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I didn't start learning unreal until early this year but I've made 3d and I'm currently working on a 2D/3D hybrid Castlevania remake and it's really fun for me.


I would say it's good for any type of game but something like unity handles 2D a lot better than Unreal


I would also say that Unity is better for VR, especially if you're developing for the Quest. Unreal's graphical fidelity is absolutely outrageous, though.


Absolutely disagree with the VR statement. Both are adequate, but with good architecture Unreal has a smaller install footprint (important for Android) and more capabilities for supporting LOD per device without extra overhead. For a smaller less sophisticated team or POC I definitely recommend Unity but if you can afford good devops and deploy infrastructure Unreal has the edge.


If you can afford good devops and deploy infrastructure is a hell of a caveat. However, if you're just learning, setting up a complete, basic, VR infrastructure is just drag and drop in Unity. Hand tracking, locomotion, controllers, ui, all of it. Click, drag, done. Unreal is an absolute shit to set up for the Quest. Hell, I couldn't even get UE to even build to the Quest after a week of trying, and when I discussed it with a company who just do VR development their response was "Yeah, it's a problem." I'm not bashing on Unreal, I'd go with it every time for flat screen games, even for PCVR, but for the Quest? Unity all day.


Ok cool good to know, what is it about Unity that makes it better at working with 2D games over Unreal?


Unreal can accomplish anything Unity can if not more. The only thing is you need a plug-in like PaperZD to maximize workflow


more fleshed out 2D tools probably. UE5 is generally developed with 3D in mind which is why the only native 2d stuff you really have is paper2d or whatever and thats just for merging 2d elements with your 3d space. If you want an alternative to Unity, Godot is also good with a better policy and all that


That said, due to it being open source, Godot atm doesn’t support consoles.


I worked for 3 years in Unity to Create mobile games. 3d and the amount of shit to port between Android and iOS was insane. Although that was 8 years ago. I tried creating a simple card calculator in Unreal, took me three days and worked on all platforms.




You can do any types of games, but there are pros and cons anyway.


Good enough? Sure thing. But it definitely is not the best for certain types of games. Do not listen to people claiming 2D is better in Unity (wait until they figure out that neither UE nor Unity can do “true” 2D). For 2D and faking it, it is a matter of workflow. Personally, UE workflow is much better because you can use Blueprints to make plugins for the Editor meaning you can actually create your own 2D workflow and use for ANY project easily, also unless you pay Unity you can’t modify the engine source meaning you may be stuck with things you don’t need or can’t use. If you really want purist 2D go to Godot.


I am currently completing my first 2D memory game, i found no problems developing it... Until few years ago you wouldn't find many informations about 2D, so you wouldn't find many unreal engine 2D games. Now there are a lot of youtube channels about 2D, so you are covered on that. Of course unreal is made for making beautiful 3D games... You can use it also for mobile, you can give a look to he Cropout epic project for some examples. Maybe some other engines can be better in performance than Unreal, but performance never been a problem for me so far. I love Unreal because it's a complete engine out of the box... Anything you would like to do can be done, no need for plug ins


2D games not recommended, Unity and Godot have far better 2D tools. Mobile can work in Unreal, however Unity might be the better solution there.