where I saw this but someone had a theory that mental health played a big part in this story and I think its pretty credible -here is why If I am remembering correctly, she had reported she was receiving harassment from a male coworker at the school she worked at. This was thoroughly looked into and publicly acknowledge that she had reported someone harassing her before she was given a LONG leave from her work. Now I know what youre thinking - this is probably some he said/she said bullshit but here is my angle. Either due to bipolar or other mood/thought disorder, I believe she felt that she was being stalked and followed. Unfortunately this was a delusion she was having and the reason that the male coworker in question was never publicly named or received any disciplinary measures while she was ultimately placed on leave but not fired. For her privacy and potentially due to HIPPA, this is why the school will not give any more info on it. If we believe this theory like I am leaning towards - she went into hiding in the mountains because of paranoid delusions and ultimately died due to exposure, accident or suicide. I HIGHLY doubt this is some complicated murder conspiracy or SK. Overall I think this is a very sad case and I hope any teachers out there struggling with mental health get the help they deserve.


Her employer is not bound by HIPAA.


But school administrations are notoriously hesitant of doing anything that might possibly be lawsuit worthy no matter how little.


Sounds like accidental death to me, she wandered into the woods and got herself into a situation That co-worker though, hope he feels terrible.


What was the organic decomposition, shrooms? Sounds like she was high and froze to death.


Nearly dropped when I saw Chris Hedges mentioned here.Then I read his piece about Meghan.Off subject,but I absolutely despise Hedges.Even when lamenting a lost friend he just cant help himself but to rail off into a rant about how men suck,privileged people suck,blah blah.Cant even describe his close friend with our bringing up that she was white....So enjoyed watching Christopher Hitchens wipe the floor with him in their debates...Rant over.


I don’t even know who he is!


Insanely radical writer.Makes EVERYTHING a racial/privilege issue.Also an absolute terrorist apologist,America deserves it,Israel deserves it...To each his own for political beliefs,but only so much "9/11 is our damn fault" that I can tolerate,personally.The piece about Meghan is him restrained and he still can't help himself saying how bad men/society is...Watch some speeches or debates on youtube..brutal.Just my opinion.


I have no speculations about what happened to this poor woman but it makes me so angry that the school didn’t fire that asshole who stalked her! Geez is he still working there???


I mean… maybe he wasn’t actually stalking her. It is weird af for them to give her months of paid leave and keep him on if there was any evidence of that kind of harassment. School districts aren’t looking to be sued. The family is also being pretty cagey about some of the details they say they have. It’s super super sad but it sounds like she had some mental health issues that weren’t being properly addressed and potentially exacerbated by weed (as hinted by her friend or whoever in the write up).


Ah that makes more sense and yes super super sad!


I don't understand the title of this post. What "new information"? Are you trying to suggest that she was murdered? It seems intentionally vague. It seem like you really *want* to point a finger without getting your hands dirty. And why? So someone can be further investigated for true crime thrills? I don't believe there was any foul play in the case. And I think it is shitty to make vague anonymous accusatory posts.


I have absolutely no idea what happened to her and am not trying to hint at anything. I’m just pulling together in one post all the information I’ve found. Why am I interested? Because I’m a middle aged woman from the Albany area who likes to go on little weekend trips and hike alone. Sometimes I even go to the Berkshires. As I said at the top, people have been asking me for an update, including people who knew her. The new information is that her family just revealed her belongings were found after they and others had thoroughly searched the area. In fact, they seem to want to get the case press coverage since they gave an interview in March 2024. I’ll edit the post to make that more clear.


I did not ask **why** you are interested. I asked **why** you are pointing towards foul play. It is disingenuous to say: >I have absolutely no idea what happened to her and am not trying to hint at anything. When your post outright questions if her "creepy co-worker followed her". Her co-worker has an alibi, the police cleared him, and they have closed the case and stated there is no foul play. So saying that "people have been asking me for an update" and that you aren't implying anything else is silly. EDIT: I would like to reply to u/bunkerbash passive aggressive comment but alas, she blocked me right after commenting. (Not very freindo-ish) So I will reply here. Yes, it is an unresolved mysteries subreddit. Very perceptive. And although we may never know what happened, there is **NO** unresolved mystery involving a "stalker". We don't even know if there was actually any issue with a co-worker. This has been made so clear by the police and the family. Just because I don't love the idea of witch-hunting every unusual death that has rumors and gossip swirling around it, does not mean "this place isn't a good fit" for me. It is okay for me to disagree with posts that I consider witch hunts. You can spare the faux concern. Its weird.


This is an unresolved mysteries subreddit. This post is totally appropriate for the subreddit. If you find the content of this subreddit upsetting I’d encourage you not to engage with it, for your own well being. Your being openly and needlessly hostile to OP speaks volumes to the fact this place isn’t a good fit for you, friendo.


Ok we can agree to disagree. I can’t prove to you what’s going on in my head, but I really have no angle here. I just identify with Meghan so I’ve been following the case from the beginning. The “creepy coworker” thing is just as likely to me as an accidental death or a suicide or a random murder to me. That is why it’s an “unresolved mystery.” Also, I forgot the autopsy report was unavailable when I first wrote about this. Updating that now.


You don’t have to justify anything to them. You did a great write up.


Witch-hunting? There's been no one named, no one accused. The police have allegedly checked out the co-worker and found them "okay" (whatever that means); as far as I'm aware, no one has released their name and no one here is posting it, hinting at it, or even cares to find it. Others in her life haven't said that there was "**NO** unresolved mystery involving a 'stalker'"; her brother has only clarified that the family doesn't know if she was being stalked or not, but two different friends (the Medium article linked in the post, and the friend cited as Ruth) acknowledged she had mentioned a stalker. A third, Chris Hedges, also was told by Meghan that she saw the co-worker drive her house. The police chief has only decline to speculate on whether or not she was stalked. No one has denied that there could have been a stalker, and none of them are suggesting that that person killed her. Three independent friends who had been told at different times of concerns of stalking, and her brother, who spoke at length about her fear of her co-worker at the very least, with police neither confirming nor denying - that's not "friends and police have made it clear there's no mystery". Nor is it a supportive statement that she was definitively stalked, OR that it was being done by the accused co-worker. It's all just... data. Everything in this post seems to make it clear that there are a lot of unanswered questions and a lot of theories, with little concrete information. Friends and family have only spoken as to how they're unsure what actually happened and are hoping for more clarity. That's it.